Source code for

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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from typing import Tuple
import pickle
import os.path
import sys

import numpy as np
from shapely import geometry

from . import helpers

[docs]class GammaDeltaPolygonBase: # Default location of precalculated boundary/polygon points DEFAULT_POLYGON_PATH = os.path.join(USER_DATA_PATH, 'pf') # Default filename for the precalculated boundary/polygon points. # Overload this static member in derived classes. DEFAULT_POLYGON_FILE = None # Default number of boundary points along a boundary segment # Overload this static member in derived classes. NUM_POINTS = 10000
[docs] @classmethod def default_data_file(cls): ''' Creates a full filename for the default data file. Returns ------- filename: str Full filename of the default data file. ''' return os.path.join(cls.DEFAULT_POLYGON_PATH, cls.DEFAULT_POLYGON_FILE)
[docs] @classmethod def fromfile(cls, filename: str = None) -> 'GammaDeltaPolygonBase': ''' Loads a domain polygon of GK scattering phase function from a file. Parameters ---------- filename: str File with the parameter map data. If None, attempts to load a default map file from data/pf folder. Returns ------- polygon: GkPolygon A GkPolygon instance ''' if filename is None: filename = cls.default_data_file() if not os.path.isfile(filename): print( '\n' 'Precalculating default boundary polygon {} on the' 'first use.\n' 'This one-time process can take a couple of minutes to ' 'complete.\n' 'The results will be saved to "{}" for future ' 'use.'.format( cls.__name__, filename ) ) cls.precalculate(filename=filename) return cls(filename=filename)
[docs] @classmethod def precalculate(cls, n: int = None, filename: str = None, verbose: bool = True): ''' Precalculate a scattering phase function domain boundary points/polygon and save the data to the given file. Parameters ---------- n: int Number of steps along the scattering phase function parameters. If None, a default value from NUM_POINTS static member variable is used. filename: str Output file or None to save as the default boundary. verbose: bool Turn on verbose progress report. ''' if verbose: print('\nCreating {:s} gamma-delta polygon:'.format(cls.__name__)) if n is None: n = cls.NUM_POINTS if filename is None: filename = os.path.join( cls.DEFAULT_POLYGON_PATH, cls.DEFAULT_POLYGON_FILE) target_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename)) try: os.makedirs(target_dir) except OSError: pass if not os.path.isdir(target_dir): raise OSError( 'Failed to create user data directory for the precalculated ' 'scattering phase function boundary!' ) cls(n=n, verbose=True).save(filename)
@staticmethod def _contains_one_point(validator, x: float, y: float) -> bool: ''' A helper function for checkin the location of a single point. ''' return validator(geometry.Point(x, y)) def __init__(self, gamma: np.ndarray, delta: np.ndarray, filename: str = None): ''' Constructor of a domain boundary polygon. Parameters ---------- gamma: np.ndarray vector A vector of gamma coordinates that lie on the boundary. delta: np.ndarray vector A corresponding vector of delta coordinates that lie on the boundary. filename: str Load boundary from a file. ''' if filename is not None: data = self._load(filename) gamma, delta = data['gamma'], data['delta'] self._data = {'gamma':gamma, 'delta':delta} self._gamma_delta_polygon = self._make_polygon( self._data['gamma'], self._data['delta']) self._gamma_range = (gamma.min(), gamma.max()) self._delta_range = (delta.min(), delta.max()) self._contains_method = np.vectorize( GammaDeltaPolygonBase._contains_one_point, otypes=(np.bool,)) def _make_polygon(self, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> geometry.Polygon: return geometry.Polygon(np.vstack((x, y,)).T)
[docs] def boundary(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ''' Returns points along the boundary of the domain as two ndarray vectors gamma, delta. Returns ------- gamma: np.ndarray vector Gamma coordinates of the points along the boundary of the domain. delta: np.ndarray vector Delta coordinates of the points along the boundary of the domain. ''' return self._data['gamma'], self._data['delta']
[docs] def delta(self, gamma: float) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ''' Returns two nearest points on boundary of the domain for the given gamma value or None if the given gamma value is out of range. Parameters ---------- gamma: float Gamma value at which to find two nearets points on the boundary of the domain. Returns ------- gamma: np.ndarray vector of 2 floats Gamma coordinates of the nearest two points on the boundary of the domain. delta: np.ndarray vector of 2 floats Delta coordinates of the nearest two points on the boundary of the domain. ''' ref = self._data['gamma'] if self._gamma_range[0] <= gamma <= self._gamma_range[1]: distance = ref - gamma abs_distance = np.abs(distance) left, = np.nonzero(distance[:-1]*distance[1:] <= 0) right = left + 1 distance_left = abs_distance[left] distance_right = abs_distance[right] left_mask = distance_left < distance_right right_mask = np.logical_not(left_mask) delta_1 = self._data['delta'][left][left_mask] delta_2 = self._data['delta'][right][right_mask] gamma_1 = self._data['gamma'][left][left_mask] gamma_2 = self._data['gamma'][right][right_mask] delta_candidates = np.hstack((delta_1, delta_2)) gamma_candidates = np.hstack((gamma_1, gamma_2)) n = min(2, delta_candidates.size) return gamma_candidates[:n], delta_candidates[:n] return None
[docs] def gamma(self, delta: float) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ''' Returns two nearest points on the domainn boundary for the given delta value or None if the given delta value is out of range. Parameters ---------- gamma: float Gamma value at which to find two nearest points on domain boundary. Returns ------- gamma: np.ndarray vector of 2 floats Gamma coordinates of the nearest two points on the boundary of the domain. delta: np.ndarray vector of 2 floats Delta coordinates of the nearest two points on the boundary of the domain. ''' ref = self._data['delta'] if self._delta_range[0] <= delta <= self._delta_range[1]: distance = ref - delta abs_distance = np.abs(distance) left, = np.nonzero(distance[:-1]*distance[1:] <= 0) right = left + 1 distance_left = abs_distance[left] distance_right = abs_distance[right] left_mask = distance_left < distance_right right_mask = np.logical_not(left_mask) delta_1 = self._data['delta'][left][left_mask] delta_2 = self._data['delta'][right][right_mask] gamma_1 = self._data['gamma'][left][left_mask] gamma_2 = self._data['gamma'][right][right_mask] delta_candidates = np.hstack((delta_1, delta_2)) gamma_candidates = np.hstack((gamma_1, gamma_2)) n = min(2, delta_candidates.size) return gamma_candidates[:n], delta_candidates[:n] return None
[docs] def contains(self, gamma: float or np.ndarray, delta: float or np.ndarray, boundary: bool = True) -> bool or np.ndarray: ''' Fast polygon-based validation of the scattering phase function gamma-delta domain. Parameters ---------- gamma: float or np.ndarray Parameter gamma delta: float or np.ndarray Parameter delta boundary: bool If True the region includes the boundary, else not. Returns ------- valid: bool, ndarray True if valid (gamma and delta lie within the domain boundary), else False. ''' gamma = np.asarray(gamma) delta = np.asarray(delta) #return mask if boundary: return self._contains_method( self._gamma_delta_polygon.intersects, gamma, delta) else: return self._contains_method( self._gamma_delta_polygon.contains, gamma, delta)
def _load(self, filename: str) -> dict: ''' Load object data from a file (compressed numpy file). Parameters ---------- filename: str Load data from this file. Returns ------- data: dict Object data with entries "gamma" and "delta". ''' filename = os.path.abspath(filename) data = np.load(filename) for field in ('type', 'gamma', 'delta'): if field not in data.keys(): raise ValueError( 'File \"{}\" is not a valid polygon! ' 'Missing field {}!'.format(filename, field)) if data.get('type') != self.__class__.__name__: raise ValueError( 'Data in file \"{}\" bellong to a wrong class \"{}\" and ' 'cannot be used to initialize the target class {}!'.format( filename, data['type'], self.__class__.__name__)) return {'gamma': data['gamma'], 'delta': data['delta']}
[docs] def save(self, filename: str): ''' Save polygon data to a file. Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of the file. Extension is not required. ''' filename = os.path.abspath(filename) filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] self._data['type'] = self.__class__.__name__ np.savez_compressed(filename + '.npz', **self._data)
[docs] def show(self, marker='-', step=1, pfname=''): ''' Show the domain boundary using matlotlib. ''' from matplotlib import pyplot as pp pp.plot(self._data['gamma'].flat[::step], self._data['delta'].flat[::step], marker, label=pfname + ' gamma-delta') pp.xlabel('Gamma') pp.ylabel('Delta') pp.legend()