xopto.mcbase.mcutil.cache module

class LutCache(lutsize: int = 2000, verbose: bool = False, cachefile: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: xopto.mcbase.mcutil.cache.ObjCache

Initializes a lookup table-based Monte Carlo scattering phase function cache (LutPhaseFunction objects). This object internally saves all created instances of lookup table-based scattering phase functions and runs computations only if the requested scattering phase function cannot be found in the cache.

  • lutsize (int) – The lookup table size.

  • verbose (bool) – Print information to stdout isf set to True.

  • cachefile (str or file) – File location or a binary file like object from which to load LutCache.

get(pftype: Type[xopto.pf.pfbase.PfBase], pfargs: tuple, lutsize: Optional[int] = None)object[source]

Prepare a new lookup table-based scattering phase function. Computations are made only if the requested scattering phase function is not found in the cache. This method can be used to pre-populate the cache with scattering phase functions.

  • pftype (Type[xopto.pf.PfBase]) – Any type of a scattering phase function that inherits from the xopto.pf.PfBase class.

  • pfargs (tuple) – Parameters passed to the scattering phase function constructor.

  • lutsize (int) – Size of the lookup table passed to the py:meth:xopto.mcbase.pf.lut.LutEx. If None, the value passed to the constructor is used.


lut_pf – Created or from cache loaded lookup table scattering phase function.

Return type


insert(lut: xopto.mcbase.mcpf.lut.LutEx, pftype: Type[xopto.pf.pfbase.PfBase], pfargs: tuple, lutsize: Optional[int] = None)object[source]

Inserts an existing lookup table-based scattering phase function into the cache.

  • lut (LutEx) – Instance of LutEx created with the specified scattering phase function type, arguments and lookup table size.

  • pftype (Type[xopto.pf.PfBase]) – Any type of a scattering phase function that inherits from the xopto.pf.PfBase class.

  • pfargs (tuple) – Parameters passed to the scattering phase function constructor.

  • lutsize (int) – Size of the lookup table passed to the py:meth:xopto.mcbase.pf.lut.LutEx. If None, the value passed to the constructor is used.


inserted – Return True if the scattering phase function was inserted into the cache and False if existing scattering phase function was found in the lookup table.

Return type


static load(cachefile: str, **kwargs)xopto.mcbase.mcutil.cache.LutCache[source]

Load LutCache object from a file.

  • cachefile (str, file) – File location or a file like object.

  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments are passed to the LutCache constructor.


cache – ObjCache instance initialized with data from the specified file.

Return type


save(cachefile: str)[source]

Save LutCache object to a file.


cachefile (str, file) – File location or a binary file like object.

class ObjCache(cachefile: Optional[str] = None, verbose: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

ObjCache constructor.

  • cachefile (str, file) – File location or a binary file like object.

  • verbose (bool) – Print information to stdout.

contains(obj_type: type, *args)bool[source]

Checks if the specified object is in the cache.

  • obj_type (object type or callable) – Any python class or callable.

  • args (list) – Parameters passed to the object constructor or callable.


found – Returns True if the specified object is found in the cache.

Return type


get(obj_type: type, *args)object[source]

Request an object of type obj_type and constructor arguments args from the cache. Object is created if one is not found in the cache.

  • obj_type (object type or callable) – Any python class or callable.

  • args (list) – Parameters passed to the object constructor or callable.


obj – An object created as obj_type(*args) or an existing object from cache.

Return type


insert(value: object, obj_type: type, *args)[source]

Inserts the specified object into the cache if an existing entry is not found.

  • value (object) – Value that is attained by calling obj_type(*args)

  • obj_type (object type or callable) – Any python class or callable.

  • args (list) – Parameters passed to the object constructor or callable.


found – Returns True if the specified object was added to the cache or False if an existing object has been found in the cache.

Return type


static load(cachefile, **kwargs)xopto.mcbase.mcutil.cache.ObjCache[source]

Load ObjCache object from a file.

  • cachefile (str, file) – File location or a file like object.

  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments are passed to the ObjCache() constructor.


cache – ObjCache instance initialized with data from the specified file.

Return type


save(cachefile: str)[source]

Save cache data to a file.


cachefile (str, file) – File location or a binary file like object.


Returns the value of the verbose flag that was passed to the constructor.