xopto.materials.ri.sucrose module

class Naglic(t: float = 293.15)[source]

Bases: xopto.materials.ri.base.RefractiveIndex

Refractive index of sucrose as given/used in:

“P. Naglič, Y. Zelinskyi, B. Likar, and B. Miran. Determination of refractive index, size, and solid content of monodisperse polystyrene microsphere suspensions for the characterization of optical phantoms, BOE, Vol. 11, Issue 4, 1901-18 (2020)”


t (float) – Default temperature (K) of the medium. Defaults to 293.15 K (20 C).

check_brix(brix: float)[source]

Check if the Brix value is within valid range and display a warning if not.


brix (float or np.ndarray) – Degree Brix value (1 Brix equals 1 g of sucrose in 100 g of solution). Defaults to 0 Brix, i.e. pure water.

is_valid_brix(brix: float)bool[source]

Check if the Brix value is within the valid range.


brix (float or np.ndarray) – Degree Brix value (1 Brix equals 1 g of sucrose in 100 g of solution). Defaults to 0 Brix, i.e. pure water.


valid – True if the Brix value is within the valid range.

Return type


material = 'sucrose'