Source code for xopto.mcbase.mcobject

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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from typing import Tuple, List

from import cltypes

RawOption = Tuple[str, str or bool or int or float]
RawOptions = List[RawOption]

[docs]class McObject: ''' Base class of all Monte Carlo objects that interface with the OpenCL simulator kernel. ''' cl_type = None ''' Definition of OpenCL data type (a basic cltypes or a Structure type) exposed by the class. This attribute can be a str or a callable that takes a simulator instance as the first input argument and returns a basic cltypes object or a Structure type. (can be a regular method, static method or a class method). Default implementation (None) - no exposed OpenCL types. ''' cl_options = None ''' Definition of one or simulator options exposed by the class. This attribute can be a list of options defined as [(name, value), (name, value), ...] or a callable that takes a simulator instance as the first input argument and returns a list of options (can be a regular method, static method or a class method). The options will be coverted to defines ("#define <name> <value>") Default implementation (None) - no exposed OpenCL options. ''' cl_declaration = None ''' Declaration of one or more OpenCL data types exposed by the class. This can be a str of valid OpenCL code or a callable that takes a simulator instance as the first input argument and returns a str (can be a regular method, static method or a class method). Default implementation (None) - no exposed OpenCL declarations. ''' cl_implementation = None ''' Implementation of one or more OpenCL functions exposed by the class. This can be a str of valid OpenCL code or a callable that takes a simulator instance as the first input argument and returns a str (can be a regular method, static method or a class method). Default implementation (None) - no exposed OpenCL implementation. '''
[docs] def fetch_cl_options(self, mc: 'McObject') -> List[RawOption]: ''' Fetch OpenCL options of the object. OpenCl options of an object are defined through the cl_options attribute that can be a callable or a list of options defined as [(name, value), ...]. A callable attribute will be called with a simulator instance as the first input argument and should return a list of options. Parameters ---------- mc: McObject Simulator instance. Returns ------- options: list[RawOption] A list of OpenCl options defined as [(name, value), ...]. ''' cl_options = getattr(self, 'cl_options', []) if callable(cl_options): cl_options = cl_options(mc) if cl_options is None: cl_options = [] return cl_options
[docs] def fetch_cl_type(self, mc: 'McObject') -> cltypes.Structure: ''' Fetch the OpenCL type representation of this object. The type representation of an object is defined through the cl_type attribute that can be a basic cltypes or Structure, or a callable. A callable attribute will be called with a simulator instance as the first input argument and should return a data type. Parameters ---------- mc: McObject Simulator instance. Returns ------- cl_type: Structure or basic ctypes object OpenCL type representing this object in the OpenCL kernel. ''' result = getattr(self, 'cl_type', '') if callable(result): result = result(mc) return result
[docs] def fetch_cl_declaration(self, mc: 'McObject') -> str: ''' Fetch OpenCL declarations of the object. OpenCL declaration is defined through the cl_declaration attribute that can be a callable or a string. A callable attribute will be called with a target simulator instance as the first input argument and should return a str (valid OpenCL code). Parameters ---------- mc: McObject Simulator instance. Returns ------- declaration: str OpenCl declarations. ''' result = getattr(self, 'cl_declaration', None) if callable(result): result = result(mc) return result
[docs] def fetch_cl_implementation(self, mc: 'McObject') -> str: ''' Fetch OpenCL implementation of the object. OpenCl implementation is defined through the cl_declaration attribute that can be a callable or a string. A callable attribute will be called with a target simulator instance as the first input argument and should return a str (valid OpenCL code). Parameters ---------- mc: McObject Simulator instance. Returns ------- implementation: str OpenCl implementation. ''' result = getattr(self, 'cl_implementation', None) if callable(result): result = result(mc) return result