xopto.util.animation.common module

create_frame_animation(frames: numpy.ndarray, filename: Optional[str] = None, overwrite=False, logscale=False, fps: Optional[float] = None, duration: Optional[float] = None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title: Optional[str] = None, axis_off: bool = False, tight_layout: bool = False, cbar: bool = False, cbar_label: Optional[str] = None, cbar_tick_format: Optional[str] = None, cmap: Optional[str] = None, extent: Optional[Tuple[float, float, float, float]] = None, xrange: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, yrange: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, autoscale: bool = True, imshow_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, writer: Optional[str] = None, dpi: Optional[int] = None, verbose: bool = False)matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation[source]

Creates a continuous animation of frames.

  • data (np.ndarray) – A 3D array of frames organized as [frame, y, x].

  • filename (str) – Output file for the animation.

  • overwrite (bool) – If False, existing animation files will not be overwritten.

  • logscale (bool) – If True, logarithmically scale the frame data.

  • fps (float) – Frame rate of the animation (1/s). Another way to control the frame rate is specify the duration parameter.

  • duration (float) – Duration of one full animation (s). The same effect can be achieved with the fps parameter.

  • title (str) – Plot title.

  • xlabel (str) – Plot x axis label.

  • ylabel (str) – Plot y axis label.

  • axis_off (bool) – Turns off the axis and related labels.

  • tight_layout (bool) – Apply tight layout to the plot.

  • cbar (bool) – Show a colorbar.

  • cbar_label (str) – Text displayed by the colorbar label.

  • cbar_tick_format (str) – Colorbar tick format string.

  • cmap (str) – Colormap of the image.

  • extent (Tuple[float, float, float]) – Size of the frame as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax].

  • xrange (Tuple[float, float]) – Range of the x axis as (xmin, xmax).

  • yrange (Tuple[float, float]) – Range of the y axis as (ymin, ymax).

  • autoscale (bool) – Independently autoscale the intensity of each frame.

  • writer (str or mpl.animation.MovieWriter) – Movie writer.

  • imshow_kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments for pyplot.imshow.

  • dpi (int) – Resolution of the exported images.

  • verbose (bool) – Turns on verbose progress report.


animation – Animation object.

Return type


create_path_animation(x: numpy.ndarray, y: numpy.ndarray, filename: Optional[str] = None, overwrite=False, logscale=False, fps: Optional[float] = None, duration: Optional[float] = None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title: Optional[str] = None, axis_off: bool = False, tight_layout: bool = False, xrange: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, yrange: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, plot_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, writer: Optional[str] = None, verbose: bool = False)matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation[source]

Creates a continuous animation of the paths specified in the x and y arrays.

  • x (np.ndarray) – X coordinates of the path as a vector or a 2D array of shape (num_paths, path_length) or (1, path_length) or (path_length,).

  • y (np.ndarray) – Y coordinates of the path as a vector or a 2D array of shape (num_paths, path_length) or (path_length,).

  • filename (str) – Output file for the animation.

  • overwrite (bool) – If False, existing animation files will not be overwritten.

  • logscale (bool) – If True, logarithmically scale the data.

  • fps (float) – Frame rate of the animation (1/s). Another way to control the frame rate is specify the duration parameter.

  • duration (float) – Duration of one full animation (s). The same effect can be achieved with the fps parameter.

  • title (str) – Plot title.

  • xlabel (str) – Plot x axis label.

  • ylabel (str) – Plot y axis label.

  • axis_off (bool) – Turns off the axis and related labels.

  • tight_layout (bool) – Apply tight layout to the plot.

  • xrange (Tuple[float, float]) – Range of the x axis as (xmin, xmax).

  • yrange (Tuple[float, float]) – Range of the y axis as (ymin, ymax).

  • writer (str or mpl.animation.MovieWriter) – Movie writer.

  • plot_kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments for pyplot.plot.

  • verbose (bool) – Turns on verbose progress report.


animation – Animation object.

Return type
