Photon packet tracing

In this example we trace photon packets of a collimated Gaussian beam that passes through an absorbing glass cylinder.

This example is available in the examples/mccyl/ file.

The functionality of cylindrical Monte Carlo (MC) is available through the module.

from xopto.mccyl import mc

The layer stack

The concentric layers of the medium can be defined through the xopto.mccyl.mclayer submodule. The concentric layers are stacked from the outermost to the innermost layer and centered at (x,y)=(0,0).

The outermost layer of the stack is used to describe the medium that surrounds the sample. Therefore, at least two layers must be always defined, namely the layer of the surrounding medium and one sample layer!

The diameter of the outermost layers will be automatically set to infinity regardless of the specified layer diameter.

Note that all the layers in the stack must use the same scattering phase function model. A variety of scattering phase function models is available through the xopto.mccyl.mcpf submodule.

The outer diameter of the cylinder is set to 10 mm and the refractive index to 1.45, the absorption coefficient mua=1.0 cm -1 and the scattering coefficient to mua=0.0 cm -1

The glass cylinder is surrounded by a 20 mm thick layer of air with a arefractive index of 1.0.

The sourrounding medium is also set to air with a arefractive index of 1.0.

layers = mc.mclayer.Layers(
        mc.mclayer.Layer(n=1.00, d=np.inf,  mua=0.0e2, mus=0.0e2,  pf=mc.mcpf.Hg(0.0))
        mc.mclayer.Layer(n=1.00, d=50e-3,  mua=0.0e2, mus=0.0e2,  pf=mc.mcpf.Hg(0.0))
        mc.mclayer.Layer(n=1.45, d=10e-3,   mua=0.0e2, mus=0.0e2,  pf=mc.mcpf.Hg(0.0)),

Note that the absorption coefficient mua, scattering coefficient mus and the scattering phase function pf of the outermost layer are not used in the MC simulations, since the photon packets are not propagated through the surrounding medium. However, the refractive index n of the two outermost layer is used to properly refract/reflect the photon packet at the sample surface when launched by the source or when escaping the sample. The layer diameter d should be given in m and the values of the scattering coefficient mus and absorption coefficient mua in m -1.

The photon packet source

Different sources of photon packets are available through the xopto.mccyl.mcsource module. In this example we use a collimated Gaussian source that enters the sample in the direction of the x axis. The standard deviation of the beam is set to \sigma=1 mm.

source = mc.mcsource.GaussianBeam(1e-3)

The trace

The traces of photon packets can be collected by a trace detector Trace that is available through the xopto.mccyl.mctrace module. The maximum number of events that can be traced for each photon packet is limited to 128.

trace = mc.mctrace.Trace(128)

The OpenCL device

The OpenCL device that will run the MC simulations can be selected through the module. In the following example we pick the first available GPU device.

gpu = clinfo.gpu()

The Monte Carlo simulator

Next, we create a Monte Carlo simulator instance from the created layer stack, photon packet source and trace detector.

mc_obj = mc.Mc(layers, source, None, trace, cl_devices=gpu)

Optionally, we can limit the maximum simulation radius that is measured from the position of the photon packet source. In this example, we limit the simulation radius to 100 mm, which exceeds the radius of the outer sample boundary (50 mm)

mc_obj.rmax = 1000.0e-3

Finally, we can run the simulator instance with a given number of photon packets (100 in this example) and collect the results. The simulator returns three objects/results, namely the trace, fluence and detectors. Since in this example we only use the trace, the remaining two results (detectors and fluence) will be returned as None.

trace_res, fluence_res, detectors_res =

Visualization of results

We can plot the simulation results using the matplotlib.pyplot module.

The traces can be plot using the xopto.mcbase.mctrace.Trace.plot() method. In this example we plot the traces in the x-y plane, which can be selected through the view argument. The results are plot onto an existing axis that is set through the ax parameter. Finally, we also plot the glass cylinder and the outer boundary of the sample, set the aspect ration of the x and y axis to equal, add a legend and show the plot window.

# crate a plot window and a plot axis
fig, ax = pp.subplots()

# plot the packet traces projected onto the x-y plane
trace_res.plot(view='xy', ax=ax)
# plot the glass cylindr
cylinder = pp.Circle((0.0, 0.0), 5.0e-3, color='blue', alpha=0.25,
                    fill=True, label='glass cylinder', zorder=2.0)
# plot the outer boundary of the sample
detector = pp.Circle((0.0, 0.0), 25e-3, color='black',
                    fill=False, label='sample boundary')

# add axis labels
ax.set_xlabel('x (m)')
ax.set_ylabel('y (m)')

# make aspect ratio of the x and y axis equal

# show plot legend

# display the plot window

Collected traces of the photon packets.


The complete example

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
################################ Begin license #################################
# Copyright (C) Laboratory of Imaging technologies,
#               Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
#               University of Ljubljana.
# This file is part of PyXOpto.
# PyXOpto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PyXOpto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with PyXOpto. If not, see <>.
################################# End license ##################################

from xopto.mccyl import mc
from import clinfo

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as pp

# creating the sample layer and the layer of the surrounding medium
layers = mc.mclayer.Layers(
        mc.mclayer.Layer(n=1.00, d=np.inf, mua=0.0e2, mus=0.0e2, pf=mc.mcpf.Hg(0.0)),
        mc.mclayer.Layer(n=1.00, d=50.0e-3, mua=0.0e2, mus=0.0e2, pf=mc.mcpf.Hg(0.0)),
        mc.mclayer.Layer(n=1.45, d=10.0e-3, mua=1.0e2, mus=0.0e2, pf=mc.mcpf.Hg(0.0)),

# creating the source of photon packets
source = mc.mcsource.GaussianBeam(1e-3)

# creating the trace object that can hold 128 events per each photon packet
trace = mc.mctrace.Trace(128)

# selecting the first available OpenCL GPU device
gpu = clinfo.gpu()

# creating a Monte Carlo simulator
mc_obj = mc.Mc(layers, source, None, trace, cl_devices=gpu)
mc_obj.rmax = 100.0e-3

# running the MC simulation with 100 photon packets
trace_res, fluence_res, detectors_res =, verbose=True)

# crate a plot window and a plot axis
fig, ax = pp.subplots()

# plot the packet traces projected onto the x-y plane
trace_res.plot(view='xy', ax=ax)
# plot the glass cylindr
cylinder = pp.Circle((0.0, 0.0), 5.0e-3, color='blue', alpha=0.25,
                     fill=True, label='glass cylinder', zorder=2.0)
# plot the outer boundary of the sample
detector = pp.Circle((0.0, 0.0), 25e-3, color='black',
                     fill=False, label='sample boundary')

# add axis labels
ax.set_xlabel('x (m)')
ax.set_ylabel('y (m)')

# make aspect ratio of the x and y axis equal

# show plot legend

# display the plot window

This example can be run from the root directory of the PyXOpto package as:

python examples/mccyl/