Source code for xopto.materials.ri.util.model.base

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np

[docs]class Normalize: def __init__(self, src_range: Tuple[float, float], dest_range: Tuple[float, float]=(-1.0, 1.0)): ''' Linearly transforms the input data range so that they tightly fit the specified output range. Parameters ---------- src_range: numpy.ndarray, list or tuple of 2 values The range of input values as [min, max]. Can also be a full array of values in which case the minimum and maximum values are taken as the range. dest_range: numpy.ndarray, list or tuple of 2 values The range of normalized values as [min, max]. ''' self._dest_range = (float(dest_range[0]), float(dest_range[1])) src_range = np.asarray(src_range, dtype=np.float64) self._src_range = (float(src_range.min()), float(src_range.max())) out_span = self._dest_range[1] - self._dest_range[0] in_span = self._src_range[1] - self._src_range[0] self._k = out_span/in_span def __call__(self, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: ''' Applies the normalization/transformation to the data. Parameters ---------- data: numpy.ndarray, list or tuple Data to transfor. Returns ------- normalized: numpy.ndarray, list or tuple The input data transformed to the output range specified in the constructor call. ''' data = np.asarray(data, dtype=np.float64) return self._dest_range[0] + (data - self._low)*self._k
[docs] def undo(self, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: ''' Apply inverse of the normalization/transformation to the data. Parameters ---------- data: numpy.ndarray, list or tuple Data to transfor. Returns ------- denormalized: numpy.ndarray, list or tuple The input data inversely transformed to the input range specified in the constructor call. ''' data = np.asarray(data, dtype=np.float64) return (data - self._dest_range[0])/self._k + self._low
[docs] def render(self, input='wavelength', output='wn'): ''' Render the preprocessor equation to a string. Parameters ---------- input: str Input symbol as a string. output: str Output symbol as a string. ''' return '{:s} = {:.8e} + ({:s} - {:.8e})*{:.8e}'.format( output, self._dest_range[0], input, self._low, self._k)
def __str__(self): return 'Normalize(values={}, interval={}) '\ '# Transformation: "{} + (x - {})*{}"'.format( self._values, self._interval, self._dest_range[0], self._low, self._k) def __repr__(self): return '{} # id {}'.format(self.__str__(), id(self))
[docs]class Scale: def __init__(self, factor: float, offset: float = 0.0): ''' Constructs an object that transforms the input data as (data - offset)*factor. Parameters ---------- factor: float The multiplicative term. offset: float The additive term. ''' self._factor = float(factor) self._offset = float(offset) def __call__(self, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: ''' Applies the normalization/transformation to the data. Parameters ---------- data: numpy.ndarray, list or tuple Data to transfor. Returns ------- scaled: numpy.ndarray, list or tuple The input data shifted and scaled by the values specified ''' return (np.asarray(data, dtype=np.float64) - self._offset)*self._factor
[docs] def undo(self, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: ''' Apply inverse of the transformation to the data. Parameters ---------- data: numpy.ndarray, list or tuple Data to transfor. Returns ------- descaled: numpy.ndarray, list or tuple The input data inversely transformed. ''' return np.asarray(data, dtype=np.float64)/self._factor + self._offset
[docs] def render(self, input='wavelength', output='wn'): ''' Render the preprocessor equation to a string. Parameters ---------- input: str Input symbol as a string. output: str Output symbol as a string. ''' if self._offset == 0.0: res = '{:s} = {:s}*{:.8e}'.format(output, input, self._factor) else: res = '{:s} = ({:s} - {:.8e})*{:.8e}'.format( output, input, self._offset, self._factor) return res
def __str__(self): return 'Scale(factor={offset}, offset={factor}) '\ '# Transformation: "(x - {offset})*{factor}"'.format( offset=self._offset, factor=self._factor) def __repr__(self): return '{} # id {}'.format(self.__str__(), id(self))
[docs]class Model: def __init__(self, formatstr:str, params: np.ndarray or None = None, pp: Scale or Normalize = None): ''' Creates a refractive index model with the give wavelength preprocessor. Parameters ---------- formatstr: str Format string that can be used to print the model equation. params: np.ndarray Default values of the model parameters. pp: Scale or Normalize Wavelength preprocesor. ''' if params is not None: params = np.asarray(params) if pp is None: pp = Scale(1.0) self._pp = pp self._params = params self._formatstr = formatstr
[docs] def guess(self, wavelengths: np.ndarray, n: np.ndarray) -> list: ''' Returns an initial guess for optimization/fit. Parameters ---------- wavelengths: np.ndarray The wavelengths of light at which the values of refractive index are defined. n: np.ndarray The values of refractive index at the given wavelengths of light. Returns ------- params0: np.ndarray Initial guess for the values of the model parameters ''' if self.params is None: raise RuntimeError('Cannot derive the number of model parameters!') return [0.0]*len(self.params)
def _get_pp(self) -> Scale or Normalize: return self._pp pp = property(_get_pp, None, None, 'Preprocessor that scales/normalizes the wavelengths') def _get_params(self) -> Scale or Normalize: return self._params params = property(_get_params, None, None, 'Default parameter values of the model.') def _get_formatstr(self) -> str: return self._formatstr formatstr = property(_get_formatstr, None, None, 'Format string for rendering the model equation.') def __call__(self, wavelengths:np.ndarray, params=None) -> np.ndarray: ''' Evaluate the model for the given wavelengths. Use the given parameters or default values from constructor if params is None. Parameters ---------- wavelength: np.ndarray Wavelengths of light (m) at which to evaluate the model. params: np.ndarray or None Parameters of the model. If none, uses default values that were passed to the constructor. Returns ------- n: np.ndarray Refractive index at the given wavelengths as estimated by the model. ''' if params is None: params = self.params return self.ri(params, wavelengths) def _get_name(self): return self.__class__.__name__ name = property(_get_name, None, None, 'Model name.')
[docs] def render(self, params: np.ndarray = None) -> str: ''' Render the model equation with the given set of parameters (use default parameter values passed to the constructor if None). Parameters ---------- params: np.ndarray or None Model parameters. If None, use the default parameter values as passed to the constructor. Returns ------- eq: str Model equation rendered as a string. pp: str Preprocessor equation rendered as a string. ''' if params is None: if self.params is None: raise ValueError( 'Cannot derive the values of model parameters!') params = self.params return self._formatstr.format(*np.asarray(params).tolist()), \ self.pp.render()