Source code for xopto.util.convolve

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
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# This file is part of PyXOpto.
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import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.integrate import simps

[docs]def fiber_reflectance(r: np.ndarray, reflectance: np.ndarray, sds: float or np.ndarray, dcore: float, nsimps: int = 1000, loginterp: bool = False, uneven: bool = False, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: ''' Computes reflectance detected through optical fibers with the given geometry. The reflectance can be computed by integrating: .. math:: & 2 \\int_{\\max(sds - r_c, 0)}^{\\max(sds + r_c, 0)} \\arccos\\left(\\frac{r^2 + sds^2 - r_c^2}{2 r_c sds}\\right) \\text{reflectance}(r) r dr, & \\text{where}\\; r_c = dcore/2 Parameters ---------- r: np.ndarray vector Vector of points at which the radially symmetric reflectance is defined. The points must be sorted in ascending order and include the range :math:`[sds - dcore/2, sds + dcore/2]`. reflectance: np.ndarray vector or 2D array Radially symmetric reflectance at points r. To compute the reflectance through fibers for multiple reflectances, use a 2D array with individual reflectances in the rows (n, r.size). sds: float or list/tuple of float Distance to the fiber center. dcore: float Fiber diameter. nsimps: int Number of integration points used by the simpson method. loginterp: bool If True, the interpolation of reflectance is computed in log space. This can in some cases improve the accuracy of integration. uneven: bool Set to true if unevenly spaced points can be found in r. kwargs: dict Keyword arguments are passed to scipy.interpolate.interp1d. Returns ------- fiber_reflectance: np.ndarray vector or 2D array Reflectance collected through the fibers. The size of the vector equals the number of elements in sds. If reflectance is a 2D array then the results are stored in rows (n, len(sds)). ''' if isinstance(sds, float): sds = (sds,) rfib = dcore*0.5 nsimps = max(nsimps//2*2 + 1, 3) reflectance = np.asarray(reflectance) if reflectance.ndim > 1: num_reflectances = reflectance.shape[0] else: num_reflectances = 1 # TODO should we do interpolation in log scale? if loginterp: f = interp1d(r, np.log(reflectance), assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate', **kwargs) else: f = interp1d(r, reflectance, assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate', **kwargs) fiber_reflectance = np.zeros((num_reflectances, len(sds))) for index, d in enumerate(sds): rsimps = np.linspace(max(d - rfib, 0.0), max(d + rfib, 0.0), nsimps) if uneven: simps_dr = None simps_r = rsimps else: simps_dr = rsimps[1] - rsimps[0] simps_r = None if loginterp: fsimps = np.exp(f(rsimps)) else: fsimps = f(rsimps) # Take care of special case when sds = 0.0. if d == 0.0: fiber_reflectance[:, index] = 2.0*np.pi*simps( fsimps*rsimps, x=simps_r, dx=simps_dr ) else: # First element of rsimps might be zero ... precision! d_times_rsimps = rsimps*d d_times_rsimps[d_times_rsimps == 0.0] = np.finfo(np.float64).tiny fiber_reflectance[:, index] = 2.0*simps( np.arccos( np.clip( (rsimps**2 + d**2 - rfib**2)/(2.0*d_times_rsimps), -1.0, 1.0 ) )*fsimps*rsimps, x=simps_r, dx=simps_dr ) return fiber_reflectance