xopto.mcvox.mcgeometry.voxel module

class Voxel[source]

Bases: xopto.mcbase.mcobject.McObject

Minimal implementation of a ctypes structure that represents a singe voxel in the Monte Carlo simulations. All the fields defined by this implementation are required.

static cl_declaration(mc: xopto.mcbase.mcobject.McObject)str[source]

Structure that represents a single voxel in the Monte Carlo simulator.

static cl_type(mc: xopto.mcbase.mcobject.McObject)xopto.cl.cltypes.Structure[source]
static np_dtype(mc: xopto.mcbase.mcobject.McObject)numpy.dtype[source]

Numpy data type representing a single voxel. This implementation uses structured numpy array that can be directly/efficiently mapped to OpenCL data arrays.


mc (mcobject.McObject) – Target simulator instance.


dtype – Numpy data type representing a single voxel.

Return type


class Voxels(xaxis: xopto.mcbase.mcutil.axis.Axis, yaxis: xopto.mcbase.mcutil.axis.Axis, zaxis: xopto.mcbase.mcutil.axis.Axis, voxel: Optional[Type[xopto.mcvox.mcgeometry.voxel.Voxel]] = None)[source]

Bases: xopto.mcbase.mcobject.McObject

Minimal implementation of a voxelized sample. All the fields defined by this implementation are required by the Monte Carlo simulator.

Object that manages the voxelized sample volume. Each voxel item is of integer type that represents the index of material filling the voxel volume.

  • xaxis (Axis) – Objects that specify the voxelized grid along the three orthogonal coordinate axis. Note that the Axis constructor takes the outer boundaries of the range and not of the voxel centers. Use Axis(-20e-3, 20e-3, 40) to have 40 voxels from -20 to 20 mm (voxel size is 1 mm). It is recommended to start the zaxis at z=0.

  • yaxis (Axis) – Objects that specify the voxelized grid along the three orthogonal coordinate axis. Note that the Axis constructor takes the outer boundaries of the range and not of the voxel centers. Use Axis(-20e-3, 20e-3, 40) to have 40 voxels from -20 to 20 mm (voxel size is 1 mm). It is recommended to start the zaxis at z=0.

  • zaxis (Axis) – Objects that specify the voxelized grid along the three orthogonal coordinate axis. Note that the Axis constructor takes the outer boundaries of the range and not of the voxel centers. Use Axis(-20e-3, 20e-3, 40) to have 40 voxels from -20 to 20 mm (voxel size is 1 mm). It is recommended to start the zaxis at z=0.

  • voxel (type) – Data type representing a single voxel


Initially the material_index of all voxels is set to 0, referencing the material of the surrounding medium. The data array indexing follows C scheme, i.e [z, y, x]. Use the data method to get the numpy voxel array.

center(index: Tuple[int, int, int])Tuple[float, float, float][source]

Returns the center of the voxel at the given index.


index ((int, int, int)) – Voxel index as a tuple of three indices (ind_x, ind_y, ind_z).


position – A tuple of indices into the voxel array.

Return type

(float, float, float)

cl_declaration(mc: xopto.mcbase.mcobject.McObject)str[source]

Structure that defines the source in the Monte Carlo simulator and the data type that represents a single voxel.

cl_implementation(mc: xopto.mcbase.mcobject.McObject)str[source]

OpenCL options of the scattering phase function.

cl_options(mc: xopto.mcbase.mcobject.McObject)str[source]

OpenCL options of the scattering phase function.

cl_pack(mc: xopto.mcbase.mcobject.McObject, target: xopto.cl.cltypes.Structure)xopto.cl.cltypes.Structure[source]

Fills the ctypes structure (target) with the data required by the Monte Carlo simulator. See Voxels.cl_type() for a detailed list of fields.

  • mc (mcobject.McObject) – Monte Carlo simulator instance.

  • target (mcypes.Structure) – Ctypes structure that is filled with the voxelization configuration.


target – Filled ctypes structure received as an input argument or a new instance if the input argument target is None.

Return type


static cl_type(mc: xopto.mcbase.mcobject.McObject)xopto.cl.cltypes.Structure[source]
contains(position: Tuple[float, float, float])bool[source]

Returns True if the position is within the voxel array boundaries. Note that the lower bound is included but the upper bound is not.


position ((float, float, float)) – Position as a tuple of three coordinates (x, y, z).


contains – Returns True if the given position lies within the voxel array boundaries.

Return type


data(mc: Optional[xopto.mcbase.mcobject.McObject] = None)numpy.ndarray[source]

Return the voxel data as a 3D array representing the voxelized sample space.

The data array should be addressed as data[z, y, x], wher x, y and z are the indices along the corresponding spatial axes passed to the constructor. The individual data fields of the selected voxels are addressed as data[x, y, z][‘field_name’], e.g. data[0, :, :][‘material_index’] = 1 sets the material of the first layer of voxels along the z axis to 1 (the second material in the materials list).


mc (mcobject.McObject) – A simulator instance that is required only during the first call to derive the proper voxel data type and allocate the a 3D structured array that represents the voxels.


data – Voxel data as a 3D numpy array.

Return type


property dx: numpy.ndarray

The size of voxels along the x axis.

property dy: numpy.ndarray

The size of voxels along the y axis.

property dz: numpy.ndarray

The size of voxels along the z axis.

classmethod fromdict(data: dict)xopto.mcvox.mcgeometry.voxel.Voxels[source]

Create a new instance of Voxels from a dict.


data (dict) – A dict with instance data.


instance – A new instance of Voxels.

Return type


property grid: Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]

Coordinate matrices Z, Y and X of voxel centers as returned by the Voxels.meshgrid() method.

index(position: Tuple[float, float, float])Tuple[int, int, int][source]

Returns index of the voxel at the given position.


position ((float, float, float)) – Position as a tuple of three coordinates (x, y, z).


index – A tuple of indices into the voxel array.

Return type

(int, int, int)

intersect(pos: Tuple[float, float, float], dir: Tuple[float, float, float])Tuple[Tuple[float, float, float], Tuple[float, float, float]][source]

Intersect the voxelized box with the ray and return the intersection. Intersection is considered to exist only if the distance to the intersection is positive.

  • pos ((float, float, float)) – Ray origin.

  • dir ((float, float, float)) – Ray direction.


  • intersection ((float, float, float) or None) – Returns intersection if one exists, else None.

  • normal ((float, float, float) or None) – Surface normal of the voxelized sample box that points in the propagation direction.

isvalid(index: Tuple[int, int, int])bool[source]

Returns True if the given index is valid for the voxel array.


index ((int, int, int)) – Index into the voxel array.


valid – True if index is valid.

Return type


property material

3D array of material indices.

meshgrid()Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray][source]

Coordinate matrices with x, y and z coordinates of all the voxels. The shape of the matrices equals the shape of the voxel array.


  • Z (np.ndarray) – Z coordinates of all the voxels as a 3D array.

  • Y (np.ndarray) – Y coordinates of all the voxels as a 3D array.

  • X (np.ndarray) – X coordinates of all the voxels as a 3D array.


The coordinate matrices are created on the first call.

plot(axis: str = 'z', autoscale: bool = True, show: bool = True)[source]

Show slices through the materials array.

  • scale (str) – Data scaling can be “log” for logarithmic or “lin” for linear.

  • axis (str) – The axis of slicing (“x”, “y” or “z”).

  • autoscale (bool) – Scale the color coding of individual slices to the corresponding range of weights. If True, the color coding changes from slice to slice.

  • show (bool) –

render(show: bool = True)[source]

Show the voxelized volume in a 3D viewer.


show (bool) – If True, shows the window and starts the Qt event loop that will block until the window is closed.


viewer – Use the exec() method to show the viewer and start the Qt event loop that will block until the window is closed.

Return type



The 3D viewer requires PySide6 and PyQtGraph.

property shape: Tuple[int, int, int]

Voxel array shape (z, y, x).

property size: int

Total number of voxels.


Export object to a dict.

property top_left: Tuple[float, float, float]

Coordinates (x, y, z) of the top left corner of the voxel array.


Call this method if the voxel data needs to be updated/uploaded to the OpenCL device. This function should be called if the voxel data have been changed after the last simulation call.

update_required(clear: bool = True)bool[source]

Returns True if the voxel data have been changed and need to be uploaded to the OpenCL device before running the next simulation. The update flag is cleared (set to False) if the value of the clear argument is True.


clear (bool) – If True, the update flag is cleared (set to False) after returning its value.


update_required – True if the voxel data have changed and need to be uploaded to tho OpenCL device before running a new simulation.

Return type


property voxel: xopto.mcvox.mcgeometry.voxel.Voxel

Instance of the Voxel data type.

property voxel_size: Tuple[float, float, float]

Size of a voxel (m) as (dx, dy, dz).

property voxel_type: Type[xopto.mcvox.mcgeometry.voxel.Voxel]

Voxel data type used by this voxelized sample.

property x: numpy.ndarray

Coordinates of the voxel centers along the x axis.

property xaxis: xopto.mcbase.mcutil.axis.Axis

Axis x of the voxel array.

property y: numpy.ndarray

Coordinates of the voxel centers along the y axis.

property yaxis: xopto.mcbase.mcutil.axis.Axis

Axis y of the voxel array.

property z: numpy.ndarray

Coordinates of the voxel centers along the z axis.

property zaxis: xopto.mcbase.mcutil.axis.Axis

Axis z of the voxel array.