Source code for xopto.mcbase.mcsv

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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# PyXOpto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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import time
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict

import numpy as np

from xopto.mcbase import cltypes
from xopto.mcbase import mctypes
from xopto.mcbase import mcoptions
from xopto.mcbase import mcobject
from xopto.mcbase.mcutil.axis import Axis

[docs]class SamplingVolume(mcobject.McObject):
[docs] @staticmethod def cl_type(mc: mcobject.McObject) -> cltypes.Structure: T = mc.types class ClSamplingVolume(cltypes.Structure): ''' OpenCL structure that is used by the Monte carlo simulator. Parameters ---------- mc: McObject A Monte Carlo simulator instance. Returns ------- struct: cltypes.Structure A structure type that represents the sampling volume in the Monte Carlo kernel. Fields ------ top_left: McTypes.mc_point3f_t Coordinates of the top-left corner of the sampling volume accumulators. voxel_size: McTypes.mc_point3f_t Size of a voxel. shape: McTypes.mc_point3s_t Shape/size of the accumulator along the x, y and z axis. multiplier: mc_fp_t Multiplier that is applied to the product of the photon packet weight and path length traversed through the voxel before converting to integer weight. This value should be approximately the inverse of the voxel size (the smallest dim). This should eliminate degradation of precission due to integer accumulators. offset: mc_size_t Offset of the first element of the accumulator buffer. k: McTypes.mc_int_t Integer factor that converts floating point photon packet weight to integer value compatible with the sampling volume accumulators. ''' _fields_ = [ ('top_left', T.mc_point3f_t), ('voxel_size', T.mc_point3f_t), ('shape', T.mc_point3s_t), ('multiplier', T.mc_fp_t), ('offset', T.mc_size_t), ('k', T.mc_int_t), ] return ClSamplingVolume
def __init__(self, xaxis: Axis or 'SamplingVolume', yaxis: Axis = None, zaxis: Axis = None): ''' Sampling volume object constructor. Default constructor disables the functionality by creating a zero-size accumulator array. Parameters ---------- xaxis: Axis or SamplingVolume Axis that defines accumulators along the x axis. If a SamplingVolume instance, a new copy is created. yaxis: Axis Axis that defines accumulators along the y axis. zaxis: Axis Axis that defines accumulators along the z axis. Note ---- Sampling volume accumulator buffer data type is inherited from the Monte Carlo simulator mc_accu_t type. ''' data = None weight = 0.0 if isinstance(xaxis, SamplingVolume): sv = xaxis xaxis = Axis(sv.xaxis) yaxis = Axis(sv.yaxis) zaxis = Axis(sv.zaxis) if is not None: data = np.copy( weight = sv.weight self._x_axis = xaxis self._y_axis = yaxis self._z_axis = zaxis self._data = data self._weight = weight self._k = mctypes.McFloat32.mc_fp_maxint if self._x_axis.n*self._y_axis.n*self._z_axis.n <= 0: raise ValueError('Sampling volume accumulator array has one or '\ 'dimensions equal to zero!')
[docs] def todict(self) -> dict: ''' Save the sampling volume configuration without the accumulator data to a dictionary. Returns ------- data: dict Sampling volume configuration as a dictionary. ''' return { 'type':'SamplingVolume', 'xaxis':self._x_axis.todict(), 'yaxis':self._y_axis.todict(), 'zaxis':self._z_axis.todict() }
[docs] @classmethod def fromdict(cls, data) -> 'SamplingVolume': ''' Create a new instance of :py:class:`SamplingVolume` from dict data exported by the :py:meth:`todict` method. Parameters ---------- data: dict Instance data exported to a dict. Returns ------- sv: SamplingVolume A new :py:class:`SamplingVolume` instance initialized with the data. ''' data_ = dict(data) type_name = data_.pop('type') if type_name != cls.__name__: raise TypeError('Expected data for type "{}" but got "{}"!'.format( cls.__name__, type_name)) return SamplingVolume( Axis.fromdict(data_.pop('xaxis')), Axis.fromdict(data_.pop('yaxis')), Axis.fromdict(data_.pop('zaxis')), **data_ )
def _get_shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: return (self._z_axis.n, self._y_axis.n, self._x_axis.n,) shape = property(_get_shape, None, None, 'Sampling volume array shape.') def _get_x(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._x_axis.centers x = property(_get_x, None, None, 'Accumulator centers along the x axis.') def _get_y(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._y_axis.centers y = property(_get_y, None, None, 'Accumulator centers along the y axis.') def _get_z(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._z_axis.centers z = property(_get_z, None, None, 'Accumulator centers along the z axis.') def _get_x_axis(self) -> Axis: return self._x_axis xaxis = property(_get_x_axis, None, None, 'Accumulator axis object along the x axis.') def _get_y_axis(self) -> Axis: return self._y_axis yaxis = property(_get_y_axis, None, None, 'Accumulator axis object along the y axis.') def _get_z_axis(self) -> Axis: return self._z_axis zaxis = property(_get_z_axis, None, None, 'Accumulator axis object along the z axis.') def _get_k(self) -> int: return self._k k = property(_get_k, None, None, 'Samping volume floating point to ' 'accumulator integer conversion coefficient.') def _get_data(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._data def _set_data(self, data: np.ndarray): self._data = data data = property(_get_data, _set_data, None, 'Raw sampling volume accumulator data if any.') def _get_weight(self) -> float: return self._weight def _set_weight(self, w: float): self._weight = w weight = property(_get_weight, _set_weight, None, 'Total weight of the accumulated photon packets.')
[docs] def clear(self): ''' Clear the data buffer (fill with 0) if one exists. ''' if self._data is not None: self._data.fill(0)
[docs] def update_data(self, mc: mcobject.McObject, accumulators: List[np.ndarray], total_weight: int, **kwargs): ''' Update the sampling volume accumulator data with simulation results. Parameters ---------- mc: mcobject.McObject Simulator instance that produced the data. accumulators: List[np.ndarray] List of allocated accumulators (this implementation uses only one). total_weight: int Total detected weight of the processed photon packets in integer units. kwargs: dict Additional keyword arguments not used by this implementation. ''' multiplier = self._multiplier(mc) new_data = np.reshape(accumulators[0], self.shape) if self._data is not None: self._data += new_data*(1.0/(self.k*multiplier)) self._weight += float(total_weight)/self._k else: self._data = new_data*(1.0/(self.k*multiplier)) self._weight = float(total_weight)/self._k
def _multiplier(self, mc: mcobject.McObject): ''' Multiplier factor for the weight - voxel path length product. ''' l = np.min([self._x_axis.step, self._y_axis.step, self._z_axis.step]) if l <= 0.0: l = 1.0/self._k return 1.0/l
[docs] def cl_pack(self, mc: mcobject.McObject, target: cltypes.Structure = None) \ -> cltypes.Structure: ''' Fills the structure (target) with the data required by the Monte Carlo simulator. See the :py:meth:`SamplingVolume.cl_type` for a detailed list of fields. Parameters ---------- mc: mcobject.McObject Monte Carlo simulator instance. target: ClSamplingVolume Structure that is filled with the source data. buffer: np.ndarray Accumulator buffer or None. Should be checked for proper size. Use :py:attr:`xopto.mcml.Mc.types.np_accu` method to determine the numpy type of the accumulator used in the Monte Carlo simulator. Returns ------- target: ClSamplingVolume Filled structure received as an input argument or a new instance if the input argument target is None. ''' if target is None: target_type = self.cl_type(mc) target = target_type() allocation = mc.cl_allocate_rw_accumulator_buffer(self, self.shape) target.offset = allocation.offset target.voxel_size.x = self._x_axis.step target.voxel_size.y = self._y_axis.step target.voxel_size.z = self._z_axis.step target.top_left.x = self._x_axis.start target.top_left.y = self._y_axis.start target.top_left.z = self._z_axis.start target.shape.x = self._x_axis.n target.shape.y = self._y_axis.n target.shape.z = self._z_axis.n target.multiplier = self._multiplier(mc) target.k = self._k return target
[docs] def plot(self, scale: str = 'log', axis: str ='z', autoscale: bool = True, show: bool = True): ''' Show sampling volume slices or integral projections. Parameters ---------- scale: str Data scaling can be "log" for logarithmic or "lin" for linear. axis: str The axis of slicing ("x", "y" or "z") or a projection along the selected coordinate axis ("xproj", "yproj", "zproj"). Alternatively, specify the projection plane as one of ("xy", "xz", or "yz"). autoscale: bool Scale the color coding of individual slices to the corresponding range of weights. If True, the color coding changes from slice to slice. show: bool ''' from xopto.util import sliceview if axis == 'xy': axis = 'zproj' if axis == 'xz': axis = 'yproj' if axis == 'yz': axis = 'xproj' ax = {'z':0, 'y':1, 'x':2}.get(axis[0], 0) title = 'Slice {{slice}}/{} @ {} = {{pos:.6f}}'.format([ax], axis) logscale = scale == 'log' fig = None if ax == 0: extent = [self._x_axis.start, self._x_axis.stop, self._y_axis.start, self._y_axis.stop] slices = self._z_axis.centers xlabel, ylabel = 'x', 'y' elif ax == 1: extent = [self._x_axis.start, self._x_axis.stop, self._z_axis.start, self._z_axis.stop] slices = self._y_axis.centers xlabel, ylabel = 'x', 'z' elif ax == 2: extent = [self._y_axis.start, self._y_axis.stop, self._z_axis.start, self._z_axis.stop] slices = self._x_axis.centers xlabel, ylabel = 'y', 'z' if axis in ('xproj', 'yproj', 'zproj'): import matplotlib.pyplot as pp fig = pp.figure() data_slice = low = data_slice.min() if scale == 'log': if low < 0: data_slice = np.log(data_slice + (1.0 - low)) else: data_slice = np.log(data_slice + 1.0) pp.imshow(data_slice, extent=extent, origin='lower') pp.xlabel(xlabel) pp.ylabel(ylabel) pp.title('Integral projection along the {:s} axis'.format(axis[0])) fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title('Sampling Volume SliceView') pp.tight_layout() if show: else: sv = sliceview.SliceView(, axis=ax, slices=slices, title=title, logscale=logscale, extent=extent, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, origin='lower', autoscale=autoscale) sv.fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title('Sampling Volume SliceView') if show:
def __str__(self): return "SamplingVolume(xaxis={}, yaxis={}, zaxis={})".format( self._x_axis, self._y_axis, self._z_axis) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() + \ ' # object at 0x{:>08X}.'.format(id(self))