xopto.materials.ri.polystyrene module

class Ma(t: float = 293.15)[source]

Bases: xopto.materials.ri.base.RefractiveIndex

Refractive index of water as given in:

Ma, Lu, Brock: Phys. Med. Biol. 48 (2003) 4165-4172.

n &= 1.5725 + 0.0031080/(\lambda*10^{6})^2 + 0.00034779/(\lambda*10^{6})^4


t (float) – Defau.t temperature (K) of the medium.

material = 'polystyrene'
class Nikolov(t: float = 293.15)[source]

Bases: xopto.materials.ri.base.RefractiveIndex

Refractive index of water as given in:

Nikolov, Ivanov: Appl. Opt. 39 (2000) 2067-2070

Refractive indices n = [1.617, 1.606, 1.596, 1.592, 1.587, 1.586, 1.582, 1.579, 1.578, 1.577, 1.576, 1.572] measured at \lambda = [436, 486, 546, 588, 633, 656, 703, 752, 804, 833, 879, 1052] nm.


t (float) – Default temperature (K) of the medium.


The computation of refractive index is based on the one-term Sellmeier approximation: .. math:

n = \sqrt(1.0 + a/(1.0 - b/\lambda^2))
material = 'polystyrene'