xopto.mccyl.mcdetector.fiz module

class FiZ(fiaxis: xopto.mcbase.mcutil.axis.Axis, zaxis: Optional[xopto.mcbase.mcutil.axis.Axis] = None, cosmin: float = 0.0)[source]

Bases: xopto.mccyl.mcdetector.base.Detector

2D Cylindrical reflectance/transmittance accumulator in the φ-z plane.

The grid of the Cartesian accumulators corresponds to a 2D numpy array with the first dimension representing the φ axis and second dimension representing the z axis (reflectance[z, φ] or transmittance[z, φ]).

  • fiaxis (axis.Axis) – Object that defines accumulators along the φ axis.

  • zaxis (axis.Axis) – Object that defines accumulators along the z axis.

  • cosmin (float) – Cosine of the maximum acceptance angle (relative to the direction) of the detector computed relative to the detector normal.

cl_declaration(mc: xopto.mcbase.mcobject.McObject)str[source]

Structure that defines the accumulator in the Monte Carlo simulator.

cl_implementation(mc: xopto.mcbase.mcobject.McObject)str[source]

Implementation of the accumulator in the Monte Carlo simulator.

cl_pack(mc: xopto.mcbase.mcobject.McObject, target: Optional[xopto.cl.cltypes.Structure] = None)xopto.cl.cltypes.Structure[source]

Fills the structure (target) with the data required by the Monte Carlo simulator. See the Cartesian.cl_type() method for a detailed list of fields.


target – Filled ctypes structure received as an input argument or a new instance if the input argument target is None.

Return type


static cl_type(mc: xopto.mcbase.mcobject.McObject)xopto.cl.cltypes.Structure[source]
property cosmin: Tuple[float, float]

Cosine of the maximum acceptance angle.

property fi: numpy.ndarray

Centers of the accumulators along the φ axis.

property fiaxis: xopto.mcbase.mcutil.axis.Axis

Axis object of the φ axis.

property fiedges: numpy.ndarray

Edges of the accumulators along the φ axis.

static fromdict(data: dict)xopto.mccyl.mcdetector.fiz.FiZ[source]

Create an accumulator instance from a dictionary.


data (dict) – Dictionary created by the py:meth:FiZ.todict method.

meshgrid()Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray][source]

Returns 2D arrays of z and φ coordinates of the centers of accumulators that match the size of the reflectance / transmittance arrays. The grid of the Cartesian accumulators corresponds to a 2D numpy array with the first dimension representing the z axis and second dimension representing the φ axis (reflectance[z, φ] or transmittance[z, φ]).


  • z (np.ndarray) – A 2D array of φ coordinates.

  • φ (np.ndarray) – A 2D array of z coordinates.

property nfi: int

Number of accumulators along the φ axis.

property normalized: numpy.ndarray


property nz: int

Number of accumulators along the z axis.

plot(scale: str = 'log', raw: bool = False, show: bool = True)[source]

Show the detector contet as a 2D image.

  • scale (str) – Data scaling can be “log” for logarithmic or “lin” for linear.

  • raw (bool) – Set to True to show the raw data. Default is False and shows the normalized (reflectance) content.

  • show (bool) –

property reflectance: numpy.ndarray



Save the accumulator configuration without the accumulator data to a dictionary. Use the Cartesian.fromdict() method to create a new accumulator instance from the returned data.


data – Accumulator configuration as a dictionary.

Return type


property transmittance: numpy.ndarray


update_data(mc: xopto.mcbase.mcobject.McObject, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Update the content of raw data accumulators with simulation results.

  • mc (mcobject.McObject) – Simulator instance that produced the data.

  • accumulators (List[np.ndarray]) – List of allocated accumulators (this implementation uses only one).

  • nphotons (int) – The number of photon packets that produced the raw data accumulator content.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments not used by this implementation.

property z: numpy.ndarray

Centers of the accumulators along the z axis.

property zaxis: xopto.mcbase.mcutil.axis.Axis

Axis object of the z axis.

property zedges: numpy.ndarray

Edges of the accumulators along the z axis.