Sampling volume

Sampling volume is a tool for visualizing the path of photon packets through the sample for a particular source and detector configuration. The analysis is based on the traces / paths of photon packets recorded by the Monte Carlo simulations. Briefly, each sampling volume accumulator that intersects with the photon packet path is added a value that is the product of the terminal photon packet weight and the length traveled in that particular accumulator. For more details on how to run simulations that record / trace the paths of photon packets see Trace.

The recorded traces are returned by the Monte carlo simulator as a xopto.mcbase.mctrace.Trace object that can be passed to the method of the Monte Carlo simulator to process the traces. The traces are efficiently processed in parallel using an OpenCL kernel. The sampling volume utilizes axis-aligned voxelized 3D accumulators implemented in xopto.mcbase.mcsv.SamplingVolume and conveniently imported into the xopto.mcml.mcsv and modules. The range and size of voxels along the main axes is set with three Axis objects. The sampling volume data are stored in a 3D numpy array that can be accessed through the data property. The individual voxels are addressed / sliced as data[z_slise, y_slice, x_slice].

In the following example we voxelize a volume that extends along the x axis from -1 to 1 mm, along the y axis from -1 to 1 mm and along the z axis from 0 to 2 mm. The size of voxels along all the three axes is set to 0.01 mm.

from xopto.mcml import mc

sv = mc.mcsv.SamplingVolume(
    xaxis=mc.mcsv.Axis(-1.0e-3, 1.0e-3, 200),
    yaxis=mc.mcsv.Axis(-1.0e-3, 1.0e-3, 200),
    zaxis=mc.mcsv.Axis(0.0, 2.0e-3, 200)

Given that we have an instance of the Monte Carlo simulator (mc_obj) and a trace (trace_obj) that was produced by this simulator instance, a call to the sampling_volume() of the simulator instance will process the trace and return the result as a SamplingVolume instance.

sv_res = mc.sampling_volume(trace, sv)

After processing the traces, the voxelized sampling volume accumulator can be viewed using the plot() method. The method allows slicing across the voxelized volume along one of the main coordinate axis. Use the axis parameter to set the coordinate axis:

  • axis=’x’ slice along the x axis,

  • axis=y slice along the y axis,

  • axis=’z’ slice along the z axis.

To show integral projections along one of the main coordinate axis call with:

  • axis=’xproj’ for an integral projection along the x axis,

  • axis=yproj for an integral projection along the y axis,

  • axis=’zproj’ for an integral projection along the z axis.

The slices can be viewed in a linear or logarithmic scale. Call with scale=’lin’ to show the slices in a linear intensity scale. By default the color coding of each slice is automatically scaled to the range of weights (autoscale=True).

sv_res.plot(axis='z')    # slice along the z axis
sv_res.plot(axis='y')    # slice along the y axis
sv_res.plot(axis='x')    # slice along the x axis

sv_res.plot(axis='zproj')    # integral projection / sum along the z axis
sv_res.plot(axis='yproj')    # integral projection / sum along the y axis
sv_res.plot(axis='xproj')    # integral projection / sum along the x axis