Source code for xopto.util.sampler

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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from typing import Tuple, List, Type

import numpy as np

from xopto.mcbase import mcrmax, mcpf, mcmaterial

[docs]def detector_direction(incidence: float, tilt: float, design_angle: float, verbose: bool = False) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: ''' Determines the direction vector of the detector by solving a quadratic equation that arises from the following system of equations: .. math:: x\\sin(\\Theta_i) + z\\cos(\\Theta_i) = -\\cos(\\Theta_0) y\\cos(\\Theta_t) - z\\sin(\\Theta_t) = 0 x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1 In the above equations :math:`\Theta_i` is the angle of incidence, :math:`\\Theta_t` the detector tilt angle and :math:`\\Theta_0` the design angle, i.e. the angle between the source and detector. The first equation is the dot product of the detector direction vector and the direction of the incident beam. The angle between the two is the design angle :math:`180 - \\Theta_0`. The second equation is the dot product of the detector direction vector and the normal of the tilted plane that contains the detector direction vector. Note that the tilted plane is the x-z plane rotated around the x axis. The solution with negative z component that has a polar angle in the x-z plane smaller than the polar angle of the incident source is taken (detector always rotates from source towards the x axis). Parameters ---------- incidence: float Source incidence angle (radians) in the x-z plane, measured from the z axis. tilt: float Detector tilt angle (radians) measured as the angle between the tilted plane (x-z plane rotated around the x axis) and the z axis. design_angle: float Design angle between the source and detector (radians). verbose: bool Enables verbose report. Returns ------- dir: np.ndarray Direction vector of the detector. ''' # special simplified case for perpendicular incidence if incidence == 0: z = -np.cos(design_angle) y = z*np.sin(tilt)/np.cos(tilt) x = np.sqrt(1.0 - y*y - z*z) return np.array([x, y, z]) src_direction = np.array([np.sin(incidence), 0.0, np.cos(incidence)]) a = 1.0/np.tan(incidence)**2 + np.tan(tilt)**2 + 1.0 b = 2.0*np.cos(design_angle)*np.cos(incidence)/np.sin(incidence)**2 c = np.cos(design_angle)**2/np.sin(incidence)**2 - 1.0 d = (b**2 - 4.0*a*c)**0.5 z1, z2 = (-b + d)/(2.0*a), (-b - d)/(2.0*a) y1, y2 = z1*np.tan(tilt), z2*np.tan(tilt) x1 = (-np.cos(design_angle) - z1*np.cos(incidence))/np.sin(incidence) x2 = (-np.cos(design_angle) - z2*np.cos(incidence))/np.sin(incidence) if verbose: print('dir 1 :', x1, y1, z1,) print(' src-detector (°):', np.rad2deg( np.arccos([x1, y1, z1], src_direction)))) print(' polar in x-z (°):', np.rad2deg(np.arccos(x1))) print('dir 2 :', x2, y2, z2) print(' src-detector (°):', np.rad2deg( np.arccos([x2, y2, z2], src_direction)))) print(' polar in x-z (°):', np.rad2deg(np.arccos(x2))) if z1 >= 0.0 and z2 >= 0.0: raise ValueError('Detector direction could not be resolved!') if x1 > np.cos(np.pi*0.5 + incidence): direction = np.array([float(x1), float(y1), float(z1)]) else: direction = np.array([float(x2), float(y2), float(z2)]) return direction
[docs]class Sampler:
[docs] @classmethod def fromdict(cls, data: dict) -> 'Sampler': ''' Create a new instance from the data in the dict. Parameters ---------- data: dict A sampler instance exported to dict. Returns ------- sampler: Sampler A new sampler instance. ''' data = dict(data) type_name = data.pop('type') sampler_type = globals().get(type_name) return sampler_type(**data)
[docs] def reset(self): ''' Reset the state of the sampler. Reimplement this method for custom handling of the sampler state. ''' pass
def __repr__(self): return '{} #{}'.format(self.__str__(), id(self))
[docs]class SequenceSampler(Sampler): def __init__(self, sequence: np.ndarray, start: int = 0): ''' A sequence sampler. Parameters ---------- sequence: np.ndarray A sequence of vales to sample. The array is sampled from a flat view. start: int Zero-based index of the first sample. Note ---- After reaching the end of sequence, the sampling will continue with the first element in the sequence. ''' super().__init__() self._sequence = np.asarray(sequence) self._pos = self._start = int(start)
[docs] def reset(self): ''' Reset the sequence sampler to start from the first item as specified by the start parameter of the constructor. ''' self._pos = self._start
def _get_pos(self) -> int: return self._pos pos = property(_get_pos, None, None, 'Zero-based index of the next sample.') def _get_sequence(self) -> int: return self._sequence sequence = property(_get_sequence, None, None, 'The sampled data sequence.') def __call__(self, freeze: bool = False) -> float: ''' Return a sample from the sequence. Parameters ---------- freeze: bool Do not advance the state/position of the sampler if True. Returns ------- sample: float or np.ndarray The sample. ''' sample = self._sequence.flat[self._pos] if not freeze: self._pos += 1 if self._pos >= self._sequence.size: self._pos = 0 return sample def __str__(self): return 'SequenceSampler(sequence={}, start={})'.format( self._sequence, self._start)
[docs]class UniformSampler(Sampler): def __init__(self, start: float, stop: float, logscale: bool = False): ''' Randomly samples values from interval [start, stop]. Note that the values of start and stop can be provided in arbitrary order. Parameters ---------- start: float Start of the sampling interval. stop: float Stop/end of the sampling interval. logscale: bool Use logarithmic sampling on the start-stop interval. ''' super().__init__() self._set_interval((start, stop)) self._set_logscale(logscale) def _get_interval(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: return self._interval def _set_interval(self, interval: Tuple[float, float]): self._interval = (float(interval[0]), float(interval[1])) interval = property(_get_interval, None, None, 'Sampling interval as a tuple (start, stop)') def _get_start(self) -> float: return self._interval[0] def _set_start(self, start: float): self._interval[0] = float(start) start = property(_get_start, _set_start, None, 'Start of the sampling interval.') def _get_stop(self) -> float: return self._interval[1] def _set_stop(self, stop: float): self._interval[1] = float(stop) stop = property(_get_stop, _set_stop, None, 'Stop of the sampling interval.') def _get_min(self) -> float: return min(self._interval) min = property(_get_min, None, None, 'Lower bound of the sampling interval.') def _get_max(self) -> float: return max(self._interval) max = property(_get_max, None, None, 'Upper bound of the sampling interval.') def _get_logscale(self) -> bool: return self._logscale def _set_logscale(self, state: bool): self._logscale = bool(state) logscale = property(_get_logscale, _set_logscale, None, 'Sampling in logarithmic scale.') def __call__(self, n: int or Tuple[int] = 1, freeze: bool = False) \ -> np.ndarray: ''' Return the requested number of samples. Parameters ---------- n: int or Tuple[int] The requested number of samples. freeze: bool Do not advance the state of the sampler if True. Returns ------- samples: float or np.ndarray The samples. ''' data = np.random.rand(n) if self._logscale: log_min, log_max = np.log10(self.min), np.log10(self.max) data *= (log_max - log_min) data += log_min data = np.float_power(10, data, out=data) else: data *= (self.max - self.min) data += self.min return data
[docs] def todict(self) -> dict: ''' Export object to a dict. Returns ------- data: dict Instance data exported to a dict. ''' return { 'type': self.__class__.__name__, 'start': self.start, 'stop': self.stop, 'logscale': self.logscale }
def __str__(self): return 'UniformSampler(start={:g}, stop={:g}, logscale={})'.format( *self._interval, self._logscale)
[docs]class NormalSampler(Sampler): def __init__(self, mean: float, sigma: float, clip: float = 5): ''' Sampler that follows a Normal distribution with the given mean and standard deviation. Parameters ---------- mean: float Mean value of the distribution. sigma: float Standard deviation of the distribution. clip: float Clip the values to :math:`mean ± clip \\cdot sigma`. ''' super().__init__() self._mean = 0.0 self._sigma = 1.0 self._clip = float(np.inf) self._set_mean(mean) self._set_sigma(sigma) self._set_clip(clip) def _get_mean(self) -> float: return self._mean def _set_mean(self, value: float): self._mean = float(value) mean = property(_get_mean, _set_mean, None, 'Mean value of the distribution.') def _get_sigma(self) -> float: return self._sigma def _set_sigma(self, value: float): self._sigma = float(value) sigma = property(_get_sigma, _set_sigma, None, 'Standard deviation of the distribution.') def _get_clip(self) -> float: return self._clip def _set_clip(self, value: float): self._clip = float(value) clip = property(_get_clip, _set_clip, None, 'Clip value range to mean ± clip*sigma.') def __call__(self, n: int = 1, freeze: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: ''' Return the requested number of samples. Parameters ---------- n: int or Tuple[int] The requested number of samples. freeze: bool Do not advance the state of the sampler if True. Returns ------- samples: float or np.ndarray The samples. ''' data = np.random.normal(self._mean, self._sigma, n) delta = self._clip*self._sigma np.clip(data, self._mean - delta, self._mean + delta) return data
[docs] def todict(self) -> dict: ''' Export object to a dict. Returns ------- data: dict Instance data exported to a dict. ''' return { 'type': self.__class__.__name__, 'mean': self.mean, 'sigma': self.sigma, 'clip': self.clip }
def __str__(self): return 'NormalSampler(mean={:g}, sigma={:g}, clip={:g})'.format( self._mean, self._sigma, self._clip)
[docs]class ConstantSampler(UniformSampler): def __init__(self, value: float): ''' A sampler that returns a constant value. Parameters ---------- value: float Constant value that will be returned by the sampler. ''' super().__init__(value, value) def __call__(self, n: int or Tuple[int] = 1, freeze: bool = False) \ -> np.ndarray: ''' Return the requested number of samples. Parameters ---------- n: int or Tuple[int] The requested number of samples. freeze: bool Do not advance the state of the sampler if True. Returns ------- samples: float or np.ndarray The samples. ''' return np.tile(self.min, n) def _get_value(self) -> float: return self.start def _set_value(self, value: float): self.interval = (value, value) value = property(_get_value, _set_value, None, 'Value of the sampler.')
[docs] def todict(self) -> dict: ''' Export object to a dict. Returns ------- data: dict Instance data exported to a dict. ''' return { 'type': self.__class__.__name__, 'value': self.value, }
def __str__(self): return 'ConstantSampler(value={:g})'.format(self.value)
[docs]class PfSampler(Sampler): def __init__(self, pf_type: str or Type[mcpf.PfBase], pf_args: Tuple[Sampler]): ''' Monte Carlo simulator scattering phase function sampler. Parameters ---------- pf_type: mcpf.PfBase Scattering phase function type. pf_args: Tuple[Sampler] Samplers of the scattering phase function arguments. ''' super().__init__() if isinstance(pf_type, str): pf_type = getattr(mcpf, pf_type) self._pf_type = pf_type self._pf_args = tuple(pf_args) def _get_pf_type(self) -> mcpf.PfBase: return self._pf_type pf_type = property(_get_pf_type, None, None, 'Scattering phase function type used by the sampler.') def _get_pf_args(self) -> Tuple[Sampler]: return self._pf_args pf_args = property(_get_pf_args, None, None, 'Samplers of the scattering phase function arguments.')
[docs] def reset(self): ''' Reset the states of samplers that sample the arguments of the scattering phase function. ''' for arg in self._pf_args: arg.reset()
def __call__(self, freeze: bool = False) -> mcpf.PfBase: ''' Sample tha scattering phase function and return a new instance. Parameters ---------- freeze: bool Do not advance the state of the sampler if True. ''' return self._pf_type(*[arg(freeze=freeze) for arg in self._pf_args])
[docs] def todict(self) -> dict: ''' Export instance to a dict. Returns ------- data: dict Instance data exported to a dict. ''' return { 'type': self.__class__.__name__, 'pf_type': self._pf_type.__name__, 'pf_args': [arg.todict() for arg in self._pf_args] }
[docs] @classmethod def fromdict(cls, data: dict) -> 'PfSampler': ''' Create a new instance from a dict. Parameters ---------- data: dict Instance data that were exported to a dict. ''' data = dict(data) data.pop('type') return cls( pf_type=data.pop('pf_type'), pf_args=[Sampler.fromdict(arg) for arg in data.pop('pf_args')] )
def __str__(self): return 'PfSampler(pf_type={}, pf_args={})'.format( self._pf_type.__name__, self._pf_args)
[docs]class MaterialSampler(Sampler): def __init__(self, mua: Sampler, musr: Sampler, n: Sampler, pf: PfSampler): ''' Samples a material. Parameters ---------- mua: Sampler Sampler of the absorption coefficient (1/m). musr: Sampler Sampler of the reduced scattering coefficient (1/m). n: Sampler Sampler of the refractive index. pf: PfSampler Sampler Of the scattering phase function. ''' super().__init__() self._mua = mua self._musr = musr self._n = n self._pf = pf
[docs] def reset(self): ''' Reset the states of all the enclosed samplers. ''' self._mua.reset() self._musr.reset() self._n.reset() self._pf.reset()
def __call__(self, freeze: bool = False) -> dict: ''' Sample the layer parameters. Parameters ---------- freeze: bool Do not advance the state of the sampler if True. Returns ------- sample: dict A dict object with keys "mua" (float), "mus" (float), "n" (float), "d" (float) and "pf" (:py:class:`mcpf.PfBase`). ''' mcpf_obj = self._pf(freeze=freeze) pf_obj = musr = self._musr(freeze=freeze) g = pf_obj.g(1) return { 'mua': self._mua(freeze=freeze), 'musr': musr, 'mus': musr/(1.0 - g), 'g': g, 'n':self._n(freeze=freeze), 'pf': mcpf_obj } def _get_pf(self) -> Sampler: return self._pf pf = property(_get_pf, None, None, 'Scattering phase function sampler.') def _get_mua(self) -> Sampler: return self._mua mua = property(_get_mua, None, None, 'Absorption coefficient sampler.') def _get_musr(self) -> Sampler: return self._musr musr = property(_get_musr, None, None, 'Reduced scattering coefficient sampler.') def _get_n(self) -> Sampler: return self._n n = property(_get_n, None, None, 'Refractive index sampler.')
[docs] def update(self, layer: mcmaterial.Material, sample: dict = None) \ -> mcmaterial.Material: ''' Update the material with a new sample. Parameters ---------- layer: mcmaterial.Material Material to update. sample: dict Optional sample. If None, a new sample is generated. Returns ------- layer: mcmaterial.Material Updated material. ''' if sample is None: sample = self() layer.mua = float(sample['mua']) layer.mus = float(sample['mus']) layer.n = float(sample['n']) = sample['pf'] return layer
[docs] def todict(self) -> dict: ''' Export object to a dict. Returns ------- data: dict Instance data exported to a dict. ''' return { 'type': self.__class__.__name__, 'mua': self._mua.todict(), 'musr': self._musr.todict(), 'n': self._n.todict(), 'pf': self._pf.todict() }
[docs] @classmethod def fromdict(cls, data: dict) -> 'MaterialSampler': ''' Create a new instance of :py:class:`MaterialSampler` from a dict. Parameters ---------- data: dict Data that were exported by the :py:meth:`MaterialSampler.todict` method. Returns ------- sampler: LayerSampler A new sampler instance. ''' data = dict(data) data.pop('type') return cls( musr=Sampler.fromdict(data.pop('musr')), mua=Sampler.fromdict(data.pop('mua')), n=Sampler.fromdict(data.pop('n')), pf=PfSampler.fromdict(data.pop('pf')) )
def __str__(self): return 'MaterialSampler(mua={}, musr={}, n={}, pf={})'.format( self._mua, self._mus, self._n, self._pf)
[docs]class LayerSampler(Sampler): def __init__(self, mua: Sampler, musr: Sampler, d: Sampler, n: Sampler, pf: PfSampler): ''' Samples layer parameters. Parameters ---------- mua: Sampler Sampler of the absorption coefficient (1/m). musr: Sampler Sampler of the reduced scattering coefficient (1/m). d: Sampler Sampler of the layer thickness. n: Sampler Sampler of the refractive index. pf: PfSampler Sampler Of the scattering phase function. ''' super().__init__() self._mua = mua self._musr = musr self._n = n self._d = d self._pf = pf
[docs] def reset(self): ''' Reset the states of all the enclosed samplers. ''' self._mua.reset() self._musr.reset() self._n.reset() self._d.reset() self._pf.reset()
def __call__(self, freeze: bool = False) -> dict: ''' Sample the layer parameters. Parameters ---------- freeze: bool Do not advance the state of the sampler if True. Returns ------- sample: dict A dict object with keys "mua" (float), "mus" (float), "n" (float), "d" (float) and "pf" (:py:class:`mcpf.PfBase`). ''' mcpf_obj = self._pf(freeze=freeze) pf_obj = musr = self._musr(freeze=freeze) g = pf_obj.g(1) return { 'mua': self._mua(freeze=freeze), 'musr': musr, 'mus': musr/(1.0 - g), 'g': g, 'n':self._n(freeze=freeze), 'd': self._d(freeze=freeze), 'pf': mcpf_obj } def _get_pf(self) -> Sampler: return self._pf pf = property(_get_pf, None, None, 'Scattering phase function sampler.') def _get_mua(self) -> Sampler: return self._mua mua = property(_get_mua, None, None, 'Absorption coefficient sampler.') def _get_musr(self) -> Sampler: return self._musr musr = property(_get_musr, None, None, 'Reduced scattering coefficient sampler.') def _get_n(self) -> Sampler: return self._n n = property(_get_n, None, None, 'Refractive index sampler.') def _get_d(self) -> Sampler: return self._d d = property(_get_d, None, None, 'Layer thickness sampler.')
[docs] def update(self, layer:, sample: dict = None) \ -> ''' Update the layer with a new sample. Parameters ---------- layer: Layer to update. sample: dict Optional sample. If None, a new sample is generated. Returns ------- layer: Updated input layer. ''' if sample is None: sample = self() layer.mua = float(sample['mua']) layer.mus = float(sample['mus']) layer.d = float(sample['d']) layer.n = float(sample['n']) = sample['pf'] return layer
[docs] def todict(self) -> dict: ''' Export object to a dict. Returns ------- data: dict Instance data exported to a dict. ''' return { 'type': self.__class__.__name__, 'mua': self._mua.todict(), 'musr': self._musr.todict(), 'n': self._n.todict(), 'd': self._d.todict(), 'pf': self._pf.todict() }
[docs] @classmethod def fromdict(cls, data: dict) -> 'LayerSampler': ''' Create a new instance of :py:class:`LayerSampler` from a dict. Parameters ---------- data: dict Data that were exported by the :py:meth:`LayerSampler.todict` method. Returns ------- sampler: LayerSampler A new sampler instance. ''' data = dict(data) data.pop('type') return cls( musr=Sampler.fromdict(data.pop('musr')), mua=Sampler.fromdict(data.pop('mua')), n=Sampler.fromdict(data.pop('n')), d=Sampler.fromdict(data.pop('d')), pf=PfSampler.fromdict(data.pop('pf')) )
def __str__(self): return 'LayerSampler(mua={}, musr={}, d={}, n={}, pf={})'.format( self._mua, self._musr, self._d, self._n, self._pf)
[docs]class MultilayerSampler(Sampler): def __init__(self, samplers = Tuple[LayerSampler]): super().__init__() self._samplers = samplers pf_type = self._samplers[0].pf.pf_type for layer_sampler in self._samplers[1:]: if != pf_type: raise ValueError('All layers must use the same scattering ' 'phase function type!') def __call__(self, freeze: bool = False) -> List[dict]: ''' Sample the parameters of the layer stack. Parameters ---------- freeze: bool Do not advance the state of the sampler if True. Returns ------- samples: List[dict] A list of layer samples. ''' return [layer_sampler(freeze=freeze) for layer_sampler in self._samplers]
[docs] def reset(self): ''' Reset the states of all the layer samplers. ''' for sampler in self._samplers: sampler.reset()
[docs] def update(self, layers:, sample: dict = None) -> ''' Update the layer stack with a new sample. Parameters ---------- layers: Layer stack to update. sample: List[dict] Optional sample. If None, a new sample is generated. Returns ------- layers: Updated layer stack. ''' if sample is None: sample = self() for layer_sample, layer in zip(sample, layers): layer.mua = float(layer_sample['mua']) layer.mus = float(layer_sample['mus']) layer.d = float(layer_sample['d']) layer.n = float(layer_sample['n']) = layer_sample['pf'] return layers
[docs] def todict(self) -> dict: ''' Export object to a dict. Returns ------- data: dict Instance data exported to a dict. ''' return { 'type': self.__class__.__name__, 'samplers': [sampler.todict() for sampler in self._samplers] }
def __getitem__(self, index): return self._samplers[index]
[docs] @classmethod def fromdict(cls, data: dict) -> 'MultilayerSampler': ''' Create a new instance of :py:class:`MultilayerSampler` from a dict. Parameters ---------- data: dict Data that were exported by the :py:meth:`MultilayerSampler.todict` method. Returns ------- sampler: MultilayerSampler A new sampler instance. ''' data = dict(data) data.pop('type') return cls( samplers=[ LayerSampler.fromdict(sampler) for sampler in data.pop('samplers') ] )
def __len__(self): return len(self._samplers) def __str__(self): return 'MultilayerSampler(samplers={})'.format( str(self._samplers))
[docs]class IncidenceTiltSampler(Sampler): def __init__(self, incidence: Sampler, tilt: Sampler, design_angle: float): ''' Samples the incidence angle of a collimated source and tilt of a surface detector from the given distribution. The angle between the collimated incident beam and the reference direction of the detector (design angle) is kept constant. Parameters ---------- incidence: Sampler Sampler of the angle of incidence (rad). The angle is measured in the incidence plane x-z from the z axis. The sampled direction vector of the collimated beam lies in the x-z plane. tilt: Sampler Sampler of the detector tilt angle (rad). The detector direction lies in the x-z plane that is tilted/rotated around the x axis. The angle of tilt is defined as the angle between the tilted plane and the x-z plane. design_angle: float Angle between the source and detector (rad) that is kept constant. ''' super().__init__() self._design_angle = float(design_angle) self._incidence = incidence self._tilt = tilt
[docs] def reset(self): ''' Reset the states of all the enclosed samplers. ''' self._incidence.reset() self._tilt.reset()
def __call__(self, freeze: bool = False) -> dict: ''' Samples direction of a collimated sources and reference direction of the detector. Parameters ---------- freeze: bool Do not advance the state of the sampler if True. Returns ------- sample: dict A new sample with the following fields: "source_direction", "detector_direction", "incidence" and "tilt". ''' incidence = float(self._incidence(freeze=freeze)) tilt = float(self._tilt(freeze=freeze)) detector_dir = detector_direction( incidence, tilt, self._design_angle) source_dir = np.array([np.sin(incidence), 0.0, np.cos(incidence)]) return { 'incidence': incidence, 'tilt': tilt, 'detector_direction': detector_dir, 'source_direction': source_dir }
[docs] def update(self, src:, detector:, sample: dict = None): ''' Update the Monte Carlo source and detector with the sampled propagation directions. Parameters ---------- src: Source that will be updated with a new direction. detector: Detector that will be updated with the new reference direction. Returns ------- src: The updated source. detector: The updated detector. ''' if sample is None: sample = self() src.direction = sample['source_direction'] detector.direction = sample['detector_direction'] return src, detector
[docs] def todict(self) -> dict: ''' Export object to a dict. Returns ------- data: dict Instance data exported to a dict. ''' return { 'type': self.__class__.__name__, 'incidence': self._incidence.todict(), 'tilt': self._tilt.todict(), 'design_angle': self._design_angle }
def _get_design_angle(self) -> float: return self._design_angle design_angle = property(_get_design_angle, None, None, 'Design angle (rad).')
[docs] @classmethod def fromdict(cls, data: dict) -> 'IncidenceTiltSampler': ''' Create a new instance of :py:class:`IncidenceTiltSampler` from a dict. Parameters ---------- data: dict Data that were exported by the :py:meth:`IncidenceTiltSampler.todict` method. Returns ------- sampler: IncidenceTiltSampler A new sampler instance. ''' data = dict(data) data.pop('type') return cls( incidence=Sampler.fromdict(data.pop('incidence')), tilt=Sampler.fromdict(data.pop('tilt')), design_angle=data['design_angle'] )
[docs]class MultilayerSfdi: def __init__(self, layers: MultilayerSampler, source_detector: IncidenceTiltSampler, sample_count: int = 0): ''' A sampler for multilayer SFDI Monte Carlo simulations. Parameters ---------- layers: MultilayerSampler Sampler for the parameters of the layer stack. source_detector: SfdiSourceDetectorSampler Sampler for the parameters of the photon packet source and top surface detector. sample_count: int Zero-based index of the first sample. ''' self._layers = layers self._source_detector = source_detector self._sample_number = int(sample_count) self._rmax_cache = {}
[docs] def reset(self): ''' Reset the states of all the enclosed samplers and set the sample number to 0. ''' self._layers.reset() self._source_detector.reset() self._sample_number = 0
[docs] def update(self, mcobj: -> dict: ''' Update the Monte Carlo simulation parameters with a new sample. This call will update the sample index by 1. Parameters ---------- mcobj: Monte Carlo simulator instance. Returns ------- sample: dict The sample that was used to update the simulator as a dict with keys "layers" (a list of samples that were used to update the sample layers, "source_detector" (sample that was used to update the photon packet source and top surface detector). ''' layers_sample = self._layers() self._layers.update(mcobj.layers, layers_sample) source_detector_sample = self._source_detector() self._source_detector.update( mcobj.source,, source_detector_sample) self._sample_number += 1 return {'layers': layers_sample, 'source_detector': source_detector_sample}
def _get__sample_number(self) -> int: return self._sample_number sample_index = property(_get__sample_number, None, None, 'Number of the current sample ' '(1 for the first sample)')
[docs] def mc_obj(self, acceptance: float = np.pi*0.5, **kwargs) \ -> ''' Create and initialize a new Monte Carlo simulation model. Parameters ---------- acceptance: float Acceptance angle of the detector. kwargs: dict Optional keyword arguments passed to the :py:meth:`` constructor. Returns ------- mcobj: A new Monte Carlo simulator instance. ''' # Get a scattering phase function initializer without advancing # the sampler state. pf_obj = self._layers[0].pf(freeze=True) num_layers = len(self._layers) layers = [] for _ in range(num_layers): layers.append( mua=0.0, mus=0.0, d=np.inf, n=1.0, pf=pf_obj) ) mc_layers = mc_source = mc_top_detector = 0.0, 150e-3, 4000, logscale=True), cosmin=np.cos(acceptance) ) mc_detectors = mcobj =, mc_source, mc_detectors, **kwargs) return mcobj
[docs] def rmax(self, mcobj: -> np.ndarray: ''' Estimate simulation radius for the given simulator instance. Parameters ---------- mcobj: Monte Carlo simulator instance. Returns ------- rmax: np.ndarray A numpy vector of simulation radius for all the sample layers (excluding the topmost and bottommost layers). ''' rmax_args = (float(mcobj.layers[1].n), float(mcobj.layers[0].n), float(np.arccos(, 25.0e-3) rmax_estimator = self._rmax_cache.get(rmax_args) if rmax_estimator is None: rmax_estimator = mcrmax.RmaxDiffusion(*rmax_args) self._rmax_cache[rmax_args] = rmax_estimator num_internal_layers = len(mcobj.layers) - 2 rmax = np.zeros((num_internal_layers,)) for index, layer in enumerate(mcobj.layers[1:-1]): g = key = (rmax_estimator, float(layer.mua), float(layer.mus*(1.0 - g))) rmax_value = self._rmax_cache.get(key) if rmax_value is None: rmax_value = rmax_estimator(key[1], key[2]) self._rmax_cache[key] = float(rmax_value) rmax[index] = rmax_value return rmax
if __name__ == '__main__': import time from xopto.mcml import mc verbose = True design_angle = np.deg2rad(20.0) tilt_range = (np.deg2rad(0.0), np.deg2rad(0.0)) incidence_range = (design_angle, design_angle) detector_acceptance = np.deg2rad(10.0) num_samples = 32000 batch_size = 1000 num_packets = 1 log_sampling_mua = log_sampling_musr = False dataset_location='2layer_grid' dataset_sublocation = 'mc' cl_device = mc.clinfo.gpu(index=-1) mua = np.linspace(0.01e2, 5.0e2, 10) musr = np.linspace(5.0e2, 35.0e2, 10) l1_mua, l1_musr, l2_mua, l2_musr = np.meshgrid(mua, musr, mua, musr, indexing='ij') num_samples = l1_mua.size ml_sampler = MultilayerSampler(( LayerSampler( mua=ConstantSampler(0.0), musr=ConstantSampler(0.0), n=ConstantSampler(1.0), d=ConstantSampler(np.inf), pf=PfSampler(mc.mcpf.Hg, (ConstantSampler(0.0),)) ), LayerSampler( mua=SequenceSampler(l1_mua), musr=SequenceSampler(l1_musr), n=ConstantSampler(1.33), d=ConstantSampler(75.0e-6), pf=PfSampler(mc.mcpf.Hg, (ConstantSampler(0.8),)) ), LayerSampler( mua=SequenceSampler(l2_mua), musr=SequenceSampler(l2_musr), n=ConstantSampler(1.33), d=ConstantSampler(np.inf), pf=PfSampler(mc.mcpf.Hg, (ConstantSampler(0.8),)) ), LayerSampler( mua=ConstantSampler(0.0), musr=ConstantSampler(0.0), n=ConstantSampler(1.0), d=ConstantSampler(np.inf), pf=PfSampler(mc.mcpf.Hg, (ConstantSampler(0.0),)) ), )) sd_sampler = IncidenceTiltSampler( incidence=UniformSampler(*incidence_range), tilt=UniformSampler(*tilt_range), design_angle=design_angle ) sfdi_sampler = MultilayerSfdi( ml_sampler, sd_sampler ) mc_obj = sfdi_sampler.mc_obj( acceptance=detector_acceptance, cl_devices=cl_device, cl_build_options=[mc.cloptions.FastMath] ) #sfdi_dataset = dataset.Dataset(location=dataset_location, create=True) #dsfiles = sfdi_dataset.files('.pkl', sublocation=dataset_sublocation) first_index = 0 items = [] counter = 0 t_start = time.perf_counter() # for existing samples that dont require MC simulations for sample_index in range(0, first_index): sample = sfdi_sampler.update(mc_obj) MuA =[] # for new samples that require MC simulations for sample_index in range(first_index, num_samples): sample = sfdi_sampler.update(mc_obj) mc_obj.rmax = np.max(sfdi_sampler.rmax(mc_obj)) _, _, result = counter += 1 MuA.append(float(sample['layers'][1]['mua'])) if verbose: dt = time.perf_counter() - t_start tmp = np.sum(mc_obj.source.direction* design_angle = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(-tmp)) src_dir = mc_obj.source.direction incidence = np.rad2deg(np.arctan(src_dir[0]/src_dir[2])) detector_dir = tilt = np.rad2deg(np.arctan(detector_dir[1]/detector_dir[2])) print('='*40) print('Processing {:d}/{:d}; {:.0f} samples/h'.format( sample_index + 1, num_samples, counter*3600/dt)) print('-'*40) for layer_index, layer in enumerate(mc_obj.layers[1:-1]): print('Layer {:<2d} :'.format(layer_index + 1), str(layer)) print('Source :', str(mc_obj.source)) print('Detector :', str( print('rmax : {:.1f} mm'.format(mc_obj.rmax*1.0e3)) print('incidence : {:.2f}°/{:.2f}°'.format( incidence, np.rad2deg(sample['source_detector']['incidence']))) print('tilt : {:.2f}°/{:.2f}°'.format( tilt, np.rad2deg(sample['source_detector']['tilt']))) print('design angle: {:.2f}°/{:.2f}°'.format( design_angle, np.rad2deg(sd_sampler.design_angle))) items.append( { 'mc':{ 'source': mc_obj.source.todict(), 'layers': mc_obj.layers.todict(), 'detectors': mc_obj.detectors.todict(), 'num_packets': int(num_packets), 'rmax': mc_obj.rmax }, 'sample': sample, 'reflectance':, } ) if len(items) >= batch_size: # # items, first=sample_index - len(items) + 1, # n=len(items), sublocation=dataset_sublocation) items.clear() import matplotlib.pyplot as pp pp.figure() pp.imshow(np.reshape(MuA, (100, 100)))