xopto.materials.density.base module

class Density(t=293, trange: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Base class of material density.

  • t (float) – Default medium temperature.

  • trange (Tuple[float, float] or None) – Valid temperature range in K as (min, max).

check_temperature(t: float)[source]

Checks if the temperature of medium is within the valid range.


temperature (float or np.ndarray) – Temperature(s) to check.


Reports a warning if the temperature of the medium is not within the valid range. If the temperature input argument is a numpy array, the call reports a warning if any of the temperatures are not within the valid range.

is_valid_temperature(temperature: float)bool[source]

Checks if the temperature of the medium is within the valid range.


temperature (float or np.ndarray) – Temperature to check.


valid – Returns True if the temperature is within the valid range. If the temperature input argument is a numpy array, the call returns True only if all the temperatures are within the valid range.

Return type



Plot the temperature dependence of the density.


kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments passed to the __call__ method of the instance.

property t: float

Default temperature of the material in K.

property temperature: float

Default temperature of the material in K.

property trange: Tuple[float, float]

Valid temperature range in K.