Source code for xopto.mccyl.mclayer.layer

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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from typing import List, Tuple
from xopto.mcbase.mcpf.pfbase import PfBase

from xopto.mcml import mcobject
from xopto.mcml import mctypes
from xopto.mcml.mcutil import boundary
from xopto.mcml import cltypes
from xopto.mcml import mcpf

[docs]def ray_cylinder_intersection(r: float, pos: Tuple[float, float, float], dir: Tuple[float, float, float]) \ -> Tuple[float, float] or None: ''' Computes intersection between a cylinder :math:`x^2 + y^2 = r^2` that is centered on the :math:`z` axis and a ray with origin at :math:`pos=(x_0, y_0, z_0)` and direction :math:`dir=(p_x, p_y, p_z)`. The ray propagation satisfies a parametric equation :math:`(x, y, z) = (x_0, y_0, z_0) + t (p_x, p_y, p_z)`. The intersection is governed by a quadratic equation for distance to intersection :math:`t`: .. math:: t^2 (p_x^2 + p_y^2) + 2 t (x_0 p_x + y_0 p_y) + x_0^2 + y_0^2 - r^2. Solution is found as :math:`t = \\frac{-b \\pm\\sqrt{b^2 - 4 a c}}{2 a}`, where: .. math:: a = p_x^2 + p_y^2, b = 2 (x_0 p_x + y_0 p_y), c = x_0^2 + y_0^2 - r^2. If :math:`a=0` or :math:`b^2 - 4 a c < 0` there is no intersection. Parameters ---------- r: float Cylinder radius. The cylinder is aligned along the z axis. pos: Tuple[float, float, float] Ray origin as a tuple (x, y, z). dir: Tuple[float, float, float] Ray direction as a tuple (x, y, z). Note that the length of the direction vector must equal 1. Returns ------- intersections: Tuple(float, float) or Tuple(None, None) Returns None if there is no intersection, else the two distances to the intersection as a tuple (d1, d2). ''' a = dir[0]**2 + dir[1]**2 b = 2.0*(pos[0]*dir[0] + pos[1]*dir[1]) c = pos[0]**2 + pos[1]**2 - r**2 D = b**2 - 4*a*c if D < 0.0 or a == 0.0: return None, None D = D**0.5 d1 = (-b - D)/(2.0*a) d2 = (-b + D)/(2.0*a) return d1, d2
[docs]class Layer(mcobject.McObject): ''' Class that represents a single sample layer. '''
[docs] def cl_type(self, mc: mcobject.McObject) -> cltypes.Structure: ''' Returns a structure data type that is used to represent one Layer instance in the OpenCL kernel of the Monte Carlo simulator. Parameters ---------- mc: mcobject.McObject Monte Carlo simulator instance. Returns ------- opencl_t: ClLayer OpenCL Structure that represents a layer. ''' T = mc.types class ClLayer(cltypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ('r_inner', T.mc_fp_t), ('r_outer', T.mc_fp_t), ('n', T.mc_fp_t), ('cos_critical_inner', T.mc_fp_t), ('cos_critical_outer', T.mc_fp_t), ('mus', T.mc_fp_t), ('mua', T.mc_fp_t), ('inv_mut', T.mc_fp_t), ('mua_inv_mut', T.mc_fp_t), ('pf', ] return ClLayer
def __init__(self, d: float, n: float, mua: float, mus: float, pf: mcpf.PfBase): ''' Layer object constructor. Parameters ---------- d: float Layer diameter (m). n: float Index of refraction. mua: float Absorption coefficient (1/m). mus: float Scattering (NOT reduced) coefficient (1/m). pf: mcpf.PfBase Scattering phase function object that is derived from PhBase class. The physical properties of the layer can be read or changed through member properties: - d: float - Layer diameter (m). - n: float - Index of refraction. - mua: float - Absorption coefficient (1/m). - mus: float - Scattering (NOT reduced) coefficient (1/m). - pf: mcpf.PfBase - Scattering phase function object that is derived from PhBase class. Note ---- The inner layer boundary bellongs to the layer, but the outer does not. ''' self._d = float(d) self._n = float(n) self._mua = float(mua) self._mus = float(mus) self._pf = pf def _set_d(self, d: float): self._d = float(d) def _get_d(self) -> float: return self._d d = property(_get_d, _set_d, None, 'Layer diameter (m).') def _set_n(self, n: float): self._n = float(n) def _get_n(self) -> float: return self._n n = property(_get_n, _set_n, None, 'Refractive index of the layer.') def _set_mua(self, mua: float): self._mua = float(mua) def _get_mua(self) -> float: return self._mua mua = property(_get_mua, _set_mua, None, 'Absorption coefficient of the layer (1/m).') def _set_mus(self, mus: float): self._mus = float(mus) def _get_mus(self) -> float: return self._mus mus = property(_get_mus, _set_mus, None, 'Scattering coefficient of the layer (1/m).') def _get_pf(self) -> mcpf.PfBase: return self._pf def _set_pf(self, pf: mcpf.PfBase): if type(self._pf) != type(pf): raise ValueError('The scattering phase function type '\ 'of the layer must not change!') self._pf = pf pf = property(_get_pf, _set_pf, None, 'Phase function object.')
[docs] def todict(self) -> dict: ''' Export object to a dict. ''' return {'d':self._d, 'n':self._n, 'mua':self._mua, 'mus':self._mus, 'pf':self._pf.todict(), 'type':'Layer'}
[docs] @classmethod def fromdict(cls, data: dict) -> 'Layer': ''' Create a new object from dict. The dict keys must match the parameter names defined by the constructor. ''' data_ = dict(data) t = data_.pop('type') if t != 'Layer': raise ValueError('Cannot create a Layer instance from the data!') pf_data = data_.pop('pf') if not hasattr(mcpf, pf_data['type']): raise TypeError('Scattering phase function "{}" ' 'not implemented'.format(pf_data['type'])) pf_type = getattr(mcpf, pf_data['type']) return cls(pf=pf_type.fromdict(pf_data), **data_)
def __str__(self): return 'Layer(d={}, n={}, mua={}, mus={}, pf={})'.format( self._d, self._n, self._mua, self._mus, self._pf) def __repr__(self): return '{:s} # id 0x{:>08X}.'.format(self.__str__(), id(self))
[docs]class Layers(mcobject.McObject): ''' Class that represents a stack of concentric layers forming the sample. Note ---- The first layer of the stack is used to describe the medium that surrounds the sample. Therefore, at least two layers must be always specified, namely the layer of the surrounding medium and one sample layer! The diameter of the outermost layer (first in the list of layers) will be automatically set to infinity regardless of the layer diameter set by the user. ''' def __init__(self, layers: List[Layer] or 'Layers'): ''' Constructs a managed sample layer stack from a list of sample layers. The outermost layer that sourrounds the sample must be specified first, followed by the sample layer from the outermost to the innermost. Note ---- The first layer of the stack is used to describe the medium that surrounds the sample. Therefore, at least two layers must be always specified, namely one layer of the surrounding medium and one sample layer! The layers extend to infinity along both directions of the z axis. The diameter of the outermost layer will be automatically set to infinity when passed to the OpenCL kernel (regardless of the layer diameter set by the user). The layer diameters must be monotonically decreasing. Layers of zero thickness (diameters of the previous and next layer are the same) are not allowed. Note that all layers must use the same scattering phase function model. Parameters ---------- layers: list or Layers A list of sample layers. Requires at least 2 items! ''' self._pf_type = None if isinstance(layers, Layers): self._layers = layers.tolist() self._pf_type = type(self._layers[0].pf) else: self._layers = list(layers) self.check()
[docs] def check(self): ''' Check if the layers are consistent and using a single scattering phase function type. Raises exception on error. ''' if len(self._layers) < 2: ValueError('At least two layers are required, ' 'but got only {:d}!'.format(len(self._layers))) if self._pf_type is None: self._pf_type = type(self._layers[1].pf) d_prev = float('inf') for layer_index, layer in enumerate(self._layers): if not isinstance(layer, Layer): raise TypeError('All layers must be instances of Layer ' 'but found {:s}!'.format(type(layer).__name__)) if type( != self._pf_type: raise TypeError( 'All the sample layer must use the same scattering phase ' 'function model! Found {} and {}!'.format( self._pf_type.__name__, type( if layer_index > 0 and layer.d > d_prev: raise ValueError('The diameters of layers must be ' 'monotonically decreasing!') d_prev = layer.d
[docs] def layer(self, index: int) -> Layer: ''' Returns layer at the specified index. Note that the first layer (index 0) represents the medium sourounding the sample. ''' return self._layers[index]
[docs] def layer_index(self, r: float) -> int: ''' Returns the layer index that contains the given radius. Note that the layer includes the inner surface boundary but not the outer surface boundary, i.e. the r extent of the layer is [r_inner, r_outer), where r_outer > r_inner. Parameters ---------- r: float R coordinate (radius) of a point. Returns ------- layer_index: int Index of the layer that contains the give radius r. ''' index = 0 for pos, layer in enumerate(self._layers[::-1]): if 2.0*r < layer.d: index = len(self._layers) - 1 - pos break return index
[docs] def diameter(self) -> float: ''' Diameter of the layer stack excluding the outermost layer that sourrounds the sample. Returns ------- diameter: float The sample diameter excluding the outermost layer of the surrounding medium. ''' return self._layers[1].d
[docs] def cl_options(self, mc: mcobject.McObject) -> str: ''' OpenCL options of the scattering phase function. ''' return self._layers[1].pf.fetch_cl_options(mc)
[docs] def cl_declaration(self, mc: mcobject.McObject) -> str: ''' OpenCL declarations of the scattering phase function. ''' return self._layers[1].pf.fetch_cl_declaration(mc)
[docs] def cl_implementation(self, mc: mcobject.McObject) -> str: ''' OpenCL implementation of the scattering phase function. ''' return self._layers[1].pf.fetch_cl_implementation(mc)
[docs] def cl_type(self, mc: mcobject.McObject) -> cltypes.Array: ''' Returns an OpenCL array of ClLayer structures that is used to represent one instance of a layer stack. Parameters ---------- mc: mcobject.McObject Monte Carlo simulator instance. Returns ------- clarray: cltypes.Structure*len(self) Array of ClLayers. ''' return self._layers[0].fetch_cl_type(mc)*len(self._layers)
[docs] def cl_pack(self, mc: mcobject.McObject, target: cltypes.Array = None) \ -> cltypes.Array: ''' Pack the layers into an OpenCL data type. The OpenCL data type is returned by the :py:meth:`Layers.cl_type` method. Parameters ---------- mc: mcobject.McObject Monte Carlo simulator instance. target: cltypes.Structure*len(self) A structure representing an array of Layers. Returns ------- target: cltypes.Structure Filled structure received as an input argument or a new instance if the input argument target is None. ''' self.check() num_layers = len(self._layers) if target is None or len(target) != num_layers: target_type = self.fetch_cl_type(mc) target = target_type() for index, layer in enumerate(self._layers): cc_outer = cc_inner = 0.0 if index > 0: cc_outer = boundary.cos_critical( layer.n, self._layers[index - 1].n) if index + 1 < num_layers: cc_inner = boundary.cos_critical( layer.n, self._layers[index + 1].n) mut = layer.mua + layer.mus if mut > 0.0: inv_mut = 1.0/mut else: inv_mut = float('inf') if layer.mus == 0.0: mua_inv_mut = 1.0 else: mua_inv_mut = layer.mua*inv_mut target[index].diameter = layer.d if index == 0: target[index].r_outer = float('inf') target[index].r_inner = self._layers[1].d*0.5 else: target[index].r_outer = self._layers[index].d*0.5 if index + 1 < num_layers: target[index].r_inner = self._layers[index + 1].d*0.5 else: target[index].r_inner = 0.0 target[index].n = layer.n target[index].cos_critical_outer = cc_outer target[index].cos_critical_inner = cc_inner target[index].mua = layer.mua target[index].mus = layer.mus target[index].inv_mut = inv_mut target[index].mua_inv_mut = mua_inv_mut, target[index].pf) return target
[docs] def intersect(self, pos:Tuple[float, float, float], dir:Tuple[float, float, float], entrance: bool = False) -> \ Tuple[Tuple[float, float, float] or None, \ Tuple[float, float, float] or None]: ''' Intersect the sample with the ray and return the intersection. Intersection is considered to exist only if the distance to the intersection is positive or entrance is set to True Parameters ---------- pos: (float, float, float) Ray origin. dir: (float, float, float) Ray direction. entrance: bool If True, compute the entrance point regardless of the current position of the ray (can be propagated backwards). Returns ------- intersection: (float, float, float) or None Returns intersection if one exists, else None. normal: (float, float, float) or None Surface normal of the sample that points in the propagation direction. ''' d1, d2 = ray_cylinder_intersection(self.layer(1).d*0.5, pos, dir) if d1 is None or d2 is None: return None, None if d1 < 0.0 and d2 < 0.0 and not entrance: return None, None if entrance: d = min(d1, d2) else: if d1 > 0.0 and d2 >= 0.0: d = min(d1, d2) else: d = max(d1, d2) intersection = pos[0] + dir[0]*d, pos[1] + dir[1]*d, pos[2] + dir[2]*d normal = (-intersection[0], -intersection[1], 0.0) return intersection, normal
[docs] def todict(self) -> dict: ''' Export object to a dict. ''' return {'layers': [layer.todict() for layer in self._layers], 'type': 'Layers'}
[docs] def tolist(self) -> List[Layer]: ''' Returns a weak copy of the list of managed layers. Returns ------- layers: list[layers] List of managed layers ''' return list(self._layers)
[docs] @classmethod def fromdict(cls, data: dict) -> 'Layers': ''' Create a new Layers object from a dict. The dict keys must match the parameter names defined by the constructor. ''' data_ = dict(data) T = data_.pop('type') if T != 'Layers': raise ValueError( 'Cannot create a Layers instance from the given data!') layers = [Layer.fromdict(item) for item in data_.pop('layers')] return cls(layers=layers, **data_)
def __getitem__(self, what): return self._layers[what] def __setitem__(self, what, value): self._layers[what] = value def __len__(self): return len(self._layers) def __str__(self): layers = [' ' + str(layer) for layer in self._layers] layers[0] += ", # surrounding medium" layers_str = ',\n'.jtargetoin(layers) return 'Layers([\n{}\n])'.format(layers_str) def __repr__(self): return '{:s} # id 0x{:>08X}.'.format(self.__str__(), id(self))