Source code for xopto.mcbase.mcpf.lut

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
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# This file is part of PyXOpto.
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import numpy as np

from .. import mcoptions
from .pfbase import PfBase, cltypes, McObject

from xopto import pf

[docs]class Lut(PfBase):
[docs] @staticmethod def cl_type(mc: McObject) -> cltypes.Structure: ''' Returns an OpenCL structure that can be passed to the Monte carlo simulator. Parameters ---------- mc: McObject A Monte Carlo simulator instance. Returns ------- struct: cltypes.Structure A structure type that represents the scattering phase function in the Monte Carlo kernel. The returned structure type implements the following fields: - a: mc_fp_t Parameter of the nonlinear lookup table index transformation. - b: mc_fp_t Parameter of the nonlinear lookup table index transformation. - c: mc_fp_t Parameter of the nonlinear lookup table index transformation. - offset: mc_int_t Location of the lookup table as an offset from the start of the lookup table buffer. - size: mc_int_t Number of entries in the lookup table. Note ---- Note that this implementation of the lookup table uses the following nonlinear transformation to compute the lookup table index from a uniform random number :math:`\\xi \\in [0, 1]`. .. math:: index &= \\frac{1}{2}(\\frac{a}/{\\xi - c} - b + 1)N, where :math:`a, b, c` are the parameters of the nonlinear index transformation and :math:`N` is the size of the lookup table ''' T = mc.types class ClLut(cltypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ('a', T.mc_fp_t), ('b', T.mc_fp_t), ('c', T.mc_fp_t), ('offset', T.mc_size_t), ('size', T.mc_size_t) ] return ClLut
[docs] @staticmethod def cl_options(mc: McObject) -> mcoptions.RawOptions: return [('MC_USE_FP_LUT', True)]
[docs] @staticmethod def cl_declaration(mc: McObject) -> str: ''' OpenCL declarations of the scattering phase function. ''' return '\n'.join(( 'struct MC_STRUCT_ATTRIBUTES McPf{', ' mc_fp_t a;', ' mc_fp_t b;', ' mc_fp_t c;', ' mc_size_t offset;', ' mc_size_t size;', '};' ))
[docs] @staticmethod def cl_implementation(mc: McObject) -> str: ''' OpenCL implementation of the scattering phase function. ''' return '\n'.join(( 'void dbg_print_pf(const McPf *pf) {', ' dbg_print("Lut scattering phase function:");', ' dbg_print_float(INDENT "a:", pf->a);', ' dbg_print_float(INDENT "b:", pf->b);', ' dbg_print_float(INDENT "c:", pf->c);', ' dbg_print_size_t(INDENT "offset:", pf->offset);', ' dbg_print_size_t(INDENT "size:", pf->size);', '};', '', 'inline mc_fp_t mcsim_sample_pf(McSim *mcsim, mc_fp_t *azimuth){', ' mc_fp_t fp_index, fp_index_floor, d;', ' size_t index;', ' mc_fp_t a = mcsim_current_pf(mcsim)->a;', ' mc_fp_t b = mcsim_current_pf(mcsim)->b;', ' mc_fp_t c = mcsim_current_pf(mcsim)->c;', ' size_t offset = mcsim_current_pf(mcsim)->offset;', ' size_t lut_size = mcsim_current_pf(mcsim)->size - 1;', '', ' *azimuth = FP_2PI*mcsim_random(mcsim);', '', ' /* calculate the floating point lookup table index */', ' fp_index = (mc_fdiv(a, mcsim_random(mcsim) - c) - b + FP_1)*', ' lut_size*FP_0p5;', '', ' /* calculate the weight of second point */', ' fp_index_floor = mc_floor(fp_index);', ' d = fp_index - fp_index_floor;', '', ' /* calculate the integer index of the first point in the lookup table */', ' index = mc_int(fp_index_floor);', '', ' /* now do the linear interpolation - dont forget the lookup table offset */ ', ' mc_fp_t cos_theta = mcsim_pf_lut_array(mcsim)[offset + index]*(FP_1 - d) +', ' mcsim_pf_lut_array(mcsim)[offset + mc_min(index + 1, lut_size)]*d;', ' //dbg_print_float("cos_theta:", cos_theta);', ' //dbg_print_float("lut[0]:", mcsim_pf_lut_array(mcsim)[offset]);', ' //dbg_print_float("lut[1]:", mcsim_pf_lut_array(mcsim)[offset + 1]);', ' //dbg_print_float("lut[2]:", mcsim_pf_lut_array(mcsim)[offset + 2]);', ' //dbg_print_float("lut[3]:", mcsim_pf_lut_array(mcsim)[offset + 3]);', ' //dbg_print_float("lut[-2]:", mcsim_pf_lut_array(mcsim)[offset + lut_size - 1]);', ' //dbg_print_float("lut[-1]:", mcsim_pf_lut_array(mcsim)[offset + lut_size]);', ' return cos_theta;', '};' ))
def __init__(self, params: list, lut: np.ndarray): ''' Lookup table-based scattering phase function constructor. Lookup table is used for efficient computation of deflection angle cosines. A nonlinear transformation is used to compute linear lookup table (floating point) index from a uniform random number F: .. code-block:: python index = 0.5*(params[0]/(F - params[2]) - params[1] + 1.0)*data.size Parameters ---------- params: list, tuple or ndarray vector of 3 float Nonlinear index transformation function parameters provided as an array of size 3. lut: np.ndarray vector Lookup table data. Note ---- The offset of the first lookup table entry is stored in the 45th user-defined scattering phase function parameter. The lookup table size is stored in the 4th user-defined scattering phase function parameter. ''' super().__init__() self._offset = 0 self._lut = np.asarray(lut, dtype=np.float64) self._params = np.zeros((3,)) self._params[:] = params def _get_params(self) -> list: return self._params def _set_params(self, params: list): self._params[:] = params params = property(_get_params, _set_params, None, 'Lookup table index transformation parameters.') def _get_lut(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._lut def _set_lut(self, lut: np.ndarray): self._lut = lut lut = property(_get_lut, _set_lut, None, 'Lookup table object or None.') def _get_size(self) -> int: return self._lut.size size = property(_get_size, None, None, 'Lookup table size.') def _get_offset(self) -> int: return self._offset def _set_offset(self, offset: int): self._offset = int(offset) offset = property(_get_offset, _set_offset, None, 'Offset of the first element in the lookup table.')
[docs] def cl_pack(self, mc: McObject, target: cltypes.Structure = None) \ -> cltypes.Structure: ''' Fills the an OpenCL cltypes.Structure (target) with the data required by the Monte Carlo simulator. See the :py:meth:`~Lut.cl_type` method for a detailed list of fields. Note ---- Calls the :py:meth:`Mc.pack_fp_lut` method to pack the lookup table array data. Parameters ---------- mc: McObject Simulator instance. target: cltypes.Structure Target OpenCL structure for packing. Returns ------- target: cltypes.Structure Target structure received as an input argument or a new instance of ClLut if the input argument target is None. ''' if target is None: target_type = self.fetch_cl_type(mc) target = target_type() lut_entry = mc.append_r_lut(self._lut) self.offset = lut_entry.offset target.a = self._params[0] target.b = self._params[1] target.c = self._params[2] target.offset = self.offset target.size = self._lut.size return target
[docs] def todict(self) -> dict: ''' Export object to a dict. ''' return {'params': self._params, 'lut':self._lut, 'type': self.__class__.__name__}
def __str__(self): return 'Lut(params=({}, {}, {}), data={})'.format( self._params[0], self._params[1], self._params[2], self._lut)
[docs]class LutEx(Lut): def __init__(self, pftype: PfBase or str, pfargs: list, lutsize: int = 2000, **kwargs): ''' Creates a Monte Carlo lookup table-based scattering phase function instance from a standard scattering phase function instance (:py:class:`` subclass). Parameters ---------- pftype: PfBase subclass or str Scattering phase function type. Use one defined in the :py:mod:`` module. pfargs: list, tuple A list of scattering phase function parameters passed to the pftype. lutsize: int Number of elements in the lookup table. kwargs: dict Additional keyword arguments passed to the lut method of the scattering phase function as :code:`pftype(*pfargs).lut(lutsize, **kwargs)` ''' if isinstance(pftype, str): pftype = getattr(pf, pftype) if pftype is None: raise ValueError( 'Scattering Phase function type "{}" not found '\ 'in the module!'.format(pftype) ) self._pfargs = pfargs self._kwargs = kwargs self._pf_obj = pftype(*pfargs) lut_args = self._pf_obj.mclut(lutsize, **kwargs) super().__init__(*lut_args) def _get_pfargs(self) -> tuple: return tuple(self._pfargs) pfargs = property(_get_pfargs, None, None, 'A tuple of scattering phase function arguments.') def _get_pf(self) -> PfBase: return self._pf_obj pf = property(_get_pf, None, None, 'Scattering phase function object that was used '\ 'to create a lookup table.')
[docs] def todict(self) -> dict: ''' Export object to a dict. ''' return {'pftype': self._pf_obj.__class__.__name__, 'pfargs':self._pfargs, 'lutsize':self.lut.size, 'kwargs':self._kwargs, 'type': self.__class__.__name__}
def __str__(self): return 'LutEx(pftype="{:s}", pfargs={}, lutsize={:d}, '\ '**kwargs={})'.format( self._pf_obj.__class__.__name__, self._pfargs, self.lut.size, self._kwargs)