Source code for xopto.materials.ri.siliglass

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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import numpy as np
from .base import RefractiveIndex

[docs]class Naglic(RefractiveIndex): material = 'siliglass' def __init__(self, t: float = 293.15): ''' Refractive index of PlatSil® SiliGlass: "P. Naglič, Y. Zelinskyi, L. Rogelj, J. Stergar, M. Milanič, B. Kumperščak and M. Bũrmen. Optical properties of PlatSil SiliGlass tissue-mimicking phantoms, BOE, Vol. 11, Issue 7, 3753-68 (2020)" Parameters ---------- t: float Temperature of the medium. ''' super().__init__(t=t, trange=(293.0, 303.0), wrange=(400e-9, 1000e-9)) def __call__(self, wavelength: float or np.ndarray, temperature: float or None = None) -> float or np.ndarray: ''' Calculate the refractive index of the medium. Parameters ---------- wavelength: float or np.ndarray Wavelength of light (m) temperature: float or None Use this temperature instead of the default temperature. Returns ------- ri: float or np.ndarray Refractive index at the given wavelength(s). ''' w = np.asarray(wavelength, dtype=np.float64) self.check_wavelengths(w) if temperature is None: temperature = self.t t = np.asarray(temperature, dtype=np.float64) self.check_temperature(t) inv_wn2 = 1.0/(np.asarray(w)/4.364e-07)**2 t_c = t - 273.15 n_20 = np.sqrt(1.0 + 0.31669505/(1.0 - 0.05941627*inv_wn2) + 0.31669505/(1.0 - 0.05941630*inv_wn2) + 0.31669506/(1.0 - 0.05941629*inv_wn2)) n_25 = np.sqrt(1.0 + 0.31504349/(1.0 - 0.05943151*inv_wn2) + 0.31504349/(1.0 - 0.05943150*inv_wn2) + 0.31504349/(1.0 - 0.05943151*inv_wn2)) n_30 = np.sqrt(1.0 + 0.31330351/(1.0 - 0.05907095*inv_wn2) + 0.31330350/(1.0 - 0.05907094*inv_wn2) + 0.31330351/(1.0 - 0.05907094*inv_wn2)) x = (t_c - 20.0)/10.0 n = (2.0*n_30 + 2.0*n_20 - 4.0*n_25)*x**2 + \ (4.0*n_25 - 3.0*n_20 - n_30)*x + (n_20) if isinstance(wavelength, float) and isinstance(temperature, float): n = float(n) return n
naglic = Naglic() default = naglic