Source code for

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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from typing import Callable, Tuple

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.integrate import quad

[docs]class Uniform(object): def __init__(self, lower: float, upper: float): ''' Create a uniform distribution instance. The object is callable as obj(x) and returns the value of distribution at x. Parameters ---------- lower: float Lower bound of the uniform distribution. upper: float Upper bound of the uniform distribution. Examples -------- Creates an object representing a uniform distribution on [0, 2]. >>> ud = Uniform(0.0, 2.0) >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as pp >>> x = np.linspace(-1.0, 3.0, 1000) >>> pp.plot(x, ud(x)) >>> ''' self._range = (0.0, 1.0) self._inv_range = 1.0 self._set_range([lower, upper])
[docs] def raw_moment(self, n: int) -> float: ''' Computes the n-th raw moment of the distribution p(x) as: int(p(x)*x**n) on the interval [range[0], range[1]]. Parameters ---------- n: int The requested raw moment. Returns ------- n-th raw moment of the distribution defined on the interval on the interval [range[0], range[1]]. ''' p = np.arange(0, n + 1) k = 1.0/(n + 1.0) #return quad(lambda x: self(x)*(x**n), *self._range)[0] return np.sum((self._range[0]**p)*(self._range[1]**p[::-1]))*k
def _update(self): self._inv_delta_range = 1.0/(self._range[1] - self._range[0]) def __call__(self, x: float): if np.isscalar(x): if x < self._range[0] or x > self._range[1]: f = 0 else: f = 1.0*self._inv_delta_range else: x = np.asarray(x) f = np.tile(self._inv_delta_range, x.shape) f[x < self._range[0]] = 0 f[x > self._range[1]] = 0 return f
[docs] def cdf(self, x: float) -> float: return np.clip((x - self._range[0])*self._inv_delta_range, 0.0, 1.0)
def _get_lower(self) -> float: return self._range[0] def _set_lower(self, lower: float): lower = float(lower) self._set_range((lower, self._range[1])) lower = property(_get_lower, _set_lower, None, 'Lower bound of the uniform distribution range.') def _get_upper(self) -> float: return self._range[1] def _set_upper(self, upper: float): upper = float(upper) self._set_range((self._range[0], upper)) upper = property(_get_upper, _set_upper, None, 'Upper bound of the uniform distribution range.') def _get_range(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: return self._range def _set_range(self, bounds: Tuple[float, float]): lower = float(bounds[0]) upper = float(bounds[1]) if lower >= upper: raise ValueError('Lower bound >= upper bound!') self._range = (lower, upper) self._update() range = property(_get_range, _set_range, None, 'The range of uniform distribution as (lower, upper).') def _get_parameters(self) -> dict: return {'lower':self._range[0], 'upper':self._range[1]} parameters = property( _get_parameters, None, None, 'All Uniform distribution parameters as a dict object.') def __repr__(self): return 'Uniform(lower={}, upper={})'.format(*self._range) def __str__(self): return '{} # object @{}'.format(self.__repr__(), id(self))
[docs]class Normal(object): def __init__(self, mean: float, sigma: float, clip: float = 5): ''' Create a Normal distribution instance. The object is callable as obj(x) and returns the value of distribution at x. Parameters ---------- mean: float Normal distribution mean. sigma: float Normal distribution standard deviation. clip: float The range of Normal distribution is clipped to: [mean - sigma*clip, mean + sigma*clip] Examples -------- Creates object representing normal distribution with mean 1 and standard deviation 0.1. >>> nd = Normal(1.0, 0.1, clip=5) >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as pp >>> x = np.linspace(0.5, 1.5, 1000) >>> pp.plot(x, nd(x)) >>> ''' self._sigma = float(sigma) self._mean = float(mean) self._clip = clip self._update()
[docs] def raw_moment(self, n: int) -> float: ''' Computes the n-th raw moment of the distribution p(x) as: int(p(x)*x**n) on the interval [range[0], range[1]]. Parameters ---------- n: int The requested raw moment. Returns ------- n-th raw moment of the distribution defined on the interval on the interval [range[0], range[1]]. ''' return quad(lambda x: self(x)*(x**n), *self._range)[0]
def _update(self): self._range = (self._mean - self._sigma*self._clip, self._mean + self._sigma*self._clip,) self._cdfoffset = norm.cdf(-self._clip) self._k = 1.0/(1.0 - 2*self._cdfoffset) def __call__(self, x): if np.isscalar(x): if x < self._range[0] or x > self._range[1]: f = 0.0 else: f = norm.pdf(x, self._mean, self._sigma)*self._k else: x = np.asarray(x) f = norm.pdf(x, self._mean, self._sigma)*self._k f[x < self._range[0]] = 0.0 f[x > self._range[1]] = 0.0 return f
[docs] def cdf(self, x: float) -> float: return np.clip(self._k*norm.cdf(x, self._mean, self._sigma) - self._cdfoffset, 0.0, 1.0)
def _get_mean(self) -> float: return self._mean def _set_mean(self, mean: float): self._mean = np.float64(mean) self._update() mean = property(_get_mean, _set_mean, None, 'Mean value of the Normal distribution.') def _get_sigma(self) -> float: return self._sigma def _set_sigma(self, sigma: float): self._sigma = float(sigma) self._update() sigma = property(_get_sigma, _set_sigma, None, 'Standard deviation of the Normal distribution.') def _get_parameters(self) -> dict: return {'mean':self._mean, 'sigma':self._sigma, 'clip':self._clip} parameters = property( _get_parameters, None, None, 'All Normal distribution parameters as a dict object.') def _get_range(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: return self._range range = property(_get_range, None, None, 'Distribution range.') def __repr__(self): return 'Normal(mean={}, sigma={}, clip={})'.format( self._mean, self._sigma, self._clip) def __str__(self): return '{} # object @{}'.format(self.__repr__(), id(self))
[docs]class Fractal(object): def __init__(self, alpha: float, range: Tuple[float, float] = (10e-9, 10e-6)): ''' Fractal distribution with one parameter alpha: p(d) = A*(1/d)**alpha The value of parameter A is computed so as to normalize the integral of the density function on the specified range to 1: A = (range[0])**(alpha + 1)/(alpha*(1 - (range[0]/range[1])**(alpha + 1))) Parameters ---------- alpha: float Parameter alpha of the fractal distribution. range: Tuple[float, float] The nonzero distribution range as a tuple (start, stop), e.g. use (10e-9, 10e-6) for fractal distribution of particles limited to the finite range from 10 nm to 10 um. Examples -------- Creates object representing fractal distribution with alpha=2.4. >>> fd = Fractal(2.4) >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as pp >>> x = np.linspace(10e-9, 10e-6, 1000) >>> pp.semilogy(x, fd(x)) >>> ''' self._alpha = float(alpha) self._range = (float(range[0]), float(range[1]),) self._update() def _update(self): d1, d2 = self._range self._k = (1 - self._alpha)/( (d2**(1 - self._alpha) - d1**(1 - self._alpha))) self._cdfoffset = self._k/(1 - self._alpha)*d1**(1 - self._alpha)
[docs] def raw_moment(self, n: int) -> float: ''' Computes the n-th raw moment of the distribution p(x) as: int(p(x)*x**n) on the interval [range[0], range[1]]. Parameters ---------- n: int The requested raw moment. Returns ------- n-th raw moment of the distribution defined on the interval on the interval [range[0], range[1]]. ''' d1, d2 = self._range return self._k/(1 - self._alpha + n)*(d2**(1 - self._alpha + n) - d1**(1 - self._alpha + n))
def __call__(self, x): return self._k*(x)**(-self._alpha)
[docs] def cdf(self, x: float) -> float: x = np.clip(x, *self._range) return self._k/(1 - self._alpha)*x**(1 - self._alpha) - self._cdfoffset
def _get_alpha(self) -> float: return self._alpha def _set_alpha(self, alpha: float): self._alpha = float(alpha) self._update() alpha = property( _get_alpha, _set_alpha, None, 'Parameter alpha of the fractal distribution (1/d)**alpha.') def _get_range(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: return self._range def _set_range(self, range: Tuple[float, float]): self._range = (float(range[0]), float(range[1]),) self._update() range = property(_get_range, _set_range, None, 'Numerical integration range.') def _get_parameters(self) -> dict: return {'alpha':self._alpha, 'range':self._range} parameters = property( _get_parameters, None, None, 'All fractal distribution parameters as a dict object.') def __repr__(self): return 'Fractal(alpha={}, range={})'.format( self._alpha, self._range) def __str__(self): return '{} # object @{}'.format(self.__repr__(), id(self))
[docs]class Mixture(object): def __init__(self, distributions: Tuple[Callable[[float], float]], weights: Tuple[float] or np.ndarray): ''' Create a mixture distribution instance. Distribution objects must be callable as obj(x) and return the value of distribution at x. Parameters ---------- distributions: Tuple[Callable[[float], float]] Individual distributions of the mixture. weights: Tuple[float] or np.ndarray Weights of the individual distributions. The sum of weights should equal 1. Examples -------- Creates object representing normal distribution with mean 1 and standard deviation 0.1. >>> nd = Normal(1.0, 0.1, clip=5) >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as pp >>> x = np.linspace(0.5, 1.5, 1000) >>> pp.plot(x, nd(x)) >>> ''' if not isinstance(distributions, (tuple, list)): distributions = (distributions,) if not isinstance(weights, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): weights = (weights,) self._distributions = tuple(distributions) self._weights = tuple(np.asarray(weights).tolist())
[docs] def weight(self, index: int) -> float: ''' Returns weight of the distribution at the specified index or slice. Parameters ---------- index: int, slice Index or slice of the selected distribution weight. Returns ------- weight: float or tuple The selected distribution weight(s). ''' return self._weights[index]
[docs] def distribution(self, index: int) -> Callable[[float], float]: ''' Returns distribution at the specified index or slice. Parameters ---------- index: int, slice Index or slice of the selected distribution. Returns ------- pd: Uniform, Normal, Fractal, ... or list of Uniform, Normal, Fractal, ... The selected distribution object(s). ''' return self._distributions[index]
[docs] def raw_moment(self, n: int) -> float: ''' Computes the n-th raw moment of the distribution p(x) as: int(p(x)*x**n) on the interval [range[0], range[1]]. Parameters ---------- n: int The requested raw moment. Returns ------- gn: float The n-th raw moment of the distribution defined on the interval on the interval [range[0], range[1]]. ''' m = 0.0 for weight, distribution in zip(self._weights, self._distributions): m += weight*distribution.raw_moment(n) return m
def __call__(self, x: float) -> float: f = None for weight, distribution in zip(self._weights, self._distributions): if f is None: f = weight*distribution(x) else: f += weight*distribution(x) return f
[docs] def cdf(self, x: float) -> float: f = None for weight, distribution in zip(self._weights, self._distributions): if f is None: f = weight*distribution.cdf(x) else: f += weight*distribution.cdf(x) return np.clip(f, 0.0, 1.0)
def _get_range(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: ranges = [pd.range for pd in self._distributions] return (np.min(ranges), np.max(ranges)) range = property(_get_range, None, None, 'Mixture range.') def __repr__(self): return 'Mixture(distributions={}, weights={})'.format( self._distributions, self._weights, id(self)) def __str__(self): return '{} # object @{}'.format(self.__repr__(), id(self))