Source code for

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
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from typing import Callable, Tuple

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import simps, quad

from .pfbase import PfBase
from .mieml import MieMl, ComplexVector, FloatVector

[docs]class MieMlPd(PfBase):
[docs] @staticmethod def scale(diameters: np.ndarray, diameter: float) -> np.ndarray: ''' Multiplicatively scale the diameters of the layer stack to match the outer diameter of the stack with the specified diameter. Parameters ---------- diameters: np.ndarray Diameters of the layer stack. diameter: float Target outer diameter. Returns ------- scaled_diameters: np.ndarray Diameters of the layer stack scaled to the specified outer diameter. ''' return np.asarray(diameters, dtype=np.float64)*(diameter/diameters[-1])
def __init__(self, nlayers: ComplexVector, nmedium: ComplexVector, diameters: FloatVector, wavelength: float, pd: Callable[[float], float], drange: Tuple[float, float], nd: int = 1000, dscalefun: Callable[[np.ndarray, float], np.ndarray] = None, limit: int = None): ''' Mie scattering phase function for layered spherical particles that follow the given size probability density function within the given range of outer diameters. By default, the layer stack is multiplicatively scaled to the current value of the outer diameter. Parameters ---------- nlayers: float, complex, list, tuple, numpy.ndarray vector Refractive indices (complex) of the concentric spherical layers, starting with the refractive index of the innermost layer. nmedium: float, complex Refractive index (complex) of the surrounding medium. diameters: float, list, tuple, numpy.ndarray vector Diameters of the concentric spherical layers (m), starting with the innermost layer. The layer stack is scaled according to the current diameter of the distribution. A custom scaling function can be passed in the scalefum parameter. A multiplicative scaling of the layer stack to the current outer diameter given by the distribution is used by default. wavelength: float Wavelength of light (m). pd: Callable[[float], float] Particlne number density distribution function. Integral of pd over diameter range given in drange should equal 1.0. drange: [float, float] or (float, float) Layered spherical particle outer diameter range as [dmin, dmax], where dmin and dmax stand for the minimum and maximum diameter of spherical particles, respectively. nd: int Number of equally spaced control points between dmin and dmax that are used to estimate the phase function. A fixed-step Simpson numerical integration is used to estimate the phase function at the given deflection angle cosines. If nd is None, adaptive-step numerical integration is used (note that the computational time might increase dramatically!!!). scalefun: Callable[[np.ndarray, float], float] A function that scales the layer stack to the current outer diameter of the distribution. If None (default), multiplicative scaling is used to transfor the layer stack so that the outermost layer diameter matches the current distribution diameter. limit: int An upper bound on the number of subintervals used in the quad adaptive algorithm. Set to None for default value. Examples -------- Mie scattering phase function for a normal distribution of hollow spherical particles with a mean outer diameter of 1 um, standard deviation of 100 nm, a wall thickness that equals 5% of the outer diameter, wall refractive index of 1.45, for 550 nm monochromatic light (vacuum) suspended in water (refractive index 1.33). A 7-sigma diameter range is used for numerical computation. >>> import numpy as np >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as pp >>> from import Normal >>> >>> dmean = 1e-6 # normal particle distrbution mean >>> dsigma = 0.1e-6 # normal particle distribution standard deviation >>> pd = Normal(dmean, dsigma) >>> cos_theta = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 1000) >>> >>> miemlpd = MieMlPd([1.0, 1.45], 1.33, [0.9e-6, 1.0e-6], 550e-9, pd, pd.range) >>> pf_values = miemlpd(cos_theta) >>> >>> pp.figure() >>> pp.semilogy(cos_theta, pf_values) ''' super().__init__() if isinstance(nlayers, (int, float, complex)): nlayers = (nlayers,) if isinstance(diameters, (int, float, complex)): diameters = (diameters,) if len(nlayers) != len(diameters): raise ValueError('The number of values/layers in the nlayers and '\ 'diameters arguments must be the same!') if limit is None: limit = 50 if dscalefun is None: dscalefun = MieMlPd.scale nmedium = np.asarray(nmedium, dtype=np.complex128) nlayers = np.asarray(nlayers, dtype=np.complex128) diameters = np.asarray(diameters, dtype=np.float64) self._nd = nd self._drange = drange self._pd = pd self._wavelength = wavelength self._nmedium = nmedium self._nlayers = nlayers self._diameters = diameters self._dscalefun = dscalefun if self._nd is None: self._scs = quad( lambda d: pd(d)*MieMl( nlayers, nmedium, dscalefun(diameters, d), wavelength).scs(), drange[0], drange[1], limit=limit)[0] self._ecs = quad( lambda d: pd(d)*MieMl( nlayers, nmedium, dscalefun(diameters, d), wavelength).ecs(), drange[0], drange[1], limit=limit)[0] self._g1 = quad( lambda d: pd(d)*MieMlPd._g1_scs( nlayers, nmedium, dscalefun(diameters, d), wavelength), drange[0], drange[1], limit=limit)[0]/self._scs else: if self._drange is None: raise ValueError('Particle diameter range must not be None!') self._D = np.linspace( float(self._drange[0]), float(self._drange[1]), self._nd) self._dd = (self._D[-1] - self._D[0])/(self._D.size - 1) self._pdpts = self._pd(self._D) self._mieml = [None]*self._D.size G1_mieml = np.zeros((self._D.size,)) Scs_p = np.zeros((self._D.size,)) Ecs_p = np.zeros_like(Scs_p) for i in range(self._D.size): self._mieml[i] = mieml = MieMl(nlayers, nmedium, dscalefun(diameters, self._D[i]), self._wavelength) G1_mieml[i] = mieml.g(1) Scs_p[i] = mieml.scs()*self._pdpts[i] Ecs_p[i] = mieml.ecs()*self._pdpts[i] self._scs = simps(Scs_p, dx=self._dd) self._ecs = simps(Ecs_p, dx=self._dd) self._g1 = simps(G1_mieml*Scs_p, dx=self._dd)/self._scs @staticmethod def _g1_scs(nlayers, nmedium: ComplexVector, diameters: FloatVector, wavelength: float) -> float: mieml = MieMl(nlayers, nmedium, diameters, wavelength) return mieml.scs()*mieml.g(1)
[docs] def distribution(self) -> Callable[[float], float]: ''' Returns the underlaying size distribution object. Returns ------- pd: Callable[[float], float] A callable size distribution that takes the size parameter/diameter and returns the corresponding probability density. ''' return self._pd
[docs] def pd(self, diameter: float) -> float: ''' Evaluates the number density function at the specified particle diameter. Parameters ---------- diameter: float Particle diameter (m). Returns ------- pd: float The value of number density function at the specified particle diameter. ''' return self._pd(diameter)
[docs] def g(self, n: float, **kwargs) -> float: ''' Overloads the :py:meth:`PfBase.g` method of the base class. Computes the n-th Legendre moment of the scattering phase function. Note ---- If n is 1, a precalculated g1 is returned. ''' if n == 1: return self._g1 else: return super().g(n, **kwargs)
[docs] def fastg(self, n: float, *args, **kwargs) -> float: ''' Overloads the :py:meth:`PfBase.fastg` method of the base class. Note ---- If n is 1, a precalculated g1 is returned. ''' if n == 1: return self._g1 else: return super().fastg(n, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def scs(self) -> float: ''' Returns the scattering cross section. ''' return self._scs
[docs] def ecs(self) -> float: ''' Returns the extinction cross section. ''' return self._ecs
[docs] def acs(self) -> float: ''' Returns the absorption cross section. ''' return self._ecs - self._scs
def _mieml_pd(self, Pf): self._pdpts.shape = (self._D.size, 1) pf = simps(Pf*self._pdpts, dx=self._dd, axis=0) return pf def _mieml_quad_pd(self, costheta): # Multiplication with scs is within MieMl.__call__(), the second bool # parameter forces multiplication. pf = np.asarray( [quad(lambda d: self._pd(d)*MieMl( self._nlayers, self._nmedium, self._dscalefun(self._diameters, d), self._wavelength)(cost, True), self._drange[0], self._drange[1])[0] for cost in costheta] ) return pf def __call__(self, costheta: float or np.ndarray) -> float or np.ndarray: ''' Call method of the scattering phase function. Parameters ---------- costheta: float or np.ndarray Scattering angle cosines at which the scattering phase function is evaluated. Returns ------- pf: float or np.ndarray The Scattering phase function at the specified scattering angle cosines. ''' costheta = np.array(costheta, copy=False, ndmin=1) if self._nd is None: return self._mieml_quad_pd(costheta)/self._scs else: costheta = np.asarray(costheta, dtype=np.float64) Pf = np.zeros([self._D.size, costheta.size]) for i in range(self._D.size): mie_i = self._mieml[i] Pf[i] = mie_i(costheta)*mie_i.scs() return self._mieml_pd(Pf)/self._scs def __repr__(self): return 'PdMie(nlayers={}, nmedium={}, diameters={}, wavelength={}, '\ 'pd={}, drange={}, nd={}, dscalefun={})'.format( self._nlayers, self._nmedium, self._diameters, self._wavelength, self._pd, self._drange, self._nd, self._dscalefun)