Simulator options

Simulator options are used to customize the OpenCL kernel. All kernel options are derived from the xopto.mcbase.mcoptions.McOption class. The boolean options are implemented by subclassing McBoolOption, the integer options by subclassing McIntOption, the floating-point options by subclassing McFloatOption and the data type options by subclassing McTypeOption.

The xopto.mcbase.mcoptions is also conveniently imported into the and xopto.mcvox.mcoptions modules.

The list of available options is as follows:

  • McMethod (default is albedo_weight) - can be used to set the Monte Carlo method. A detailed description of the methods can be found in:

    1. A. Sassaroli and F. Martelli, Equivalence of four Monte Carlo methods for photon migration in turbid media, J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis, 29 (10), 2110-2117 (2012),

    Three different photon packet stepping methods are available:

    • Albedo Rejection (albedo_rejection or ar)

      Propagation step s=-\frac{\ln(\xi_1)}{\mu_t} is derived from a uniform random number \xi_1 from interval [0, 1] and the total attenuation coefficient \mu_t=\mu_a + \mu_s, which is the sum of the absorption \mu_a and scattering coefficients \mu_s. The packet is fully absorbed if no boundaries are hit along the step s and a uniform random number \xi_2 from [0, 1] fulfils \xi_2 \leq \frac{\mu_a}{\mu_t}. If the packet hits a geometry boundary, it is propagated up to the boundary, where the boundary interactions are processed and a new propagation step is started afterwards.

    • Albedo weight (albedo_weight or aw)

      Propagation step s=-\frac{\ln(\xi_1)}{\mu_t} is derived from a uniform random number \xi_1 from interval [0, 1] and the total attenuation coefficient \mu_t=\mu_a + \mu_s, which is the sum of the absorption \mu_a and scattering coefficients \mu_s. The packet is scattered and partially absorbed if no boundaries are hit along the step s. The fraction of the absorbed weight is computed as \frac{\mu_a}{\mu_t}. If the packet hits a geometry boundary, it is propagated up to the boundary, where the boundary interactions are processed and a new propagation step is started afterwards.

    • Microscopic Beer-Lambert (microscopic_beer_lambert or mbl)

      Propagation step s=-\frac{\ln(\xi_1)}{\mu_s} is derived from a uniform random number \xi_1 from interval [0, 1] and the scattering coefficient \mu_s. The packet is absorbed according to the traveled path regardless if a boundary is hit along the step. If the packet hits a geometry boundary, it is propagated up to the boundary, where the boundary interactions are processed and a new propagation step is started afterwards. The fraction of the absorbed weight is computed as 1 - \exp^{-\mu_a s_b}, where s_b is the distance along the current propagation direction to the nearest boundary or the full step if no boundaries are hit.

    The Albedo Rejection implementation of the Monte Carlo method is the fastest but produces the noisiest results, since only the full energy of the photon packet is deposited or collected by the detectors.

    The Microscopic Beer-Lambert method produces the best quality fluence or Energy Deposition simulations if the size of the voxels in the deposition / fluence grid is smaller than the mean free path of the packets, i.e. there is on average less than one absorption event per traversal of a fluence voxel.

    The default Albedo Weight method is recommended for reflectance simulations. It also matches the energy deposition performance of the Microscopic Beer-Lambert method if the mean free path is equal or smaller than the voxel size of the deposition / fluence grid, i.e. there is on average at least one deposition event per voxel traversal.

  • McUseFluenceCache (default is off) - can be used to enable software cache for the fluence accumulator. Fluence cache will improve performance for configuration of deposition voxels, where there is a high likelihood that consecutive weight depositions will go into the same fluence accumulator or where the global memory bandwidth presents the main performance limiting factor.

  • McUseNativeMath (default is off) - can be used to enable half-precision math functions. Half-precision usually gives some performance benefit, but at a significantly reduced precision. Use this option with care! The half-precision math and native math McUseNativeMath options are mutually excluding. Ony one of the two options can be enabled at any given time. If both options are enabled, the native math option takes precedence.

  • McUseHalfMath (default is off) - can be used to enable device-native math functions. Native math usually gives some performance benefit, but might not be fully compliant with precisions defined by the IEEE standards. The half-precision math McUseHalfMath and native math options are mutually excluding. Ony one of the two options can be enabled at any given time. If both options are enabled, the native math option takes precedence.

  • McMaterialMemory (default is global_mem) - OpenCL memory type used to store the array of materials. Selecting constant_mem memory will likely lead to a performance boost, in particular on older GPUs. However, note that the amount of available constant (constant_mem) memory on GPUs is typically limited to about 64k. The constant memory is also used to hold some performance-critical simulator data and can be also used to hold lookup table data of integer or floating-point type.

  • McIntLutMemory (default is constant_mem) - OpenCL memory type used to hold the integer type lookup table data. Selecting global_mem memory will likely lead to a significant performance degradation, in particular on older GPUs. Note that the amount of available “constant_mem” memory on GPUs is typically limited to about 64k.

  • McFloatLutMemory (default is constant_mem) - OpenCL memory type used to hold the floating-point type lookup table data. Selecting global_mem memory will likely lead to a significant performance degradation, in particular on older GPUs. Note that the amount of available “constant_mem” memory on GPUs is typically limited to about 64 kB.

  • McUseEnhancedRng (default is off) - The enhanced version of random number generator is required when performing simulations in large scattering volumes, were the number of scattering events is expected to be on the order of millions. Depending on the OpenCL device, there might be a small performance cost of about 20%, which is the reason for disabling this option by default. If this option is turned on on, the Monte Carlo simulator will use the enhanced version of the random number generator.

  • McDebugMode (default is off) - Can be used to enable kernel debug mode that will print information to the console output. Note that this mode requires printf functionality in the OpenCL kernel that might not be supported by all OpenCL devices. If this mode is turned on on, run the Monte Carlo simulator with one or a small number of photon packets.

  • McUseSoft64Atomics (default is off) - Can be used to force software implementation of 64-bit atomic operations.

  • McUseLottery (default is on) - Can be used to disable termination of photon packets through lottery.

  • McMinimumPacketWeight (default is 10 -4) - Sets the minimum photon packet weight allowed before starting packet termination or lottery.

  • McPacketLotteryChance (default is 0.1) - Terminate photon packet by lottery if the value of a uniform random number from [0, 1] exceeds this value.

  • McUsePackedStructures (default is off) - Can be used to force tightly packed structures in the OpenCL code. Note that packed structures can lead to significant performance degradation of the Monte Carlo kernel. This option is the last resort if the fields of the OpenCL and host structures cannot be properly aligned. When declaring OPenCL or host structures always start with the largest data type and move towards smaller data types. Use data types that are of size no less than 4 bytes.

  • McUseEvents (default is off) - Can be used to enable tracking of packet events such as launch, absorption, scattering, reflection, refraction and termination. This option is useful for implementing custom packet trace filters.