Source code for xopto.mcbase.mcfluence.fluencecylt

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

import numpy as np
from xopto.mcbase import cltypes
from xopto.mcbase import mctypes
from xopto.mcbase import mcoptions
from xopto.mcbase import mcobject
from xopto.mcbase.mcutil.axis import Axis

[docs]class FluenceCylt(mcobject.McObject):
[docs] @staticmethod def cl_type(mc: mcobject.McObject) -> cltypes.Structure: T = mc.types class ClFluenceCylt(cltypes.Structure): ''' OpenCL structure that used by the Monte carlo simulator. Fields ------ center: McTypes.mc_point2f_t Center of the cylindrical coordinate system in the x-y plane. r_min: McTypes.mc_fp_t Minimum r coordinate. fi_min: McTypes.mc_fp_t Minimum polar angle coordinate. z_min: McTypes.mc_fp_t Minimum z coordinate. t_min: mc_fp_t Left edge of the first bin along the t axis. inv_dr: McTypes.mc_fp_t Inverse spacings of the fluence accumulators along the radial axis. inv_dfi: McTypes.mc_fp_t Inverse spacings of the fluence accumulators along the polar angle axis. inv_dz: McTypes.mc_fp_t Inverse spacings of the fluence accumulators along the z axis. inv_dt: McTypes.mc_fp_t Inverse spacings of the fluence accumulators in the t axis. n_r: McTypes.mc_size_t Number of accumulators along the r axis. n_fi: McTypes.mc_size_t Number of accumulators along the polar angle axis. n_z: McTypes.mc_size_t Number of accumulators along the z axis. n_t: McTypes.mc_size_t Number of accumulators along the t axis. offset: McTypes.mc_size_t Offset of the first element of the fluence accumulator buffer. k: McTypes.mc_fp_t Integer factor that converts floating point photon packet weight to integer value compatible with the fluence accumulators. ''' _fields_ = [ ('center', T.mc_point2f_t), ('r_min', T.mc_fp_t), ('fi_min', T.mc_fp_t), ('z_min', T.mc_fp_t), ('t_min', T.mc_fp_t), ('inv_dr', T.mc_fp_t), ('inv_dfi', T.mc_fp_t), ('inv_dz', T.mc_fp_t), ('inv_dt', T.mc_fp_t), ('n_r', T.mc_size_t), ('n_fi', T.mc_size_t), ('n_z', T.mc_size_t), ('n_t', T.mc_size_t), ('offset', T.mc_size_t), ('k', T.mc_int_t), ] return ClFluenceCylt
[docs] @staticmethod def cl_declaration(mc: mcobject.McObject) -> str: return '\n'.join(( 'struct MC_STRUCT_ATTRIBUTES McFluence{', ' mc_point2f_t center;', ' mc_fp_t r_min;', ' mc_fp_t fi_min;', ' mc_fp_t z_min;', ' mc_fp_t t_min;', ' mc_fp_t inv_dr;', ' mc_fp_t inv_dfi;', ' mc_fp_t inv_dz;', ' mc_fp_t inv_dt;', ' mc_size_t n_r;', ' mc_size_t n_fi;', ' mc_size_t n_z;', ' mc_size_t n_t;', ' mc_size_t offset;', ' mc_int_t k;', '};', ))
[docs] @staticmethod def cl_implementation(mc: mcobject.McObject): return '\n'.join(( 'void dbg_print_fluence(__mc_fluence_mem const McFluence *fluence){', ' dbg_print("Cylindrical timer-resolved McFluence fluence:");', ' dbg_print_float(INDENT "center.x (mm):", fluence->center.x*1e3f);', ' dbg_print_float(INDENT "center.y (mm):", fluence->center.y*1e3f);', ' dbg_print_float(INDENT "r_min (mm):", fluence->r_min*1e3f);', ' dbg_print_float(INDENT "fi_min (rad):", fluence->fi_min);', ' dbg_print_float(INDENT "z_min (mm):", fluence->z_min*1e-3f);', ' dbg_print_float(INDENT "t_min (ns):", fluence->t_min*1e9f);', ' dbg_print_float(INDENT "inv_dr (1/mm):", fluence->inv_dr*1e-3f);', ' dbg_print_float(INDENT "inv_dfi (1/rad):", fluence->inv_dfi);', ' dbg_print_float(INDENT "inv_dz (1/mm):", fluence->inv_dz*1e-3f);', ' dbg_print_float(INDENT "inv_dt (1/ns):", fluence->inv_dz*1e-9f);', ' dbg_print_size_t(INDENT "n_r:", fluence->n_r);', ' dbg_print_size_t(INDENT "n_fi:", fluence->n_fi);', ' dbg_print_size_t(INDENT "n_z:", fluence->n_z);', ' dbg_print_size_t(INDENT "n_t:", fluence->n_t);', ' dbg_print_size_t(INDENT "offset:", fluence->offset);', ' dbg_print_int(INDENT "k:", fluence->k);', '', ' #if MC_FLUENCE_MODE_RATE', ' dbg_print(INDENT "Mode: fluence");', ' #else', ' dbg_print(INDENT "Mode: deposition");', ' #endif', '};', '', '#if MC_FLUENCE_MODE_RATE', 'inline void mcsim_fluence_deposit_at(', ' McSim *mcsim, mc_point3f_t const *position, ', ' mc_fp_t weight, mc_fp_t mua){', '#else', 'inline void mcsim_fluence_deposit_at(', ' McSim *mcsim, mc_point3f_t const *position, mc_fp_t weight){', '#endif', ' mc_fp_t indexf_r, indexf_fi, indexf_z, indexf_t;', ' __mc_fluence_mem McFluence const *fluence = mcsim_fluence(mcsim);', '', ' mc_fp_t dx = mcsim_position_x(mcsim) - fluence->center.x;', ' mc_fp_t dy = mcsim_position_y(mcsim) - fluence->center.y;', '', ' mc_fp_t r = mc_sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);', ' mc_fp_t fi = mc_atan2(dy, dx) + FP_PI;', '', ' mc_fp_t dt = mcsim_optical_pathlength(mcsim)*FP_INV_C - fluence->t_min;', '', ' indexf_r = (r - fluence->r_min)*fluence->inv_dr;', ' indexf_z = (mcsim_position_z(mcsim) - fluence->z_min)*fluence->inv_dz;', ' indexf_fi = (fi - fluence->fi_min)*fluence->inv_dfi;', ' indexf_t = dt*fluence->inv_dt;', '', ' if (indexf_r >= 0 && indexf_z >= 0 && ', ' indexf_fi >= 0 && indexf_t >= 0 &&', ' indexf_r < fluence->n_r && ', ' indexf_z < fluence->n_z && ' ' indexf_fi < fluence->n_fi &&', ' indexf_t < fluence->n_t){', ' mc_size_t index, index_r, index_fi, index_z, index_t;', ' index_r = mc_uint(indexf_r);', ' index_z = mc_uint(indexf_z);', ' index_fi = mc_uint(indexf_fi);', ' index_t = mc_uint(indexf_t);', '', ' index = ((index_z*fluence->n_fi + index_fi)*fluence->n_r + index_r)*fluence->n_t + index_t;', ' #if MC_ENABLE_DEBUG', ' mc_point4_t index_xyzt = {index_r, index_fi, index_z, index_t};', ' dbg_print("Fluence depositing:");', ' dbg_print_float(INDENT "weight :", weight);', ' dbg_print_point4(INDENT "voxel address (r, fi, z, t):", &index_xyzt);', ' dbg_print_int(INDENT "flat index :", index);', ' dbg_print_size_t(INDENT "offset :", fluence->offset);', ' #endif', '', ' #if MC_FLUENCE_MODE_RATE', ' weight *= (mua != FP_0) ? mc_fdiv(FP_1, mua) : FP_0;', ' #endif' '', ' uint32_t ui32w = (uint32_t)(weight*fluence->k + FP_0p5);', '', ' mcsim_fluence_weight_deposit_ll(mcsim, fluence->offset + index, ui32w);', ' };', '};', ))
''' Maximum integer '0x7FFFFF' (8388607) that can be represented by a floating point number is used by default to convert photon packet weight (floating point) to accumulator data type (unsigned integer). '''
[docs] def cl_options(self, mc: mcobject.McObject) -> mcoptions.RawOptions: return [('MC_USE_FLUENCE', True), ('MC_FLUENCE_MODE_RATE', self.mode == 'fluence'), ('MC_TRACK_OPTICAL_PATHLENGTH', True)]
def __init__(self, raxis: Axis or 'FluenceCylt', fiaxis: Axis = None, zaxis: Axis = None, taxis: Axis = None, center: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0), mode: str = 'deposition'): ''' Cylindrical Fluence object constructor. Default constructor disables the fluence functionality by creating a zero-size fluence accumulator array. Parameters ---------- raxis: Axis or FluenceCylt Axis that defines accumulators along the radial axis. If FluenceCylt instance, a new copy is created. fiaxis: Axis Axis that defines accumulators along the polar angle axis. The range of this axis typically span from 0 to 2*:math:`\pi`. zaxis: Axis Axis that defines accumulators along the z axis. taxis: Axis Axis that defines accumulators along the temporal axis. center: Tuple(float, float) Center of the cylindrical coordinate system in the x-y plane. mode: str from ('deposition', 'fluence') Mode that is used to accumulate the photon packet weight: - fluence - fluence rate ( 1/m :superscript:`2`) - deposition - absorbed energy (sum of photon packet weights absorbed in the voxel 1/m :superscript:`3`). Note ---- The fluence accumulator buffer data type is inherited from the Monte Carlo simulator mc_accu_t type. ''' data = None nphotons = 0 k = mctypes.McFloat32.mc_fp_maxint if isinstance(raxis, FluenceCylt): fluence = raxis raxis = Axis(fluence.raxis) fiaxis = Axis(fluence.fiaxis) zaxis = Axis(fluence.zaxis) taxis = Axis(fluence.taxis) center = nphotons = fluence.nphotons mode = fluence.mode k = fluence.k if fluence.raw is not None: data = np.copy(fluence.raw) if mode not in ('fluence', 'deposition'): raise ValueError( 'The value of mode parameter must be ' '"fluence" or "deposition" but got {}!'.format(mode)) if raxis is None: raxis = Axis(0.0, 1.0, 1) if fiaxis is None: fiaxis = Axis(0.0, 2*np.pi, 1) if zaxis is None: zaxis = Axis(0.0, 1.0, 1) if taxis is None: taxis = Axis(0.0, 1.0, 1) if raxis.logscale: raise ValueError('FluenceCylt does not support logarithmic radial axis!') if fiaxis.logscale: raise ValueError('FluenceCylt does not support logarithmic polar angle axis!') if zaxis.logscale: raise ValueError('FluenceCylt does not support logarithmic z axis!') if taxis.logscale: raise ValueError('FluenceCylt does not support logarithmic t axis!') self._r_axis = raxis self._fi_axis = fiaxis self._z_axis = zaxis self._t_axis = taxis self._center = np.zeros((2,)) self._set_center(center) self._mode = mode self._data = data self._nphotons = nphotons self._k = k if self._r_axis.n*self._fi_axis.n*self._z_axis.n*self._t_axis.n <= 0: raise ValueError('Fluence accumulator array has one or more array '\ 'dimensions equal to zero!') def _get_nphotons(self) -> int: return self._nphotons nphotons = property(_get_nphotons, None, None, 'The number of photon packets that produced '\ 'the raw data accumulator content.') def _get_mode(self) -> int: return self._mode mode = property(_get_mode, None, None, 'The accumulator mode.')
[docs] def todict(self) -> dict: ''' Save the fluence configuration without the accumulator data to a dictionary. Returns ------- data: dict Fluence configuration as a dictionary. ''' return { 'type':'FluenceCylt', 'mode':self._mode, 'raxis':self._x_axis.todict(), 'fiaxis':self._y_axis.todict(), 'zaxis':self._z_axis.todict(), 'taxis':self._t_axis.todict(), 'center':self._center.tolist() }
[docs] @classmethod def fromdict(cls, data: dict) -> 'FluenceCylt': ''' Create a FluenceCylt instance from a dictionary. Parameters ---------- data: dict Dictionary created by the :py:meth:`FluenceCylt.todict` method. ''' data_ = dict(data) fluence_type = data_.pop('type') if fluence_type != cls.__name__: raise TypeError('Expected "{}" type bot got "{}"!'.format( cls.__name__, fluence_type)) r_axis = Axis.fromdict(data_.pop('raxis')) fi_axis = Axis.fromdict(data_.pop('fiaxis')) z_axis = Axis.fromdict(data_.pop('zaxis')) t_axis = Axis.fromdict(data_.pop('taxis')) return cls(r_axis, fi_axis, z_axis, t_axis, **data_)
def _get_shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: return (self._z_axis.n, self._fi_axis.n, self._r_axis.n, self._t_axis.n) shape = property(_get_shape, None, None, 'Fluence array shape.') def _get_center(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._center def _set_center(self, center: np.ndarray or Tuple[float, float]): self._center[:] = center center = property(_get_center, _set_center, None, 'Center of the cylindrical coordinate system in the ' 'x-y plane.') def _get_r(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._r_axis.centers r = property(_get_r, None, None, 'Accumulator centers along the radial axis.') def _get_dr(self) -> np.ndarray: return abs(self._r_axis.step) dr = property(_get_dr, None, None, 'The size of voxels along the radial axis.') def _get_fi(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._fi_axis.centers fi = property(_get_fi, None, None, 'Accumulator centers along the polar angle axis.') def _get_dfi(self) -> np.ndarray: return abs(self._fi_axis.step) dfi = property(_get_dfi, None, None, 'The size of voxels along the polar angle axis.') def _get_z(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._z_axis.centers z = property(_get_z, None, None, 'Accumulator centers along the z axis.') def _get_dz(self) -> np.ndarray: return abs(self._z_axis.step) dz = property(_get_dz, None, None, 'The size of voxels along the z axis.') def _get_t(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._t_axis.centers t = property(_get_t, None, None, 'Accumulator centers along the t axis.') def _get_dt(self) -> np.ndarray: return abs(self._t_axis.step) dt = property(_get_dt, None, None, 'The size of voxels along the t axis.') def _get_r_axis(self) -> Axis: return self._r_axis raxis = property(_get_r_axis, None, None, 'Accumulator axis object along the radial axis.') def _get_fi_axis(self) -> Axis: return self._fi_axis fiaxis = property(_get_fi_axis, None, None, 'Accumulator axis object along the polar angle axis.') def _get_z_axis(self) -> Axis: return self._z_axis zaxis = property(_get_z_axis, None, None, 'Accumulator axis object along the z axis.') def _get_t_axis(self) -> Axis: return self._t_axis taxis = property(_get_t_axis, None, None, 'Accumulator axis object along the t axis.') def _get_k(self) -> int: return self._k def _set_k(self, k: int): self._k = max(1, min(int(k), int(2**31 - 1))) k = property(_get_k, _set_k, None, 'Fluence floating point to accumulator' 'integer conversion coefficient.') def _get_raw_data(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._data def _set_raw_data(self, data: np.ndarray): self._data = data raw = property(_get_raw_data, _set_raw_data, None, 'Raw fluence accumulator data if any.') def _get_data(self): r = self._r_axis.edges k = 1.0/(self.nphotons*(r[1:]**2 - r[:-1]**2)*self.dfi**self.dt) k.shape = (1, 1, k.size, 1) return self._data*k data = property(_get_data, None, None, 'Fluence accumulator - deposition or fluence rate.')
[docs] def update_data(self, mc: mcobject.McObject, data: Dict[np.dtype, List[np.ndarray]], nphotons: int, **kwargs): ''' Update fluence accumulator data with simulation results. Parameters ---------- mc: mcobject.McObject Simulator instance that produced the data. data: Dict[np.dtype, List[np.ndarray]] List of allocated accumulators (this implementation uses only one accumulator buffer). nphotons: int The number of photon packets that produced the raw data accumulator content. kwargs: dict Additional keyword arguments not used by this implementation. ''' accumulators = data[np.dtype(mc.types.np_accu)] if self._data is not None: self._data.flat += accumulators[0]*(1.0/self.k) self._nphotons += nphotons else: self._data = accumulators[0]*(1.0/self.k) self._data.shape = self.shape self._nphotons = nphotons
[docs] def update(self, obj : 'FluenceCylt'): ''' Update the fluence accumulator with data from the given fluence object. Parameters ---------- obj: FluenceCylt Update the fluence accumulator of this instance with the data from fluence instance obj. ''' if self._data is not None: if self.shape != obj.shape: raise TypeError( 'Cannot update with fluence data of incompatible shape!') self._data += obj.raw self._nphotons += obj.nphotons else: self._data = obj.raw self._nphotons = obj.nphotons
[docs] def cl_pack(self, mc: mcobject.McObject, target: cltypes.Structure = None) \ -> cltypes.Structure: ''' Fills the structure (target) with the data required by the Monte Carlo simulator. See the :py:meth:`FluenceCylt.cl_type` for a detailed list of fields. Parameters ---------- mc: mcobject.McObject Monte Carlo simulator instance. target: ClFluenceCylt CStructure that is filled with the source data. buffer: np.ndarray Accumulator buffer or None. Should be checked for proper size. Use py:attr:`mc.types.np_accu` attribute to determine the numpy type of the accumulator used in the Monte Carlo simulator. Returns ------- target: ClFluenceCylt Filled structure received as an input argument or a new instance if the input argument target is None. ''' if target is None: target_type = self.cl_type(mc) target = target_type() allocation = mc.cl_allocate_rw_accumulator_buffer(self, self.shape) target.offset = allocation.offset = self._center[0] = self._center[1] target.r_min = self._r_axis.start target.fi_min = self._fi_axis.start target.z_min = self._z_axis.start target.t_min = self._t_axis.start target.inv_dr = 1.0/self._r_axis.step target.inv_dfi = 1.0/self._fi_axis.step target.inv_dz = 1.0/self._z_axis.step target.inv_dt = 1.0/self._t_axis.step target.n_r = self._r_axis.n target.n_fi = self._fi_axis.n target.n_z = self._z_axis.n target.n_t = self._t_axis.n target.k = self._k return target
[docs] def plot(self, scale: str = 'log', axis: str ='z', autoscale: bool = True, show: bool = True): ''' Show fluence slices or integral projections. Parameters ---------- scale: str Data scaling can be "log" for logarithmic or "lin" for linear. axis: str The axis of slicing ("z", "fi" or "r") or a projection along the selected coordinate axis ("rproj", "fiproj", "zproj"). Alternatively, specify the projection plane as one of ("rfi", "rz", or "fiz"). autoscale: bool Scale the color coding of individual slices to the corresponding range of weights. If True, the color coding changes from slice to slice. show: bool ''' from xopto.util import sliceview data = if axis == 'rfi': axis = 'zproj' if axis == 'rz': axis = 'fiproj' if axis == 'fiz': axis = 'rproj' ax = {'z':0, 'f':1, 'r':2}.get(axis[0], 0) logscale = scale == 'log' fig = None if ax == 0: extent = [self._r_axis.start, self._r_axis.stop, self._fi_axis.start, self._fi_axis.stop] slices = self._z_axis.centers xlabel, ylabel = 'r', 'fi' elif ax == 1: extent = [self._r_axis.start, self._r_axis.stop, self._z_axis.start, self._z_axis.stop] slices = self._fi_axis.centers xlabel, ylabel = 'r', 'z' elif ax == 2: extent = [self._fi_axis.start, self._fi_axis.stop, self._z_axis.start, self._z_axis.stop] slices = self._r_axis.centers xlabel, ylabel = 'fi', 'z' window_title = 'FluenceCylt SliceView - {} mode'.format(self.mode) if axis in ('rproj', 'fiproj', 'zproj'): data_slice = data.sum(axis=ax) polar = axis == 'zproj' if polar: # axis order must be (r, fi, t) but is currently (fi, r, t) data_slice = np.transpose(data_slice, (1, 0, 2)) title = 'Slice {{slice}}/{} @ {} = {{pos:.1f}} ps'.format( data_slice.shape[2], axis) r, fi = self.r, R, Fi = np.meshgrid(r, fi, indexing='ij') sv = sliceview.SliceViewCyl( data_slice, polar=polar, axis=2, slices=self.t*1e12, title=title, logscale=logscale, extent=extent, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, origin='lower', autoscale=autoscale, R=R, Fi=Fi, aspect='auto') sv.fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(window_title) if show: else: title = 'Slice {{slice2}}/{} @ {} = {{pos2:.6f}}'.format( data.shape[ax], axis) polar = ax == 0 if polar: # axis order must be (z, r, fi, t) but is currently (z, fi, r, t) data = np.transpose(data, (0, 2, 1, 3)) r, fi = self.r, R, Fi = np.meshgrid(r, fi, indexing='ij') sv = sliceview.DualSliceViewCyl( data, polar=ax == 0, axis1=3, slices1=self.t*1e12, slice1_label='Time', slice1_valfmt='%.1f ps', axis2=ax, slices2=slices, title=title, logscale=logscale, extent=extent, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, origin='lower', autoscale=autoscale, R=R, Fi=Fi, aspect='auto') sv.fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(window_title) if show:
def __str__(self): return "FluenceCylt(raxis={}, fiaxis={}, zaxis={}, taxis={}, " \ "center={})".format( self._r_axis, self._fi_axis, self._z_axis, self._t_axis, self._center) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() + \ ' # object at 0x{:>08X}.'.format(id(self))