Source code for xopto.mcvox.mcdetector.symmetric

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np

from xopto.mcvox.mcdetector.base import Detector
from xopto.mcvox import cltypes, mctypes, mcobject
from xopto.mcvox.mcutil import axis

[docs]class SymmetricX(Detector):
[docs] @staticmethod def cl_type(mc: mcobject.McObject) -> cltypes.Structure: T = mc.types class ClSymmetricX(cltypes.Structure): ''' Structure that that represents a Cartesian detector symmetric across the x axis. Packets are accumulates based on the x coordinate only. Fields ------ direction: mc_point3f_t Reference direction/orientation of the detector. position_x: mc_fp_t Coordinate x of the origin/center of the symmetric detector. x_offset: mc_fp_t Offset of the first accumulator relative to the axis origin defined by the center parameter. inv_step: mc_fp_t Inverse value of the spacing between the accumulators. cos_min: mc_fp_t Cosine of the maximum acceptance angle (relative to the reference direction of the detector). n_half: mc_size_t The number of accumulators in the positive or negative direction along the x axis from the center of the detector. log_scale: mc_int_t A flag indicating logarithmic spacing of the accumulators along the x axis. offset: mc_size_t The offset of the first accumulator in the Monte Carlo detector buffer. Note ---- Note that for logarithmic accumulators the value of inv_step is passed in a logarithmic scale. ''' _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ('direction', T.mc_point3f_t), ('position_x', T.mc_fp_t), ('x_offset', T.mc_fp_t), ('inv_step', T.mc_fp_t), ('cos_min', T.mc_fp_t), ('n_half', T.mc_size_t), ('log_scale', T.mc_int_t), ('offset', T.mc_size_t), ] return ClSymmetricX
[docs] def cl_declaration(self, mc: mcobject.McObject) -> str: ''' Structure that defines the accumulator in the Monte Carlo simulator. ''' loc = self.location Loc = loc.capitalize() return '\n'.join(( 'struct MC_STRUCT_ATTRIBUTES Mc{}Detector{{'.format(Loc), ' mc_point3f_t direction;', ' mc_fp_t position_x;', ' mc_fp_t x_offset;', ' mc_fp_t inv_step;', ' mc_fp_t cos_min;', ' mc_size_t n_half;', ' mc_int_t log_scale;', ' mc_size_t offset;', '};' ))
[docs] def cl_implementation(self, mc: mcobject.McObject) -> str: ''' Implementation of the accumulator in the Monte Carlo simulator. ''' loc = self.location Loc = loc.capitalize() return '\n'.join(( 'void dbg_print_{}_detector('.format(loc), ' __mc_detector_mem const Mc{}Detector *detector){{'.format(Loc), ' dbg_print("Mc{}Detector - SymmetricX detector:");'.format(Loc), ' dbg_print_point3f(INDENT "direction:", &detector->direction);', ' dbg_print_float(INDENT "position_x (mm):", detector->center*1e3f);', ' dbg_print_float(INDENT "y_offset (mm):", detector->offset*1e3f);', ' dbg_print_float(INDENT "inv_step (1/mm):", detector->inv_step*1e-3f);', ' dbg_print_float(INDENT "cos_min:", detector->cos_min);', ' dbg_print_size_t(INDENT "n_half:", detector->n_half);', ' dbg_print_int(INDENT "log_scale:", detector->log_scale);', ' dbg_print_size_t(INDENT "offset:", detector->offset);', '};', '', 'inline void mcsim_{}_detector_deposit('.format(loc), ' McSim *mcsim, ', ' mc_point3f_t const *pos, mc_point3f_t const *dir,', ' mc_fp_t weight){', '', ' __global mc_accu_t *address;', ' __mc_detector_mem const struct Mc{}Detector *detector = '.format(Loc), ' mcsim_{}_detector(mcsim);'.format(loc), '' ' mc_fp_t x = mc_fabs(pos->x - detector->position_x);', '', ' dbg_print_status(mcsim, "{} SymmetricX detector hit");'.format(Loc), '', ' if (detector->log_scale)', ' x = mc_log(mc_fmax(x, FP_RMIN));', '', ' mc_int_t index_x = mc_int((x - detector->x_offset)*detector->inv_step);', ' index_x = mc_clip(index_x, 0, detector->n_half - 1);', ' mc_size_t accu_index = (mcsim_position_x(mcsim) - detector->position_x >= FP_0) ?', ' index_x + detector->n_half : detector->n_half - index_x - 1;', '', ' address = mcsim_accumulator_buffer_ex(', ' mcsim, detector->offset + accu_index);', '', ' mc_point3f_t detector_direction = detector->direction;', ' uint32_t ui32w = weight_to_int(weight)*', ' (detector->cos_min <= mc_fabs(mc_dot_point3f(dir, &detector_direction)));', '', ' if (ui32w > 0){', ' dbg_print_uint("{} SymmetricX detector depositing int:", ui32w);'.format(Loc), ' accumulator_deposit(address, ui32w);', ' };', '};' ))
def __init__(self, xaxis: axis.SymmetricAxis, cosmin: float = 0.0, direction: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)): ''' Symmetric reflectance-transmittance detector across the x axis. Parameters ---------- xaxis: axis.SymmetricAxis Object that defines the accumulators along the x axis (this axis supports log-scale). cosmin: float Cosine of the maximum acceptance angle (relative to the reference direction of the detector). direction: (float, float, float) Reference direction/orientation of the detector. ''' if isinstance(xaxis, SymmetricX): sx = xaxis xaxis = type(sx.xaxis)(sx.xaxis) cosmin = sx.cosmin direction = sx.direction raw_data = np.copy(sx.raw) nphotons = sx.nphotons else: raw_data = np.zeros((xaxis.n,)) nphotons = 0 super().__init__(raw_data, nphotons) self._x_axis = xaxis self._inv_dx = 1.0/(self._x_axis.edges[1:] - self._x_axis.edges[:-1]) self._cosmin = 0. self._direction = np.zeros((3,)) self._set_cosmin(cosmin) self._set_direction(direction) def _get_xaxis(self) -> axis.SymmetricAxis: return self._x_axis xaxis = property(_get_xaxis, None, None, 'Axis object.') def _get_cosmin(self) -> float: return self._cosmin def _set_cosmin(self, value): self._cosmin = min(max(float(value), 0.0), 1.0) cosmin = property(_get_cosmin, _set_cosmin, None, 'Cosine of the maximum acceptance angle.') def _get_direction(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: return self._direction def _set_direction(self, direction: Tuple[float, float, float]): self._direction[:] = direction norm = np.linalg.norm(self._direction) if norm == 0.0: raise ValueError('Direction vector norm/length must not be 0!') self._direction *= 1.0/norm direction = property(_get_direction, _set_direction, None, 'Detector reference direction.') def _get_x(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._x_axis.centers x = property(_get_x, None, None, 'Centers of the accumulators.') def _get_edges(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._x_axis.edges edges = property(_get_edges, None, None, 'Edges of the accumulators.') def _get_n(self) -> int: return self._x_axis.n n = property(_get_n, None, None, 'Number of accumulators.') def _get_logscale(self) -> bool: return self._x_axis.logscale logscale = property(_get_logscale, None, None, 'Axis log scale.') def _get_normalized(self) -> np.ndarray: return self.raw*self._inv_dx*(1.0/max(self.nphotons, 1.0)) reflectance = property(_get_normalized, None, None, 'Reflectance.') reflectance = property(_get_normalized, None, None, 'Reflectance.') transmittance = property(_get_normalized, None, None, 'Transmittance.') def _get_transmittance(self): return self.raw[1]*self._inv_dx*(1.0/self.nphotons) transmittance = property(_get_transmittance, None, None, 'Transmittance.')
[docs] def cl_pack(self, mc: mcobject.McObject, target: cltypes.Structure) \ -> cltypes.Structure: ''' Fills the structure (target) with the data required by the Monte Carlo simulator. See the :py:meth:`SymmetricX.cl_type` method for a detailed list of fields. Parameters ---------- mc: mcobject.McObject Monte Carlo simulator instance. target: cltypes.Structure Ctypes structure that is filled with the source data. Returns ------- target: cltypes.Structure Filled ctypes structure received as an input argument or a new instance if the input argument target is None. ''' if target is None: target_type = self.cl_type(mc) target = target_type() allocation = mc.cl_allocate_rw_accumulator_buffer(self, self.shape) target.offset = allocation.offset target.direction.fromarray(self._direction) target.position_x = target.x_offset = self._x_axis.scaled_offset if self._x_axis.step != 0.0: target.inv_step = 1.0/self._x_axis.step else: target.inv_step = 0.0 target.log_scale = self._x_axis.logscale target.n_half = self._x_axis.n_half target.cos_min = self._cosmin return target
[docs] def todict(self) -> dict: ''' Save the accumulator configuration without the accumulator data to a dictionary. Use the :py:meth:`SymmetricX.fromdict` method to create a new accumulator instance from the returned data. Returns ------- data: dict Accumulator configuration as a dictionary. ''' return { 'type':'SymmetricX', 'x_axis':self._x_axis.todict(), 'cosmin':self._cosmin, 'direction': self._direction.tolist() }
[docs] @staticmethod def fromdict(data: dict) -> 'SymmetricX': ''' Create an accumulator instance from a dictionary. Parameters ---------- data: dict Dictionary created by the :py:meth:`SymmetricX.todict` method. ''' data = dict(data) detector_type = data.pop('type') if detector_type != 'SymmetricX': raise TypeError( 'Expected "SymmetricX" type bot got "{}"!'.format( detector_type)) x_axis_data = data.pop('x_axis') x_axis_type = x_axis_data.pop('type') return SymmetricX( getattr(axis, x_axis_type)(**x_axis_data), **data )
def __str__(self): return 'SymmetricX(xaxis={}, cosmin={}, direction=({}, {}, {}))'.format( self._x_axis, self._cosmin, *self._direction) def __repr__(self): return '{} #{}'.format(self.__str__(), id(self))