Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
################################ Begin license #################################
# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PyXOpto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with PyXOpto. If not, see <>.
################################# End license ##################################

import os
import os.path
import copy

import numpy as np

from xopto.mcvox import mc
from xopto.mcml.mcutil.fiber import MultimodeFiber
from import clinfo

    'rmax': 15.0e-3,
    'batch_packets': 10000000,
    'num_packets': 1000000000,
        'mua': 0.0,
        'mus': 0.0,
        'n': 1.5,
        'g': 0.9,
        'mua': 0.5e2,
        'mus': 350.0e2,
        'n': 1.5,
        'g': 0.9,
        'z': 0.5e-3,
        'd': 0.2e-3,
        'mua': 230.0e2,
        'mus': 100.0e2,
        'n': 1.0,
        'g': 0.9,
        'size': {'x': 1e-3, 'y': 1e-3, 'z': 1e-3},
        'n': {'x': 201, 'y': 201, 'z': 201}
        'start': 0.0,
        'stop': 6e-12,
        'n': 60

[docs]def default_configuration() -> dict: ''' Returns a copy of the default simulation configuration that can be optionally customized. ''' return copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_CONFIG)
[docs]def process_config(config: dict) -> dict: ''' Process the simulation configuration. This will create objects for the Monte Carlo simulator and return the amendded configuration. Parameters ---------- config: dict Customized default configuration. Returns ------- config: dict Configuration with the created Monte Carlo simulator objects. ''' medium = config['medium'] inclusion = config['inclusion'] sample = config['sample'] materials = mc.mcmaterial.Materials([ mc.mcmaterial.Material(n=medium['n'], mua=medium['mua'], mus=medium['mus'], pf=mc.mcpf.Hg(medium['g'])), mc.mcmaterial.Material(n=sample['n'], mua=sample['mua'], mus=sample['mus'], pf=mc.mcpf.Hg(sample['g'])), mc.mcmaterial.Material(n=inclusion['n'], mua=inclusion['mua'], mus=inclusion['mus'], pf=mc.mcpf.Hg(inclusion['g'])), ]) vol = config['volume'] dx, nx = vol['size']['x'], vol['n']['x'] dy, ny = vol['size']['y'], vol['n']['y'] dz, nz = vol['size']['z'], vol['n']['z'] t = config['time'] xaxis = mc.mcgeometry.Axis(-dx*0.5, dx*0.5, nx) yaxis = mc.mcgeometry.Axis(-dy*0.5, dy*0.5, ny) zaxis = mc.mcgeometry.Axis(0.0, dz, nz) taxis = mc.mcfluence.Axis(t['start'], t['stop'], t['n']) voxels = mc.mcgeometry.Voxels(xaxis, yaxis, zaxis) Z, Y, X = voxels.meshgrid() inclusion_mask = X**2 + (Z - inclusion['z'])**2 <= inclusion['d']**2/4.0 source = mc.mcsource.Line() fluence = mc.mcfluence.Fluencet(xaxis, yaxis, zaxis, taxis) config.update({'materials': materials, 'voxels': voxels, 'source': source, 'fluence': fluence, 'inclusion_mask': inclusion_mask}) return config
[docs]def tr_deposition(filename: str, config: dict = None, cl_device: = None, overwrite: bool = False, verbose: bool = False): ''' Generates data for visualization of time-resolved energy deposition in medium with a cylindrical inclusion. Parameters ---------- filename: str Output file for the simulation results or None. config: dict Monte Carlo configuration as returned by :py:func:`default_configuration` and optionally customized. cl_device: OpenCL device on which to run the simulations or None. overwrite: bool If False, existing output files will not be overwritten. verbose: If nonzero, progress reports are periodically printed to the console. Returns ------- results: dict Simulation results and simulation configuration data. ''' if filename and os.path.isfile(filename) and not overwrite: raise FileExistsError('The output file "{}" already exists!') if cl_device is None: cl_device = clinfo.gpu() if config is None: config = default_configuration() config = process_config(config) mc_obj = mc.Mc(voxels=config['voxels'], materials=config['materials'], source=config['source'], fluence=config['fluence'], cl_devices=cl_device, cl_build_options=[mc.cloptions.FastMath]) mc_obj.rmax = config['rmax'] mc_obj.voxels.material[:] = 1 mc_obj.voxels.material[config['inclusion_mask']] = 2 results = None packets_launched = 0 num_packets = config['num_packets'] batch_packets = config['batch_packets'] while packets_launched < num_packets: n_launch = min(batch_packets, num_packets - packets_launched) if verbose: print(' Launched {:,d}/{:,d} packets'.format( packets_launched, num_packets), end='\r') results =, out=results) packets_launched += n_launch _, fluence_res, _ = results result = { 'materials': mc_obj.materials.todict(), 'voxels': mc_obj.source.todict(), 'fluence': fluence_res.todict(), 'fluence_data':, 'rmax': mc_obj.rmax, 'batch_packets': config['batch_packets'], 'num_packets': packets_launched, } if filename: np.savez_compressed(filename, **result) return result
if __name__ == '__main__': from import common common.main(tr_deposition, common.create_deposition_animation_xz, default_configuration())