Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
################################ Begin license #################################
# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PyXOpto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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################################# End license ##################################

import os.path
import argparse
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation

import numpy as np

from xopto.util.animation.common import create_frame_animation, \
from xopto.mcml import mc
from import clinfo

[docs]def create_sv_animation_xz( data_source: str or dict, filename: str = None, overwrite=False, logscale=False, fps: float = None, duration: float = None, axis_off: bool = False, title: str = None, autoscale: bool = True, writer: str or mpl.animation.MovieWriter = None, verbose: bool = False) -> FuncAnimation: ''' Creates a continuous animation of the sampling volume projected onto the x-z plane. Parameters ---------- data_source: str or dict File with the simulation results or simulation results as returned by :py:func:`sv_fiber_incidence`. filename: str Output file for the animation. overwrite: bool If False, existing animation files will not be overwritten. logscale: bool If True, logarithmically scale the sampling volume data. fps: float Frame rate of the animation (1/s). Another way to control the frame rate is specify the duration parameter. duration: float Duration of one full animation (s). The same effect can be achieved with the fps parameter. axis_off: bool Turns off the axis and related labels. title: str Plot title. autoscale: bool Independently autoscale the intensity of each frame. writer: str or mpl.animation.MovieWriter Movie writer. verbose: bool Turns on verbose progress report. Returns ------- animation: FuncAnimation Animation instance ''' if isinstance(data_source, str): data = np.load(data_source, allow_pickle=True) elif isinstance(data_source, dict): data = data_source else: raise TypeError('Data source must be a dict or a filename!') if filename is None and isinstance(data_source, str): filename = os.path.splitext(data_source)[0] + '.gif' if filename is not None and os.path.isfile(filename) and not overwrite: if verbose: print('Animation file "{}" already exists!'.format(filename)) print('Animation will not be saved!') filename = None sv_dict = data['sv'] if not isinstance(sv_dict, dict): sv_dict = sv_dict.item() sv = mc.mcsv.SamplingVolume.fromdict(sv_dict) x_range = sv.xaxis.edges[0]*1e3, sv.xaxis.edges[-1]*1e3 z_range = sv.zaxis.edges[-1]*1e3, sv.zaxis.edges[0]*1e3 extent = [x_range[0], x_range[1], z_range[0], z_range[1]] data = np.array(data['sv_data']) if data.ndim > 3: data = data.mean(2) frames = np.vstack([data, data[-2::-1]]) return create_frame_animation( frames, filename, overwrite=overwrite, logscale=logscale, extent=extent, xrange=x_range, yrange=z_range, title=title, xlabel='$x$ (mm)', ylabel='$y$ (mm)', axis_off=axis_off, autoscale=autoscale, fps=fps, duration=duration, writer=writer, verbose=verbose)
[docs]def create_path_animation_xz( data_source: str or dict, filename: str = None, overwrite=False, fps: float = None, duration: float = None, logscale: bool = False, axis_off: bool = False, title: str = None, autoscale: bool = True, writer: str or mpl.animation.MovieWriter = None, verbose: bool = False) -> FuncAnimation: ''' Creates a continuous animation of the packet paths that are projected onto the x-z plane. Parameters ---------- data_source: str or dict File with the simulation results or simulation results as returned by :py:func:`sv_fiber_incidence`. filename: str Output file for the animation. Use an empty string for no title. overwrite: bool If False, existing animation files will not be overwritten. fps: float Frame rate of the animation (1/s). Another way to control the frame rate is specify the duration parameter. duration: float Duration of one full animation (s). The same effect can be achieved with the fps parameter. axis_off: bool Turns off the axis and related labels. title: str Plot title. logscale: bool Not used by this animation. autoscale: bool Not used by this animation. writer: str or mpl.animation.MovieWriter Movie writer. verbose: bool Turns on verbose progress report. Returns ------- animation: AnimationFunc Animation instance. ''' if isinstance(data_source, str): data = np.load(data_source, allow_pickle=True) elif isinstance(data_source, dict): data = data_source else: raise TypeError('Data source must be a dict or a filename!') if filename is None and isinstance(data_source, str): filename = os.path.splitext(data_source)[0] + '.gif' if filename is not None and os.path.isfile(filename) and not overwrite: if verbose: print('Animation file "{}" already exists!'.format(filename)) print('Animation will not be saved!') filename = None sv_dict = data['sv'] if not isinstance(sv_dict, dict): sv_dict = sv_dict.item() sv = mc.mcsv.SamplingVolume.fromdict(sv_dict) x_range = sv.xaxis.edges[0]*1e3, sv.xaxis.edges[-1]*1e3 z_range = sv.zaxis.edges[-1]*1e3, sv.zaxis.edges[0]*1e3 trace_data = data['trace_data'] trace_n= data['trace_n'] num_packets, trace_len_max = trace_data.shape num_frames = trace_n.max() # fill the remaining space in the trace with the terminal location for packet_index in range(num_packets): entries = trace_n[packet_index] for coordinate in ('x', 'y', 'z'): trace_data[packet_index][coordinate][entries:] = \ trace_data[packet_index][coordinate][entries - 1] return create_path_animation( trace_data[:]['x']*1e3, trace_data[:]['z']*1e3, filename, xrange=x_range, yrange=z_range, title=title, xlabel='$x$ (mm)', ylabel='$z$ (mm)', axis_off=axis_off, fps=fps, duration=duration, writer=writer, verbose=verbose)
[docs]def mc_sv_fiber_cli(description: str = None, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser = None): ''' Collects command line arguments and returns a dict of values. Parameters ---------- description: str Command line description. parser: argparse.ArgumentParser Externally created argument parser can be used to add custom command line arguments. Returns ------- args: argparse.Namespace Parsed command line arguments. If the parser was passed as an input argument, use the returned namespace to extract any custom parameters. arguments: dict Returns the collected arguments as a dict with the following keys: - num_packets: int Minimum number of packets that should reach the detector. - batch_packets: int Number of packets to launch in a single simulation run. - filename: str File for the simulation results. - overwrite: bool Overwrite existing file. - verbose: bool Enables verbose reports. - animation: bool Creates animation after completing the sampling volume simulations. - fps: float Frame rate (1/s) to use in the sampling volume animation. - autoscale: bool Independently autoscale the intensity of each frame. - opencl_device: str OpenCL device to use for the simulations. - opencl_index: int Index (zero-based) of the OpenCL device to use for the simulations. ''' if description is None: description = 'Sampling volume simulation' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='description') parser.add_argument( '-n', '--num-packets', dest='sv_num_packets', default=1000, type=int, help='Minimum number of packets reaching the detector.') parser.add_argument( '-p', '--projection', dest='sv_projection', action='store_true', help='Reduce the number of sampling volume accumulators ' 'along the y axis to 1.') parser.add_argument( '-b', '--batch-packets', dest='batch_packets', default=1000000, type=int, help='Number of photon packets to launch in a single Monte Carlo ' 'simulation.') parser.add_argument( '-f', '--file', dest='filename', default='', type=str, help='File for the simulation results. Note that the extension .npz ' 'is addedd automatically.') parser.add_argument( '-o', '--overwrite', action='store_true', help='Set this flag to force overwrite of existing files.') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Enables verbose progress report.') parser.add_argument( '-a', '--animation', action='store_true', help='Create animation after completing the Monte Carlo simulations.') parser.add_argument( '--title', dest='title', type=str, default='', help='Animation plot title.') parser.add_argument( '--axis-off', dest='axis_off', action='store_true', help='Turn off animation plot axis and related labels.') parser.add_argument( '--fps', dest='fps', type=float, default=0.0, help='Frame rate of the animation. Alternatively, use the duration ' 'parameter to set the FPS.') parser.add_argument( '--duration', dest='duration', type=float, default=0.0, help='Duration (s) of one full animation. Alternatively, use the fps ' 'parameter to set the duration of the animation.') parser.add_argument( '-l', '--logscale', dest='logscale', action='store_true', help='Log scale intensities in animations.') parser.add_argument( '--no-autoscale', dest='no_autoscale', action='store_true', help='Disable independent automatic intensity scaling of the ' 'individual frames in the animation.') parser.add_argument( '-d', '--device', dest='opencl_device', default='', type=str, help='OpenCL device to use for the simulations.') parser.add_argument( '-i', '--index', dest='opencl_index', default=0, type=int, help='OpenCL device index to use for the simulations.') parser.add_argument( '--sample-g', dest='sample_g', default=-1.0, type=float, help='Anisotropy of the sample. Use a negative value of less than ' '-1 for default.') parser.add_argument( '--sample-mua', dest='sample_mua', default=-1.0, type=float, help='Absorption coefficient of the sample (1/m). ' 'Use a negative value for default.') parser.add_argument( '--sample-mus', dest='sample_mus', default=-1.0, type=float, help='Scattering coefficient of the sample (1/m). ' 'Use a negative value for default.') parser.add_argument( '--sample-n', dest='sample_n', default=-1.0, type=float, help='Refractive index of the sample. ' 'Use a negative value for default.') parser.add_argument( '--fiber-sds', dest='fiber_sds', default=-1.0, type=float, help='Source detector separation (m).' 'Use a negative value for default.') args = parser.parse_args() filename = args.filename if not filename: filename = None sv_num_packets = max(1, args.sv_num_packets) batch_packets = max(1, args.batch_packets) fps = args.fps if fps <= 0.0: fps = None duration = args.duration if duration <= 0.0: duration = None title = args.title axis_off = args.axis_off sample_mua = args.sample_mua if sample_mua < 0.0: sample_mua = None sample_mus = args.sample_mus if sample_mus < 0.0: sample_mus = None sample_g = args.sample_g if sample_g <= -1.0: sample_g = None sample_n = args.sample_n if sample_n <= 0.0: sample_n = None fiber_sds = args.fiber_sds if fiber_sds < 0.0: fiber_sds = None return {'filename': filename, 'batch_packets': batch_packets, 'sv_num_packets': sv_num_packets, 'overwrite': args.overwrite, 'sv_projection': args.sv_projection, 'verbose': args.verbose, 'animation': args.animation, 'fps': fps, 'duration': duration, 'autoscale': not args.no_autoscale, 'title': title, 'axis_off': axis_off, 'opencl_device': args.opencl_device, 'opencl_index': args.opencl_index, 'logscale': args.logscale, 'sample_mua': sample_mua, 'sample_mus': sample_mus, 'sample_g': sample_g, 'sample_n': sample_n, 'fiber_sds': fiber_sds}, args
[docs]def main(sim_task: callable, ani_task: callable, config: dict): ''' Code for the __main__ section of the sampling volume simulation modules. Parameters ---------- sim_task: callable A function that runs the sampling volume simulations. ani_task: callable A function that runs/prepares the animations from the simulation results. config: dict Sampling volume simulation configuration as a dict. Note that the entries of this configuration dict can change during the call. ''' kwargs, parsed_args = mc_sv_fiber_cli( 'Sampling volume for optical fiber transmittance') if kwargs['verbose']: print('Arguments returned by the command line interface:') print(kwargs) if kwargs['batch_packets'] is not None: config['batch_packets'] = kwargs['batch_packets'] if kwargs['sv_num_packets'] is not None: config['sv_num_packets'] = kwargs['sv_num_packets'] if kwargs['sv_projection'] and 'sv' in config: config['sv']['yaxis']['n'] = 1 if kwargs['sample_g'] is not None: config['sample']['g'] = kwargs['sample_g'] if kwargs['sample_mua'] is not None: config['sample']['mua'] = kwargs['sample_mua'] if kwargs['sample_mus'] is not None: config['sample']['mus'] = kwargs['sample_mus'] if kwargs['sample_n'] is not None: config['sample']['n'] = kwargs['sample_n'] if kwargs['fiber_sds'] is not None and 'fiber_sds' in config: if isinstance(config['fiber_sds'], (float, int)): config['fiber_sds'] = kwargs['fibers_sds'] elif isinstance(config['fiber_sds'], (np.ndarray, tuple, list)): config['fiber_sds'] = np.linspace( config['fiber_sds'][0], kwargs['fiber_sds'], len(config['fiber_sds']) ) if kwargs['opencl_device']: cl_device = clinfo.device( kwargs['opencl_device'], index=kwargs['opencl_index']) else: cl_device = clinfo.gpus()[kwargs['opencl_index']] try: result = sim_task( kwargs['filename'], config, cl_device=cl_device, overwrite=kwargs['overwrite'], verbose=kwargs['verbose']) except FileExistsError: if kwargs['verbose']: print('Existing file with simulation results found!') print('Skipping simulations!') pass kwargs['animation'] = True if kwargs['animation']: filename = kwargs['filename'] if kwargs['filename'] is None: filename = result ani_task( filename, overwrite=kwargs['overwrite'], fps=kwargs['fps'], duration=kwargs['duration'], title=kwargs['title'], axis_off=kwargs['axis_off'], logscale=kwargs['logscale'], autoscale=kwargs['autoscale'], verbose=kwargs['verbose'])