Source code for xopto.util.sliceview

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
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#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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from typing import Callable
import matplotlib.pyplot as pp
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider, RadioButtons, CheckButtons
import numpy as np

[docs]class DualSliceView: def __init__(self, data: np.ndarray, axis1: int = 0, slices1: np.ndarray = None, slice1_label: str = None, slice1_valfmt: str = None, axis2: int = 0, slices2: np.ndarray = None, slice2_label: str = None, slice2_valfmt: str = None, logscale: bool or Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]=False, autoscale: bool = False, xlabel: str = None, ylabel: str = None, title: str = None, **kwargs): ''' Creates a matplotlib-based slice viewer of 3D data cubes along one axis. Parameters ---------- data: np.ndarray A 3D Data array. axis1: int The first axis along which to slice the data. Assuming that the dimensions of the data are (z, y, x, t), the produced slices are as follows: - along = 0; slicing along the z axis, slice dimensions (y, x) - along = 1; slicing along the y axis, slice dimensions (z, x) - along = 2; slicing along the x axis, slice dimensions (z, y) - along = 3; slicing along the x axis, slice dimensions (z, y) - along = 4; slicing along the t axis, slice dimensions (z, y) Note that the first dimension of the slice will be shown along the vertical/y axis of the slice image and the second dimension of the slice along the horizontal/x axis of the slice image. slices1: np.ndarray A vector that defines the positions of slices. If None, a default sequence of positions from 0 to num_slices - 1 is created. slice1_label: str Label of the slider along the axis1 axis. slice1_valfmt: str Slice along axis1 - value format string. axis2: int The first axis along which to slice the data. Assuming that the dimensions of the data are (z, y, x, t), the produced slices are as follows: - along = 0; slicing along the z axis, slice dimensions (y, x) - along = 1; slicing along the y axis, slice dimensions (z, x) - along = 2; slicing along the x axis, slice dimensions (z, y) - along = 3; slicing along the x axis, slice dimensions (z, y) - along = 4; slicing along the t axis, slice dimensions (z, y) Note that the first dimension of the slice will be shown along the vertical/y axis of the slice image and the second dimension of the slice along the horizontal/x axis of the slice image. slices2: np.ndarray A vector that defines the positions of slices. If None, a default sequence of positions from 0 to num_slices - 1 is created. slice2_label: str Label of the slider along the axis2 axis. slice2_valfmt: str Slice along axis2 - value format string. logscale: bool or Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] A bool value enables or disables the logarithmic scaling of the data that is computed as: - :code:`np.log10(slice_data + 1)` if data are strictly positive - :code:`np.log10(slice_dat - data.min() + 1)` if data include negative values If a callable, all data are scaled with this function. autoscale: bool Automatically adjust the intensity range of the image to the current slice minimum and maximum intensity. title: str Slice title. This can be a format string with placeholders for the slice number "{slice1}" or "{slice2}", total number of slices "{num_slices1}" od "{num_slices2}" and position of the slice "{pos1}" or "{pos2}". xlabel: str Label of the x axis. ylabel: str Label of the y axis. kwargs: dict Additional keyword arguments that are passed to pyplot.imshow. ''' self._axis1 = int(axis1) self._axis2 = int(axis2) if self._axis1 == self._axis2: raise ValueError('Cannot slice along the same axis!') if slice1_label is None: slice1_label = 'Slice' if slice2_label is None: slice2_label = 'Slice' if slice1_valfmt is None: slice1_valfmt = '%.4f' if slice2_valfmt is None: slice2_valfmt = '%.4f' data = np.asarray(data) if title is None: title = 'Slice {slice1}/{num_slices1} @ {pos1:.4f}, '\ '{slice2}/{num_slices2} @ {pos2:.4f}' self._title = None self._title_fmtstr = title self._data = data self._data_range = (data.min(), data.max()) self._slice_all = [slice(0, s) for s in self._data.shape] self._logmin = np.finfo(float).eps if slices1 is None: slices1 = np.arange(data.shape[axis1]) if slices2 is None: slices2 = np.arange(data.shape[axis2]) self._slices1 = slices1 self._slices2 = slices2 if callable(logscale): self._scale_fun = logscale logscale = True else: self._scale_fun = self._apply_logscale self._logscale = bool(logscale) self._autoscale = bool(autoscale) self._fig, self._ax_image = pp.subplots() self._fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title('Slice View') if 'vmin' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('vmin') if 'vmax' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('vmax') select = self._slice_all select[self._axis1] = select[self._axis2] = slice(0, 1) self._image = self._ax_image.imshow( np.squeeze(data[tuple(select)]), vmin=self._data_range[0], vmax=self._data_range[1], **kwargs ) pp.colorbar(self._image, orientation='vertical') pp.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.35, left=0.20) self._slice2_ax = pp.axes([0.30, 0.16, 0.58, 0.03]) self._slice1_ax = pp.axes([0.30, 0.20, 0.58, 0.03]) self._vmin_ax = pp.axes([0.30, 0.08, 0.58, 0.03]) self._vmax_ax = pp.axes([0.30, 0.03, 0.58, 0.03]) self._scale_ax = pp.axes([0.04, 0.01, 0.15, 0.10]) self._auto_ax = pp.axes([0.04, 0.12, 0.15, 0.08]) self._vmin_slider = Slider( self._vmin_ax, 'vmin', valinit=0.0, valmin=0.0, valmax=100.0, valfmt='%4.1f %%') self._vmin_slider.on_changed(self._vmin_changed) self._vmax_slider = Slider( self._vmax_ax, 'vmax', valinit=100.0, valmin=0.0, valmax=100.0, valfmt='%4.1f %%') self._vmax_slider.on_changed(self._vmax_changed) self._slice1_slider = Slider( self._slice1_ax, slice1_label, valinit=slices1[0], valmin=slices1[0], valmax=slices1[-1], valfmt=slice1_valfmt) self._slice1_slider.on_changed(self._slice1_changed) self._slice2_slider = Slider( self._slice2_ax, slice2_label, valinit=slices2[0], valmin=slices2[0], valmax=slices2[-1], valfmt=slice2_valfmt) self._slice2_slider.on_changed(self._slice2_changed) self._scale_radio = RadioButtons( self._scale_ax, ('lin', 'log'), active=self._scale_active()) self._scale_radio.on_clicked(self._set_scale) self._auto_button = CheckButtons( self._auto_ax, ['autoscale'], [self._autoscale]) self._auto_button.on_clicked(self._autoscale_changed) if self._title_fmtstr is not None: self._title = self._ax_image.set_title(self._make_title()) if xlabel is not None: self._ax_image.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: self._ax_image.set_ylabel(ylabel) self._slice1_changed(0) self._slice2_changed(0) def _make_title(self, slice1_index: int = None, slice2_index: int = None): if slice1_index is None: slice1_index = int(self._slice1_slider.val) if slice2_index is None: slice2_index = int(self._slice2_slider.val) return self._title_fmtstr.format( slice1=slice1_index + 1, num_slices1=self._slices1.size, slice2=slice2_index + 1, num_slices2=self._slices2.size, pos1=self._slices1[slice1_index], pos2=self._slices2[slice2_index] ) def _apply_logscale(self, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: if self._data_range[0] < 0.0: return np.log10((1.0 - self._data_range[0]) + data) else: return np.log10(1.0 + data) def _slice1_changed(self, pos): slice_index = np.argmin(np.abs(self._slices1 - pos)) select = self._slice_all select[self._axis1] = slice(slice_index, slice_index + 1) img_slice = np.squeeze(self._data[tuple(select)]) if self._logscale: img_slice = self._scale_fun(img_slice) self._image.set_array(img_slice) if self._autoscale: self._image.autoscale() if self._title is not None: self._title.set_text(self._make_title(slice1_index=slice_index)) self._fig.canvas.draw_idle() def _slice2_changed(self, pos): slice_index = np.argmin(np.abs(self._slices2 - pos)) select = self._slice_all select[self._axis2] = slice(slice_index, slice_index + 1) img_slice = np.squeeze(self._data[tuple(select)]) if self._logscale: img_slice = self._scale_fun(img_slice) self._image.set_array(img_slice) if self._autoscale: self._image.autoscale() if self._title is not None: self._title.set_text(self._make_title(slice2_index=slice_index)) self._fig.canvas.draw_idle() def _set_scale(self, val): if val == 'log': self._logscale = True else: self._logscale = False if not self._autoscale: self._vmin_changed(self._vmin_slider.val) self._vmax_changed(self._vmax_slider.val) self._slice1_changed(self._slice1_slider.val) self._slice2_changed(self._slice2_slider.val) def _scale_active(self): return {False: 0, True:1}.get(self._logscale, 0) def _autoscale_changed(self, value): self._autoscale = not self._autoscale if not self._autoscale: self._vmin_changed(self._vmin_slider.val) self._vmax_changed(self._vmax_slider.val) self._slice1_changed(self._slice1_slider.val) self._slice2_changed(self._slice2_slider.val) def _vmin_changed(self, value): vmin = self._data_range[0] + \ (self._data_range[1] - self._data_range[0])*(value*0.01) if self._logscale: vmin = self._scale_fun(vmin) self._image.set_clim(vmin=vmin) def _vmax_changed(self, value): vmax = self._data_range[0] + \ (self._data_range[1] - self._data_range[0])*(value*0.01) if self._logscale: vmax = self._scale_fun(vmax) self._image.set_clim(vmax=vmax) def _get_ax(self): return self._ax_image axis = property(_get_ax, None, None, 'Image axis.') def _get_fig(self): return self._fig fig = property(_get_fig, None, None, 'Figure instance.')
[docs] def show(self): ''' Show the SliceView window. '''
def show():
[docs]class SliceView: def __init__(self, data: np.ndarray, axis: int = 0, slices: np.ndarray = None, slice_valfmt: str = None, slice_label: str = None, logscale: bool or Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]=False, autoscale: bool = False, xlabel: str = None, ylabel: str = None, title: str = None, **kwargs): ''' Creates a matplotlib-based slice viewer of 3D data cubes along one axis. Parameters ---------- data: np.ndarray A 3D Data array. axis: int The axis along which to slice the data. Assuming that the dimensions of the data are (z, y, x), the produced slices are as follows: - along = 0; slicing along the z axis, slice dimensions (y, x) - along = 1; slicing along the y axis, slice dimensions (z, x) - along = 2; slicing along the x axis, slice dimensions (z, y) Note that the first dimension of the slice will be shown along the vertical/y axis of the slice image and the second dimension of the slice along the horizontal/x axis of the slice image. slices: np.ndarray A vector that defines the positions of slices. If None, a default sequence of positions from 0 to num_slices - 1 is created. slice_valfmt: str Slice along axis1 - value format string. slice_label: str Label of the slider along the axis1 axis. logscale: bool or Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] A bool value enables or disables the logarithmic scaling of the data that is computed as: - :code:`np.log10(slice_data + 1)` if data are strictly positive - :code:`np.log10(slice_dat - data.min() + 1)` if data include negative values If a callable, all data are scaled with this function. autoscale: bool Automatically adjust the intensity range of the image to the current slice minimum and maximum intensity. title: str Slice title. This can be a format string with placeholders for the slice number "{slice}", total number of slices "{num_slices}" and position of the slice "{pos}". xlabel: str Label of the x axis. ylabel: str Label of the y axis. kwargs: dict Additional keyword arguments that are passed to pyplot.imshow. ''' self._axis = int(axis) data = np.asarray(data) if title is None: title = 'Slice {slice}/{num_slices} @ {pos:.4f}' if slice_valfmt is None: slice_valfmt = '%.4f' if slice_label is None: slice_label = 'Slice' self._title = None self._title_fmtstr = title if axis != 0: order = {0:(0, 1, 2), 1:(1, 0, 2), 2:(2, 0, 1)}.get(axis) data = np.transpose(data, order) self._data = data self._data_range = (data.min(), data.max()) self._logmin = np.finfo(float).eps if slices is None: slices = np.arange(data.shape[axis]) self._slices = slices if callable(logscale): self._scale_fun = logscale logscale = True else: self._scale_fun = self._apply_logscale self._logscale = bool(logscale) self._autoscale = bool(autoscale) self._fig, self._ax_image = pp.subplots() self._fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title('Slice View') if 'vmin' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('vmin') if 'vmax' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('vmax') self._image = self._ax_image.imshow( data[0], vmin=self._data_range[0], vmax=self._data_range[1], **kwargs ) pp.colorbar(self._image, orientation='vertical') pp.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.30, left=0.20) self._slice_ax = pp.axes([0.30, 0.16, 0.58, 0.03]) self._vmin_ax = pp.axes([0.30, 0.08, 0.58, 0.03]) self._vmax_ax = pp.axes([0.30, 0.03, 0.58, 0.03]) self._scale_ax = pp.axes([0.04, 0.01, 0.15, 0.10]) self._auto_ax = pp.axes([0.04, 0.12, 0.15, 0.08]) self._vmin_slider = Slider( self._vmin_ax, 'vmin', valinit=0.0, valmin=0.0, valmax=100.0, valfmt='%4.1f %%') self._vmin_slider.on_changed(self._vmin_changed) self._vmax_slider = Slider( self._vmax_ax, 'vmax', valinit=100.0, valmin=0.0, valmax=100.0, valfmt='%4.1f %%') self._vmax_slider.on_changed(self._vmax_changed) self._slice_slider = Slider( self._slice_ax, slice_label, valinit=slices[0], valmin=slices[0], valmax=slices[-1], valfmt=slice_valfmt) self._slice_slider.on_changed(self._slice_changed) self._scale_radio = RadioButtons( self._scale_ax, ('lin', 'log'), active=self._scale_active()) self._scale_radio.on_clicked(self._set_scale) self._auto_button = CheckButtons( self._auto_ax, ['autoscale'], [self._autoscale]) self._auto_button.on_clicked(self._autoscale_changed) if self._title_fmtstr is not None: self._title = self._ax_image.set_title(self._make_title()) if xlabel is not None: self._ax_image.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: self._ax_image.set_ylabel(ylabel) self._slice_changed(0) def _make_title(self, slice_index=0): return self._title_fmtstr.format( slice=slice_index + 1, num_slices=self._slices.size, pos=self._slices[slice_index] ) def _apply_logscale(self, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: if self._data_range[0] < 0.0: return np.log10((1.0 - self._data_range[0]) + data) else: return np.log10(1.0 + data) def _slice_changed(self, pos): slice_index = np.argmin(np.abs(self._slices - pos)) img_slice = self._data[slice_index] if self._logscale: img_slice = self._scale_fun(img_slice) self._image.set_array(img_slice) if self._autoscale: self._image.autoscale() if self._title is not None: self._title.set_text(self._make_title(slice_index)) self._fig.canvas.draw_idle() def _set_scale(self, val): if val == 'log': self._logscale = True else: self._logscale = False if not self._autoscale: self._vmin_changed(self._vmin_slider.val) self._vmax_changed(self._vmax_slider.val) self._slice_changed(self._slice_slider.val) def _scale_active(self): return {False: 0, True:1}.get(self._logscale, 0) def _autoscale_changed(self, value): self._autoscale = not self._autoscale if not self._autoscale: self._vmin_changed(self._vmin_slider.val) self._vmax_changed(self._vmax_slider.val) self._slice_changed(self._slice_slider.val) def _vmin_changed(self, value): vmin = self._data_range[0] + \ (self._data_range[1] - self._data_range[0])*(value*0.01) if self._logscale: vmin = self._scale_fun(vmin) self._image.set_clim(vmin=vmin) def _vmax_changed(self, value): vmax = self._data_range[0] + \ (self._data_range[1] - self._data_range[0])*(value*0.01) if self._logscale: vmax = self._scale_fun(vmax) self._image.set_clim(vmax=vmax) def _get_ax(self): return self._ax_image axis = property(_get_ax, None, None, 'Image axis.') def _get_fig(self): return self._fig fig = property(_get_fig, None, None, 'Figure instance.')
[docs] def show(self): ''' Show the SliceView window. '''
def show():
[docs]class SliceViewCyl: def __init__(self, data: np.ndarray, axis: int = 0, slices: np.ndarray = None, polar=False, logscale: bool or Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]=False, autoscale: bool = False, xlabel: str = None, ylabel: str = None, title: str = None, **kwargs): ''' Creates a matplotlib-based slice viewer of 3D data cubes along one axis. Parameters ---------- data: np.ndarray A 3D Data array. axis: int The axis along which to slice the data. Assuming that the dimensions of the data are (z, fi, r), the produced slices are as follows: - along = 0; slicing along the z axis, slice dimensions (fi, r) - along = 1; slicing along the fi axis, slice dimensions (z, r) - along = 2; slicing along the z axis, slice dimensions (z, fi) polar: bool Set to True if the slice is 'r-fi'. Note that the slice data is expected in order (..., r, fi, ...). slices: np.ndarray A vector that defines the positions of slices. If None, a default sequence of positions from 0 to num_slices - 1 is created. logscale: bool or Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] A bool value enables or disables the logarithmic scaling of the data that is computed as: - :code:`np.log10(slice_data + 1)` if data are strictly positive - :code:`np.log10(slice_dat - data.min() + 1)` if data include negative values If a callable, all data are scaled with this function. autoscale: bool Automatically adjust the intensity range of the image to the current slice minimum and maximum intensity. title: str Slice title. This can be a format string with placeholders for the slice number "{slice}", total number of slices "{num_slices}" and position of the slice "{pos}". xlabel: str Label of the x axis. ylabel: str Label of the y axis. kwargs: dict Additional keyword arguments that are passed to pyplot.imshow or pyplot.pcolormesh. ''' self._axis = int(axis) data = np.asarray(data) if title is None: title = 'Slice {slice}/{num_slices} @ {pos:.4f}' self._title = None self._title_fmtstr = title if axis != 0: order = {0:(0, 1, 2), 1:(1, 0, 2), 2:(2, 0, 1)}.get(axis) data = np.transpose(data, order) self._data = data self._data_range = (data.min(), data.max()) self._logmin = np.finfo(float).eps if slices is None: slices = np.arange(data.shape[axis]) self._slices = slices if callable(logscale): self._scale_fun = logscale logscale = True else: self._scale_fun = self._apply_logscale self._logscale = bool(logscale) self._autoscale = bool(autoscale) self._polar_axis = bool(polar) subplot_kw = {} if self._polar_axis: subplot_kw = {'projection': 'polar'} self._fig, self._ax_image = pp.subplots(subplot_kw=subplot_kw) self._fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title('Cylindrical slice View') if 'vmin' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('vmin') if 'vmax' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('vmax') R = Fi = None if 'R' in kwargs: R = kwargs.pop('R') if 'Fi' in kwargs: Fi = kwargs.pop('Fi') if self._polar_axis: if R is None or Fi is None: fi = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, data.shape[2]) r = np.arange(data.shape[1], dtype=np.float64) R, Fi = np.meshgrid(r, fi, indexing='ij') self._image = pp.pcolormesh( Fi, R, data[0], vmin=self._data_range[0], vmax=self._data_range[1]) else: self._image = self._ax_image.imshow( data[0], vmin=self._data_range[0], vmax=self._data_range[1], **kwargs ) pp.colorbar(self._image, orientation='vertical') pp.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.30, left=0.20) self._slice_ax = pp.axes([0.30, 0.16, 0.58, 0.03]) self._vmin_ax = pp.axes([0.30, 0.08, 0.58, 0.03]) self._vmax_ax = pp.axes([0.30, 0.03, 0.58, 0.03]) self._scale_ax = pp.axes([0.04, 0.01, 0.15, 0.10]) self._auto_ax = pp.axes([0.04, 0.12, 0.15, 0.08]) self._vmin_slider = Slider( self._vmin_ax, 'vmin', valinit=0.0, valmin=0.0, valmax=100.0, valfmt='%4.1f %%') self._vmin_slider.on_changed(self._vmin_changed) self._vmax_slider = Slider( self._vmax_ax, 'vmax', valinit=100.0, valmin=0.0, valmax=100.0, valfmt='%4.1f %%') self._vmax_slider.on_changed(self._vmax_changed) self._slice_slider = Slider( self._slice_ax, 'Slice', valinit=slices[0], valmin=slices[0], valmax=slices[-1], valfmt='%.4f') self._slice_slider.on_changed(self._slice_changed) self._scale_radio = RadioButtons( self._scale_ax, ('lin', 'log'), active=self._scale_active()) self._scale_radio.on_clicked(self._set_scale) self._auto_button = CheckButtons( self._auto_ax, ['autoscale'], [self._autoscale]) self._auto_button.on_clicked(self._autoscale_changed) if self._title_fmtstr is not None: self._title = self._ax_image.set_title(self._make_title()) if xlabel is not None: self._ax_image.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: self._ax_image.set_ylabel(ylabel) self._slice_changed(0) def _make_title(self, slice_index=0): return self._title_fmtstr.format( slice=slice_index + 1, num_slices=self._slices.size, pos=self._slices[slice_index] ) def _apply_logscale(self, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: if self._data_range[0] < 0.0: return np.log10((1.0 - self._data_range[0]) + data) else: return np.log10(1.0 + data) def _slice_changed(self, pos): slice_index = np.argmin(np.abs(self._slices - pos)) img_slice = self._data[slice_index] if self._logscale: img_slice = self._scale_fun(img_slice) if self._polar_axis: self._image.set_array(img_slice.flatten()) else: self._image.set_array(img_slice) if self._autoscale: self._image.autoscale() if self._title is not None: self._title.set_text(self._make_title(slice_index)) self._fig.canvas.draw_idle() def _set_scale(self, val): if val == 'log': self._logscale = True else: self._logscale = False if not self._autoscale: self._vmin_changed(self._vmin_slider.val) self._vmax_changed(self._vmax_slider.val) self._slice_changed(self._slice_slider.val) def _scale_active(self): return {False: 0, True:1}.get(self._logscale, 0) def _autoscale_changed(self, value): self._autoscale = not self._autoscale if not self._autoscale: self._vmin_changed(self._vmin_slider.val) self._vmax_changed(self._vmax_slider.val) self._slice_changed(self._slice_slider.val) def _vmin_changed(self, value): vmin = self._data_range[0] + \ (self._data_range[1] - self._data_range[0])*(value*0.01) if self._logscale: vmin = self._scale_fun(vmin) self._image.set_clim(vmin=vmin) def _vmax_changed(self, value): vmax = self._data_range[0] + \ (self._data_range[1] - self._data_range[0])*(value*0.01) if self._logscale: vmax = self._scale_fun(vmax) self._image.set_clim(vmax=vmax) def _get_ax(self): return self._ax_image axis = property(_get_ax, None, None, 'Image axis.') def _get_fig(self): return self._fig fig = property(_get_fig, None, None, 'Figure instance.')
[docs] def show(self): ''' Show the SliceView window. '''
def show():
[docs]class DualSliceViewCyl: def __init__(self, data: np.ndarray, axis1: int = 0, slices1: np.ndarray = None, slice1_label: str = None, slice1_valfmt: str = None, axis2: int = 0, slices2: np.ndarray = None, slice2_label: str = None, slice2_valfmt: str = None, polar: bool = False, logscale: bool or Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]=False, autoscale: bool = False, xlabel: str = None, ylabel: str = None, title: str = None, **kwargs): ''' Creates a matplotlib-based slice viewer of 3D data cubes along one axis. Parameters ---------- data: np.ndarray A 3D Data array. axis1: int The axis along which to slice the data. Assuming that the dimensions of the data are (z, fi, r), the produced slices are as follows: - along = 0; slicing along the z axis, slice dimensions (fi, r) - along = 1; slicing along the fi axis, slice dimensions (z, r) - along = 2; slicing along the z axis, slice dimensions (z, fi) slices1: np.ndarray A vector that defines the positions of slices along axis1. If None, a default sequence of positions from 0 to num_slices - 1 is created. slice1_label: str Label of the slider along the axis1 axis. slice1_valfmt: str Slice along axis1 - value format string. axis2: int The axis along which to slice the data. Assuming that the dimensions of the data are (z, fi, r), the produced slices are as follows: - along = 0; slicing along the z axis, slice dimensions (fi, r) - along = 1; slicing along the fi axis, slice dimensions (z, r) - along = 2; slicing along the z axis, slice dimensions (z, fi) slices2: np.ndarray A vector that defines the positions of slices along axis2. If None, a default sequence of positions from 0 to num_slices - 1 is created. slice2_label: str Label of the slider along the axis2 axis. slice2_valfmt: str Slice along axis1 - value format string. polar: bool Set to True if the slice is 'r-fi'. Note that the slice data is expected in order (..., r, fi, ...). logscale: bool or Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] A bool value enables or disables the logarithmic scaling of the data that is computed as: - :code:`np.log10(slice_data + 1)` if data are strictly positive - :code:`np.log10(slice_dat - data.min() + 1)` if data include negative values If a callable, all data are scaled with this function. autoscale: bool Automatically adjust the intensity range of the image to the current slice minimum and maximum intensity. title: str Slice title. This can be a format string with placeholders for the slice number "{slice}", total number of slices "{num_slices}" and position of the slice "{pos}". xlabel: str Label of the x axis. ylabel: str Label of the y axis. kwargs: dict Additional keyword arguments that are passed to pyplot.imshow or pyplot.pcolormesh. ''' self._axis1 = int(axis1) self._axis2 = int(axis2) if self._axis1 == self._axis2: raise ValueError('Cannot slice along the same axis!') if slice1_label is None: slice1_label = 'Slice' if slice2_label is None: slice2_label = 'Slice' if slice1_valfmt is None: slice1_valfmt = '%.4f' if slice2_valfmt is None: slice2_valfmt = '%.4f' if title is None: title = 'Slice {slice1}/{num_slices1} @ {pos1:.4f}, '\ '{slice2}/{num_slices2} @ {pos2:.4f}' self._title = None self._title_fmtstr = title self._logmin = np.finfo(float).eps if slices1 is None: slices1 = np.arange(data.shape[axis1]) if slices2 is None: slices2 = np.arange(data.shape[axis2]) self._slices1 = slices1 self._slices2 = slices2 self._data = data self._data_range = (data.min(), data.max()) self._slice_all = [slice(0, s) for s in self._data.shape] if callable(logscale): self._scale_fun = logscale logscale = True else: self._scale_fun = self._apply_logscale self._logscale = bool(logscale) self._autoscale = bool(autoscale) self._polar_axis = bool(polar) subplot_kw = {} if self._axis2 == 0: subplot_kw = {'projection': 'polar'} self._fig, self._ax_image = pp.subplots(subplot_kw=subplot_kw) self._fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title('Cylindrical slice View') if 'vmin' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('vmin') if 'vmax' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('vmax') R = Fi = None if 'R' in kwargs: R = kwargs.pop('R') if 'Fi' in kwargs: Fi = kwargs.pop('Fi') select = self._slice_all select[self._axis1] = select[self._axis2] = slice(0, 1) data_slice = np.squeeze(data[tuple(select)]) if self._polar_axis: if R is None or Fi is None: fi = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, data.shape[2]) r = np.arange(data.shape[1], dtype=np.float64) R, Fi = np.meshgrid(r, fi, indexing='ij') self._image = pp.pcolormesh( Fi, R, data_slice, vmin=self._data_range[0], vmax=self._data_range[1]) else: self._image = self._ax_image.imshow( data_slice, vmin=self._data_range[0], vmax=self._data_range[1], **kwargs ) pp.colorbar(self._image, orientation='vertical') pp.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.35, left=0.20) self._slice2_ax = pp.axes([0.30, 0.16, 0.58, 0.03]) self._slice1_ax = pp.axes([0.30, 0.20, 0.58, 0.03]) self._vmin_ax = pp.axes([0.30, 0.08, 0.58, 0.03]) self._vmax_ax = pp.axes([0.30, 0.03, 0.58, 0.03]) self._scale_ax = pp.axes([0.04, 0.01, 0.15, 0.10]) self._auto_ax = pp.axes([0.04, 0.12, 0.15, 0.08]) self._vmin_slider = Slider( self._vmin_ax, 'vmin', valinit=0.0, valmin=0.0, valmax=100.0, valfmt='%4.1f %%') self._vmin_slider.on_changed(self._vmin_changed) self._vmax_slider = Slider( self._vmax_ax, 'vmax', valinit=100.0, valmin=0.0, valmax=100.0, valfmt='%4.1f %%') self._vmax_slider.on_changed(self._vmax_changed) self._slice1_slider = Slider( self._slice1_ax, slice1_label, valinit=slices1[0], valmin=slices1[0], valmax=slices1[-1], valfmt=slice1_valfmt) self._slice1_slider.on_changed(self._slice1_changed) self._slice2_slider = Slider( self._slice2_ax, 'Slice', valinit=slices2[0], valmin=slices2[0], valmax=slices2[-1], valfmt=slice2_valfmt) self._slice2_slider.on_changed(self._slice2_changed) self._scale_radio = RadioButtons( self._scale_ax, ('lin', 'log'), active=self._scale_active()) self._scale_radio.on_clicked(self._set_scale) self._auto_button = CheckButtons( self._auto_ax, ['autoscale'], [self._autoscale]) self._auto_button.on_clicked(self._autoscale_changed) if self._title_fmtstr is not None: self._title = self._ax_image.set_title(self._make_title()) if xlabel is not None: self._ax_image.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: self._ax_image.set_ylabel(ylabel) self._slice1_changed(0) self._slice2_changed(0) def _make_title(self, slice1_index: int = None, slice2_index: int = None): if slice1_index is None: slice1_index = int(self._slice1_slider.val) if slice2_index is None: slice2_index = int(self._slice2_slider.val) return self._title_fmtstr.format( slice1=slice1_index + 1, num_slices1=self._slices1.size, slice2=slice2_index + 1, num_slices2=self._slices2.size, pos1=self._slices1[slice1_index], pos2=self._slices2[slice2_index] ) def _apply_logscale(self, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: if self._data_range[0] < 0.0: return np.log10((1.0 - self._data_range[0]) + data) else: return np.log10(1.0 + data) def _slice1_changed(self, pos): slice_index = np.argmin(np.abs(self._slices1 - pos)) select = self._slice_all select[self._axis1] = slice(slice_index, slice_index + 1) img_slice = np.squeeze(self._data[tuple(select)]) if self._logscale: img_slice = self._scale_fun(img_slice) if self._polar_axis: self._image.set_array(img_slice.flatten()) else: self._image.set_array(img_slice) if self._autoscale: self._image.autoscale() if self._title is not None: self._title.set_text(self._make_title(slice1_index=slice_index)) self._fig.canvas.draw_idle() def _slice2_changed(self, pos): slice_index = np.argmin(np.abs(self._slices2 - pos)) select = self._slice_all select[self._axis2] = slice(slice_index, slice_index + 1) img_slice = np.squeeze(self._data[tuple(select)]) if self._logscale: img_slice = self._scale_fun(img_slice) if self._polar_axis: self._image.set_array(img_slice.flatten()) else: self._image.set_array(img_slice) if self._autoscale: self._image.autoscale() if self._title is not None: self._title.set_text(self._make_title(slice2_index=slice_index)) self._fig.canvas.draw_idle() def _set_scale(self, val): if val == 'log': self._logscale = True else: self._logscale = False if not self._autoscale: self._vmin_changed(self._vmin_slider.val) self._vmax_changed(self._vmax_slider.val) self._slice_changed(self._slice_slider.val) def _scale_active(self): return {False: 0, True:1}.get(self._logscale, 0) def _autoscale_changed(self, value): self._autoscale = not self._autoscale if not self._autoscale: self._vmin_changed(self._vmin_slider.val) self._vmax_changed(self._vmax_slider.val) self._slice_changed(self._slice_slider.val) def _vmin_changed(self, value): vmin = self._data_range[0] + \ (self._data_range[1] - self._data_range[0])*(value*0.01) if self._logscale: vmin = self._scale_fun(vmin) self._image.set_clim(vmin=vmin) def _vmax_changed(self, value): vmax = self._data_range[0] + \ (self._data_range[1] - self._data_range[0])*(value*0.01) if self._logscale: vmax = self._scale_fun(vmax) self._image.set_clim(vmax=vmax) def _get_ax(self): return self._ax_image axis = property(_get_ax, None, None, 'Image axis.') def _get_fig(self): return self._fig fig = property(_get_fig, None, None, 'Figure instance.')
[docs] def show(self): ''' Show the SliceView window. '''
[docs]def show():
if __name__ == '__main__': data = np.random.randint(0, 255, (101,101,101, 20)).astype(np.float64) sv = DualSliceView( data, axis1=2, slices1=np.linspace(0, 1, 101), slice1_label='Time', axis2=3, slices2=np.linspace(0, 2, 20), cmap='gray') exit(0) data = np.random.randint(0, 255, (20,256,256)).astype(np.float64) for i in range(data.shape[0]): data[i] = data[i]*(1.0 - float(i)/data.shape[0]) sv = SliceView(data, slices=np.linspace(0, 1, 20), cmap='gray')