Source code for

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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# (at your option) any later version.
# PyXOpto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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This module provides functions for working with OpenCL resources.

- :py:func:`info` - lists the available OpenCL platforms and devices
- :py:func:`all_devices` - lists all the available OpenCL devices
- :py:func:`gpus` - lists the available OpenCL GPU devices
- :py:func:`cpus` - lists the available OpenCL CPU devices
- :py:func:`device_info` - returns a dictionary with information on the specified device
- :py:func:`device` - find a device that matches the given search criteria

import pyopencl as cl

from typing import List

[docs]def info(show: bool = True, devices: list = None) -> str: ''' Returns a string descriptor of all installed OpenCl devices. Parameters ---------- show: bool If set to True, the information is displayed on screen. devices: list[cl.Device] List of OpenCL devices or None. If None (default), all OpenCL devices are listed. Returns ------- descriptor: str If parameter show is False, a string descriptor is returned, otherwise the information is displayed on screen. Examples -------- Dispalys information of all available OpenCL devices. >>> import clinfo >>> ''' info_str = '' for platform in cl.get_platforms(): for device in platform.get_devices(): if devices is not None and device not in devices: continue info_str += '\n===========================' \ '====================================\n' info_str += 'Platform name: {}\n'.format( info_str += 'Platform profile: {}\n'.format(platform.profile) info_str += 'Platform vendor: {}\n'.format(platform.vendor) info_str += 'Platform version: {}\n'.format(platform.version) info_str += '----------------------------' \ '-----------------------------------\n' info_str += '\tDevice name: {}\n'.format( info_str += '\tDevice type: {}\n'.format( cl.device_type.to_string(device.type)) info_str += '\tDevice available: {}\n'.format( {False:'No', True:'Yes'}[bool(device.available)]) info_str += '\tDevice maximum clock frequency: {} MHz\n'.format( device.max_clock_frequency) info_str += '\tDevice default address space: {} bit\n'.format( device.address_bits) info_str += '\tDevice maximum number of constant kernel '\ 'arguments: {}\n'.format(device.max_constant_args) info_str += '\tDevice maximum kernel argument size: '\ '{} B\n'.format(device.max_parameter_size) info_str += '\tDevice global memory: {} MB\n'.format( device.global_mem_size//1024//1024) info_str += '\tDevice global memory cache: {} kB\n'.format( device.global_mem_cache_size//1024) info_str += '\tDevice maximum global memory allocation size: '\ '{} MB\n'.format(device.max_mem_alloc_size//1024//1024) info_str += '\tDevice local memory: {} kB\n'.format( device.local_mem_size//1024) info_str += '\tDevice constant memory: {} kB\n'.format( device.max_constant_buffer_size/1024) info_str += '\tDevice max clock speed: {} MHz\n'.format( device.max_clock_frequency) info_str += '\tDevice compute units: {}\n'.format( device.max_compute_units) info_str += '\tDevice maximum work group size: {}\n'.format( device.max_work_group_size) info_str += '\tMaximum number of work-item dimensions '\ '(global or local): {}\n'.format( device.max_work_item_dimensions) info_str += '\tMaximum number of work-items in each dimension '\ 'of the work group: {}\n'.format( device.max_work_item_sizes) info_str += '\tMaximum number of image-objects that can be '\ 'passed to a kernel: {}\n'.format( device.max_write_image_args) info_str += '\tDevice profiling timer resolution: {} ns\n'.format( device.profiling_timer_resolution) info_str += '\tDevice supported OpenCL extensions:\n' extensions = device.extensions.strip().split(' ') for extension in extensions: info_str += '\t\t {}\n'.format(extension) if show: print(info_str) else: return info_str
def _find_device(device_type: str = None, platform: str = None, device: str = None) -> list: devices = [] if device_type in ('gpu', 'cpu', 'accelerator', 'default'): device_type = {'gpu':cl.device_type.GPU, 'cpu':cl.device_type.CPU, 'accelerator':cl.device_type.ACCELERATOR}.get( device_type, cl.device_type.DEFAULT) if device is not None: device = str(device).lower() if platform is not None: platform = str(platform).lower() for platform_item in cl.get_platforms(): if platform is not None and platform not in continue for device_item in platform_item.get_devices(): if device is not None and device not in continue if device_type is not None and device_item.type != device_type: continue devices.append(device_item) return devices
[docs]def all_devices(platform: str = None, device: str = None) -> List[cl.Device]: ''' Returns a list of all available OpenCl devices (a list of cl.Device). Devices can be filtered by the platform and device name. The matching of names is case insensitive. Parameters ---------- platform: str If not None, the platform name of the returned devices must include this string (matching is case insensitive). device: str If not None, the device name of the returned devices must include this string (matching is case insensitive). Returns ------- devices: List[cl.Device] List of found OpenCL devices. ''' return _find_device(None, platform, device)
[docs]def gpus(platform: str = None, device: str = None) -> List[cl.Device]: ''' Returns a list of all available OpenCl GPU devices (a list of cl.Device). Devices can be filtered by the platform and device name. The matching of names is case insensitive. Parameters ---------- platform: str If not None, the platform name of the returned devices must include this string (matching is case insensitive). device: str If not None, the device name of the returned devices must include this string (matching is case insensitive). Returns ------- devices: List[cl.Device] List of found OpenCL GPU devices. ''' return _find_device(cl.device_type.GPU, platform, device)
[docs]def gpu(platform=None, device=None, index=0) -> cl.Device: ''' Returns an available OpenCl GPU device at the specified index. Devices can be filtered by the platform and device name. The matching of names is case insensitive. Parameters ---------- platform: str If not None, the platform name of the returned devices must include this string (matching is case insensitive). device: str If not None, the device name of the returned devices must include this string (matching is case insensitive). index: int Sets the number of matching OpenCL devices that will be skipped during the search. Useful for hosts with multiple equal OpenCL devices. Default value is 0 (return the first matching OpenCL device). Returns ------- device: cl.Device The first founfd OpenCL GPU device. ''' return _find_device(cl.device_type.GPU, platform, device)[index]
[docs]def cpus(platform=None, device=None) -> List[cl.Device]: ''' Returns a list of all available OpenCL CPU devices (a list of pyopencl.Device). Devices can be filtered by the platform and device name. The matching of names is case insensitive. Parameters ---------- platform: str If not None, the platform name of the returned devices must include this string (matching is case insensitive). device: str If not None, the device name of the returned devices must include this string (matching is case insensitive). Returns ------- devices: List[cl.Device] List of found OpenCL CPU devices. ''' return _find_device(cl.device_type.CPU, platform, device)
[docs]def cpu(platform: str = None, device: str = None, index: int = 0) -> cl.Device: ''' Returns an available OpenCL CPU device at the specified index. Devices can be filtered by the platform and device name. The matching of names is case insensitive. Parameters ---------- platform: str If not None, the platform name of the returned devices must include this string (matching is case insensitive). device: str If not None, the device name of the returned devices must include this string (matching is case insensitive). index: int Sets the number of matching OpenCL devices that will be skipped during the search. Useful for hosts with multiple equal OpenCL devices. Default value is 0 (return the first matching OpenCL device). Returns ------- device: cp.Device The first founfd OpenCL CPU device. ''' return _find_device(cl.device_type.CPU, platform, device)[index]
[docs]def device_info(device: cl.Device) -> dict: ''' Returns a dict with information on the given OpenCL device. the returned dict will have the following fields: * name: str * vendor: str * available: bool * extensions: List[str], * addressSpace: int, * platform: str, * maxConstKernelArgs: int, * maxKernelArgSize: int, * type: str, * globalMemory: int, * globalMemoryCacheSize: int, * maxAllocationSize: int, * localMemory: int, * constantMemory: int, * maxClkFrequency: int, * computeUnits: int, * maxWorkGroupSize: int Parameters ---------- device: cl.Device An OpenCL device. Use the all_devices, gpus or cpus functions to get a list of all available OpenCl or just GPU or CPU devices, respectively. Returns ------- info: dict A dictionary with device information. ''' return { 'name', 'vendor':device.vendor, 'available':device.available, 'extensions':device.extensions.strip().split(' '), 'addressSpace':device.address_bits, 'platform':device.platform, 'maxConstKernelArgs':device.max_constant_args, 'maxKernelArgSize':device.max_parameter_size, 'type':cl.device_type.to_string(device.type), 'globalMemory':device.global_mem_size, 'globalMemoryCacheSize':device.global_mem_cache_size, 'maxAllocationSize':device.max_mem_alloc_size, 'localMemory':device.local_mem_size, 'constantMemory':device.max_constant_buffer_size, 'maxClkFrequency':device.max_clock_frequency, 'computeUnits':device.max_compute_units, 'maxWorkGroupSize':device.max_work_group_size }
[docs]def device(what: str or List[str] or cl.Device = None, index: int = 0) \ -> cl.Device: ''' Finds an OpenCl device according to the given keyword(s). The keywords are compared to the OpenCL device name, device vendor name and device platform name of each available OpenCL device. Parameters ---------- device: str or list[str] or cl.Device A keyword or a list of keywords that are compared to the OpenCL device name, device vendor name and device platform name (comparison is case insensitive). The first OpenCL device that contains the keyword is returned if the index argument is set to 0. If this parameter is an instance of :class:`pyopencl.Device`, the instance is immediately returned without any further action. index: int Sets the number of matching OpenCL devices that will be skipped during the search. Useful for hosts with multiple equal OpenCL devices. Default value is 0 (return the first matching OpenCL device). what: str or a list/tuple of str Returns ------- dev: cl.Device An OpenCl device if one that matches the keywords is found. Examples -------- Searches through all available OpenCL devices for the "amd" keyword. If none is found, the next keyword "nvidia" is used, and finally the "cpu" keyword is used if the first two keywords are not found in any of the available OpenCL device name, vendor name or platform name. >>> import clinfo >>> dev = clinfo.device(["amd", "nvidia", "cpu"]) ''' if what is None: what = '' if isinstance(what, str): what = [what] elif isinstance(what, cl.Device): return what clgpus = gpus() clcpus = cpus() for item in what: item = str(item).lower() for gpu in clgpus: if str(gpu.vendor).lower().find(item) >= 0 or \ str( >= 0 or \ str(gpu.platform).lower().find(item) >= 0: if index <= 0: return gpu else: index -= 1 for cpu in clcpus: if str(cpu.vendor).lower().find(item) >= 0 or \ str( >= 0 or \ str(cpu.platform).lower().find(item) >= 0: if index <= 0: return cpu else: index -= 1
[docs]def device_extension(device: cl.Device, extension: str or list or tuple) \ -> bool or List[bool]: ''' Checks if the OpenCL device supports the given extension. See for a list of extensions supported by the OpenCl 1.2 language version. Some frequently used extensions: - cl_khr_fp64 Double precision floating point. - cl_khr_fp16 Half precision floating point. - cl_khr_int64_base_atomics 64-bit integer atomic operations. - cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics 64-bit integer extended atomic operations that include "min", "max" "and", "or" and "xor" operations. Parameters ---------- device: cl.Device OpenCl device instance. extension: str or list/tuple of str OpenCL extensions. Returns ------- available: bool or list of bool True, if the extension is supported by the device, else False. ''' if isinstance(extension, str): return extension in device.extensions else: return [item in device.extensions for item in extension]
if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( 'Find and list capabilities of OpenCL devices') parser.add_argument( '-g', '--gpus', action='store_true', required=False, help='Search for GPUs only.') parser.add_argument( '-c', '--cpus', action='store_true', required=False, help='Search for CPUs only.') args = parser.parse_args() if args.gpus: print(info(False, devices=gpus())) elif args.cpus: print(info(False, devices=cpus())) else: print(info(False))