Source code for xopto.mcvox.test.validate

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
################################ Begin license #################################
# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PyXOpto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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################################# End license ##################################

import os
import os.path
import pickle
import time

import numpy as np
from scipy import io
from scipy.integrate import simps

from xopto.mcbase.mctest import McTest

from xopto.mcvox import mc
from xopto.mcvox.mcutil import fiber as fiberutil
from xopto.mcvox.mcutil import fourier

from import Hg, Gk
from import GkMap

from import clinfo

from xopto.util import convolve
from import Hg

os.environ['PYOPENCL_COMPILER_OUTPUT'] = '1'
DATA_DIR = datadir = os.path.abspath(
    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'mcml', 'test', 'reference')

[docs]def mc_options(cfg: dict) -> dict: ''' Extract options that can be passed to the Monte Carlo simulator constructor :py:meth:``. Parameters ---------- cfg: dict Group of options in a dict. Returns ------- options: dict The options from cfg that can be passed to the simulator constructor. ''' return { 'options': cfg.get('options', []), 'cl_devices': cfg.get('cl_devices', []), 'cl_build_options': cfg.get('cl_build_options', []), 'types': cfg.get('types', mc.mctypes.McDataTypesSingle) }
[docs]def run_options(cfg: dict) -> dict: ''' Extract options that can be passed to the Monte Carlo run method :py:meth:``. Parameters ---------- cfg: dict Group of options in a dict. Returns ------- options: dict The options from cfg that can be passed to the simulator run method. ''' return { 'nphotons': cfg.get('nphotons', 10e6), 'wgsize': cfg.get('wgsize'), 'exportsrc': cfg.get('exportsrc'), 'verbose': cfg.get('verbose', False) }
def _show_mua_musr_pf_param_grid( pf_param_name: str, grid: tuple or list, data: np.ndarray, sds: list or tuple = None, show_mean: bool = True, units: str = None, title: str = None, maximize: bool = False): ''' A helper function for displaying 3D lut data with a singe scattering phase function parameter. Parameters ---------- pf_param_name: str Scattering phase function parameter name. grid: list or tuple List or tuple of vectors forming the domain, e.g. (mua, musr, gamma). The full grid is formed by np.meshgrid(*grid, indexing='ij') data: np.ndarray 4D numpy array of spatially resolved reflectance or corresponding errors organized as [mua, musr, gamma, sds]. sds: list of tuple List of source-detector separations (m). show_mean: bool If set to True, show mean value of the slices. units: str Units of the mean value. title: str Figure title. maximize: bool Maximize the figure on screen. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as pp if units is None: units = '' if pf_param_name is None: pf_param_name = '' data_min = np.min(data, axis=(0, 1, 2)) data_max = np.max(data, axis=(0, 1, 2)) axes = [] images = [] titles = [] fig = pp.figure() num_sds = data.shape[-1] mua, musr, pf_param = grid mua_mur_extent = (musr[0]*1e-2, musr[-1]*1e-2, mua[0]*1e-2, mua[-1]*1e-2) if title is not None: pp.suptitle(title) pf_param_min = pf_param.min() pf_param_max = pf_param.max() if pf_param.size > 1: pf_param_step = (pf_param_max - pf_param_min)/(pf_param.size - 1) else: pf_param_step = 0.0 for sds_index in range(num_sds): data_slice = data[:, :, 0, sds_index] axes.append(pp.subplot(2, 3, sds_index + 1)) pp.xlabel('musr (1/cm)') pp.ylabel('mua (1/cm)') if sds is not None: if show_mean: titles.append(pp.title('SDS: {:.1f} μm, mean:{:.3f}{}'.format( sds[sds_index]*1e6, data_slice.mean(), units))) else: titles.append( pp.title('SDS: {:.1f} μm'.format(sds[sds_index]*1e6))) images.append( pp.imshow(data_slice, extent=mua_mur_extent, aspect='auto')) cb = pp.colorbar() cb.mappable.set_clim(data_min[sds_index], data_max[sds_index]) axes.append(pp.subplot(2, 3, 6)) pp.plot(pf_param, '.g') pp.xlabel('N/A') pp.ylabel(pf_param_name) pf_param_pos_plot, = pp.plot(0, pf_param[0], 'o', fillstyle='none', color='r') pp.title('Click on plot to select a mua-musr slice') if maximize: fig.get_current_fig_manager().full_screen_toggle() #pp.tight_layout() def on_pf_param_pos_plot_click(event): if event.inaxes == axes[-1]: # print(event.xdata, event.ydata) pf_param_index = np.round((event.ydata - pf_param_min)/pf_param_step) pf_param_index = int(min(max(pf_param_index, 0), pf_param.size - 1)) pf_param_pos_plot.set_data( pf_param_index, pf_param[pf_param_index]) for sds_index in range(num_sds): data_slice = data[:, :, pf_param_index, sds_index] images[sds_index].set_array(data_slice) if sds is not None: if show_mean: titles[sds_index].set_text( 'SDS: {:.1f} μm, mean:{:.3f}{}'.format( sds[sds_index]*1e6, data_slice.mean(), units) ) else: titles[sds_index].set_text( 'SDS: {:.1f} μm'.format(sds[sds_index]*1e6) ) pp.draw() fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', on_pf_param_pos_plot_click) return fig
[docs]class SingleLayerLineSourceRadialProfile(McTest): def __init__(self, usepflut: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs): ''' Test of the Monte Carlo simulator for a singel layer sample and a normally incident thin line source. The radial reflectance distribution is computed for a single set of optical properties and compared to the reference data. Parameters ---------- usepflut: bool Run the simulator with lookup table-based sampling of the scattering phase function. verbose: bool Turn on/off verbose output. kwargs: dict Parameters passed to the Monte Carlo simulator constructor :py:meth:``. ''' self._verbose = verbose self._use_specular = kwargs.get('specular', False) datafile = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'cuda_singlelayer_linesource_radial.pkl') with open(datafile, 'rb') as fid: self._data = data = pickle.load(fid) mc_rmax = data['mc']['rmax'] if usepflut: pf = [mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][0]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][2]['pf']['pfparams'])] else: pf = [mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][0]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][2]['pf']['pfparams'])] surrounding = data['layers'][0]['basic'] surrounding.pop('d') sample = data['layers'][1]['basic'] sample_thickness = sample.pop('d') materials = mc.mcmaterial.Materials([ mc.mcmaterial.Material(pf=pf[0], **surrounding), mc.mcmaterial.Material(pf=pf[1], **sample) ]) voxels = mc.mcgeometry.Voxels( mc.mcgeometry.Axis(-2.0*mc_rmax, 2.0*mc_rmax, 1), mc.mcgeometry.Axis(-2.0*mc_rmax, 2.0*mc_rmax, 1), mc.mcgeometry.Axis(0, sample_thickness, 1) ) source = mc.mcsource.Line(**data['source']) detector = mc.mcdetector.Radial( mc.mcdetector.RadialAxis(**data['detector']['axis']), cosmin=data['detector']['cosmin'] ) specular = None if self._use_specular: specular = mc.mcdetector.Total() detectors = mc.mcdetector.Detectors(top=detector, specular=specular) mc_obj = mc.Mc(voxels, materials, source, detectors, **mc_options(kwargs)) mc_obj.rmax = mc_rmax mc_obj.voxels.material[:] = 1 self._reflectance = None super().__init__(mc_obj, data['reflectance'], 'Single layer line source radial reflectance profile')
[docs] def run(self, nphotons: int or float = 10e6, **kwargs) -> float: ''' Run the test. Parameters ---------- nphotons: int The number of photon packets to use for each simulation run. kwargs: dict Parameters passed to the Monte carlo run method :py:meth:``. Returns ------- tmc: float Time (s) consumed by the simulator core. ''' t_start = time.perf_counter() _, _, detectors_res =, **kwargs) if self._verbose: dt = time.perf_counter() - t_start print(self.progress_str(1, 1, dt)) t_mc = time.perf_counter() - t_start simulated = simulated.shape = self.reference.shape self.simulated = simulated self._r = self._rel_error = (simulated - self.reference)/self.reference*100.0 self.error = np.mean(self._rel_error) return t_mc
[docs] def visualize(self): ''' Visualize the results of the test. ''' if self.simulated is None: return from matplotlib import pyplot as pp fig, axis = pp.subplots(1, 2) pp.suptitle('Test of: {}'.format(self.description)) ax = axis.flat[0] ax.semilogy(self._r, self.simulated, '-r', label='Simulated') ax.semilogy(self._r, self.reference, '-g', label='Reference') ax.set_xlabel('Radius (m)') ax.set_ylabel('Reflectance') ax.legend(loc='upper right') ax = axis.flat[1] ax.plot(self._r, self._rel_error) ax.set_ylabel('Relative error (%)') ax.set_xlabel('Radius (m)')
[docs] def passed(self) -> bool: ''' Returns True if the simulator passed the test, else False. ''' if self.error is not None: return np.abs(self.error).max() < 0.5 return False
[docs]class SingleLayerUniformFiberRadial(McTest): def __init__(self, usepflut: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs): ''' Test of the Monte Carlo simulator for a singel layer sample and a normally incident optical fiber source. The reflectance is computed for a wide range of optical properties and compared to reference data. A Radial detector is used to collect the reflectance. The comparison to reference data is made for linearly placed fibers. Parameters ---------- usepflut: bool Run the simulator with lookup table-based sampling of the scattering phase function. verbose: bool Turn on/off verbose output. kwargs: dict Parameters passed to the Monte Carlo simulator constructor :py:meth:``. ''' self._verbose = verbose self._use_specular = kwargs.get('specular', False) datafile = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'cuda_singlelayer_uniformfiber.pkl') with open(datafile, 'rb') as fid: self._data = data = pickle.load(fid) mc_rmax = data['mc']['rmax'] if usepflut: pf = [mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][0]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][2]['pf']['pfparams'])] else: pf = [mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][0]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][2]['pf']['pfparams'])] surrounding = data['layers'][0]['basic'] surrounding.pop('d') sample = data['layers'][1]['basic'] sample_thickness = sample.pop('d') materials = mc.mcmaterial.Materials([ mc.mcmaterial.Material(pf=pf[0], **surrounding), mc.mcmaterial.Material(pf=pf[1], **sample) ]) voxels = mc.mcgeometry.Voxels( mc.mcgeometry.Axis(-2.0*mc_rmax, 2.0*mc_rmax, 1), mc.mcgeometry.Axis(-2.0*mc_rmax, 2.0*mc_rmax, 1), mc.mcgeometry.Axis(0, sample_thickness, 1) ) source = mc.mcsource.UniformFiber( fiberutil.MultimodeFiber(**data['source']) ) detector = mc.mcdetector.Radial( mc.mcdetector.RadialAxis(**data['detector']['axis']), cosmin=data['detector']['cosmin'] ) specular = None if self._use_specular: specular = mc.mcdetector.Total() detectors = mc.mcdetector.Detectors(top=detector, specular=specular) mc_obj = mc.Mc(voxels, materials, source, detectors, **mc_options(kwargs)) mc_obj.rmax = mc_rmax mc_obj.voxels.material[:] = 1 self._fiber_reflectance = None super().__init__(mc_obj, data['reflectance'], 'Single layer uniform fiber radial detector ' 'lookup table')
[docs] def run(self, nphotons: int or float = 10e6, **kwargs) -> float: ''' Run the test. Parameters ---------- nphotons: int The number of photon packets to use for each simulation run. kwargs: dict Parameters passed to the Monte carlo run method :py:meth:``. Returns ------- tmc: float Time (s) consumed by the simulator core. ''' mua_vector = self._data['lut']['mua'] musr_vector = self._data['lut']['musr'] mua, musr = np.meshgrid(mua_vector, musr_vector, indexing='ij') g = self._data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams'][0] N = mua.size t_start = time.perf_counter() reflectance =[] for i in range(N):[1].mua = mua.flat[i][1].mus = musr.flat[i]/(1.0 - g) _, _, detectors_res =, **kwargs) reflectance.append( if self._verbose: dt = time.perf_counter() - t_start print(self.progress_str(i + 1, N, dt), end='\r') if i == N - 1: print() t_mc = time.perf_counter() - t_start sds = self._data['detector']['fibers']['sds'] dcore = self._data['detector']['fibers']['dcore'] simulated = convolve.fiber_reflectance(, reflectance, sds=sds, dcore=dcore) simulated.shape = self.reference.shape self.simulated = simulated self._rel_error = (simulated - self.reference)/self.reference*100.0 self.error = self._rel_error return t_mc
[docs] def visualize(self): ''' Visualize the results of the test. ''' if self.simulated is None: return sds = self._data['detector']['fibers']['sds'] nfib = len(sds) from matplotlib import pyplot as pp musr_vector = self._data['lut']['musr'] mua_vector = self._data['lut']['mua'] extent = (musr_vector[0]*1e-2, musr_vector[-1]*1e-2, mua_vector[0]*1e-2, mua_vector[-1]*1e-2) nrows, ncols = int(np.ceil(nfib/3)), 3 fig, axis = pp.subplots(nrows, ncols) pp.suptitle('Test of: {} - Rel. error(SDS) (mean={:.2f})%'.format( self.description, self._rel_error.mean())) for i in range(nfib): ax = axis.flat[i] pos = ax.imshow(self._rel_error[..., i], extent=extent, aspect='auto', origin='lower') ax.set_xlabel('Red. scattering (1/cm)') ax.set_ylabel('Absorption (1/cm)') ax.set_title('SDS={:.1f} um, error={:.2f}%'.format( sds[i]*1e6, self._rel_error[...,i].mean())) fig.colorbar(pos, ax=ax) ax = axis.flat[-1] labels = [] for d in sds: labels.append('{:.1f} um'.format(d*1e6)) ax.set_title('Rel. error (%) as f(SDS)') new_shape = (int(self._rel_error.size//nfib), nfib) ax.boxplot(np.reshape(self._rel_error, new_shape) , labels=labels) ax.set_ylabel('Rel. error (%)')
[docs] def passed(self) -> bool: ''' Returns True if the simulator passed the test, else False. ''' if self.error is not None: return np.abs(self.error.mean()) < 0.5 return False
[docs]class SingleLayerUniformFiberCartesian(McTest): def __init__(self, usepflut: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs): ''' Test of the Monte Carlo simulator for a singel layer sample and a normally incident optical fiber source. The reflectance is computed for a wide range of optical properties and compared to reference data. A Cartesian detector is used to collect the reflectance. The comparison to reference data is made for linearly placed fibers. Parameters ---------- usepflut: bool Run the simulator with lookup table-based sampling of the scattering phase function. verbose: bool Turn on/off verbose output. kwargs: dict Parameters passed to the Monte Carlo simulator constructor :py:meth:``. ''' self._verbose = verbose self._use_specular = kwargs.get('specular', False) datafile = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'cuda_singlelayer_uniformfiber.pkl') with open(datafile, 'rb') as fid: self._data = data = pickle.load(fid) mc_rmax = data['mc']['rmax'] if usepflut: pf = [mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][0]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][2]['pf']['pfparams'])] else: pf = [mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][0]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][2]['pf']['pfparams'])] surroundoing = data['layers'][0]['basic'] surroundoing.pop('d') sample = data['layers'][1]['basic'] sample_thickness = sample.pop('d') materials = mc.mcmaterial.Materials([ mc.mcmaterial.Material(pf=pf[0], **surroundoing), mc.mcmaterial.Material(pf=pf[1], **sample) ]) voxels = mc.mcgeometry.Voxels( mc.mcgeometry.Axis(-2.0*mc_rmax, 2.0*mc_rmax, 1), mc.mcgeometry.Axis(-2.0*mc_rmax, 2.0*mc_rmax, 1), mc.mcgeometry.Axis(0, sample_thickness, 1) ) source = mc.mcsource.UniformFiber( fiberutil.MultimodeFiber(**data['source']) ) nr = data['detector']['axis']['n'] rmin = data['detector']['axis']['start'] rmax = data['detector']['axis']['stop'] dr = rmax/nr cosmin = data['detector']['cosmin'] nx = np.ceil(nr*2.2/2.0)*2.0 ny = np.ceil(nr*2.1/2.0)*2.0 detector = mc.mcdetector.Cartesian( mc.mcdetector.Axis(-dr*nx*0.5, dr*nx*0.5, nx), mc.mcdetector.Axis(-dr*ny*0.5, dr*ny*0.5, ny), cosmin=cosmin ) specular = None if self._use_specular: specular = mc.mcdetector.Total() detectors = mc.mcdetector.Detectors(top=detector, specular=specular) self._raxis = mc.mcdetector.RadialAxis(rmin, rmax, nr) mc_obj = mc.Mc(voxels, materials, source, detectors, **mc_options(kwargs)) mc_obj.rmax = mc_rmax mc_obj.voxels.material[:] = 1 self._fiber_reflectance = None super().__init__(mc_obj, data['reflectance'], 'Single layer uniform fiber cartesian detector ' 'lookup table')
[docs] def run(self, nphotons: int or float = 10e6, **kwargs) -> float: ''' Run the test. Parameters ---------- nphotons: int The number of photon packets to use for each simulation run. kwargs: dict Parameters passed to the Monte carlo run method :py:meth:``. Returns ------- tmc: float Time (s) consumed by the simulator core. ''' mua_vector = self._data['lut']['mua'] musr_vector = self._data['lut']['musr'] mua, musr = np.meshgrid(mua_vector, musr_vector, indexing='ij') g = self._data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams'][0] N = mua.size t_start = time.perf_counter() t_mc = 0.0 reflectance =[] for i in range(N): t1 = time.perf_counter()[1].mua = mua.flat[i][1].mus = musr.flat[i]/(1.0 - g) _, _, detectors_res =, **kwargs) t_mc = t_mc + time.perf_counter() - t1 reflectance.append( if self._verbose: dt = time.perf_counter() - t_start print(self.progress_str(i + 1, N, dt), end='\r') if i == N - 1: print() sds = self._data['detector']['fibers']['sds'] dcore = self._data['detector']['fibers']['dcore'] simulated = convolve.fiber_reflectance( self._raxis.centers, reflectance, sds=sds, dcore=dcore) simulated.shape = self.reference.shape self.simulated = simulated self._rel_error = (simulated - self.reference)/self.reference*100.0 self.error = self._rel_error return t_mc
[docs] def visualize(self): ''' Visualize the results of the test. ''' if self.simulated is None: return sds = self._data['detector']['fibers']['sds'] nfib = len(sds) from matplotlib import pyplot as pp musr_vector = self._data['lut']['musr'] mua_vector = self._data['lut']['mua'] extent = (musr_vector[0]*1e-2, musr_vector[-1]*1e-2, mua_vector[0]*1e-2, mua_vector[-1]*1e-2) nrows, ncols = int(np.ceil(nfib/3)), 3 fig, axis = pp.subplots(nrows, ncols) pp.suptitle('Test of: {} - Rel. error(SDS) (mean={:.2f})%'.format( self.description, self._rel_error.mean())) for i in range(nfib): ax = axis.flat[i] pos = ax.imshow(self._rel_error[..., i], extent=extent, aspect='auto', origin='lower') ax.set_xlabel('Red. scattering (1/cm)') ax.set_ylabel('Absorption (1/cm)') ax.set_title('SDS={:.1f} um, error={:.2f}%'.format( sds[i]*1e6, self._rel_error[..., i].mean())) fig.colorbar(pos, ax=ax) ax = axis.flat[-1] labels = [] for d in sds: labels.append('{:.1f} um'.format(d*1e6)) ax.set_title('Rel. error (%) as f(SDS)') new_shape = (int(self._rel_error.size//nfib), nfib) ax.boxplot(np.reshape(self._rel_error, new_shape) , labels=labels) ax.set_ylabel('Rel. error (%)')
[docs] def passed(self) -> bool: ''' Returns True if the simulator passed the test, else False. ''' if self.error is not None: return np.abs(self.error.mean()) < 0.5 return False
[docs]class DoubleLayerUniformFiberRadial(McTest): def __init__(self, usepflut: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs): ''' Test of the Monte Carlo simulator for a double layer sample and a normally incident optical fiber source. The reflectance is computed for a wide range of optical properties and compared to reference data. A Cartesian detector is used to collect the reflectance. The comparison to reference data is made for linearly placed fibers. Parameters ---------- usepflut: bool Run the simulator with lookup table-based sampling of the scattering phase function. verbose: bool Turn on/off verbose output. kwargs: dict Parameters passed to the Monte Carlo simulator constructor :py:meth:``. ''' self._verbose = verbose self._use_specular = kwargs.get('specular', False) datafile = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'cuda_doublelayer_uniformfiber.pkl') with open(datafile, 'rb') as fid: self._data = data = pickle.load(fid) mc_rmax = data['mc']['rmax'] if usepflut: pf = [mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][0]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][2]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][3]['pf']['pfparams'])] else: pf = [mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][0]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][2]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][3]['pf']['pfparams'])] surrounding = data['layers'][0]['basic'] surrounding.pop('d') sample_1 = data['layers'][1]['basic'] sample_1_thickness = sample_1.pop('d') sample_2 = data['layers'][2]['basic'] sample_2_thickness = sample_2.pop('d') materials = mc.mcmaterial.Materials([ mc.mcmaterial.Material(pf=pf[0], **surrounding), mc.mcmaterial.Material(pf=pf[1], **sample_1), mc.mcmaterial.Material(pf=pf[2], **sample_2), ]) sample_thickness = sample_1_thickness + sample_2_thickness dz = 0.1e-3 voxels = mc.mcgeometry.Voxels( mc.mcgeometry.Axis(-2.0*mc_rmax, 2.0*mc_rmax, 1), mc.mcgeometry.Axis(-2.0*mc_rmax, 2.0*mc_rmax, 1), mc.mcgeometry.Axis(0, sample_thickness, sample_thickness/dz) ) source = mc.mcsource.UniformFiber( fiberutil.MultimodeFiber(**data['source']) ) detector = mc.mcdetector.Radial( mc.mcdetector.RadialAxis(**data['detector']['axis']), cosmin=data['detector']['cosmin'] ) specular = None if self._use_specular: specular = mc.mcdetector.Total() detectors = mc.mcdetector.Detectors(top=detector, specular=specular) mc_obj = mc.Mc(voxels, materials, source, detectors, **mc_options(kwargs)) mc_obj.rmax = mc_rmax mc_obj.voxels.material[mc_obj.voxels.z <= sample_1_thickness, :, :] = 1 mc_obj.voxels.material[mc_obj.voxels.z > sample_1_thickness, :, :] = 2 self._fiber_reflectance = None super().__init__(mc_obj, data['reflectance'], 'Double layer uniform fiber radial detector ' 'lookup table')
[docs] def run(self, nphotons: int or float = 10e6, **kwargs) -> float: ''' Run the test. Parameters ---------- nphotons: int The number of photon packets to use for each simulation run. kwargs: dict Parameters passed to the Monte carlo run method :py:meth:``. Returns ------- tmc: float Time (s) consumed by the simulator core. ''' mua_1 = self._data['lut'][0]['mua'] musr_1 = self._data['lut'][0]['musr'] mua_2_vector = self._data['lut'][1]['mua'] musr_2_vector = self._data['lut'][1]['musr'] mua_2, musr_2 = np.meshgrid(mua_2_vector, musr_2_vector, indexing='ij') g_1 = self._data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams'][0] g_2 = self._data['layers'][2]['pf']['pfparams'][0] N = mua_2.size t_start = time.perf_counter()[1].mua = mua_1[1].mus = musr_1/(1.0 - g_1) reflectance =[] for i in range(N):[2].mua = mua_2.flat[i][2].mus = musr_2.flat[i]/(1.0 - g_2) _, _, detectors_res =, **kwargs) reflectance.append( if self._verbose: dt = time.perf_counter() - t_start print(self.progress_str(i + 1, N, dt), end='\r') if i == N - 1: print() t_mc = time.perf_counter() - t_start sds = self._data['detector']['fibers']['sds'] dcore = self._data['detector']['fibers']['dcore'] simulated = convolve.fiber_reflectance(, reflectance, sds=sds, dcore=dcore) simulated.shape = self.reference.shape self.simulated = simulated self._rel_error = (simulated - self.reference)/self.reference*100.0 self.error = np.mean(self._rel_error, (0,1)) return t_mc
[docs] def visualize(self): ''' Visualize the results of the test. ''' if self.simulated is None: return sds = self._data['detector']['fibers']['sds'] nfib = len(sds) from matplotlib import pyplot as pp musr_vector = self._data['lut'][1]['musr'] mua_vector = self._data['lut'][1]['mua'] extent = (musr_vector[0]*1e-2, musr_vector[-1]*1e-2, mua_vector[0]*1e-2, mua_vector[-1]*1e-2) nrows, ncols = int(np.ceil(nfib/3)), 3 fig, axis = pp.subplots(nrows, ncols) pp.suptitle('Test of: {} - Rel. error(SDS) (mean={:.2f})%'.format( self.description, self._rel_error.mean())) for i in range(nfib): ax = axis.flat[i] pos = ax.imshow(self._rel_error[..., i], extent=extent, aspect='auto', origin='lower') ax.set_xlabel('Red. scattering (1/cm)') ax.set_ylabel('Absorption (1/cm)') ax.set_title('SDS={:.1f} um, error={:.2f}%'.format( sds[i]*1e6, self._rel_error[..., i].mean())) fig.colorbar(pos, ax=ax) ax = axis.flat[-1] labels = [] for d in sds: labels.append('{:.1f} um'.format(d*1e6)) ax.set_title('Rel. error (%) as f(SDS)') new_shape = (int(self._rel_error.size//nfib), nfib) ax.boxplot(np.reshape(self._rel_error, new_shape) , labels=labels) ax.set_ylabel('Rel. error (%)')
[docs] def passed(self) -> bool: ''' Returns True if the simulator passed the test, else False. ''' if self.error is not None: return np.abs(self.error).max() < 0.5 return False
[docs]class SingleLayerSfdiIncidence30VariableNa(McTest): def __init__(self, usepflut: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs): ''' Test of the Monte Carlo simulator for a single layer sample and a 30 deg. incidence and variable detector NA. A :py:class:`detector.SymmetricX` detector is used to collect the backscattered light. Parameters ---------- usepflut: bool Run the simulator with lookup table-based sampling of the scattering phase function. verbose: bool Turn on/off verbose output. kwargs: dict Parameters passed to the Monte Carlo simulator constructor :py:meth:``. ''' self._verbose = verbose self._use_specular = kwargs.get('specular', False) self._usepflut = usepflut filename =os.path.join( DATA_DIR, 'single_layer_sfdi_30deg_incidence_variable_na.pkl' ) with open(filename, 'rb') as fid: self._data = pickle.load(fid) reference = np.array([self._data['amplitude'], self._data['phase']]) self._mc_options = mc_options(kwargs) super().__init__(None, reference, 'SFDI single layer 30 deg incidence variable detector ' 'NA SymmetriX detector')
[docs] def run(self, nphotons: int or float = 10e6, **kwargs) -> float: ''' Run the test. Parameters ---------- nphotons: int The number of photon packets to use for each simulation run. kwargs: dict Parameters passed to the Monte carlo run method :py:meth:``. Returns ------- tmc: float Time (s) consumed by the simulator core. ''' data = self._data if nphotons is None: nphotons = int(4e9) mc_rmax = 150e-3 mc_rmax = data['mc']['rmax'] if self._usepflut: pf = [mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][0]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][2]['pf']['pfparams'])] else: pf = [mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][0]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][2]['pf']['pfparams'])] surrounding = data['layers'][0]['basic'] surrounding.pop('d') sample = data['layers'][1]['basic'] sample_thickness = min(sample.pop('d'), 2.0*mc_rmax) materials = mc.mcmaterial.Materials([ mc.mcmaterial.Material(pf=pf[0], **surrounding), mc.mcmaterial.Material(pf=pf[1], **sample), ]) voxels = mc.mcgeometry.Voxels( mc.mcgeometry.Axis(-2.0*mc_rmax, 2.0*mc_rmax, 1), mc.mcgeometry.Axis(-2.0*mc_rmax, 2.0*mc_rmax, 1), mc.mcgeometry.Axis(0, sample_thickness, 1) ) # the photon packet source source = mc.mcsource.Line(**data['source']) source.position[2] = 0.0 frequencies = data['frequencies'] NA = data['lut']['na'] sf_cplx = np.zeros((NA.size, frequencies.size), dtype=np.cdouble) t_mc = 0.0 t_start = time.perf_counter() N = NA.size for i in range(N): t1 = time.perf_counter() cosmin = np.sqrt(1.0 - NA[i]**2) detector = mc.mcdetector.SymmetricX( mc.mcdetector.SymmetricAxis(**data['detector']['axis']), cosmin=cosmin ) specular = None if self._use_specular: specular = mc.mcdetector.Total() detectors = mc.mcdetector.Detectors(top=detector, specular=specular) mc_obj = mc.Mc(voxels, materials, source, detectors, **self._mc_options) mc_obj.rmax = mc_rmax mc_obj.voxels.material[:] = 1 _, _, detectors_res =, **kwargs) sf_cplx[i] = fourier.discreteSimpson( frequencies,,, uneven=True) dt = time.perf_counter() - t1 t_mc += dt if self._verbose: dt = time.perf_counter() - t_start print(self.progress_str(i + 1, N, dt), end='\r') if i == N - 1: print() self._amplitude = np.abs(sf_cplx) self._phase = np.angle(sf_cplx) self._amplitude_error = \ (self._amplitude - data['amplitude'])/data['amplitude'] self._phase_error = (self._phase - data['phase']) self.simulated = np.array([self._amplitude, self._phase]) self.error = np.array([self._amplitude_error, self._phase_error]) if self._verbose: amplitude_error = \ np.mean(np.abs(self._amplitude_error[4:]), 1).max() phase_error = np.mean(np.abs(self._phase_error[4:]), 1).max() print('SFDI errors for NA >= 10°:') print(' relative amplitude error {:.2f}%.'.format( amplitude_error*100.0)) print(' phase error {:.2f}°.'.format( np.rad2deg(phase_error))) return t_mc
[docs] def visualize(self): import matplotlib from matplotlib import pyplot as pp from cycler import cycler frequencies = self._data['frequencies'] NA = self._data['lut']['na'] n = NA.size colors = np.vstack([ np.interp(np.arange(n), [0, (n - 1)/2, n - 1], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]), np.interp(np.arange(n), [0, (n - 1)/2, n - 1], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]), np.interp(np.arange(n), [0, (n - 1)/2, n - 1], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), ]) matplotlib.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler(color=colors.T.tolist()) fig, axes = pp.subplots(3, 1) ax = axes.flat[0] ax.set_title('Relative amplitude error') ax.plot(frequencies*1e-3, self._amplitude_error.T) ax = axes.flat[1] ax.set_title('Phase error (rad)') ax.plot(frequencies*1e-3, self._phase_error.T) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (1/mm)') ax = axes.flat[2] for index in range(n): acceptance_deg = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(NA[index])) ax.plot([], [], label='NA={:.1f}°'.format(acceptance_deg)) ax.legend(ncol=8) ax.set_axis_off()
[docs] def passed(self) -> bool: ''' Returns True if the simulator passed the test, else False. ''' if self.error is not None: # SFDI errors for NA >= 10° must be less than 2.5 % amplitude_error = self._amplitude_error amplitude_rerror = np.mean(np.abs(amplitude_error[4:]), 1).max() phase_error = self._phase_error phase_rerror = np.mean(np.abs(phase_error[4:]), 1).max() print(amplitude_rerror, phase_rerror) return amplitude_rerror < 0.025 and phase_rerror < 0.025 return False
[docs]class SingleLayerUniformFiberTrace(McTest): def __init__(self, usepflut: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs: dict): ''' Test of the Monte Carlo simulator for a single layer sample and trace analysis. The results of trace analysis are compared to the data collectred by the :py:class`mcdetector.Radial` detector. Parameters ---------- usepflut: bool Run the simulator with lookup table-based sampling of the scattering phase function. verbose: bool Turn on/off verbose output. kwargs: dict Parameters passed to the Monte Carlo simulator constructor :py:meth:``. ''' self._verbose = verbose self._use_specular = kwargs.get('specular', False) filename = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'single_layer_uniformfiber_trace.pkl') with open(filename, 'rb') as fid: self._data = data = pickle.load(fid) mc_rmax = data['mc']['rmax'] if usepflut: pf = [mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][0]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][2]['pf']['pfparams'])] else: pf = [mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][0]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][2]['pf']['pfparams'])] surrounding = data['layers'][0]['basic'] surrounding.pop('d') sample = data['layers'][1]['basic'] sample_thickness = sample.pop('d') materials = mc.mcmaterial.Materials([ mc.mcmaterial.Material(pf=pf[0], **surrounding), mc.mcmaterial.Material(pf=pf[1], **sample), ]) voxels = mc.mcgeometry.Voxels( mc.mcgeometry.Axis(-2.0*mc_rmax, 2.0*mc_rmax, 1), mc.mcgeometry.Axis(-2.0*mc_rmax, 2.0*mc_rmax, 1), mc.mcgeometry.Axis(0, sample_thickness, 1) ) source = mc.mcsource.UniformFiber( fiberutil.MultimodeFiber(**data['source']) ) detector = mc.mcdetector.Radial( mc.mcdetector.RadialAxis(**data['detector']['axis']), cosmin=data['detector']['cosmin'] ) specular = None if self._use_specular: specular = mc.mcdetector.Total() detectors = mc.mcdetector.Detectors(top=detector, specular=specular) trace = mc.mctrace.Trace(**data['trace']) mc_obj = mc.Mc(voxels, materials, source, detectors, trace, **mc_options(kwargs)) mc_obj.rmax = mc_rmax mc_obj.voxels.material[:] = 1 self._data = data super().__init__(mc_obj, None, 'Single layer uniform fiber trace') self._reflectance = None
[docs] def run(self, nphotons: int or float = 1e6, **kwargs) -> float: ''' Run the test. Parameters ---------- nphotons: int The number of photon packets to use for each simulation run. kwargs: dict Parameters passed to the Monte carlo run method :py:meth:``. Returns ------- tmc: float Time (s) consumed by the simulator core. ''' mua = self._data['lut']['mua'] musr = self._data['lut']['musr'] g1 = self._data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams'][0] N = mua.size nr = r = dr = r[1] - r[0] cosmin = arings = np.pi*(r[1:]**2 - r[:-1]**2) reflectance_trace = np.zeros((N, nr)) reflectance_radial = np.zeros_like(reflectance_trace) pkt_inds = np.arange(nphotons) err = np.zeros([nr]) t_mc = 0.0 eps = np.finfo( t_start = tstart = time.perf_counter() for i in range(N):[1].mua = mua[i][1].mus = musr[i]/(1.0 - g1) t1 = time.perf_counter() trace_res, _, detectors_res =, **kwargs) t_mc += time.perf_counter() - t1 x, y, z =['x'],['y'],['z'] pz, w, n =['pz'],['w'], trace_res.n termind = np.minimum(n - 1, trace_res.maxlen - 1) xterm, yterm, zterm = x[pkt_inds, termind], y[pkt_inds, termind], \ z[pkt_inds, termind] pzterm, wterm = pz[pkt_inds, termind], w[pkt_inds, termind] rind = np.minimum(np.floor(np.sqrt(xterm**2 + yterm**2)/dr), nr - 1) mask = np.logical_and(zterm <= eps, np.abs(pzterm) >= cosmin) rindok = rind[mask] wok = wterm[mask] for ind in range(nr): reflectance_trace[i, ind] = np.sum(wok[rindok == ind]) reflectance_trace[i] = reflectance_trace[i]/(nphotons*arings) reflectance_radial[i] = if self._verbose: dt = time.perf_counter() - t_start print(self.progress_str(i + 1, N, dt), end='\r') if i == N - 1: print() self.simulated = reflectance_trace self.reference = reflectance_radial error = np.zeros_like(reflectance_radial) mask = reflectance_radial != 0 error[mask] = (reflectance_trace[mask] - reflectance_radial[mask])/ \ reflectance_radial[mask] error[np.logical_and(reflectance_radial == 0.0, reflectance_trace != 0.0)] = np.inf self.error = error return t_mc
[docs] def visualize(self): from matplotlib import pyplot as pp errstr = 'Maximum relative trace reflectance error {:.4f}%'.format( np.abs(self.error).max()*100.0) fig, ax = pp.subplots() ax.set_title(errstr) ax.plot(, self.simulated.T, '-xr', label='Trace') ax.plot(, self.reference.T, '-+g', label='Radial') ax.set_xlabel('Radius (m)') ax.set_ylabel('Reflectance (1/m^2)') ax.legend()
[docs] def passed(self): ''' Returns True if the simulator passed the test, else False. ''' if self.error is not None: return np.abs(self.error).max()*100.0 < 0.1 return False
[docs]class SingleLayerSixLinearProbe(McTest): def __init__(self, usepflut: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs): ''' Test of the Monte Carlo simulator for a singel layer sample and a normally incident six-linear optical fiber probe. Parameters ---------- usepflut: bool Run the simulator with lookup table-based sampling of the scattering phase function. verbose: bool Turn on/off verbose output. kwargs: dict Parameters passed to the Monte Carlo simulator constructor :py:meth:``. ''' self._verbose = verbose self._use_specular = kwargs.get('specular', False) datafile = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'single_layer_hg_lut_six_linear_probe.pkl') with open(datafile, 'rb') as fid: self._data = data = pickle.load(fid) mc_rmax = data['mc']['rmax'] if usepflut: pf = [mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][0]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][2]['pf']['pfparams'])] else: pf = [mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][0]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][2]['pf']['pfparams'])] surrounding = data['layers'][0]['basic'] surrounding.pop('d') sample = data['layers'][1]['basic'] sample_thickness = min(sample.pop('d'), 2.0*mc_rmax) materials = mc.mcmaterial.Materials([ mc.mcmaterial.Material(pf=pf[0], **surrounding), mc.mcmaterial.Material(pf=pf[1], **sample), ]) voxels = mc.mcgeometry.Voxels( mc.mcgeometry.Axis(-2.0*mc_rmax, 2.0*mc_rmax, 1), mc.mcgeometry.Axis(-2.0*mc_rmax, 2.0*mc_rmax, 1), mc.mcgeometry.Axis(0, sample_thickness, 1) ) source_data = data['source'] fiber = fiberutil.MultimodeFiber(**source_data.pop('fiber')) source = mc.mcsource.UniformFiber(fiber, **source_data) surface_data = data['surface'] fiber = fiberutil.MultimodeFiber(**surface_data.pop('fiber')) surface = mc.mcsurface.SurfaceLayouts( top=mc.mcsurface.LinearArray(fiber, **surface_data) ) detector_data = data['detector'] fiber = fiberutil.MultimodeFiber(**detector_data.pop('fiber')) detector = mc.mcdetector.Detectors( top=mc.mcdetector.LinearArray(fiber, **detector_data) ) specular = None if self._use_specular: specular = mc.mcdetector.Total() detectors = mc.mcdetector.Detectors(top=detector, specular=specular) mc_obj = mc.Mc(voxels, materials, source, detectors, surface=surface, **mc_options(kwargs)) mc_obj.rmax = mc_rmax mc_obj.voxels.material[:] = 1 self._reflectance = None super().__init__(mc_obj, data['reflectance'], 'Single layer six-linear probe HG 2D mua musr lut')
[docs] def run(self, nphotons: int or float = 10e6, **kwargs) -> float: ''' Run the test. Parameters ---------- nphotons: int The number of photon packets to use for each simulation run. kwargs: dict Parameters passed to the Monte carlo run method :py:meth:``. Returns ------- tmc: float Time (s) consumed by the simulator core. ''' mua_vector = self._data['lut']['mua'] musr_vector = self._data['lut']['musr'] mua, musr = np.meshgrid(mua_vector, musr_vector, indexing='ij') g = self._data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams'][0] N = mua.size t_start = time.perf_counter() reflectance =[] for i in range(N):[1].mua = mua.flat[i][1].mus = musr.flat[i]/(1.0 - g) _, _, detectors_res =, **kwargs) reflectance.append([1:]) if self._verbose: dt = time.perf_counter() - t_start print(self.progress_str(i + 1, N, dt), end='\r') if i == N - 1: print() t_mc = time.perf_counter() - t_start simulated = np.array(reflectance) simulated.shape = self.reference.shape self.simulated = simulated self._rel_error = (simulated - self.reference)/self.reference*100.0 self.error = self._rel_error return t_mc
[docs] def visualize(self): ''' Visualize the results of the test. ''' if self.simulated is None: return nfib = self._data['detector']['n'] - 1 sds = np.arange(1, nfib + 1)*self._data['detector']['spacing'] from matplotlib import pyplot as pp musr_vector = self._data['lut']['musr'] mua_vector= self._data['lut']['mua'] extent = (musr_vector[0]*1e-2, musr_vector[-1]*1e-2, mua_vector[0]*1e-2, mua_vector[-1]*1e-2) nrows, ncols = int(np.ceil(nfib/3)), 3 fig, axis = pp.subplots(nrows, ncols) pp.suptitle('Test of: {} - Rel. error(SDS) (mean={:.2f})%'.format( self.description, self._rel_error.mean())) for i in range(nfib): ax = axis.flat[i] pos = ax.imshow(self._rel_error[..., i], extent=extent, aspect='auto', origin='lower') ax.set_xlabel('Red. scattering (1/cm)') ax.set_ylabel('Absorption (1/cm)') ax.set_title('SDS={:.1f} um, error={:.2f}%'.format( sds[i]*1e6, self._rel_error[...,i].mean())) fig.colorbar(pos, ax=ax) ax = axis.flat[-1] labels = [] for d in sds: labels.append('{:.1f}'.format(d*1e6)) ax.set_title('Rel. error (%) as f(SDS)') new_shape = (int(self._rel_error.size//nfib), nfib) ax.boxplot(np.reshape(self._rel_error, new_shape) , labels=labels, ) ax.set_ylabel('Rel. error (%)') ax.set_xlabel('Source detector separation (um)')
[docs] def passed(self) -> bool: '''' Returns True if the simulator passed the test, else False. ''' if self.error is not None: return np.abs(self.error.mean()) < 0.5 return False
[docs]class SingleLayerNineLinearProbe(McTest): def __init__(self, usepflut: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs): ''' Test of the Monte Carlo simulator for a singel layer sample and a normally incident nine-linear optical fiber probe. Parameters ---------- usepflut: bool Run the simulator with lookup table-based sampling of the scattering phase function. verbose: bool Turn on/off verbose output. kwargs: dict Parameters passed to the Monte Carlo simulator constructor :py:meth:``. ''' self._verbose = verbose self._use_specular = kwargs.get('specular', False) datafile = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'single_layer_hg_lut_nine_linear_probe.pkl') with open(datafile, 'rb') as fid: self._data = data = pickle.load(fid) mc_rmax = data['mc']['rmax'] if usepflut: pf = [mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][0]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.LutEx(Hg, data['layers'][2]['pf']['pfparams'])] else: pf = [mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][0]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.Hg(*data['layers'][2]['pf']['pfparams'])] surrounding = data['layers'][0]['basic'] surrounding.pop('d') sample = data['layers'][1]['basic'] sample_thickness = min(sample.pop('d'), 2.0*mc_rmax) materials = mc.mcmaterial.Materials([ mc.mcmaterial.Material(pf=pf[0], **surrounding), mc.mcmaterial.Material(pf=pf[1], **sample), ]) voxels = mc.mcgeometry.Voxels( mc.mcgeometry.Axis(-2.0*mc_rmax, 2.0*mc_rmax, 1), mc.mcgeometry.Axis(-2.0*mc_rmax, 2.0*mc_rmax, 1), mc.mcgeometry.Axis(0, sample_thickness, 1) ) source_data = data['source'] fiber = fiberutil.MultimodeFiber(**source_data.pop('fiber')) source = mc.mcsource.UniformFiber(fiber, **source_data) surface_data = data['surface'] fiber = fiberutil.MultimodeFiber(**surface_data.pop('fiber')) surface = mc.mcsurface.SurfaceLayouts( top=mc.mcsurface.LinearArray(fiber, **surface_data) ) detector_data = data['detector'] fiber = fiberutil.MultimodeFiber(**detector_data.pop('fiber')) detector = mc.mcdetector.Detectors( top=mc.mcdetector.LinearArray(fiber, **detector_data) ) specular = None if self._use_specular: specular = mc.mcdetector.Total() detectors = mc.mcdetector.Detectors(top=detector, specular=specular) mc_obj = mc.Mc(voxels, materials, source, detectors, surface=surface, **mc_options(kwargs)) mc_obj.rmax = mc_rmax mc_obj.voxels.material[:] = 1 self._reflectance = None super().__init__(mc_obj, data['reflectance'], 'Single layer nine-linear probe HG 2D mua musr lut')
[docs] def run(self, nphotons: int or float = 10e6, **kwargs) -> float: ''' Run the test. Parameters ---------- nphotons: int The number of photon packets to use for each simulation run. kwargs: dict Parameters passed to the Monte carlo run method :py:meth:``. Returns ------- tmc: float Time (s) consumed by the simulator core. ''' mua_vector = self._data['lut']['mua'] musr_vector = self._data['lut']['musr'] mua, musr = np.meshgrid(mua_vector, musr_vector, indexing='ij') g = self._data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams'][0] N = mua.size t_start = time.perf_counter() reflectance =[] for i in range(N):[1].mua = mua.flat[i][1].mus = musr.flat[i]/(1.0 - g) _, _, detectors_res =, **kwargs) reflectance.append([1:]) if self._verbose: dt = time.perf_counter() - t_start print(self.progress_str(i + 1, N, dt), end='\r') if i == N - 1: print() t_mc = time.perf_counter() - t_start simulated = np.array(reflectance) simulated.shape = self.reference.shape self.simulated = simulated self._rel_error = (simulated - self.reference)/self.reference*100.0 self.error = self._rel_error return t_mc
[docs] def visualize(self): ''' Visualize the results of the test. ''' if self.simulated is None: return nfib = self._data['detector']['n'] - 1 sds = np.arange(1, nfib + 1)*self._data['detector']['spacing'] from matplotlib import pyplot as pp musr_vector = self._data['lut']['musr'] mua_vector = self._data['lut']['mua'] extent = (musr_vector[0]*1e-2, musr_vector[-1]*1e-2, mua_vector[0]*1e-2, mua_vector[-1]*1e-2) nrows, ncols = int(np.ceil(nfib/3)), 3 fig, axis = pp.subplots(nrows, ncols) pp.suptitle('Test of: {} - Rel. error(SDS) (mean={:.2f})%'.format( self.description, self._rel_error.mean())) for i in range(nfib): ax = axis.flat[i] pos = ax.imshow(self._rel_error[..., i], extent=extent, aspect='auto', origin='lower') ax.set_xlabel('Red. scattering (1/cm)') ax.set_ylabel('Absorption (1/cm)') ax.set_title('SDS={:.1f} um, error={:.2f}%'.format( sds[i]*1e6, self._rel_error[...,i].mean())) fig.colorbar(pos, ax=ax) ax = axis.flat[-1] labels = [] for d in sds: labels.append('{:.1f}'.format(d*1e6)) ax.set_title('Rel. error (%) as f(SDS)') new_shape = (int(self._rel_error.size//nfib), nfib) ax.boxplot(np.reshape(self._rel_error, new_shape) , labels=labels, ) ax.set_ylabel('Rel. error (%)') ax.set_xlabel('Source detector separation (um)')
[docs] def passed(self) -> bool: '''' Returns True if the simulator passed the test, else False. ''' if self.error is not None: return np.abs(self.error.mean()) < 0.5 return False
[docs]class SingleLayerGkLutSixLinearProbe(McTest): def __init__(self, usepflut: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs): ''' Test of the Monte Carlo simulator for a singel layer sample, 3D GK gamma lookup table and a normally incident six-linear optical fiber probe. Parameters ---------- usepflut: bool Run the simulator with lookup table-based sampling of the scattering phase function. verbose: bool Turn on/off verbose output. kwargs: dict Parameters passed to the Monte Carlo simulator constructor :py:meth:``. ''' self._verbose = verbose self._use_specular = kwargs.get('specular', False) datafile = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'single_layer_gk_lut_six_linear_probe.pkl') with open(datafile, 'rb') as fid: self._data = data = pickle.load(fid) mc_rmax = data['mc']['rmax'] if usepflut: pf = [mc.mcpf.LutEx(Gk, data['layers'][0]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.LutEx(Gk, data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.LutEx(Gk, data['layers'][2]['pf']['pfparams'])] else: pf = [mc.mcpf.Gk(*data['layers'][0]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.Gk(*data['layers'][1]['pf']['pfparams']), mc.mcpf.Gk(*data['layers'][2]['pf']['pfparams'])] surrounding = data['layers'][0]['basic'] surrounding.pop('d') sample = data['layers'][1]['basic'] sample_thickness = min(sample.pop('d'), 2.0*mc_rmax) materials = mc.mcmaterial.Materials([ mc.mcmaterial.Material(pf=pf[0], **surrounding), mc.mcmaterial.Material(pf=pf[1], **sample), ]) voxels = mc.mcgeometry.Voxels( mc.mcgeometry.Axis(-2.0*mc_rmax, 2.0*mc_rmax, 1), mc.mcgeometry.Axis(-2.0*mc_rmax, 2.0*mc_rmax, 1), mc.mcgeometry.Axis(0, sample_thickness, 1) ) source_data = data['source'] fiber = fiberutil.MultimodeFiber(**source_data.pop('fiber')) source = mc.mcsource.UniformFiber(fiber, **source_data) surface_data = data['surface'] fiber = fiberutil.MultimodeFiber(**surface_data.pop('fiber')) surface = mc.mcsurface.SurfaceLayouts( top=mc.mcsurface.LinearArray(fiber, **surface_data) ) detector_data = data['detector'] fiber = fiberutil.MultimodeFiber(**detector_data.pop('fiber')) detector = mc.mcdetector.Detectors( top=mc.mcdetector.LinearArray(fiber, **detector_data) ) specular = None if self._use_specular: specular = mc.mcdetector.Total() detectors = mc.mcdetector.Detectors(top=detector, specular=specular) mc_obj = mc.Mc(voxels, materials, source, detectors, surface=surface, **mc_options(kwargs)) mc_obj.rmax = mc_rmax mc_obj.voxels.material[:] = 1 self._reflectance = None super().__init__(mc_obj, data['reflectance'], 'Single layer six-linear probe GG 3D mua musr lut')
[docs] def run(self, nphotons: int or float = 10e6, **kwargs) -> float: ''' Run the test. Parameters ---------- nphotons: int The number of photon packets to use for each simulation run. kwargs: dict Parameters passed to the Monte carlo run method :py:meth:``. Returns ------- tmc: float Time (s) consumed by the simulator core. ''' mua_vector = self._data['lut']['mua'] musr_vector = self._data['lut']['musr'] gamma_vector = self._data['lut']['gamma'] g = self._data['g'] pf_params_lut = self._data['lut'].get('pf_params_lut') gkmap = GkMap.fromfile() if pf_params_lut is None: for index, gamma in enumerate(gamma_vector): if self._verbose: print('Computing GK parameters for (g={}, gamma={}), ' '{}/{}'.format(g, gamma, index + 1, gamma_vector.size), end='\r') if index == len(gamma_vector): print() pf_params_lut[(g, gamma)] = gkmap.invgamma(g, gamma) mua, musr, gamma = np.meshgrid( mua_vector, musr_vector, gamma_vector, indexing='ij') N = mua.size t_start = time.perf_counter() reflectance =[] for i in range(N): pf_params = pf_params_lut.get((g, gamma.flat[i]))[1].mua = mua.flat[i][1].mus = musr.flat[i]/(1.0 - g)[1].pf.g = pf_params[0][1].pf.a = pf_params[1] _, _, detectors_res =, **kwargs) reflectance.append([1:]) if self._verbose: dt = time.perf_counter() - t_start print(self.progress_str(i + 1, N, dt), end='\r') if i == N - 1: print() t_mc = time.perf_counter() - t_start simulated = np.array(reflectance) simulated.shape = self.reference.shape self.simulated = simulated self._rel_error = (simulated - self.reference)/self.reference*100.0 self.error = self._rel_error return t_mc
[docs] def visualize(self): ''' Visualize the results of the test. ''' if self.simulated is None: return nfib = self._data['detector']['n'] - 1 sds = np.arange(1, nfib + 1)*self._data['detector']['spacing'] from matplotlib import pyplot as pp musr_vector = self._data['lut']['musr'] mua_vector = self._data['lut']['mua'] gamma_vector = self._data['lut']['gamma'] title = 'Test of: {} - Rel. error(SDS) (mean={:.2f})%'.format( self.description, self._rel_error.mean() ) _show_mua_musr_pf_param_grid( pf_param_name='gamma', grid=(mua_vector, musr_vector, gamma_vector), data=self._rel_error, sds=sds, show_mean=True, units='%', title='') return extent = (musr_vector[0]*1e-2, musr_vector[-1]*1e-2, mua_vector[0]*1e-2, mua_vector[-1]*1e-2) nrows, ncols = int(np.ceil(nfib/3)), 3 fig, axis = pp.subplots(nrows, ncols) pp.suptitle('Test of: {} - Rel. error(SDS) (mean={:.2f})%'.format( self.description, self._rel_error.mean())) for i in range(nfib): ax = axis.flat[i] pos = ax.imshow(self._rel_error[..., i].mean(-1), extent=extent, aspect='auto', origin='lower') ax.set_xlabel('Red. scattering (1/cm)') ax.set_ylabel('Absorption (1/cm)') ax.set_title('SDS={:.1f} um, error={:.2f}%'.format( sds[i]*1e6, self._rel_error[...,i].mean())) fig.colorbar(pos, ax=ax) ax = axis.flat[-1] labels = [] for d in sds: labels.append('{:.1f}'.format(d*1e6)) ax.set_title('Rel. error (%) as f(SDS)') new_shape = (int(self._rel_error.size//nfib), nfib) ax.boxplot(np.reshape(self._rel_error, new_shape) , labels=labels, ) ax.set_ylabel('Rel. error (%)') ax.set_xlabel('Source detector separation (um)')
[docs] def passed(self) -> bool: '''' Returns True if the simulator passed the test, else False. ''' if self.error is not None: return np.abs(self.error.mean()) < 0.5 return False
def _append_report(test: McTest, reports: list = None) -> list: ''' A private support function for collectig test reports. ''' if reports is None: reports = [] if test.passed(): fmt_str = '{:s} PASSED!' else: fmt_str = '{:s} FAILED!' reports.append(fmt_str.format(test.__class__.__name__)) return reports if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse import os.path from xopto import USER_TMP_PATH nphotons = 10e6 cldevices = ['nvidia', 'amd', 'cpu', 'hd'] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Input parameters', usage='python -m xopto.mcvox.test.validate [<args>]\n') parser.add_argument( '-l', '--lut', action='store_true', required=False, help='Use lookup table-based sampling of the scattering angle.') parser.add_argument( '-n', '--nphotons', type=float, default=10e6, metavar='NUM_PHOTONS', help='Number of photons to use in MC simulations.') parser.add_argument( '-d', '--device', type=str, default='', metavar='OPENCL_DEVICE_NAME', required=False, help='String that uniquely identifies one OpenCL device. '\ 'Existing value in the configuration file is overwritten.') parser.add_argument( '-p', '--precision', type=str, default='single', metavar='FLOAT_PRECISION', required=False, choices=('single', 'double'), help='String that selects single or double floating-point precision.') parser.add_argument( '-c', '--counter_bits', type=int, default=32, metavar='PACKET_COPUNTER_BITS', required=False, choices=(32, 64), help='String that selects single or double floating-point precision.') parser.add_argument( '--method', metavar='MC_METHOD', type=str, choices = ('albedo_weight', 'aw', 'albedo_rejection', 'ar', 'microscopic_beer_lambert', 'mbl'), default='albedo_weight', required=False, help='Select the Monte Carlo simulation method.') args = parser.parse_args() nphotons = max(0, int(args.nphotons)) usepflut = bool(args.lut) custom_types = [] kernel_method = str(args.method) if args.device: cldevices = [args.device] if args.precision in ('double', 'd'): custom_types.append(mc.mctypes.McDouble) cl_build_options = ['-cl-mad-enable'] else: custom_types.append(mc.mctypes.McSingle) cl_build_options = ['-cl-mad-enable', '-cl-fast-relaxed-math'] if args.counter_bits == 64: custom_types.append(mc.mctypes.McCnt64) else: custom_types.append(mc.mctypes.McCnt32) options = { 'nphotons': nphotons, 'usepflut':usepflut, 'wgsize':None, 'verbose':True, 'visualize':True, 'cl_devices':clinfo.device(cldevices), 'cl_build_options': cl_build_options, 'types': mc.mctypes.McDataTypes.custom(*custom_types), 'options':[ mc.mcoptions.McUseNativeMath.on, mc.mcoptions.McFloatLutMemory('constant'), mc.mcoptions.McMaterialMemory.constant_mem,, getattr(mc.mcoptions.McMethod, kernel_method) ], 'specular': True, 'exportsrc': os.path.join(USER_TMP_PATH, 'mcvox_validate.h') } reports = [] test = SingleLayerLineSourceRadialProfile(**options)**run_options(options)) if options['visualize']: test.visualize() if not test.passed(): print('SingleLayerLineSourceRadialProfile test FAILED!') reports = _append_report(test, reports) test = SingleLayerUniformFiberRadial(**options)**run_options(options)) if options['visualize']: test.visualize() if not test.passed(): print('SingleLayerUniformFiberRadial test FAILED!') reports = _append_report(test, reports) test = DoubleLayerUniformFiberRadial(**options)**run_options(options)) if options['visualize']: test.visualize() if not test.passed(): print('DoubleLayerUniformFiberRadial test FAILED!') reports = _append_report(test, reports) test = SingleLayerUniformFiberCartesian(**options)**run_options(options)) if options['visualize']: test.visualize() if not test.passed(): print('SingleLayerUniformFiberCartesian test FAILED!') reports = _append_report(test, reports) test = SingleLayerSfdiIncidence30VariableNa(**options)**run_options(options)) if options['visualize']: test.visualize() if not test.passed(): print('SingleLayerSfdiIncidence30VariableNa test FAILED!') reports = _append_report(test, reports) test = SingleLayerUniformFiberTrace(**options) trace_options = run_options(options) # reduce the number of photon packets for trace validation trace_options['nphotons'] = min(100000, trace_options.get('nphotons', 10000000))**trace_options) if options['visualize']: test.visualize() if not test.passed(): print('SingleLayerUniformFiberTrace test FAILED!') reports = _append_report(test, reports) test = SingleLayerSixLinearProbe(**options)**run_options(options)) if options['visualize']: test.visualize() if not test.passed(): print('SingleLayerSixLinearProbe test FAILED!') reports = _append_report(test, reports) test = SingleLayerNineLinearProbe(**options)**run_options(options)) if options['visualize']: test.visualize() if not test.passed(): print('SingleLayerNineLinearProbe test FAILED!') reports = _append_report(test, reports) test = SingleLayerGkLutSixLinearProbe(**options)**run_options(options)) if options['visualize']: test.visualize() if not test.passed(): print('SingleLayerGkLutSixLinearProbe test FAILED!') reports = _append_report(test, reports) print('#'*60) print('Validation test summary:') print('\n '.join(reports)) if options['visualize']: from matplotlib import pyplot as pp