Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
################################ Begin license #################################
# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PyXOpto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with PyXOpto. If not, see <>.
################################# End license ##################################

import sys
import os
import re
import subprocess
import platform

MSVCVER =  [100,  110,  120,  130,  140,  150,  160 ]
MSVS =     [2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2015, 2017, 2019]
MS_VS2VER = {2010:100, 2012:110, 2013:120, 2015:130, 2017:150, 2019:160}
MS_VER2VS = {100:2010, 110:2012, 120:2013, 130:2015, 150:2017, 160:2019}

[docs]def os_bits() -> int: ''' Returns 32 for 32-bit OS, 64 for 64-bit OS. ''' if sys.maxsize > 4294967295: return 64 else: return 32
[docs]def subprocess_cmd(command: list, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs) -> str: ''' Execute a command using :py:class:`subprocess.Popen`. Parameters ---------- command: list List of str that represent the command and all the arguments. verbose: bool Turn on verbose reporting. kwargs: dict Keyword arguments passed to :py:meth:`subprocess.Popen.__init__`. Returns ------- err: str Error from stderr if any. ''' if verbose: print('Executing shell command:', command) proc = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, **kwargs ) out, err = proc.communicate() if verbose: print('Command stdout:', out.decode('utf8'), sep='\n\t') print('Command stderr:', err.decode('utf8'), sep='\n\t') return err.decode('utf8')
[docs]def find_msvcver(supported: list = None, allver: bool = False) -> str: ''' Find a version of installed MSC build tools. Parameters ---------- allver: bool If True, all the found versions are returned, else only the highest version is returned. supported: list Optional list of supported MSC build tool versions. Returns ------- ver: str A list of found MSC build tools if allver is True, else only the highest found version. Returns [] if no MSC build tools are found. ''' if supported is None: supported = MSVCVER found = [] t = re.compile('VS(?P<version>[0-9][0-9][0-9])COMNTOOLS') for var in os.environ: res = t.match(var) if res is not None: version = int('version')) if version in supported: found.append(version) if found: if not allver: found = max(found) return found
[docs]def msvcver2vs(msvcver): if msvcver in MS_VER2VS: return MS_VER2VS.get(msvcver) return 'unknown'
[docs]def find_msvsver(supported=None, allver=False): ''' Find a version of installed Visual studio tools. Parameters ---------- allver: bool If True, all the found versions are returned, else only the highest version is returned. supported: list Optional list of supported MSC build tool versions. Returns ------- ver: str A list of found Visual Studio installations if allver is True, else only the highest found version. Returns [] if no MSC build tools are found. ''' vers = find_msvcver(supported, allver) if isinstance(vers, int): return msvcver2vs(vers) else: msvs = [] for ver in vers: msvs.append(msvcver2vs(ver)) return msvs
[docs]def msvc_build_dll(srclist, msvcver=None, target=None, ccopts='', inclist=None, deflist=None, libdirlist=None, liblist=None, verbose=False, envvars=None, cwd=None, moveto=None, implib=False, automachine=True, keepscript=False): ''' Builds a DLL using MSC build tools. ''' machineopts = '' if not automachine: machine = platform.machine().lower() if machine in ['x86', 'i386', 'ia-32', 'ia_32']: machineopts = '/MACHINE:X86' elif machine in ['x64', 'amd64', 'x86-64', 'x86_64', 'ia-32e', 'ia_32e', 'em64t', 'intel64']: if os_bits() > 32: machineopts = '/MACHINE:X64' else: machineopts = '/MACHINE:x86' elif machine in ['arm']: machineopts = '/MACHINE:ARM' elif machine in ['ebc']: machineopts = '/MACHINE:EBC' raise ValueError('Target platform {} not supported '\ 'by the compiller!'.format(machine)) if verbose: if os_bits() > 32: print('Building 64-bit dll on {} machine!'.format( platform.machine())) else: print('Building 32-bit dll on {} machine!'.format( platform.machine())) if msvcver is None: msvcver = find_msvcver() if msvcver is None: raise RuntimeError( 'Supported version of Microsoft Visual Studio tools not fund!') else: if msvcver not in find_msvcver(allver=True): raise RuntimeError('The specified version of '\ 'Microsoft Visual Studio {} and '\ '"VS{}COMNTOOLS tools" not fund!'.format( MS_VER2VS[msvcver], msvcver)) if verbose: print('Found Microsoft Visual Studio {}... VS{}COMNTOOLS!'.format( msvcver2vs(msvcver), msvcver)) path = os.environ['VS{}COMNTOOLS'.format(msvcver)] if os_bits() > 32: init_cmd = '"{}\\..\\..\\VC\\bin\\x86_amd64\\vcvarsx86_amd64.bat"'.format(path) else: init_cmd = '"{}\\..\\..\\VC\\bin\\vcvars32.bat"'.format(path) if target is None: name = os.path.basename(srclist[0]) target = os.path.splitext(name)[0] + '.dll' implibname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(target))[0] + '.lib' env = None if envvars is not None: env = os.environ for var in envvars: env[var] = envvars[var] allIncludes = '' if inclist is not None: allIncludes = ('/I "{}" '*len(inclist)).format(*inclist) allLibdirs = '' if libdirlist is not None: allLibdirs = ('/LIBPATH:"{}" '*len(libdirlist)).format(*libdirlist) allSrc = '' allSrc = ('"{}" '*len(srclist)).format(*srclist) allObj = '' objlist = [] for src in srclist: name = os.path.basename(src) objlist.append(os.path.splitext(name)[0] + '.obj') allObj = ' '.join(objlist) allDefs = '' if deflist is not None: allDefs += ('/D{} '*len(deflist)).format(*deflist) targetstr = '/OUT:"{}" '.format(target) implibstr = '/IMPLIB:"{}" '.format(implibname) allLibs = '' if liblist is not None: allLibs = ('"{}" '*len(liblist)).format(*liblist) if os_bits() > 32: build_cmd = 'cl /GS /GL /W3 /Gy /Zi /Gm- /O2 /sdl /fp:precise /WX- '\ '/Zc:forScope /Gd /Oi /MD /EHsc /nologo '\ '{} {} {} /LD /link {} /NOLOGO /DLL {} '\ '/OPT:REF /OPT:ICF /INCREMENTAL:NO /LTCG /NXCOMPAT '\ '/DYNAMICBASE /TLBID:1 {} {} {}'.format( allIncludes, allDefs, allSrc, allLibdirs, machineopts, implibstr, targetstr, allLibs) else: build_cmd = 'cl /GS /GL /analyze- /W3 /Gy /Zi /Gm- /O2 /sdl /fp:precise '\ '/WX- /Zc:forScope /Gd /Oy- /Oi /MD /EHsc /nologo {} {} {} '\ '/LD /link {} /LTCG /NXCOMPAT /DLL {} /OPT:REF '\ '/SAFESEH /INCREMENTAL:NO /OPT:ICF /NOLOGO /TLBID:1 {} {} {}'.format( allIncludes, allDefs, allSrc, allLibdirs, machineopts, implibstr, targetstr, allLibs) del_obj_cmd = '' for obj in objlist: del_obj_cmd += 'del /Q {}{}'.format(obj, os.linesep) move_target_cmd = '' move_implib_cmd = '' move_mkdir_cmd = '' if moveto is not None: move_target_cmd = 'move "{}" "{}"'.format( target, os.path.join(moveto, target)) if implib: move_implib_cmd = 'move "{}" "{}"'.format( implibname, os.path.join(moveto, implibname)) move_mkdir_cmd = 'if not exist "{}" mkdir "{}"'.format(moveto, moveto) del_implib_cmd = '' if not implib: del_implib_cmd = 'del /Q {}'.format(implibname) bat_file = ['@echo off', "call " + init_cmd, build_cmd, move_mkdir_cmd, move_target_cmd, move_implib_cmd, del_implib_cmd, del_obj_cmd, 'del /Q *.exp', 'del /Q *.pdb'] bat_file = os.linesep.join(bat_file) bat_filename = 'build.bat' if cwd is not None: bat_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, bat_filename)) with open(bat_filename, 'w') as fid: fid.write(bat_file) if verbose: if cwd is not None: print('Preparing a temporary batch file build.bat in {}:'.format( cwd)) else: print('Preparing a temporary batch file build.bat in {}:'.format( os.getcwd())) print('#'*80, bat_file, '#'*80, sep='\n') err = subprocess_cmd([bat_filename], env=env, cwd=cwd, verbose=verbose) if err: raise RuntimeError('Build process failed:\n' + err) if not keepscript: err = subprocess_cmd(['del', '/Q', bat_filename], env=env, cwd=cwd, shell=True, verbose=verbose) if err: raise RuntimeError('Could not delete the temporary files:\n' + err)
def _gcc_version(gcc='gcc'): p = subprocess.Popen([gcc, '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() return out.decode('ascii').lower()
[docs]def find_mingw_64(gcc='gcc') -> str: ''' Returns the version of installed 32-bit MINGW compiller or None. ''' p = subprocess.Popen([gcc, '-dumpmachine'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() outstr = out.decode('ascii').lower() if ('x86_64' in outstr or 'x86-64' in outstr or 'x64' in outstr or 'amd64' in outstr) and 'mingw' in outstr: return _gcc_version(), outstr return None
[docs]def find_mingw() -> str: ''' Returns the version of installed MINGW compiller or None. If the underlaying OS is 32-bit, only 32-bit compilers are considered, else only 64-bit compilers are considered. ''' if os_bits() > 32: return find_mingw_64() else: return find_mingw_32()
[docs]def find_mingw_32(gcc='gcc') -> str: ''' Returns the version of installed 32-bit compiller or None. ''' p = subprocess.Popen([gcc, '-dumpmachine'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() outstr = out.decode('ascii').lower() if ('i686' in outstr or 'i386' in outstr or 'ia-32' in outstr or 'ia_32' in outstr) and 'mingw' in outstr: return _gcc_version(), outstr return None
[docs]def mingw_build_dll(srclist, inclist=None, liblist=None, libdirlist=None, target=None, deflist=None, ccopts='', gcc='gcc', opt='-O2', std=None, implib=False, moveto=None, cwd=None, verbose=False, envvars=None, keepscript=False): ''' Builds a DLL using MIGW tools. ''' if os_bits() > 32: cc = find_mingw_64() if cc is None: raise RuntimeError('Mingw gcc compiler not found!') else: cc = find_mingw_32() if cc is None: raise RuntimeError('Mingw gcc compiler not found!') if verbose: print('Found mingw gcc: {}\nMachine: {}!\n'.format( cc[0].strip(os.linesep), cc[1].strip(os.linesep))) env = None if envvars is not None: env = os.environ for var in envvars: env[var] = envvars[var] stdstr = '' if std is not None: stdstr = '-std=' + std allIncludes = '' allLibs = '' allLibdirs = '' allDefs = '' if inclist is not None: allIncludes = ('-I"{}" '*len(inclist)).format(*inclist) if liblist is not None: allLibs = ('-l{} '*len(liblist)).format(*liblist) if libdirlist is not None: allLibdirs = ('-L"{}" '*len(libdirlist)).format(*libdirlist) if deflist is not None: allDefs = ('-D{} '*len(deflist)).format(*deflist) allSrc = ('"{}" '*len(srclist)).format(*srclist) allObj = '' objlist = [] for src in srclist: name = os.path.basename(src) objlist.append(os.path.splitext(name)[0] + '.o') allObj = ' '.join(objlist) if target is None: target = os.path.basename(srclist[0]) target = os.path.splitext(target)[0] + '.dll' targetstr = '-o ' + target implibstr = '' implibname = '' if implib: implibname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(target))[0] + '.lib' implibstr = '-Wl,--out-implib={}'.format(implibname) gcc_build_cmd = 'gcc -c {} {} {} {} {} {}'.format( opt, ccopts, stdstr, allDefs, allIncludes, allSrc) gcc_link_cmd = 'gcc -shared -fPIC {} {} {} {} {}'.format( allLibdirs, targetstr, allObj, allLibs, implibstr) strip_cmd = 'strip --strip-all --discard-all {}'.format(target) del_obj_cmd = '' for obj in objlist: del_obj_cmd += 'del /Q {}{}'.format(obj, os.linesep) move_target_cmd = '' move_implib_cmd = '' move_mkdir_cmd = '' if moveto is not None: move_target_cmd = 'move "{}" "{}"'.format( target, os.path.join(moveto, target)) if implib: move_implib_cmd = 'move "{}" "{}"'.format( implibname, os.path.join(moveto, implibname)) move_mkdir_cmd = 'if not exist "{}" mkdir "{}"'.format(moveto, moveto) bat_file = os.linesep.join( ['@echo off', gcc_build_cmd, gcc_link_cmd, strip_cmd, move_mkdir_cmd, move_target_cmd, move_implib_cmd, del_obj_cmd]) bat_filename = 'build.bat' if cwd is not None: bat_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, bat_filename)) with open(bat_filename, 'w') as fid: fid.write(bat_file) if verbose: if cwd is not None: print('Preparing a temporary batch file build.bat in {}:'.format( cwd)) else: print('Preparing a temporary batch file build.bat in {}:'.format( os.getcwd())) print('#'*80, bat_file, '#'*80, sep='\n') err = subprocess_cmd([bat_filename], env=env, cwd=cwd, verbose=verbose) if err: raise RuntimeError('Build process failed:\n' + err) if not keepscript: err = subprocess_cmd(['del', '/Q', bat_filename], env=env, cwd=cwd, shell=True, verbose=verbose) if err: raise RuntimeError('Could not delete the temporary files:\n' + err)
[docs]def find_gcc_64(gcc='gcc') -> str: ''' Returns version of the installed 64-bit GCC compiler or None. ''' p = subprocess.Popen([gcc, '-dumpmachine'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() outstr = out.decode('ascii').lower() if ('x86_64' in outstr or 'x86-64' in outstr or 'x64' in outstr or 'amd64' in outstr) and 'linux' in outstr: return _gcc_version(), outstr return None
[docs]def find_gcc_32(gcc='gcc'): ''' Returns version of the installed 32-bit GCC compiler or None. ''' p = subprocess.Popen([gcc, '-dumpmachine'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() outstr = out.decode('ascii').lower() if ('i686' in outstr or 'i386' in outstr or 'ia-32' in outstr or 'ia_32' in outstr) and 'linux' in outstr: return _gcc_version(), outstr return None
[docs]def find_gcc(): ''' Find a version of installed GCC that matches the number OS bits (32 or 64). ''' if os_bits() > 32: return find_gcc_64() else: return find_gcc_32()
[docs]def gcc_build_so_dll(srclist, inclist=None, liblist=None, libdirlist=None, target=None, deflist=None, gcc='gcc', opt='-O2', soname=None, std=None, implib=False, moveto=None, cwd=None, verbose=False, envvars=None, keepscript=False, shell='bash'): ''' Builds a DLL (SO) using GCC. ''' implib = False # ... no import libraries on linux platform if os_bits() > 32: cc = find_gcc_64() if cc is None: raise RuntimeError('GNU gcc compiler not found!') else: cc = find_gcc_32() if cc is None: raise RuntimeError('GNU gcc compiler not found!') if verbose: print('Found GNU gcc: {}\nMachine: {}!\n'.format( cc[0].strip(os.linesep), cc[1].strip(os.linesep))) env = None if envvars is not None: env = os.environ for var in envvars: env[var] = envvars[var] stdstr = '' if std is not None: stdstr = '-std=' + std allIncludes = '' allLibs = '' allLibdirs = '' allDefs = '' if inclist is not None: allIncludes = ('-I"{}" '*len(inclist)).format(*inclist) if liblist is not None: allLibs = ('-l{} '*len(liblist)).format(*liblist) if libdirlist is not None: allLibdirs = ('-L"{}" '*len(libdirlist)).format(*libdirlist) if deflist is not None: allDefs = ('-D{} '*len(deflist)).format(*deflist) allSrc = ('"{}" '*len(srclist)).format(*srclist) allObj = '' objlist = [] for src in srclist: name = os.path.basename(src) objlist.append(os.path.splitext(name)[0] + '.o') allObj = ' '.join(objlist) if target is None: target = os.path.basename(srclist[0]) target = os.path.splitext(target)[0] + '.so' targetstr = '-o ' + target implibstr = '' implibname = '' if implib: implibname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(target))[0] + '.a' implibstr = '-Wl,--out-implib={}'.format(implibname) sonameStr = '' if soname is not None: sonameStr = '-Wl,-soname={}.{}'.format(target, str(soname)) gcc_build_cmd = 'gcc -fPIC -c {} {} {} {} {}'.format( opt, stdstr, allDefs, allIncludes, allSrc) gcc_link_cmd = 'gcc -shared -fPIC {} {} {} {} {} {}'.format( sonameStr, allLibdirs, targetstr, allObj, allLibs, implibstr) strip_cmd = 'strip --strip-all --discard-all {}'.format(target) del_obj_cmd = '' for obj in objlist: del_obj_cmd += 'rm -f {}{}'.format(obj, os.linesep) move_target_cmd = '' move_implib_cmd = '' move_mkdir_cmd = '' if moveto is not None: move_target_cmd = 'mv "{}" "{}"'.format( target, os.path.join(moveto, target)) if implib: move_implib_cmd = 'mv "{}" "{}"'.format( implibname, os.path.join(moveto, implibname)) move_mkdir_cmd = 'mkdir -p "{}"'.format(moveto) script_file = os.linesep.join([ '#!/bin/{}'.format(shell), '', '# this will make the script abort on first error', 'set -e', 'set -o pipefail', '', gcc_build_cmd, gcc_link_cmd, strip_cmd, move_mkdir_cmd, move_target_cmd, move_implib_cmd, del_obj_cmd, os.linesep]) script_filename = '' if cwd is not None: script_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, script_filename)) with open(script_filename, 'w') as fid: fid.write(script_file) if verbose: if cwd is not None: print('Preparing a temporary batch file in {}:'.format( cwd)) else: print('Preparing a temporary batch file in {}:'.format( os.getcwd())) print('#'*80, script_file, '#'*80, sep='\n') err = subprocess_cmd([shell, script_filename], env=env, cwd=cwd, verbose=verbose) if err: raise RuntimeError('Build process failed:\n' + err) if not keepscript: err = subprocess_cmd(['rm -f "{}"'.format(script_filename)], env=env, cwd=cwd, shell=True, verbose=verbose) if err: raise RuntimeError('Could not delete the temporary files:\n' + err)
[docs]def build_so_dll(*args, cc: str or list = None, **kwargs) -> bool: ''' Build a dll or so library using the available native compiles. Parameters ---------- args: list Positional parameters passed to the DLL / SO build function. kwargs: dict Keyword parameters passed to the DLL / SO build function. Returns ------- res: bool True on success, else False. ''' if isinstance(cc, str): cc = [cc] if 'windows' in platform.system().lower(): if cc is None: cc = ['msvc', 'mingw'] # build else: cc = ['gcc'] done = False for compiler, index in zip(cc, range(len(cc))): if 'msvcver' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('msvcver') compiler = str(compiler).lower() if 'mingw' in compiler: build_fun = mingw_build_dll elif 'gcc' in compiler: build_fun = gcc_build_so_dll elif 'msvc' in compiler or 'ms' in compiler or 'msvs' in compiler: for version in MSVS: msvcver = None if str(version) in compiler: msvcver = MS_VS2VER.get(version) kwargs['msvcver'] = msvcver break build_fun = msvc_build_dll else: raise ValueError('Compiler {} not supported!'.format(compiler)) try: build_fun(*args, **kwargs) done = True break except RuntimeError as err: if index >= len(cc) - 1: raise err return done
[docs]def find_compilers(): osname = platform.system().lower() index = 1 if 'windows' in osname: msvcver = find_msvcver(allver=True) for ver in msvcver: print('{}. Microsoft Visual Studio {}.\n'.format( index, MS_VER2VS.get(ver))) index += 1 mingw = find_mingw() if mingw is not None: print('{}. MINGW gcc: {}\nMachine: {}!\n'.format( index, mingw[0].strip(os.linesep), mingw[1].strip(os.linesep))) index += 1 elif 'linux' in osname: gcc = find_gcc() if gcc is not None: print('{}. GNU gcc: {}\nMachine: {}!\n'.format( index, gcc[0].strip(os.linesep), gcc[1].strip(os.linesep))) index += 1
if __name__ == '__main__': verbose = True cwd = None # '/home/miran/tmp/pylibtest' build_target = 'rng{}.so'.format(os_bits()) moveto = 'bin' find_compilers() if platform.system().lower() == 'windows': build_so_dll( srclist=['src/rng.cpp'], deflist=['RNG_EXPORTS'], target='rng64.dll', cc='mingw', verbose=1 ) ''' build_dll(srclist=['src/rng.cpp'], inclist=['c:/windows', 'd:/tmp'], libdirlist=['c:/lib', 'd:/none'], deflist=['RNG_EXPORTS'], target=build_target, moveto=moveto, cwd=cwd, verbose=verbose, implib=False, keepscript=True) build_dll(srclist=['src/rng.cpp'], inclist=['c:/windows', 'd:/tmp'], libdirlist=['c:/lib', 'd:/none'], deflist=['RNG_EXPORTS'], target=build_target, moveto=moveto, cwd=cwd, verbose=verbose, implib=False, keepscript=True) ''' if platform.system().lower() == 'linux': build_so_dll( srclist=['src/rng.cpp'], deflist=['RNG_EXPORTS'], target='', cc='mingw', verbose=1 ) gcc_build_so_dll( srclist=['src/rng.cpp'], inclist=['/home/miran/src', '/home/miran/tmp'], libdirlist=['/home/miran/opt', '/home/miran/src'], deflist=['RNG_EXPORTS'], target=build_target, moveto=moveto, soname='1', cwd=cwd, verbose=verbose, keepscript=True ) gcc_build_so_dll( srclist=['src/rng.cpp'], target='', moveto='bin', verbose=1 )