xopto.materials.ri.util.model.base module

class Model(formatstr: str, params: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, pp: Optional[xopto.materials.ri.util.model.base.Scale] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Creates a refractive index model with the give wavelength preprocessor.

  • formatstr (str) – Format string that can be used to print the model equation.

  • params (np.ndarray) – Default values of the model parameters.

  • pp (Scale or Normalize) – Wavelength preprocesor.

property formatstr: str

Format string for rendering the model equation.

guess(wavelengths: numpy.ndarray, n: numpy.ndarray)list[source]

Returns an initial guess for optimization/fit.

  • wavelengths (np.ndarray) – The wavelengths of light at which the values of refractive index are defined.

  • n (np.ndarray) – The values of refractive index at the given wavelengths of light.


params0 – Initial guess for the values of the model parameters

Return type


property name

Model name.

property params: xopto.materials.ri.util.model.base.Scale

Default parameter values of the model.

property pp: xopto.materials.ri.util.model.base.Scale

Preprocessor that scales/normalizes the wavelengths

render(params: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None)str[source]

Render the model equation with the given set of parameters (use default parameter values passed to the constructor if None).


params (np.ndarray or None) – Model parameters. If None, use the default parameter values as passed to the constructor.


  • eq (str) – Model equation rendered as a string.

  • pp (str) – Preprocessor equation rendered as a string.

class Normalize(src_range: Tuple[float, float], dest_range: Tuple[float, float] = (- 1.0, 1.0))[source]

Bases: object

Linearly transforms the input data range so that they tightly fit the specified output range.

  • src_range (numpy.ndarray, list or tuple of 2 values) – The range of input values as [min, max]. Can also be a full array of values in which case the minimum and maximum values are taken as the range.

  • dest_range (numpy.ndarray, list or tuple of 2 values) – The range of normalized values as [min, max].

render(input='wavelength', output='wn')[source]

Render the preprocessor equation to a string.

  • input (str) – Input symbol as a string.

  • output (str) – Output symbol as a string.

undo(data: numpy.ndarray)numpy.ndarray[source]

Apply inverse of the normalization/transformation to the data.


data (numpy.ndarray, list or tuple) – Data to transfor.


denormalized – The input data inversely transformed to the input range specified in the constructor call.

Return type

numpy.ndarray, list or tuple

class Scale(factor: float, offset: float = 0.0)[source]

Bases: object

Constructs an object that transforms the input data as (data - offset)*factor.

  • factor (float) – The multiplicative term.

  • offset (float) – The additive term.

render(input='wavelength', output='wn')[source]

Render the preprocessor equation to a string.

  • input (str) – Input symbol as a string.

  • output (str) – Output symbol as a string.

undo(data: numpy.ndarray)numpy.ndarray[source]

Apply inverse of the transformation to the data.


data (numpy.ndarray, list or tuple) – Data to transfor.


descaled – The input data inversely transformed.

Return type

numpy.ndarray, list or tuple