Source code for

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
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# This file is part of PyXOpto.
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from typing import Tuple, List
import sys

from scipy.optimize import minimize
import numpy as np

from xopto.materials.ri.util import model

[docs]class Fit: def __init__(self, kind: model.Model, wavelengths: np.ndarray, n: np.ndarray, x0: Tuple or List = None, verbose: bool = False): ''' Fit one of the models to the measured values of the refractive index as a function of wavelength. Parameters ---------- kind: model.Model Model of the refractive index as a function of wavelength. Use one of the predefined models: - "Conrady_1': Conrady 1 model :math:`n^{2} = A_{1} + A_{2}/\\lambda + A_{3}/\\lambda^{3.5}` - "Conrady_2': Conrady 2 model :math:`n^{2} = A_{1} + A_{2}/\\lambda^{2} + A_{3}/\\lambda^{3.5}` - "ConradyEx_1': Extended Conrady 1 model :math:`n^{2} = A_{1} + A_{2}/\\lambda + A_{3}/\\lambda^{A_{4}}` - "ConradyEx_2': Extended Conrady 2 model :math:`n^{2} = A_{1} + A_{2}/\\lambda^{2} + A_{3}/\\lambda^{A_{4}}` - "Exponential": Exponential model :math:`n = a + b*e^{-\\lambda/c}` - "Cauchy': Cauchy’s model :math:`n^{2} = A_{1} + A_{2}\\lambda^{2} + A_{3}/\\lambda^{2} + A_{4}/\\lambda^{4} + A_{5}/\\lambda^{6} + A_6/\\lambda^{8}` - "Sellmeier_1": 1 term Sellmeier formula :math:`n^{2} = 1 + B_{1}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^2 - C_{1})` - "SellmeierEx_1": 1 term extended Sellmeier formula :math:`n^{2} = A + B_{1}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^2 - C_{1})` - "Sellmeier_2": 2 term Sellmeier formula :math:`n^{2} = 1 + B_{1}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^2 - C_{1}) + B_{2}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^{2} - C_{2})` - "SellmeierEx_2": 2 term extended Sellmeier formula :math:`n^{2} = A + B_{1}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^2 - C_{1}) + B_{2}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^{2} - C_{2})` - "Sellmeier_3": 3 term Sellmeier formula :math:`n^{2} = 1 + B_{1}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^2 - C_{1}) + B_{2}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^{2} - C_{2}) + B_{3}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^{2} - C_{3})` - "SellmeierEx_3": 3 term extended Sellmeier formula :math:`n^{2} = A + B_{1}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^2 - C_{1}) + B_{2}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^{2} - C_{2}) + B_{3}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^{2} - C_{3})` - "Sellmeier_4": 4 term Sellmeier formula :math:`n^{2} = 1 + B_{1}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^2 - C_{1}) + B_{2}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^{2} - C_{2}) + B_{3}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^{2} - C_{3} + B_{4}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^{2} - C_{4})` - "SellmeierEx_4": 4 term extended Sellmeier formula :math:`n^{2} = A + B_{1}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^2 - C_{1}) + B_{2}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^{2} - C_{2}) + B_{3}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^{2} - C_{3} + B_{4}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^{2} - C_{4})` - "Sellmeier_5": 5 term Sellmeier formula :math:`n^{2} = 1 + B_{1}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^2 - C_{1}) + B_{2}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^{2} - C_{2}) + B_{3}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^{2} - C_{3} + B_{4}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^{2} - C_{4} + B_{5}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^{2} - C_{5})` - "SellmeierEx_5": 5 term extended Sellmeier formula :math:`n^{2} = A + B_{1}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^2 - C_{1}) + B_{2}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^{2} - C_{2}) + B_{3}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^{2} - C_{3} + B_{4}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^{2} - C_{4} + B_{5}\\lambda^{2}/(\\lambda^{2} - C_{5})` - "Herzberger_3_2": Herzberger 4 x 2 formula :math:`n = A + B\\lambda^{2} + C\\lambda^{4} + D/(\\lambda^{2} - 0.028) + E/(\\lambda^{2} - 0.028)^{2}` - "HerzbergerEx_3_2": Extended Herzberger 4 x 2 formula :math:`n = A + B\\lambda^{2} + C\\lambda^{4} + D/(\\lambda^{2} - E) + F/(\\lambda^{2} - G)^{2}` - "Herzberger_4_2": Herzberger 4 x 2 formula :math:`n = A + B\\lambda^{2} + C\\lambda^{4} + D\\lambda^{6} + E/(\\lambda^{2} - 0.028) + F/(\\lambda^{2} - 0.028)^{2}` - "HerzbergerEx_4_2": Extended Herzberger 4 x 2 formula :math:`n = A + B\\lambda^{2} + C\\lambda^{4} + D\\lambda^{6} + E/(\\lambda^{2} - F) + G/(\\lambda^{2} - H)^{2}` wavelengths: np.ndarray vector Wavelengths at which the refractive index was measured. The wavelengths must be ordered in ascending order. n: np.ndarray vector The measured values of refractive index at the specified wavelengths. x0: list, tuple or np.ndarray vector Initial guess of the model parameters. verbose: bool Verbose mode. Note ---- For better convergence of the fit process use an appropriate preprocessor with the supplied refractive index model. A preprocessor that scales the wavelengths by the inverse of the first (shortest) wavelength usually produces good results, e.g. :code:`Sellmeier_1(pp=Scale(1.0/wavelengths[0]))` ''' if not isinstance(kind, model.Model): raise TypeError( 'Unsupported refractive index model type: "{}"! ' \ 'Must be an instance of model.Model!'.format( kind.__class__.__name__) ) self._verbose = bool(verbose) wavelengths = np.asarray(wavelengths, dtype=np.float64) n = np.asarray(n, dtype=np.float64) if x0 is None: x0 = kind.guess(wavelengths, n) self._fit_model = kind if self._verbose: print('Initial condition x0:', x0) self._wavelengths = np.asarray(wavelengths, dtype=np.float64) self._n = np.asarray(n, dtype=np.float64) results = minimize( lambda x: ( (self._fit_model(self._wavelengths, params=x) - self._n)**2 ).sum(), x0, method='L-BFGS-B') self._x = results['x'] if self._verbose: print('Results of the model fit:', self._x) self._model = type(self._fit_model)(self._x, self._fit_model.pp) def _get_wavelengths(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._wavelengths wavelengths = property(_get_wavelengths, None, None, 'Wavelengths at which the refractive index was measured ' 'Returns values as passed to the constructor.' ) def _get_n(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._n n = property( _get_n, None, None, 'The measured values of refractive index at the specified wavelengths. ' 'The values are returned as passed to the constructor.' )
[docs] def error(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ''' Fit error at the wavelengths passed to the constructor. Returns ------- err: np.ndarray of length wavelengths.size Fit errors defined as :math:`(n_{fit} - n_{measured})`. rel_err: np.ndarray of length wavelengths.size Relative fit error defined as :math:`(n_{fit} - n_{measured})/n_{measured}`. ''' n_fit = self(self._wavelengths) err = n_fit - self._n rerr = err/self._n return err, rerr
def _get_model(self) -> model.Model: return self._model model = property( _get_model, None, None, 'Model instance obtained by the fit to the measured data.' )
[docs] def visualize(self, wavelengths: np.ndarray = None, show=False): ''' Plots the quality of fit. Parameters ---------- wavelengths: np.ndarray vector Wavelengths (m) at which to visualize the fit. If None, the wavelengths passed to the constructor are used. show: bool If nonzero, calls ''' from matplotlib import pyplot as pp if wavelengths is None: wavelengths = self._wavelengths err, rerr = self.error() f, (ax1, ax2) = pp.subplots(2, 1) ax1.plot(self._wavelengths*1e9, self._n, 'ok') n_visualize = self(wavelengths) ax1.plot(wavelengths*1e9, n_visualize) ax2.plot(self._wavelengths*1e9, 100.0*rerr, '-o') ax1.set_title('Model fit - "{}"'.format( ax1.grid() ax1.set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)') ax2.set_title('Relative fit error as (fit - measured)/measured (%)') ax2.set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)') ax2.grid() pp.tight_layout() if show:
def __call__(self, wavelengths: float or np.ndarray) -> float or np.ndarray: ''' Evaluate the refractive index model at the given wavelengths of light. Parameters ---------- wavelength: float or np.ndarray Wavelength of light (m). ''' return self._model(wavelengths) def __str__(self): return 'Fit of {:s} model:\n \"{:s}\"\nwhere wn is:\n \"{:}\"'.format(, *self._model.render()) def __repr__(self): return '{} # id {}'.format(self.__str__(), id(self))
[docs]class ThermalFit: def __init__(self, kind: model.Model, wavelengths: np.ndarray, n: np.ndarray, temperatures: np.ndarray, pk_order: int = 2, x0: Tuple or List[float] = None): ''' Fit a temperature dependent refractive index model. Each parameter of the selected refractive index model is modelled as a polynomial function of the temperature. Parameters ---------- kind: model.Model Refractive index model instance. wavelengths: np.ndarray vector Wavelengths of light (m). The first wavelength in the vector is used by the model preprocessor to normalize/divide all the wavelengths. n: numpy_ndarray of shape (wavelengths.size, temperatures.size) The measured refractive indices. temperatures: np.ndarray vector Temperatures (should be in K, but accepts any units). pk_order: int Order of the polynomial that models the temperature dependence of the refractive index model parameters. x0: list, tuple ndarray vector Initial guess of the refractive index model parameters. ''' self._fit_model = kind self._wavelengths = wavelengths = np.asarray( wavelengths, dtype=np.float64) self._temperatures = temperatures = np.asarray( temperatures, dtype=np.float64) self._n = n = np.asarray(n, dtype=np.float64) fits = [] params = [] for index, temperature in enumerate(temperatures): fits.append(Fit(kind, wavelengths, n[:, index], x0=x0)) params.append(fits[-1].model.params) params = np.vstack(params) self._fits = fits self._ri_model = self._fits[0].model # polyfit for temperatures # polynomial coefficients of each model parmeter are in columns of pk self._pk = np.polyfit(temperatures, params, pk_order)
[docs] def error(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ''' Fit error at the wavelengths and temperatures passed to the constructor. Returns ------- err: np.ndarray of shape (wavelengths.size, temperatures.size) Fit errors defined as :math:`(n_{fit} - n_{measured})`. rel_err: np.ndarray of shape (wavelengths.size, temperatures.size) Relative fit error defined as :math:`(n_{fit} - n_{measured})/n_{measured}`. ''' n_fit = np.zeros((self._wavelengths.size, self._temperatures.size)) for index, temperature in enumerate(self._temperatures): n_fit[:, index] = self(self._wavelengths, temperature) err = n_fit - self._n rel_err = err/self._n return err, rel_err
[docs] def visualize(self, wavelengths: np.ndarray = None, show: bool = False): ''' Plots the quality of fit. Parameters ---------- wavelengths: np.ndarray vector Wavelengths (m) at which to visualize the fit. If None, the wavelengths passed to the constructor are used. show: bool If nonzero, calls ''' from matplotlib import pyplot as pp if wavelengths is None: wavelengths = self._wavelengths err, rerr = self.error() f, (ax1, ax2) = pp.subplots(2, 1) for index, temperature in enumerate(self._temperatures): ax1.plot(self._wavelengths*1e9, self._n, 'ok') n_visualize = self(wavelengths, temperature) ax1.plot(wavelengths*1e9, n_visualize, label='T {:.1f}'.format(temperature)) ax2.plot(self._wavelengths*1e9, 100.0*rerr[:, index], '-o') ax1.set_title('Model fit - "{}"'.format( ax1.grid() ax1.set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)') ax1.legend() ax2.set_title('Relative fit error as (fit - measured)/measued (%)') ax2.set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)') ax2.grid() pp.tight_layout() if show:
[docs] def polynomial_coefficients(self) -> np.ndarray: ''' Returns the polynomial coefficients that model the temperature dependence of the refractive index model parameters. Use np.polyval to determine the values of polynomial coefficients at a given temperature (use the same temperture units as for the temperatures that were passed to the constructor). Returns ------- pk: np.ndarray of shape (pk_order + 1, num_terms*2) The polynomial coefficients of each model parameter are stored in columns. ''' return self._pk
def _get_wavelengths(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._wavelengths property(_get_wavelengths, None, None, 'Wavelengths of light at which the refractive index was measured. '\ 'The values are returned as passed to the constructor.' ) def _get_n(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._n n = property( _get_n, None, None, 'The measured values of refractive index as passed to the constructor.' ) def _get__temperatures(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._temperatures temperatures = property( _get_n, None, None, 'The temperatures at which the refractive index was measured. ' 'Returns the values as passed to the constructor.' ) def __call__(self, wavelength: float, temperature: float = None): ''' Computes the refractive index at the given wavelength and temperature. Parameters ---------- wavelength: float Wavelength of light (m). temperature: float Temperature in same units as used for the constructor parameter temperatures. If None, the value of the first element of the parameter temperatures passed to the constructor is used. ''' if temperature is None: temperature = self._temperatures[0] return self._ri_model( wavelength, params=np.polyval(self._pk, temperature) )
if __name__ == '__main__': from xopto.materials import ri w = np.linspace(400e-9, 800e-9, 5) n = ri.water.default(w) # Fit the wavelength dependence at a single temperature f = Fit(model.Conrady_2(None, model.Scale(1/w[0])), w, n) f.visualize(show=True) print(f.model.render()) # Fit the temperature dependence - polynomial modelling of the # refractive index model parameters. T = [293, 298, 303] n = np.array([ri.siliglass.default(w, temperature=T[0]), ri.siliglass.default(w, temperature=T[1]), ri.siliglass.default(w, temperature=T[2])]).T ft = ThermalFit(model.Conrady_2(None, model.Scale(1/w[0])), w, n, T) ft.visualize(show=True)