xopto.util.animation.tr.deposition module


Returns a copy of the default simulation configuration that can be optionally customized.

process_config(config: dict)dict[source]

Process the simulation configuration. This will create objects for the Monte Carlo simulator and return the amendded configuration.


config (dict) – Customized default configuration.


config – Configuration with the created Monte Carlo simulator objects.

Return type


tr_deposition(filename: str, config: Optional[dict] = None, cl_device: Optional[pyopencl._cl.Device] = None, overwrite: bool = False, verbose: bool = False)[source]

Generates data for visualization of time-resolved energy deposition in medium with a cylindrical inclusion.

  • filename (str) – Output file for the simulation results or None.

  • config (dict) – Monte Carlo configuration as returned by default_configuration() and optionally customized.

  • cl_device – OpenCL device on which to run the simulations or None.

  • overwrite (bool) – If False, existing output files will not be overwritten.

  • verbose – If nonzero, progress reports are periodically printed to the console.


results – Simulation results and simulation configuration data.

Return type
