Source code for xopto.materials.ri.water

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from .base import RefractiveIndex

[docs]class Daimon(RefractiveIndex): material = 'water' def __init__(self, t: float = 293.15): ''' Refractive index of water as given in: Daimon and Masumura, Appl. Opt. 46, 3811-3820 (2007) Parameters ---------- t: float Default temperature (K) of the medium. ''' super().__init__(t=t, trange=(292, 297), wrange=(180e-9, 1129e-9)) def __call__(self, wavelength: float or np.ndarray, temperature: float or None = None) -> float or np.ndarray: ''' Calculate the refractive index of the medium. Parameters ---------- wavelength: float or np.ndarray Wavelength of light (m) temperature: float or None Use this temperature instead of the default temperature. Returns ------- ri: float or np.ndarray Refractive index at the given wavelength(s). ''' w = np.asarray(wavelength, dtype=np.float64) self.check_wavelengths(w) if temperature is None: temperature = self.t t = float(temperature) self.check_temperature(t) # wavelength must be in units of um inv_w2 = 1.0/(w*1e6)**2 n_19 = np.sqrt(1.0 + 5.672526103e-1/(1.0 - 5.085550461e-3*inv_w2) + 1.736581125e-1/(1.0 - 1.814938654e-2*inv_w2) + 2.121531502e-2/(1.0 - 2.617260739e-2*inv_w2) + 1.138493213e-1/(1.0 - 1.073888649e1*inv_w2)) n_20 = np.sqrt(1.0 + 5.684027565e-1/(1.0 - 5.101829712e-3*inv_w2) + 1.726177391e-1/(1.0 - 1.821153936e-2*inv_w2) + 2.086189578e-2/(1.0 - 2.620722293e-2*inv_w2) + 1.130748688e-1/(1.0 - 1.069792721e1*inv_w2)) n_21p5 = np.sqrt(1.0 + 5.689093832e-1/(1.0 - 5.110301794e-3*inv_w2) + 1.719708856e-1/(1.0 - 1.825180155e-2*inv_w2) + 2.062501582e-2/(1.0 - 2.624158904e-2*inv_w2) + 1.123965424e-1/(1.0 - 1.067505178e1*inv_w2)) n_24 = np.sqrt(1.0 + 5.666959820e-1/(1.0 - 5.084151894e-3*inv_w2) + 1.731900098e-1/(1.0 - 1.818488474e-2*inv_w2) + 2.095951857e-2/(1.0 - 2.625439472e-2*inv_w2) + 1.125228406e-1/(1.0 - 1.073842352e1*inv_w2)) result = interp1d( [19.0, 20.0, 21.5, 24.0], np.vstack([n_19, n_20, n_21p5, n_24]).T, kind='linear', assume_sorted=True, axis=-1, fill_value='extrapolate' )(t - 273.15) if isinstance(wavelength, float): result = float(result) return result
[docs]class Schiebener(RefractiveIndex): material = 'water' def __init__(self, t: float = 293.15): ''' Refractive index of water as given in: Schiebener and Straub, J.Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, (1990). Parameters ---------- t: float Default temperature (K) of the medium. ''' super().__init__( t=t, trange=(273, 498), wrange=(200e-9, 2500e-9)) def __call__(self, wavelength: float or np.ndarray, temperature: float or None = None) -> float or np.ndarray: ''' Calculate the refractive index of the medium. Parameters ---------- wavelength: float or np.ndarray Wavelength of light (m) temperature: float or None Use this temperature instead of the default temperature. Returns ------- ri: float or np.ndarray Refractive index at the given wavelength(s). ''' w = np.asarray(wavelength, dtype=np.float64) self.check_wavelengths(w) if temperature is None: temperature = self.t self.check_temperature(temperature) t = float(temperature) # wavelength must be in (nm) w = w*1e9 rho_w = 1000 # density of water (kg/m^3) lambda_UV = 0.2292020 lambda_IR = 5.432937 a_0 = 0.243905091 a_1 = 9.53518094e-3 a_2 = -3.64358110e-3 a_3 = 2.65666426e-4 a_4 = 1.59189325e-3 a_5 = 2.45733798e-3 a_6 = 0.897478251 a_7 = -1.63066183e-2 lorentz = a_0 + a_1*rho_w/1e3 + a_2*t/273.15 + \ a_3*(w/589.)**2*t/273.15 + \ a_4*(w/589.)**-2 + a_5*((w/589.)**2-lambda_UV**2)**(-1) + \ a_6*((w/589.)**2 - lambda_IR**2)**(-1) + a_7*(rho_w/1e3)**2 return np.sqrt((2*lorentz+1)/(1-lorentz))
# Global instances for immediate use. daimon = Daimon() schiebener = Schiebener() default = daimon