Source code for xopto.util.hankel

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PyXOpto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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import numpy as np

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.integrate import quad, simps
from scipy.special import j0

def _is_uneven(array: np.ndarray) -> bool:
    Returns True, if the points in the array are unevenly spaced.
    tmp = np.diff(array)
    return np.any(np.abs(tmp - tmp[0]) > np.finfo(np.float64).eps)

[docs]def continuous(frequency: np.ndarray, rfun: np.ndarray, rstop: float, out: np.ndarray = None, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: ''' Computes Hankel transform of a continuous radially symmetric function: .. math:: g(q) &= 2 \\pi \\int_0^{\\infty}f(r)J_0(2 \\pi q r) r dr Parameters ---------- frequency: np.ndarray A list of frequencies (1/m) at which to compute the Hankel transform. rfun: callable Callable with one parameter (radius) representing a radially symmetric function. rstop: float Range of numerical integration as [0, rstop]. out: np.ndarray Optional output array for the computed frequencies. kwargs: dict Optional keyword arguments passed to the :py:func:`scipy.integrate.quad` function. Returns ------- F: np.ndarray vector The Hankel transfor of rfun at the given frequencies. ''' np_freq = np.asarray(frequency) if out is None: out = np.empty([np_freq.size], dtype=np.float64) for index in range(np_freq.size): out[index] = 2*np.pi*quad( lambda r, index=index: rfun(r)*j0(2*np.pi*r*np_freq[index])*r, 0, rstop, **kwargs)[0] return out
[docs]def discrete(frequency: np.ndarray, rpts: np.ndarray, fpts: np.ndarray, logscale: bool = True, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: ''' Computes Hankel transform of a discrete function. The discrete function is first made continuous by means of interpolation in linear or log scale. Finally, the transform is computed by the :py:func:`continuous` function using quad. .. math:: g(q) &= 2 \\pi \\int_0^{\\infty}f(r)J_0(2 \\pi q r) r dr Parameters ---------- frequency: np.ndarray A list of frequencies (1/m) at which to compute the Hankel transform. rpts: np.ndarray Points at which the discrete radially symmetric function is defined. fpts: np.ndarray Value of the radially symmetric function at points rpts. kwargs: dict Optional keyword arguments passed to the :py:func:`scipy.integrate.quad` function. Returns ------- F: np.ndarray The Hankel transfor of rfun at the given frequencies. ''' if logscale: fpts[fpts <= 0.0] = np.finfo(np.float64).eps fr = lambda r: np.exp( interp1d(rpts, np.log(fpts), assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate')(r) ) else: fr = interp1d(rpts, fpts, assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') return continuous(frequency, fr, rpts[-1], **kwargs)
[docs]def discrete_simpson(frequency: np.ndarray, rpts: np.ndarray, fpts: np.ndarray, uneven: bool = None) -> np.ndarray: ''' Computes Hankel transform of a radially symmetric function defined on a grid of evenly or unevenly spaced points. To compute transforms of multiple sets (functions), the fpts array shape must be (num_sets, rpts.size). .. math:: g(q) &= 2 \\pi \\int_0^{\\infty}f(r)J_0(2 \\pi q r) r dr Parameters ---------- frequency: np.ndarray A list of frequencies (1/m) at which to compute the Hankel transform. rpts: np.ndarray A vector of evenly or unevenly spaced points at which the function values in fpts are defined. fpts: np.ndarray A vector or array of function values defined at points rpts. To compute transforms of multiple sets (functions), the fpts array shape must be (num_sets, rpts.size). uneven: bool If True, the method assumes unevenly spaced values in rpts. Default is False. If set to None, the value of uneven flag is derived from the values in the rpts array. Returns ------- F: np.ndarray The Hankel transfor of rfun at the given frequencies. If the fpts array ia a vector (points of one function only) then F is a vector of size len(frequencies). If fpts is a 2D array of shape (N, rpts.size) then F is a 2D array of shape (N, len(frequencies)). ''' np_freqs = np.asarray(frequency) if fpts.ndim > 1: out = np.empty((fpts.shape[0], np_freqs.size,), dtype=np.float64) rpts = np.reshape(rpts, (1, rpts.size)) else: out = np.empty((np_freqs.size,), dtype=np.float64) if uneven is None: uneven = _is_uneven(rpts) r = dr = None if uneven: r = rpts if out.ndim > 1: r = np.reshape(r, (1, r.size)) else: dr = rpts.flat[1] - rpts.flat[0] for index in range(np_freqs.size): f = fpts*j0(2*np.pi*np_freqs[index]*rpts)*rpts if out.ndim > 1: out[:, index] = 2*np.pi*simps(f, r, dx=dr) else: out[index] = 2*np.pi*simps(f, r, dx=dr) return out