Source code for

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import jv, yv

from .pfbase import PfBase

def _Mie_eff(a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, x: float) \
        -> Tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]:
    Computation of Mie Efficiencies.

    a: np.ndarray
        Matrix of Mie coefficients :math:`a_n` as returned by the
        :py:func:`` function.
    b: np.ndarray
        Matrix of Mie coefficients :math:`b_n` as returned by the
        :py:func:`` function.
    x: float
        Size parameter defined as :math:`x=k_0 a`, where :math:`k_0` is
        the wave number in ambient medium for a sphere of radius :math:`a`.

    qext: float
    qsca: float
    qabs: float
    qb: float
    asy: float
        Anisotropy (first Legendre moment of the phase function).
    qratio: float
    if x == 0.0: # To avoid a singularity at x=0
        return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5

    elif x > 0.0: # This is the normal situation
        nmax = int(np.round(2.0 + x + 4.0*x**(1.0/3.0)))
        n1 = nmax-1

        n = np.arange(1, nmax + 1)
        cn = 2.0*n + 1.0
        c1n = n*(n + 2.0)/(n + 1.0)
        c2n = cn/n/(n + 1.0)

        x2 = x*x

        # f=Mie_ab(m,x);

        anp, anpp = np.real(a), np.imag(a)

        bnp, bnpp = np.real(b), np.imag(b)

        g1 = np.zeros([4, nmax])    # displaced numbers used for
        g1[0, :n1] = anp[1:nmax]        # asymmetry parameter, p. 120
        g1[1, :n1] = anpp[1:nmax]
        g1[2, :n1] = bnp[1:nmax]
        g1[3, :n1] = bnpp[1:nmax]

        dn = cn*(anp+bnp)
        q = dn.sum()
        qext = 2.0*q/x2

        en = cn*(anp*anp+anpp*anpp+bnp*bnp+bnpp*bnpp)
        q = np.sum(en)
        qsca = 2.0*q/x2

        qabs = qext - qsca

        fn = (a - b)*cn
        gn = (-1)**n
        q = (fn*gn).sum()
        qb =, q)/x2

        asy1 = c1n*(anp*g1[0] + anpp*g1[1] + \
            bnp*g1[2] + bnpp*g1[3])
        asy2 = c2n*(anp*bnp + anpp*bnpp)
        asy = 4.0/x2*(asy1 + asy2).sum()/qsca

        qratio = qb/qsca

        return qext, qsca, qabs, qb, asy, qratio

def _Mie_S12(a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, x: float, costheta: np.ndarray) \
        -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Computation of Mie Scattering functions S1 and S2.

    a: np.ndarray
        Matrix of Mie coefficients :math:`a_n` as returned by the
        :py:func:`` function.
    b: np.ndarray
        Matrix of Mie coefficients :math:`b_n` as returned by the
        :py:func:`` function.
    x: float
        Size parameter defined as :math:`x=k_0 a`, where :math:`k_0` is
        the wave number in ambient medium for a sphere of radius :math:`a`.
    costheta: np.ndarray
        Array of scattering angle cosines at which to compute the phase

    S1: np.ndarray
        Mie scattering function :math:`S_1`.
    S2: np.ndarray
        Mie scattering function :math:`S_2`.
    Nmax = int(np.round(2.0 + x + 4.0*x**(1.0/3.0)))

    #ab = Mie_ab(m,x);

    p, t = _Mie_pt(costheta, Nmax)
    pin = p
    tin = t

    n = np.arange(1.0, Nmax + 1.0)
    n2 = (2.0*n + 1.0)/(n*(n + 1.0))
    n2 = np.tile(n2, [costheta.size, 1])

    pin = (n2*pin).transpose()
    tin = (n2*tin).transpose()

    S1 =, pin) +, tin)
    S2 =, tin) +, pin)

    return S1, S2

def _Mie_ab(m: float or complex, x: float) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Computes a matrix of Mie Coefficients :math:`a_n` and :math:`b_n`
    of orders :math:`n=1` to :math:`n_{max}`, for the given complex
    refractive-index ratio :math:`m=m'+im"` and size parameter
    :math:`x=k_0 a`, where :math:`k_0` is the wave number in ambient medium
    for sphere of radius :math:`a`.

    Eq. (4.88) of Bohren and Huffman (1983), BEWI:TDD122
    using the recurrence relation (4.89) for Dn on p. 127 and
    starting conditions as described in Appendix A.
    C. Mätzler, July 2002.

    m: float or complex
        Ratio between the refractive index of the medium and sphere
    x: float
        Size parameter defined as :math:`x=k_0 a`, where :math:`k_0` is
        the wave number in ambient medium for a sphere of radius :math:`a`.

    an: np.ndarray
        Matrix of Mie coefficients :math:`a_n`.
    bn: np.ndarray
        Matrix of Mie coefficients :math:`b_n`.

    z = m*x
    nmax = int(np.round(2 + x + 4*x**(1.0/3.0)))
    nmx = int(np.round(max(nmax, np.abs(z)) + 16.0))

    n = np.arange(nmax)
    nu = n + 1.5

    sx = np.sqrt(0.5*np.pi*x)
    px = sx*jv(nu, x)
    p1x = np.hstack([np.sin(x), px[:nmax-1]])

    chx = -sx*yv(nu, x)
    ch1x = np.hstack([np.cos(x), chx[:nmax-1]])
    gsx = px - 1.0j*chx
    gs1x = p1x - 1.0j*ch1x

    dnx = np.zeros([nmx], dtype=np.complex128)
    for j in range(nmx, 1, -1):      # Computation of Dn(z) according to (4.89) of B+H (1983)
        dnx[j-2] = j/z - 1.0/(dnx[j-1] + j/z)

    dn = dnx[n]          # Dn(z), n=1 to nmax
    da = dn/m + (n + 1)/x
    db = m*dn + (n + 1)/x

    an = (da*px - p1x)/(da*gsx - gs1x)
    bn = (db*px - p1x)/(db*gsx - gs1x)

    return an, bn

def _Mie_pt(costheta: np.ndarray, Nmax: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Computes pi_n and tau_n, -1 <= u <= 1, n1 integer from 1 to Nmax
    angular functions used in Mie theory.

    Bohren and Huffman (1983), p. 94 - 95

    Nmax = int(Nmax)
    n = costheta.size
    p = np.zeros([n, Nmax])
    t = np.zeros([n, Nmax])

    p[:, 0] = np.ones([n])
    t[:, 0] = costheta

    p[:, 1] = 3.0*costheta
    t[:, 1] = 3.0*np.cos(2.0*np.arccos(costheta))

    for n1 in range(3, Nmax + 1):

        p1 = (2*n1 - 1.0)/(n1 - 1.0)*p[:, n1 - 2]*costheta
        p2 = n1/(n1 - 1.0)*p[:, n1 - 3]
        p[:, n1 - 1] = p1 - p2

        t1 = n1*costheta*p[:, n1 - 1]
        t2 = (n1 + 1.0)*p[:, n1 - 2]
        t[:, n1 - 1] = t1 - t2

    return p, t

[docs]class Mie(PfBase): def __init__(self, nsphere: float or complex, nmedium: float or complex, diameter: float, wavelength: float): ''' Mie scattering phase function of spherical particles. Parameters ---------- nsphere: float or complex Refractive index (complex) of the spherical particle. nmedium: float or complex Refractive index (complex) of the surrounding medium. diameter: float Diameter of the spherical particle (m). wavelength: float Wavelength of light (m). Examples -------- Mie scattering phase function for a 1 um spherical particle (refractive index 1.6) at 550 nm in water (refractive index 1.33). >>> import numpy as np >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as pp >>> >>> cos_theta = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 1000) >>> >>> pp.figure() >>> for d in [0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 5]: >>> pf = Mie(1.6, 1.33, d*1e-6, 550e-9) >>> pp.semilogy(cos_theta, pf(cos_theta), label='Monodisperse({} um)'.format(d)) >>> pp.legend() ''' self._nmedium = nmedium self._nsphere = nsphere self._wavelength = wavelength self._diameter = diameter super().__init__() self._m = nsphere/nmedium # light wavelength in medium wavelength_medium = wavelength/complex(nmedium).real # size parameter self._x = np.pi*diameter/wavelength_medium self._a, self._b = _Mie_ab(self._m, self._x) self._result = _Mie_eff(self._a, self._b, self._x) self._qext = self._result[0] self._qsca = self._result[1] self._qabs = self._result[2] self._g1 = self._result[4] s = np.pi*(0.5*diameter)**2 self._sigma_scs = self._qsca*s self._sigma_ecs = self._qext*s
[docs] def g(self, n: int, **kwargs) -> float: ''' Overloads the :py:meth:`PfBase.g` method of the base class. Computes the n-th Legendre moment of the scattering phase function. Note ---- If n is 1, a precalculated g1 is returned. ''' if n == 1: return self._g1 else: return PfBase.g(self, n, **kwargs)
[docs] def fastg(self, n: int, *args, **kwargs) -> float: ''' Overloads the :py:meth:`PfBase.fastg` method of the base class. Note ---- If n is 1, a precalculated g1 is returned. ''' if n == 1: return self._g1 else: return PfBase.fastg(self, n, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def scs(self) -> float: ''' Returns the scattering cross section. ''' return self._sigma_scs
[docs] def ecs(self) -> float: ''' Returns the extinction cross section. ''' return self._sigma_ecs
[docs] def acs(self) -> float: ''' Returns the absorption cross section. ''' return self._sigma_ecs - self._sigma_scs
def __call__(self, costheta: float or np.ndarray, scsmul: bool = False) \ -> float or np.ndarray: ''' Call method of the Mie scattering phase function. Parameters ---------- costheta: float or np.ndarray Scattering angle cosines at which the scattering phase function is evaluated. scsmul: bool If nonzero, the scattering phase function is multiplied by the scattering cross section. Returns ------- pf: float or np.ndarray Scattering phase function at the specified scattering angle cosines. ''' S1, S2 = _Mie_S12(self._a, self._b, self._x, np.asarray(costheta)) pf = 2*np.pi*(np.abs(S1)**2+np.abs(S2)**2)/ \ (2*np.pi*self._x**2.0*self._qsca) if scsmul: return pf*self._sigma_scs else: return pf def __repr__(self): return 'Mie(nsphere={}, nmedium={}, diameter={}, '\ 'wavelength={})'.format(self._nsphere, self._nmedium, self._diameter, self._wavelength)