Source code for xopto.mcbase.mcutil.buffer

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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from typing import Tuple, List

import numpy as np

from xopto.mcbase import mcobject

[docs]class BufferAllocation: def __init__(self, offset: int, size: int, shape: tuple, dtype: np.dtype, owner: any, initializer: np.ndarray = None, allocator: 'BufferAllocator' = None, download=True): ''' Buffer allocation instance. Parameters ---------- offset: int Offset of the first element of the allocated buffer from the start of the common memory buffer (in number of elements). size: int Size of the allocated buffer in number of items. shape: tuple Shape of the allocated buffer. dtype: np.dtype Numpy data type of the allocated buffer. owner: any Owner of the allocation. initializer: np.ndarray or None Initializer for the allocation. allocator: BufferAllocator Buffer allocator that created this buffer. download: bool Set to True if the data buffer should be downloaded after executing the kernel. The downloaded data will be passed to the :py:meth:`update_data` of the owner. ''' self._offset = int(offset) self._shape = tuple(shape) self._size = int(size) self._dtype = np.dtype(dtype) self._owner = owner self._allocator = allocator self._download = bool(download) if initializer is not None: initializer = np.ascontiguousarray(initializer, dtype=self._dtype) self._initializer = initializer
[docs] def free(self): ''' Clear the allocation. ''' self._allocator = None
def _get_owner(self) -> any: return self._owner owner = property(_get_owner, None, None, 'Allocation owner.') def _get_allocator(self) -> 'BufferAllocator': return self._allocator allocator = property(_get_allocator, None, None, 'Allocation allocator.') def _get_initializer(self) -> np.ndarray or None: return self._initializer initializer = property(_get_initializer, None, None, 'Buffer initializer.') def _get_offset(self) -> int: return self._offset offset = property(_get_offset, None, None, 'Offset of the buffer start.') def _get_size(self) -> int: return self._size size = property(_get_size, None, None, 'Size of the allocated buffer.') def _get_dtype(self) -> np.dtype: return self._dtype dtype = property(_get_dtype, None, None, 'Numpy data type as dtype.') def _get_shape(self) -> tuple: return self._shape shape = property(_get_shape, None, None, 'Buffer shape.') def _get_download(self) -> bool: return self._download download = property(_get_download, None, None, 'Download required after execution.') def __str__(self): return 'BufferAllocation(offset={}, size={}, shape={}, dtype={}, '\ 'owner={}, initializer={}, allocator={}, download={})'.format( self.offset, self._size, self.shape, self.dtype, self.owner, self.initializer, self.allocator, def __repr__(self): return '{:s} # id={}'.format(self.__str__(), id(self))
[docs]class BufferAllocator: def __init__(self, dtype=np.float64): self._dtype = np.dtype(dtype) self._allocations = {} self._size = 0 def _get_dtype(self) -> np.dtype: return self._dtype dtype = property(_get_dtype, None, None, 'Allocator data type.')
[docs] def allocate(self, owner: any, shape: Tuple[int], download=True) -> int: ''' Allocate a new data buffer for the owner. The allocations cannot be cleared individually. Each owner can allocate multiple buffers. Parameters ---------- owner: any Owner of the allocated buffer. shape: tuple Shape of the data buffer. download: bool Set to True if the data buffer should be downloaded after executing the kernel. The downloaded data will be passed to the :py:meth:`update_data` of the owner. Returns ------- allocation: BufferAllocation Buffer allocation object. ''' allocations = self._allocations.get(owner) if allocations is None: allocations = [] self._allocations[owner] = allocations # create a new allocation size = allocation = BufferAllocation( offset=self._size, shape=tuple(shape), size=int(size), dtype=self._dtype, owner=owner, allocator=self, download=download ) allocations.append(allocation) self._size += size return allocation
[docs] def allocations(self, owner: any) -> List[dict]: ''' Get a list of existing allocations for the owner. Parameters ---------- owner: any Allocation owner. Returns ------- allocation: List[dict] List of allocation dicts with the following keys: - size: int Allocation buffer size. - shape: tuple Allocation buffer shape - offset: int Offset of the first buffer element in the common data buffer array. - owner: any Allocation owner. The returned value is an empty list if no allocations for the given owner are found. ''' return self._allocations.get(owner, [])
[docs] def extract(self, data: np.ndarray, owner: any) -> List[np.ndarray]: ''' Extract buffers of the owner from the full memory buffer. Parameters ---------- data: np.ndarray Common data buffer. owner: any Find and return buffers that were allocated by this owner. Returns ------- owner_buffers: List[np.ndarray] Buffers that were allocated by the owner. ''' buffers = [] for allocation in self.allocations(owner): buffer = data[allocation.offset: allocation.offset + allocation.size] buffer.shape = allocation.shape buffers.append(buffer) return buffers
[docs] def free(self, allocation: BufferAllocation): ''' Free a buffer allocation. This will not change the total buffer size. The memory space will be left unused. ''' if allocation in self: self._allocations.get(allocation.owner).remove(allocation)
def __contains__(self, allocation: BufferAllocation): return allocation in self._allocations.get(allocation.owner, [])
[docs] def clear(self): ''' Remove all allocations. ''' for owner in self._allocations: for allocation in self._allocations[owner]: self._allocations = {} self._size = 0
[docs] def create_buffer(self, mc: mcobject.McObject, out: np.ndarray = None) -> np.ndarray: ''' Create a new numpy buffer or return the existing buffer if the size and type match the requirements. Parameters ---------- mc: McObject Monte Carlo simulator instance. out: np.ndarray Optional existing buffer array. Returns ------- buffer: np.ndarray Existing buffer if passed as an input argument and matches the required size and data type, else a new buffer ''' if out is None or out.size != self._size: out = np.zeros((self._size), dtype=self._dtype) return out
[docs] def defragment(self): ''' Defragment allocations. Note that this will change the location of buffers. ''' offset = 0 for owner, items in self._allocations.items(): for allocation in items: allocation._offset = offset offset += allocation.size self._size = offset
def _get_size(self) -> int: return self._size size = property(_get_size, None, None, 'Current buffer size.')
[docs]class BufferAllocators: ''' Manages multiple general Buffer allocators of type :py:class:`BufferAllocator`. ''' def __init__(self): self._allocators = {}
[docs] def allocator(self, dtype: np.dtype) -> BufferAllocator: ''' Return allocator for the given buffer data type. Allocators are created on the first demand/use. Parameters ---------- dtype: np.dtype Numpy data type of the buffer allocator. Returns ------- allocator: ContiguousNumpyAllocator Buffer allocator. Note ---- Allocators can be retrieved by the [] operator that takes the numpy data type of the allocator. ''' dtype = np.dtype(dtype) allocator = self._allocators.get(dtype) if allocator is None: self._allocators[dtype] = allocator = BufferAllocator(dtype) return allocator
def __iter__(self): return iter(self._allocators.values()) def __contains__(self, item: BufferAllocator): return item in self._allocators.values() def __getitem__(self, dtype: np.dtype) -> BufferAllocator: return self.allocator(dtype) def __str_(self): return 'BufferAllocators()' def __repr__(self): return '{} #{}'.format(self.__str__(), id(self))
[docs]class RestrictedBufferAllocators(BufferAllocators): ''' Manages multiple general Buffer allocators of type :py:class:`BufferAllocator`. The buffer types are restricted to a list of types passed to the constructor. ''' def __init__(self, dtypes: List[np.dtype]): dtypes = [np.dtype(item) for item in dtypes] self._dtypes = tuple(dtypes) if len(self._dtypes) != len(set(self._dtypes)): raise ValueError('Duplicate data types are not allowed in ' 'restricted buffer allocators.') super().__init__()
[docs] def allocator(self, dtype: np.dtype) -> BufferAllocator: ''' Return allocator for the given buffer data type. Allocators are created on the first demand/use. Parameters ---------- dtype: np.dtype Numpy data type of the buffer allocator. Returns ------- allocator: ContiguousNumpyAllocator Buffer allocator. Note ---- Allocators can be retrieved by the [] operator that takes the numpy data type of the allocator. ''' dtype = np.dtype(dtype) if dtype not in self._dtypes: raise TypeError( 'Allocator for the given data type is not available!') return super().allocator(dtype)
def __getitem__(self, dtype: np.dtype) -> BufferAllocator: return self.allocator(dtype) def __str_(self): return 'RestrictedBufferAllocators()' def __repr__(self): return '{} #{}'.format(self.__str__(), id(self))
[docs]class NumpyAllocator: def __init__(self, dtype, size=1000000): ''' Manages temporary allocations of contiguous numpy-based buffers. The initial size of the buffer grows as required by the allocations. The internal buffer is never released. Parameters ---------- dtype: np.dtype Data type of the allocator. size: int Initial minimum size of the internal buffer created on the first allocation. ''' self._dtype = np.dtype(dtype) self._buffer = None self._initial_size = int(size) self._state_positions = [] self._pos = 0
[docs] def allocate(self, size: int) -> np.ndarray: ''' Allocates a buffer with the given size. Parameters ---------- size: int Size of the allocated buffer in number of buffer items (NOT bytes). Returns ------- buffer: np.ndarray Allocated numpy buffer ''' size = int(size) if self._buffer is None: n = max(size, self._initial_size) self._buffer = np.empty((n,), dtype=self._dtype) elif self._buffer.size < self._pos + size: n = self._pos + size self._buffer = np.empty((n,), dtype=self._dtype) buffer = self._buffer[self._pos: self._pos + size] self._pos += size return buffer
[docs] def clear(self): ''' Release all allocations made by :py:meth:`allocate`. Note ----- The internal numpy buffer is not released, only the internal buffer manager will clear all allocations. ''' if self._state_positions: raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot clear the buffer allocations within a with statement!') self._pos = 0
[docs] def available(self) -> int: ''' Returns the size available for allocation before a new internal buffer allocation is required. ''' return self._size() - self._pos
def _size(self) -> int: ''' Returns the internal size of the allocated buffer ''' if self._buffer is None: return 0 return self._buffer.size def _get_size(self) -> int: return self._pos size = property(_get_size, None, None, 'Currently allocated size.') def _push_state(self): ''' All allocations after this point will be released after calling th :py:meth:`_pop_state` method. ''' self._state_positions.append(self._pos) return self def _pop_state(self): ''' Release all buffers allocated since the last call to the :py:meth:`_push_state` method. ''' if self._state_positions: self._pos = self._state_positions.pop() else: self._pos = 0 def __enter__(self): self._push_state() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self._pop_state() def __str__(self): return 'NumpyAllocator(dtype={}, size={})'.format( self._dtype, self._size) def __repr__(self): return '{} #{}'.format(self.__str__(), id(self))
[docs]class NumpyAllocators: def __init__(self, size: int = 0, dtypes: List[np.dtype] or Tuple[np.dtype] = None): ''' Manages temporary allocations of contiguous numpy-based buffers. The initial size of the internal numpy buffers grows as required by the allocations but is never released (reduced in size). If a list of data types (dtypes) is passed to the constructor, only buffers of the listed types can be allocated (restricted allocator). Parameters ---------- size: int Initial minimum size of the internal buffers created on the first allocation. dtype: np.dtype Data types of the allocator. If None, any data type is allowed. ''' self._dtypes = dtypes self._initial_size = int(size) self._pos_by_dtype = {} self._states = [] self._is_dtype_allowed = None if dtypes is None: self._is_dtype_allowed = self._allow_all_dtypes else: self._is_dtype_allowed = self._allow_listed_dtypes self._buffer_by_dtype = {} if dtypes is not None: for dtype in dtypes: self._buffer_by_dtype[np.dtype(dtype)] = None self._pos_by_dtype[dtype] = 0 self._dtypes = tuple(self._buffer_by_dtype.keys()) def _allow_all_dtypes(self, dtype=np.dtype) -> bool: return True def _allow_listed_dtypes(self, dtype=np.dtype) -> bool: return dtype in self._buffer_by_dtype
[docs] def allocate(self, dtype: np.dtype, size: int) -> np.ndarray: ''' Allocates a buffer of the given data type and size. Raises TypeError if allocating a data type that is not allowed. Parameters ---------- dtype: np.dtype Data type of the buffer. size: int Size of the allocated buffer in number of buffer items (NOT bytes). Returns ------- buffer: np.ndarray Allocated numpy buffer ''' dtype = np.dtype(dtype) out = None if self._is_dtype_allowed(dtype): buffer = self._buffer_by_dtype.get(dtype) pos = self._pos_by_dtype.get(dtype, 0) if buffer is None: n = max(size, self._initial_size) buffer = np.empty((n,), dtype=dtype) self._buffer_by_dtype[dtype] = buffer pos = 0 if buffer.size < pos + size: buffer = np.empty((pos + size), dtype=dtype) self._buffer_by_dtype[dtype] = buffer # pos = 0 out = buffer[pos: pos + size] pos += size self._pos_by_dtype[dtype] = pos else: raise TypeError('The requested data type cannot be allocated!') return out
[docs] def release(self, dtype: np.dtype = None): ''' Release all allocations made by :py:meth:`allocate`. Parameters ---------- dtype: np.dtype If not None, only the allocations of the specified data type will be cleared. If None, all allocations are cleared. Note ---- The internal numpy buffers are not released, only the internal buffer manager will clear all allocations. ''' if self._states: raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot clear the buffer allocations within a with statement!') if dtype is None: for key in self._pos_by_dtype: self._pos_by_dtype[key] = 0 else: self._pos_by_dtype[np.dtype(dtype)] = 0
[docs] def size(self, dtype: np.dtype) -> int: ''' Total size of all allocations of the given data type. Parameters ---------- dtype: np.dtype Data type of the allocations. Returns ------- size: int Total size of the allocations for the given data type. ''' return self._pos_by_dtype.get(np.dtype(dtype), 0)
[docs] def available(self, dtype=np.dtype) -> int: ''' Returns the size available for allocation before a new internal buffer allocation is required for the given data type. Parameters ---------- dtype: np.dtype Data type of the allocations. Returns ------- size: int Total buffer size available before a new internal buffer allocation is required. ''' dtype = np.dtype(dtype) if dtype in self._buffer_by_dtype: return self._buffer_by_dtype[dtype].size - self._pos_by_dtype[dtype] return 0
def _push_state(self): ''' All allocations after this point will be released after calling th :py:meth:`_pop_state` method. ''' self._states.append(dict(self._pos_by_dtype)) return self def _pop_state(self): ''' Release all buffers allocated since the last call to the :py:meth:`_push_state` method. ''' self._pos_by_dtype.update(self._states.pop()) def __enter__(self): self._push_state() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self._pop_state() def __str__(self): return 'NumpyAllocator(dtypes={}, size={})'.format( self._dtypes, self._initial_size) def __rpr__(self): return '{} #{}'.format(self.__str__(), id(self))