Source code for xopto.mcvox.mcsource.voxel

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np

from xopto.mcvox.mcsource.base import Source
from xopto.mcvox import cltypes, mcobject

[docs]class IsotropicVoxel(Source):
[docs] @staticmethod def cl_type(mc: mcobject.McObject) -> cltypes.Structure: T = mc.types class ClIsotropicVoxel(cltypes.Structure): ''' Ctypes structure that is passed to the Monte Carlo kernel. Fields ------ voxel: mc_point3f_t The source voxel (center) position as (x, y, z). voxel: mc_point3_t The source voxel indices as (ind_z, ind_y, ind_x). ''' _fields_ = [ ('position', T.mc_point3f_t), ('voxel', T.mc_point3_t), ] return ClIsotropicVoxel
[docs] @staticmethod def cl_declaration(mc: mcobject.McObject) -> str: ''' Structure that defines the source in the Monte Carlo simulator. ''' return '\n'.join(( 'struct MC_STRUCT_ATTRIBUTES McSource {', ' mc_point3f_t position;', ' mc_point3_t voxel;', '};' ))
[docs] @staticmethod def cl_implementation(mc: mcobject.McObject) -> str: ''' Implementation of the source in the Monte Carlo simulator. ''' return '\n'.join(( 'void dbg_print_source(__mc_source_mem const McSource *src){', ' printf("IsotropicVoxel source:\\n");', ' dbg_print_point3f(INDENT "position:", &src->position);', ' dbg_print_point3(INDENT "voxel :", &src->voxel);', '};', '', 'inline void mcsim_launch(McSim *mcsim){', ' __mc_source_mem const struct McSource *source = mcsim_source(mcsim);', ' mc_fp_t sin_fi, cos_fi;', ' mc_fp_t sin_theta, cos_theta;', '', ' mcsim_set_position_coordinates(', ' mcsim,', ' (source->voxel.x + mc_fmin(mcsim_random(mcsim), FP_1 - FP_EPS))*', ' mcsim_voxel_size_x(mcsim) + mcsim_top_left_x(mcsim),', ' (source->voxel.y + mc_fmin(mcsim_random(mcsim), FP_1 - FP_EPS))*', ' mcsim_voxel_size_y(mcsim) + mcsim_top_left_y(mcsim),', ' (source->voxel.z + mc_fmin(mcsim_random(mcsim), FP_1 - FP_EPS))*', ' mcsim_voxel_size_z(mcsim) + mcsim_top_left_z(mcsim)', ' );', '', ' mc_sincos(mcsim_random(mcsim)*FP_2PI, &sin_fi, &cos_fi);', ' cos_theta = FP_1 - FP_2*mcsim_random(mcsim);', ' sin_theta = mc_sqrt(FP_1 - cos_theta*cos_theta);', '', ' mcsim_set_direction_coordinates(', ' mcsim,', ' cos_fi*sin_theta,', ' sin_fi*sin_theta,', ' cos_theta', ' );', '', ' mcsim_set_weight(mcsim, FP_1);', ' dbg_print_status(mcsim, "Launch IsotropicVoxel");', '};', ))
def __init__(self, voxel: Tuple[int, int, int]): ''' Isotropic voxel source of photon packets. Parameters ---------- voxel: (int, int, int) Source voxel position as an integer array-like object of size 3 (ind_z, ind_y, ind_x). ''' Source.__init__(self) self._voxel = np.zeros((3,), self._set_voxel(voxel) def _get_voxel(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: return self._voxel def _set_voxel(self, voxel: Tuple[int, int, int]): self._voxel[:] = voxel voxel = property(_get_voxel, _set_voxel, None, 'Source voxel indices.')
[docs] def update(self, other: 'IsotropicVoxel' or dict): ''' Update this source configuration from the other source. The other source must be of the same type as this source or a dict with appropriate fields. Parameters ---------- other: xopto.mcvox.mcsource.voxel.IsotropicVoxel or dict This source is updated with the configuration of the other source. ''' if isinstance(other, IsotropicVoxel): self.voxel = other.voxel elif isinstance(other, dict): self.voxel = other.get('voxel', self.voxel)
[docs] def cl_pack(self, mc: mcobject.McObject, target: cltypes.Structure = None) \ -> Tuple[cltypes.Structure, None, None]: ''' Fills the ctypes structure (target) with the data required by the Monte Carlo simulator. See :py:meth:`IsotropicVoxel.cl_type` for a detailed list of fields. Parameters ---------- mc: mcobject.McObject Monte Carlo simulator instance. target: mcypes.Structure Ctypes structure that is filled with the source data. Returns ------- target: mctypes.Structures Filled ctypes structure received as an input argument or a new instance if the input argument target is None. topgeometry: None This source does not use advanced geometry at the top sample surface. bottomgeometry: None This source does not use advanced geometry at the bottom sample surface. ''' if target is None: target_type = self.cl_type(mc) target = target_type() if not mc.voxels.isvalid(self._voxel): raise ValueError('The voxel index ({}, {}, {}) is not ' 'valid!'.format(*self._voxel)) target.voxel.fromarray(self._voxel[::-1]) target.position.fromarray( return target, None, None
[docs] def todict(self) -> dict: ''' Export object to a dict. ''' return {'voxel': self._voxel.tolist(), 'type': self.__class__.__name__}
def __str__(self): return 'IsotropicVoxel(voxel=({}, {}, {}))'.format(*self._voxel)