Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
################################ Begin license #################################
# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PyXOpto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with PyXOpto. If not, see <>.
################################# End license ##################################

from typing import Callable

import numpy as np

from .pfbase import PfBase
from .miepd import MiePd
from .distribution import Normal

[docs]class MieNormal(MiePd): def __init__(self, center: float, sigma: float, nsphere: float or complex, nmedium: float or complex, wavelength: float, clip: float = 5, nd: int = 100): ''' Scattering phase function of Normally distributed (number density) spherical particles: .. math:: p(d) = A e^{\\frac{-(d - center)^2}{2\\sigma^2}} The value of parameter :math:`A` is computed so as to normalize the integral of the density function on the clipped diameter interval :math:`[center - \\sigma clip, center + \\sigma clip]` to 1: Parameters ---------- center: float Distribution/diameter mean (m). sigma: float Distribution/diameter standard deviation (m). nsphere, nmedium, nd: Parameters passed to the :py:meth:`` base class constructor. See help of :py:class:`` class for more details. clip: float Distribution/diameter range used to estimate the phase function defined as :math:`[center - clip \\sigma, center + clip \\sigma]`. Examples -------- Scattering phase functions of Normally distributed microspherical particles with a mean diameter of 1 um and a standard deviation of 100 nm, a mean diameter of 1 um and standard deviation of 50 nm, and a mean diameter of 1 um and a standard deviation of 25 nm compared to a monodisperse 1 um microspherical particles. >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as pp >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> cos_theta = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 1000) >>> nmie1 = MieNormal(1e-6, 0.1e-6, nsphere=1.6, nmedium=1.33, wavelength=550e-9, nd=1000) >>> nmie2 = MieNormal(1e-6, 0.05e-6, nsphere=1.6, nmedium=1.33, wavelength=550e-9, nd=1000) >>> nmie3 = MieNormal(1e-6, 0.025e-6, nsphere=1.6, nmedium=1.33, wavelength=550e-9, nd=1000) >>> mmie = Mie(nsphere=1.6, nmedium=1.33, diameter=1e-6, wavelength=550e-9) >>> >>> pp.figure() >>> pp.semilogy(costheta, nmie1(cos_theta), label='Normal(1 um, 100 nm)') >>> pp.semilogy(costheta, nmie2(cos_theta), label='Normal(1 um, 50 nm)') >>> pp.semilogy(costheta, nmie3(cos_theta), label='Normal(1 um, 25 nm)') >>> pp.semilogy(costheta, mmie(cos_theta), label='Monodisperse(1 um)') >>> pp.legend() >>> ''' self._center = float(center) self._sigma = float(sigma) self._clip = float(clip) self._kwargs = {'nsphere':nsphere, 'nmedium':nmedium, 'wavelength':wavelength, 'nd':nd} pd = Normal(center, sigma, clip) super().__init__(pd=pd, drange=pd.range, **self._kwargs) def __repr__(self): return 'MieNormal(center={}, sigma={}, clip={}, **{})'.format( self._center, self._sigma, self._clip, self._kwargs)