xopto.mcvox.mcoptions package

Module contents

class McMaterialMemory(value: str = 'global')[source]

Bases: xopto.mcbase.mcoptions.McTypeOption

OpenCL memory type used to hold the array of materials. Use one of “constant_mem” or “global_mem”. Default is “global_mem”.


Selecting “constant_mem” memory will likely lead to a significant performance boost, in particular on older GPUs. However, note that the amount of available “constant_mem” memory on GPUs is typically limited to about 64k.

Initializes kernel option that sets the OpenCL memory type used for the array of materials.


value (str) – Use “global_mem” to move the array of materials to the __global OpenCL memory or use “constant_mem” to move the array of materials to the __constant OpenCL memory.

constant_mem = McTypeOption('MC_MATERIAL_ARRAY_MEMORY', __constant)
default = McTypeOption('MC_MATERIAL_ARRAY_MEMORY', __constant)
global_mem = McTypeOption('MC_MATERIAL_ARRAY_MEMORY', __global)