Source code for xopto.mcbase.mcrmax

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
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# This file is part of PyXOpto.
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import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import simps

from xopto.diffusion.srr import SRDA

[docs]class RmaxConst: def __init__(self, rmax: float = np.inf): ''' Simple constant simulation radius constructor. Parameters ---------- rmax: float Maximum simulation radius ''' self._rmax = float(rmax) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> float: ''' Returns the simulation radius passed to the constructor ''' return self._rmax def __str__(self): return 'RmaxConst(rmax={})'.format(self._rmax) def __repr__(self): return '{:s} # {}'.format(self.__str__(), id(self))
[docs]class RmaxDiffusion: STEPS = 100000 R_MAX = 500e-3 def __init__(self, nmedium: float, noutside: float, acceptance: float, rmin: float = 10e-3, dr: float = 5e-3, rtol: float = 1e-3): ''' Initiates the diffusion approximation solution for spatially resolved reflectance, which is then used to calculate minimal acceptable radius rmin beyond which the acquired residual reflectance represents less than rtol of the total acquired reflectance. Parameters ---------- nmedium: float Refractive index of the medium. noutside: float Refractive index above the medium. acceptance: float Acceptance angle of the detector (radians). rmin: float Lowest value of the minimal acceptable radius (m) (includes dr) to be used in the Monte Carlo simulations for different optical properties (i.e., for all of the cases the simulation radius will be equal or greater than rmin). dr: float Iteration step for finding minimal acceptable radius (m). rtol: float Maximum acceptable amount of residual to total reflectance calculated at the minimal acceptable radius. ''' self._rmin = float(rmin) self._dr = float(dr) self._rtol = float(rtol) self._nmedium = float(nmedium) self._noutside = float(noutside) self._acceptance = float(acceptance) self._da = SRDA(self._nmedium, self._noutside, self._acceptance) def __call__(self, mua: float, musr: float) -> float: ''' Calculates the minimal acceptable radius beyond which the acquired residual reflectance represents less than rtol of the total acquired reflectance. Parameters ---------- mua: float Absorption coefficient of the medium in 1/m. musr: float Reduced scattering coefficient of the medium in 1/m. Returns ------- rmax: float Minimum simulation radius to be used in Monte Carlo simulations (already increased by dr). ''' self._mua = mua self._musr = musr return self._find_rmax() def _r_total(self) -> float: r = np.linspace(0, self.R_MAX, self.STEPS) return simps( 2.0*np.pi*self._da(r, self._mua, self._musr)*r, dx=r[1] - r[0]) def _residual(self, i) -> float: r = np.linspace(self._rmin + (i - 1)*self._dr, self.R_MAX, self.STEPS) return simps( 2.0*np.pi*self._da(r, self._mua, self._musr)*r, dx=r[1] - r[0]) def _find_rmax(self) -> float: i = 0 r_total = self._r_total() residual = self._residual(i)/r_total while residual > self._rtol/2.0: # print(i) i += 1 residual = self._residual(i)/r_total return self._rmin + i * self._dr def __str__(self): return 'RmaxDiffusion(nmedium={:f}, noutside={:f}, acceptance={:f}, ' \ 'rmin={:f}, dr={:f}, rtol={:f})'.format( self._nmedium, self._noutside, self._acceptance, self._rmin, self._dr, self._rtol) def __repr__(self): return '{:s} # {}'.format(self.__str__(), id(self))
if __name__ == "__main__": import time from matplotlib import pyplot as pp mua_vector = np.linspace(0.01e2, 5.0e2, 30) musr_vector = np.linspace(5.0e2, 35.0e2, 50) mua_array, musr_array = np.meshgrid(mua_vector, musr_vector, indexing='ij') mua_array_flat = mua_array.flatten() musr_array_flat =musr_array.flatten() rmax_array_flat = np.empty_like(mua_array_flat) rmin = 10.0e-3 dr = 5.0e-3 rtol = 1.0e-3 rmax_estimator = RmaxDiffusion( 1.33, 1.0, np.deg2rad(10.0), rmin=10e-3, dr=5e-3, rtol=1e-3) t1 = time.perf_counter() for index, (mua, musr) in enumerate(zip(mua_array_flat, musr_array_flat)): rmax_array_flat[index] = rmax_estimator(mua, musr) t2 = time.perf_counter() dt_sample = (t2 - t1)*1e3/mua_array.size print('Estimation time per sample: {:.3f} ms'.format(dt_sample)) rmax_array = np.reshape(rmax_array_flat, (mua_vector.size, musr_vector.size)) pp.imshow(np.flipud(1e3 * rmax_array), extent=[musr_vector[0]*1e-2, musr_vector[-1]*1e-2, mua_vector[0]*1e-2, mua_vector[-1]*1e-2], aspect='auto', cmap='hot_r') pp.xlabel('Musr (1/cm)') pp.ylabel('Mua (1/cm)') cbar = pp.colorbar()'Radius (mm)') pp.title('Minimum simulation radius for MC')