Source code for

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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from typing import Callable, Tuple

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad, simps

from .pfbase import PfBase
from .mie import Mie

[docs]class MiePd(PfBase): def __init__(self, nsphere: float or complex, nmedium: float or complex, wavelength: float, pd: Callable[[float], float], drange: Tuple[float, float], nd: int = 1000): ''' Mie scattering phase function of an arbitrary size distribution of spherical particles over the specified diameter range. Parameters ---------- nsphere: float, complex Refractive index (complex) of the spherical particles. nmedium: float, complex Refractive index (complex) of the surrounding medium. wavelength: float Wavelength of light (m). drange: list Diameter range of the spherical particles as [dmin, dmax], where dmin and dmax stand for the minimum and maximum diameters of the spherical particles, respectively. pd: callable(float) -> float Particle distribution number probability density function. Integral of pd over drange should equal 1.0. nd: int Number of equally spaced control points between dmin and dmax that are used to estimate the scattering phase function. A fixed-step Simpson numerical integration is used to estimate the scattering phase function at the given scattering angle cosines. If nd is None, an adaptive-step numerical integration is used (note that the computational time might increase dramatically!!!). Examples -------- Mie scattering phase function for a normal distribution of spherical particles with a mean diameter of 1 um, standard deviation of 100 nm, and refractive index of 1.6, for 550 nm monochromatic light in water surrounding (refractive index 1.33). A 7-sigma diameter range is used for numerical computations. >>> import numpy as np >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as pp >>> >>> dmean = 1e-6 # normal particle distrbution mean >>> dsigma = 0.1e-6 # normal particle distribution standard deviation >>> pd = lambda d: 1.0/(dsigma*np.sqrt(2*np.pi))*np.exp(-(d - dmean)**2/(2*dsigma**2)) >>> cos_theta = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 1000) >>> >>> miepd = MiePd(1.6, 1.33, 550e-9, pd, [dmean - 7*dsigma, dmean + 7*dsigma]) >>> pf_values = miepd(cos_theta) >>> >>> pp.figure() >>> pp.semilogy(cos_theta, pf_values) ''' super().__init__() self._nd = nd self._drange = drange self._pd = pd self._wavelength = wavelength self._nmedium = nmedium self._nsphere = nsphere if self._nd is None: self._scs = quad( lambda d: pd(d)*Mie(nsphere, nmedium, d, wavelength).scs(), drange[0], drange[1])[0] self._ecs = quad( lambda d: pd(d)*Mie(nsphere, nmedium, d, wavelength).ecs(), drange[0], drange[1])[0] self._g1 = quad( lambda d: pd(d)*MiePd._g1_scs(nsphere, nmedium, d, wavelength), drange[0], drange[1])[0]/self._scs else: if self._drange is None: raise ValueError('Particle diameter range must not be None!') self._D = np.linspace( float(self._drange[0]), float(self._drange[1]), self._nd) self._dd = (self._D[-1] - self._D[0])/(self._D.size - 1) self._pdpts = self._pd(self._D) self._mie = [None]*self._D.size G1_mie = np.zeros((self._D.size,)) Scs_p = np.zeros((self._D.size,)) Ecs_p = np.zeros_like(Scs_p) for i in range(self._D.size): self._mie[i] = mie = Mie(self._nsphere, self._nmedium, self._D[i], self._wavelength) G1_mie[i] = mie.g(1) Scs_p[i] = mie.scs()*self._pdpts[i] Ecs_p[i] = mie.ecs()*self._pdpts[i] self._scs = simps(Scs_p, dx=self._dd) self._ecs = simps(Ecs_p, dx=self._dd) self._g1 = simps(G1_mie*Scs_p, dx=self._dd)/self._scs @staticmethod def _g1_scs(nsphere: float or complex, nmedium: float or complex, d: float, wavelength: float) -> float: mie = Mie(nsphere, nmedium, d, wavelength) return mie.scs()*mie.g(1)
[docs] def distribution(self) -> Callable[[float], float]: ''' Returns the underlying distribution object. Returns ------- pd: callable(float) -> float ''' return self._pd
[docs] def pd(self, diameter: float) -> float: ''' Evaluates the number density function at the specified particle diameter. Parameters ---------- diameter: float Particle diameter (m). Returns ------- pd: float The value of number density function at the specified particle diameter. ''' return self._pd(diameter)
[docs] def g(self, n: int, **kwargs) -> float: ''' Overloads the :py:meth:`PfBase.g` method of the base class. Computes the n-th Legendre moment of the scattering phase function. Note ---- If n is 1, a precalculated g1 is returned. ''' if n == 1: return self._g1 else: return super().g(n, **kwargs)
[docs] def fastg(self, n: int, *args, **kwargs) -> float: ''' Overloads the :py:meth:`PfBase.fastg` method of the base class. Note ---- If n is 1, a precalculated g1 is returned. ''' if n == 1: return self._g1 else: return super().fastg(n, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def scs(self) -> float: ''' Returns the scattering cross section. ''' return self._scs
[docs] def ecs(self) -> float: ''' Returns the extinction cross section. ''' return self._ecs
[docs] def acs(self) -> float: ''' Returns the absorption cross section. ''' return self._ecs - self._scs
def _mie_pd(self, Pf: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: self._pdpts.shape = (self._D.size, 1) pf = simps(Pf*self._pdpts, dx=self._dd, axis=0) return pf def _mie_pd_quad(self, costheta: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: # Multiplication with scs is within Mie.__call__(), the second bool # parameter forces multiplication. pf = np.asarray( [quad(lambda d: self._pd(d)*Mie(self._nsphere, self._nmedium, d, self._wavelength)(cost, True), self._drange[0], self._drange[1])[0] for cost in costheta] ) return pf def __call__(self, costheta: float or np.ndarray) -> float or np.ndarray: ''' Call method of the phase function of a spherical particle distribution. Parameters ---------- costheta: float or np.ndarray Scattering angle cosines at which the scattering phase function is evaluated. Returns ------- pf: float or np.ndarray Scattering phase function at the specified deflection angle cosines. ''' costheta = np.array(costheta, copy=False, ndmin=1) if self._nd is None: return self._mie_pd_quad(costheta)/self._scs else: costheta = np.asarray(costheta, dtype=np.float64) Pf = np.zeros([self._D.size, costheta.size]) for i in range(self._D.size): mie_i = self._mie[i] Pf[i] = mie_i(costheta)*mie_i.scs() return self._mie_pd(Pf)/self._scs def __repr__(self): return 'MiePd(nsphere={}, nmedium={}, wavelength={}, pd={}, '\ 'drange={}, nd={})'.format( self._nsphere, self._nmedium, self._wavelength, self._pd, self._drange, self._nd)