Source code for xopto.mcbase.mcutil.cache

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# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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from typing import Type
import pickle
from import PfBase
from xopto import PICKLE_PROTOCOL
from xopto.mcbase.mcpf import LutEx

[docs]class ObjCache:
[docs] @staticmethod def load(cachefile, **kwargs) -> 'ObjCache': ''' Load ObjCache object from a file. Parameters ---------- cachefile: str, file File location or a file like object. kwargs: dict Keyword arguments are passed to the :py:meth:`ObjCache` constructor. Returns ------- cache: ObjCache ObjCache instance initialized with data from the specified file. ''' return ObjCache(cachefile=cachefile, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, cachefile: str = None, verbose: bool = False): ''' ObjCache constructor. Parameters ---------- cachefile: str, file File location or a binary file like object. verbose: bool Print information to stdout. ''' self._cache = {} self._verbose = bool(verbose) if cachefile is not None: if isinstance(cachefile, str): with open(cachefile, 'rb') as fid: cache = pickle.load(fid) else: cache = pickle.load(cachefile) if not isinstance(cache, dict): raise ValueError('The loaded object cache file is not valid!') self._cache = cache
[docs] def save(self, cachefile: str): ''' Save cache data to a file. Parameters ---------- cachefile: str, file File location or a binary file like object. ''' if isinstance(cachefile, str): with open(cachefile, 'wb') as fid: pickle.dump(self._cache, fid, protocol=PICKLE_PROTOCOL) else: pickle.dump(self._cache, cachefile, protocol=PICKLE_PROTOCOL)
[docs] def verbose(self) -> bool: ''' Returns the value of the verbose flag that was passed to the constructor. ''' return self._verbose
[docs] def get(self, obj_type: type, *args) -> object: ''' Request an object of type obj_type and constructor arguments args from the cache. Object is created if one is not found in the cache. Parameters ---------- obj_type: object type or callable Any python class or callable. args: list Parameters passed to the object constructor or callable. Returns ------- obj: object An object created as :code:`obj_type(*args)` or an existing object from cache. ''' obj_key = (obj_type, *args) obj = self._cache.get(obj_key) if obj is None: obj = obj_type(*args) self._cache[obj_key] = obj return obj
[docs] def contains(self, obj_type: type, *args) -> bool: ''' Checks if the specified object is in the cache. Parameters ---------- obj_type: object type or callable Any python class or callable. args: list Parameters passed to the object constructor or callable. Returns ------- found: bool Returns True if the specified object is found in the cache. ''' obj_key = (obj_type, *args) return obj_key in self._cache
[docs] def insert(self, value: object, obj_type: type, *args): ''' Inserts the specified object into the cache if an existing entry is not found. Parameters ---------- value: object Value that is attained by calling ``obj_type(*args)`` obj_type: object type or callable Any python class or callable. args: list Parameters passed to the object constructor or callable. Returns ------- found: bool Returns True if the specified object was added to the cache or False if an existing object has been found in the cache. ''' obj_key = (obj_type, *args) if obj_key not in self._cache: obj = obj_type(*args) self._cache[obj_key] = obj return True return False
[docs]class LutCache(ObjCache):
[docs] @staticmethod def load(cachefile: str, **kwargs) -> 'LutCache': ''' Load LutCache object from a file. Parameters ---------- cachefile: str, file File location or a file like object. kwargs: dict Keyword arguments are passed to the LutCache constructor. Returns ------- cache: ObjCache ObjCache instance initialized with data from the specified file. ''' return LutCache(cachefile=cachefile, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, lutsize: int = 2000, verbose: bool = False, cachefile: str = None): ''' Initializes a lookup table-based Monte Carlo scattering phase function cache (:py:class:`~xopto.mcbase.mcpf.LutPhaseFunction` objects). This object internally saves all created instances of lookup table-based scattering phase functions and runs computations only if the requested scattering phase function cannot be found in the cache. Parameters ---------- lutsize:int The lookup table size. verbose: bool Print information to stdout isf set to True. cachefile: str or file File location or a binary file like object from which to load LutCache. ''' ObjCache.__init__(self, verbose=verbose, cachefile=cachefile) self._lutsize = int(lutsize) if cachefile is not None: if isinstance(cachefile, str): with open(cachefile, 'rb') as fid: pickle.load(fid) # skip first lut_options = pickle.load(fid) else: lut_options = pickle.load(cachefile) self._lutsize = int(lut_options['lutsize'])
[docs] def save(self, cachefile: str): ''' Save LutCache object to a file. Parameters ---------- cachefile: str, file File location or a binary file like object. ''' lut_options = {'lutsize': self._lutsize, 'type_name':'LutCache'} if isinstance(cachefile, str): with open(cachefile, 'wb') as fid:, fid) pickle.dump(lut_options, fid, protocol=PICKLE_PROTOCOL) else:, cachefile) pickle.dump(lut_options, cachefile, protocol=PICKLE_PROTOCOL)
[docs] def get(self, pftype: Type[PfBase], pfargs: tuple, lutsize: int = None) \ -> object: ''' Prepare a new lookup table-based scattering phase function. Computations are made only if the requested scattering phase function is not found in the cache. This method can be used to pre-populate the cache with scattering phase functions. Parameters ---------- pftype: Type[] Any type of a scattering phase function that inherits from the :py:class:`` class. pfargs: tuple Parameters passed to the scattering phase function constructor. lutsize: int Size of the lookup table passed to the py:meth:``. If None, the value passed to the constructor is used. Returns ------- lut_pf: LutPhaseFunction Created or from cache loaded lookup table scattering phase function. ''' if lutsize is not None: lutsize = int(lutsize) else: lutsize = self._lutsize pfargs = tuple(pfargs) if self.verbose(): if ObjCache.contains( self, LutEx, pftype, pfargs, lutsize): print( 'LUT scattering phase function:\n'\ '\t{}{},\n'\ '\twith lookup table size {} FOUND in cache!'.format( pftype.__name__, str(pfargs), lutsize) ) else: print( 'LUT scattering phase function:\n'\ '\t{}({}),\n'\ '\twith lookup table size {} NOT found in cache!'.format( pftype.__name__, str(pfargs), lutsize) ) obj = ObjCache.get(self, LutEx, pftype, pfargs, lutsize) return obj
[docs] def insert(self, lut: LutEx, pftype: Type[PfBase], pfargs: tuple, lutsize: int = None) -> object: ''' Inserts an existing lookup table-based scattering phase function into the cache. Parameters ---------- lut: LutEx Instance of :py:class:`~xopto.mcbase.mcpf.LutEx` created with the specified scattering phase function type, arguments and lookup table size. pftype: Type[] Any type of a scattering phase function that inherits from the :py:class:`` class. pfargs: tuple Parameters passed to the scattering phase function constructor. lutsize: int Size of the lookup table passed to the py:meth:``. If None, the value passed to the constructor is used. Returns ------- inserted: bool Return True if the scattering phase function was inserted into the cache and False if existing scattering phase function was found in the lookup table. ''' if lutsize is not None: lutsize = int(lutsize) else: lutsize = self._lutsize pfargs = tuple(pfargs) return ObjCache.insert(self, lut, LutEx, pftype, pfargs, lutsize)