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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np

[docs]def g2gamma(g1:float, g2:float) -> float: ''' Computes and return gamma from the first and second Legendre moment. gamma = (1 - g2)/(1 - g1) Parameters ---------- g1: float First Legendre moment of the scattering phase function. g2: float Second Legendre moment of the scattering phase function. Returns ------- gamma: float Similarity parameter gamma. ''' return (1.0 - g2)/(1.0 - g1)
[docs]def g2delta(g1: float, g3: float) -> float: ''' Computes and delta from the first and third Legendre moment. delta = (1 - g3)/(1 - g1) Parameters ---------- g1: float First Legendre moment of the scattering phase function. g3: float Third Legendre moment of the scattering phase function. Returns ------- delta: float Similarity parameter delta. ''' return (1.0 - g3)/(1.0 - g1)
[docs]def gamma2g2(gamma: float, g1:float) -> float: ''' Computes the second Legendre moment from gamma and the first Legendre moment of the scattering phase function. gamma = (1 - g2)/(1 - g1) g2 = 1 - gamma*(1 - g1) Parameters ---------- g1: float First Legendre moment of the scattering phase function. gamma: float Parameter gamma. Returns ------- g2: float Second Legendre moment of the scattering phase function. ''' return 1.0 - gamma*(1.0 - g1)
[docs]def delta2g3(delta: float, g1: float) -> float: ''' Computes the third Legendre moment from delta and the first Legendre moment of the scattering phase function. delta = (1 - g3)/(1 - g1) g3 = 1 - delta*(1 - g1) Parameters ---------- g1: float First Legendre moment of the scattering phase function. gamma: float Parameter gamma. Returns ------- g3: float Third Legendre moment of the scattering phase function. ''' return 1.0 - delta*(1.0 - g1)
[docs]def gammadelta2g(g1: float, gamma: float, delta: float) \ -> Tuple[float, float, float]: ''' Computes the second and third Legendre moment from gamma and delta parameters. Returns (g1, g2, g3). gamma = (1 - g2)/(1 - g1) delta = (1 - g3)/(1 - g1) g2 = 1 - gamma*(1 - g1) g3 = 1 - delta*(1 - g1) Parameters ---------- g1: float First Legendre moment of the scattering phase function. gamma: float Parameter gamma. delta: float Parameter delta. Returns ------- g: tuple of 3 elements The first three Legendre moments (g1, g2, g3). ''' return g1, 1.0 - gamma*(1.0 - g1), 1.0 - delta*(1.0 - g1)
[docs]def g2gammadelta(g1: float, g2: float, g3: float) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: ''' Computes the gamma and delta from the first three Legendre moments of the scattering phase function. Returns (g1, gamma, delta). gamma = (1 - g2)/(1 - g1) delta = (1 - g3)/(1 - g1) Parameters ---------- g1: float First Legendre moment of the scattering phase function. gamma: float Parameter gamma. delta: float Parameter delta. Returns ------- g: tuple of 3 elements The first three Legendre moments (g1, gamma, delta). ''' return g1, (1.0 - g2)/(1.0 - g1), (1.0 - g3)/(1.0 - g1)
[docs]def sigma(gs: list or tuple) -> float: ''' Computes parameter sigma from the given Legendre moments. sigma = sum( (-0.5)^(i - 2) (1 - gi)/(1 - g1), for i = 2, 3, ... where gi is the i-th Legendre moment. References: Bodenschatz et al, JBO, 21(3) 2016. Parameters ---------- gs: tuple, list, ndarray First n Legendre moments as (g0, g1, g2, g3, ..., gn) Returns ------- sigma: float Parameter sigma ''' gs = np.asarray(gs, dtype=np.float64) i = np.arange(1, gs.size - 1) return ((-0.5)**(i + 1 - 2)*(1 - gs[2:]) / (1 - gs[1])).sum()
[docs]def mhg_inverse_g1gamma( g1: float or np.ndarray, gamma: float or np.ndarray) \ -> Tuple[float or np.ndarray, float or np.ndarray, bool or np.ndarray]: ''' Estimates the parameters g and b of the modified Henyey-Greenstein (MHG) scattering phase function that best fit the given values of g1 and gamma, where g1 is the first Legendre moment of the MHG phase function and gamma: gamma = (1 - g2) / (1 - g1). Parameters g and b of the scattering phase function MHG can be computed analytically. Forward analytical model (Calabro et al. JBO 19(7) 2014): g1 = b * g g2 = b * g^2 + 2/5 (1 - b) g3 = b * g^3 g_k = b * g^k where k > 2 ... Parameters g and b can be derived from a quadratic equation. The obtained values are valid only if: b < 1 (if b == 1 ... MHG simplifies to HG) or gamma < 1 + g1. Parameters --------- g1: float Target value of the first Legendre moment. gamma: float Target value of parameter gamma = (1 - g2)/(1 - g1). Returns ------- g: float Estimated values of parameter g. b: float Estimated values of parameter b. valid: bool A binary mask indicating valid values of g and b. ''' g1 = np.asarray(g1, dtype=np.float64).flatten() gamma = np.asarray(gamma, dtype=np.float64).flatten() n = max(g1.size, gamma.size) g_hg = np.zeros((n,)) b = np.ones((n,)) # special case for g1 = 0 g1_zero_mask = g1 == 0.0 b[g1_zero_mask] = 2.5*gamma - 1.5 g_hg[g1_zero_mask] = 0.0 g1_nonzero_mask = np.logical_not(g1_zero_mask) #inverse is root of quadratic equation: k_a*g^2 + k_b*g + k_c = o g1_nonzero = g1[g1_nonzero_mask] k_a = g1_nonzero k_b = gamma*(1.0 - g1_nonzero) - 0.6 k_c = -0.4*g1_nonzero D = k_b*k_b - 4.0*k_a*k_c # only b1 is a valid solution - that is verified numerically # (b2 is always negative or zero) g_hg[g1_nonzero_mask] = (-k_b + np.sqrt(D))/(2.0*k_a) b[g1_nonzero_mask] = g1/g_hg[g1_nonzero_mask] valid_values = b < 1 return g_hg, b, valid_values
[docs]def mhg_inverse_gammadelta( gamma: float or np.ndarray, delta: float or np.ndarray) \ -> Tuple[float or np.ndarray, float or np.ndarray, bool or np.ndarray]: ''' Estimates the parameters g and b of the modified Henyey-Greenstein (MHG) scattering phase function that best fit the given values of gamma and delta, where gamma is gamma = (1 - g2) / (1 - g1), and delta is: delta = (1 - g3) / (1 - g1), Parameters g and b of the scattering phase function MHG can be computed analytically. Forward analytical model (Calabro et al. JBO 19(7) 2014): g1 = b * g g2 = b * g^2 + 2/5 (1 - b) g3 = b * g^3 g_k = b * g^k where k > 2 ... Parameters g and b can be derived from a third-order equation. The obtained values are valid only if 0 <= b <= 1. Parameters --------- gamma: float or np.ndarray Target value of parameter gamma = (1 - g2)/(1 - g1). delta: float or np.ndarray Target value of parameter delta = (1 - g3)/(1 - g1). Returns ------- g: float or np.ndarray Estimated values of parameter g. b: float or np.ndarray Estimated values of parameter b. valid: bool or np.ndarray A binary mask indicating valid values of g and b. ''' gamma = np.asarray(gamma, dtype=np.float64).flatten() delta = np.asarray(delta, dtype=np.float64).flatten() fp_tol = 1e-6 n = max(gamma.size, delta.size) g_hg = np.zeros((n,)) b = np.ones((n,)) for index, pair in enumerate(zip(gamma, delta)): gamma_value, delta_value = pair # special handling of delta = 1.0 if np.abs(delta_value - 1.0) < fp_tol: if np.abs(gamma_value - 0.6) < fp_tol: # b is not unique ... can be any value from [0, 1] b[index] = 0.0 g_hg[index] = 1.0 else: g_hg[index] = 0.0 b[index] = 2.5*gamma_value - 1.5 else: #inverse is root of quadratic equation: k_a*g^3 + k_b*g^2 + k_c*g + k_d = o k_a = 0.6 - gamma_value k_b = delta - 1.0 k_c = gamma_value - 0.6*delta_value k_d = 0.4 - 0.4*delta_value # print('Coefficients:', k_a, k_b, k_c, k_d) roots = np.roots((k_a, k_b, k_c, k_d)) # print('Roots:', roots) valid_roots = roots[np.isreal(roots)] g_hg_value = valid_roots[ np.logical_and(valid_roots >= 0.0, valid_roots < 1.0 - fp_tol) ] if g_hg_value.size == 1: if abs(g_hg_value) <= fp_tol: b[index] = 2.5*gamma_value - 1.0 else: b[index] = (delta_value - 1.0)/ \ (g_hg_value*(delta_value - g_hg_value**2)) g_hg[index] = g_hg_value valid_values = b < 1 return g_hg, b, valid_values